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We've Heard of Park N'Grabs; Are there Any Drive-Up Caches?

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Okay, I have a question for you... We have all heard of urban park b'grab caches, where you simply park your car, walk a few feet (or a few dozen feet), grab the cache, sign the log, replace the cache, and skeedaddle. And, we have all heard of drive-by hides, where the hider (usually Sionevil) throws a film can out the window into the bushes as they drive down a highway, takes a GPS waypoint reading on the fly, and then submits it as a cache. And, we have all heard of "drive-by" finds -- this term is usually reserved for fake find logs filed when a "finder" simply passed within a few miles of the cache in question.


Well, I am asking today about drive-up caches, where you can simply drive up to the cache, leave the engine running, reach out the window, grab the cache, sign the log, replace the cache and then go on your way, same as if you were buying a burger at a fast food drive-up window. While we have all heard jokes about certain caches being "like" a drive-up cache, have you ever encountered a TRUE drive-up cache, which really meets the criteria which I have just listed? If so, I would love to hear your tales!


Thanks in advance for your stories!


I've driven up to two skirt lifters, rolled down the window and nabbed the cache. One of 'em nearly took off the side mirror.


Anyone who follows my posts (there must be someone) would know I'm an ignorer of parking lots. That doesn't mean everyone I hang out with is a radical, militant anti-parking lot cacher. I once stopped at a skirt lifter in the Target Parking lot, and pulled up close enough so my passerger could log it without exiting the vehicle. Well, really you have no choice but to do it that way, when the vehicle is that close to the concrete abutment.


If I remember correctly, this cache was hidden such that all the driver had to do was reach out the window and retrieve it. I think it was in a bush, but it's been a couple years and I don't remember for sure.


I've also been there when we've been able to do a few lamp post skirt caches where we could reach out the window and lift the skirt and get the cache.


So, yes...they do exist.


Been to the one in Vegas, but I was already married so we just signed the log and drove on in search of Elvis. I found one in a split rail fence of a movie theater parking lot that I was able to grab through my window because I came at it from the right direction.


There have been times on power runs where the whole challenge of the cache was for the driver was to get the mid row finders close enough to lift the skirt and grab it without setting foot on the ground. This works much better in a mini van with sliding doors. :D


I never did this Criminal cache, just remember it being posted in the forums.

Yup, I did that one without leaving the car. It was in an unused parking lot as the store had gone out of business and was vacant so you could approach from any angle. It was NOT a skirt lifter, but was hidden in plain sight on the side of the light pole.


I've been to one geocache that was hidden on the order window, for a closed down fast food restaurant. Leave the Car in Gear.

I have one like that. It was originally a Wienerschnitzel then briefly turned into a Peruvian rotisserie chicken place, so I put the final stage of a Peruvian themed puzzle cache under the drive through window there.


We did one in an abandoned building with an old pull out drop box (Much like a small library book drop).


You drove up, pulled the handle on the drop box, and took the magnetic container off. Signed the log and replaced the cache and continued around the drive-through lane.


In theory at least. When we were there the weeds were grown up so far we actually had to get out of the car and walk a couple of steps.


Okay, I have a question for you... We have all heard of urban park b'grab caches, where you simply park your car, walk a few feet (or a few dozen feet), grab the cache, sign the log, replace the cache, and skeedaddle. And, we have all heard of drive-by hides, where the hider (usually Sionevil) throws a film can out the window into the bushes as they drive down a highway, takes a GPS waypoint reading on the fly, and then submits it as a cache. And, we have all heard of "drive-by" finds -- this term is usually reserved for fake find logs filed when a "finder" simply passed within a few miles of the cache in question.


Well, I am asking today about drive-up caches, where you can simply drive up to the cache, leave the engine running, reach out the window, grab the cache, sign the log, replace the cache and then go on your way, same as if you were buying a burger at a fast food drive-up window. While we have all heard jokes about certain caches being "like" a drive-up cache, have you ever encountered a TRUE drive-up cache, which really meets the criteria which I have just listed? If so, I would love to hear your tales!


Thanks in advance for your stories!


My first hide, GC1EY83, is like that. I wanted my first to be easy for folks to find and to draw attention to a local barn.


If you were in a tall vehicle or had ape arms or one of those "old folks" grabber things or smack the object that holds the container real hard or had a directional demagnetizer ray-gun or one of those E.T. toy gloves you might not ever have to get out of the car. :D

Posted (edited)

Been to the one in Vegas, but I was already married so we just signed the log and drove on in search of Elvis.

Yeah, the one at the Drive-Thru wedding chapel in Vegas is really popular:

A Special Memory


I also found one hidden in the menu sign of an old fast food restaurant but that was years ago and I can't remember it well.

Edited by ShowStop

Back before I quit searching for micros I did this once. It was a WalMart lampskirt and I did not even put the car into park... come to think about it, that is about when I quit looking for micros. How about that?


