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MISSION Geocoin: Secret Cupid!


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Posted (edited)

Welcome to Mission Geocoin Secret Cupid!


Name exchange Begins: Monday, January 22nd!


:):blink: IF You'd Like To BEE cupid02.gif Involved, PLEASE Follow These Guidelines: :blink: :blink:


1. You are willing to Mail 3 Unactivated Geocoins to one Participant.

2. You must be a registered user in these Forums/with a history of at least 30 posts.

3. You must provide your FULL NAME AND ADDRESS to receive 3 Geocoins from another Participant.

4. Geocoin Packages must be mailed no later than Wednesday, February 7th.

5. You must report your received status on this thread!


To Participate: (Subject Line = Secret Cupid :huh:)


1. Email Fluttershy @ nyallieny@aol.com With the following information:

2. Geocaching Name


4. Let me know if you are willing to ship outside of your Country.

5. You will receive an email from me ASAP, with Your own Secret Cupid Mission.

6. Please go the Distance. If you participate, please do your part to make this a fun experience.


**Sorry, Participants names cannot be reserved.


**PLEASE report the Following in this Thread on your Progress**


1. Participating

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Cupid Arrived!


Thanks for Participating in Secret Cupid!



For those of you who would like to Help your Secret Cupid with their Missions,

Follow these Instructions to place your Geocoincollection.com Trade List in your Siggy Line:


1. Go to your Geocoin Collection Account and visit your own Trade list

2. At the top of the page, look at the URL, and find your three owner numbers owner=???

3. Copy the information below. Visit your Profile and Paste it