- Rev Mike

Posted (edited)

Little gray box

This one is strapped to a utility pole in a parking lot. If you approach it right, you don't need to get out of the car. The contents can only be tampered with if someone breaks the lot.

Edited by swfirefly



The cache was called "You Light Up My Life." It was my first ever LPC. I thought it was pretty cool until I realized that I was sitting just a few spaces away from another lamppost that had mysteriously fallen over, and I had enough tools in my backseat to take apart the whole Wal-Mart I was at, never mind a measly lamppost. I beat it before anyone came to see what I was up to.


Fortunately for me, I didn't have to get back into the car, as I never had to leave it. :ph34r:


I have done several, one this weekend in Columbia, Miss......it was a fake mailbox.

I also maintain a fake mailbox mounted to a tree in front of my house ( Chiefs I-10 TB Hotel)

Others were in pipes ( as pictured above) , drive up phone booths, and an ammo can fastened to a pipe behind a small office building.


There're out there.


Yep. In Akron, OH at the site of a dead Joe's Crab Shack. It was tied to a bush at window level, and the whole idea was to get it by pulling up next to it and reaching through the window. Huge tongue in cheek factor in the write up.



There was (maybe still is) one near here in a roadside marker where I just pulled up next to it and my wife snagged it from the car. Not a very exciting cache.


The first one I thought of is Driveby Caching (GCC8D0) in West Memphis. That is a true drive up cache. I've also done the one Bamboozle mentioned in Columbia, MS which is YOU'VE GOT MAIL (GC1A0WR) and one on a drive through in Baton Rouge, Serious Sandwich (GC1ANGM) which is currently disabled. I'm sure there have been more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. BTW, all these I've mentioned were designed to be grabbed as a drive-up cache.


Been to the one in Vegas, but I was already married so we just signed the log and drove on in search of Elvis.

Yeah, the one at the Drive-Thru wedding chapel in Vegas is really popular:

A Special Memory


I also found one hidden in the menu sign of an old fast food restaurant but that was years ago and I can't remember it well.


We've done this one, too! We launched our first TB here.

Posted (edited)

I did one that was great. Pull up to the box that is attached to the side of a building. On the box are 4 coordinates to send you to areas around town to obtain the combination to the lock. Perfect for a cold rainy day!


Edited because I can't spell!

Edited by m.austin

I've always wanted to do one, just to do it. I even went out of my way once to find one that said was drive up, but it wasn't at all. I've tried with lampposts in parking lots, but I dunno....maybe my arms aren't long enough. :anicute::D


Here's one in Kruger Park, South Africa, which MUST be done from your vehicle because it's in an area where you are not allowed to get out of your vehicle - and this is how it is in most of the park. (In Kruger the people are confined and the animals roam free.)


Survivor Tree Mail


I got a few caches in the park last July (inside fenced areas) but we didn't go to this particular site.


have you ever encountered a TRUE drive-up cache, which really meets the criteria which I have just listed?

The third cache that we ever found was designed as a drive-up: "Suburban Assault #1(Beautiful Angel)" . From the cache description:

"The fun thing about this is that it can be grabbed by the passenger of your auto on the way in. After signing the log, the driver can replace it on the way out. This concept has been borrowed from RUPREX in California."


i did one that was in a McDs drive through.. offends various guidelines since you kinda HAD to go through the drivethrough to get it, but it was original so I am not complaining :anicute:


I did what I logged as a, "Parking lot power trail" a couple of weeks ago. 3 LPC's in a straight line across one HUGE parking lot. I have freakishly long arms and drive a Jeep...so I wouldn't even have had to open the door at all had I not dropped the last one trying to put it back (Still didn't have to get out of the Jeep though).

I thought the most interesting part of it was that all 3 containers were different. One was a magnetic keyholder, one's a 35mm film canister and....um....uh....I don't remember what the third was.

I think those are the only one's I've been able to do without getting out of the Jeep.


Just LPCs so far. But one of them was rather amusing because as I was driving toward it, I realized another cacher was already there doing the same thing.

But, this has started me thinking about keeping my eyes open for something different that might work.

Posted (edited)

If your ever in the southern ohio area. Check out my Lazy Man Series of caches. They are all drive up. 4 in the series so far with more to come.






Edited by AmbBra

This is one of my caches:




I didn't mean for it to be a drive by cache until I actually saw a cacher pull up to it in his truck, roll down his window, grab it, sign it, and then put it back. If I had not walked over to chat with him, he would have had it done in less than 60 seconds.


I also maintain a fake mailbox mounted to a tree in front of my house ( Chiefs I-10 TB Hotel)

I've been to that one twice. It's a great one!

Swapped a handful of TBs there each time.


I once pulled up about 30 feet from a cache that was pretty obvious. I sent my son to go log it while I stayed in the car... does that count? Kinda like when I was the "remote control" for my dad's TV back in the 70's.

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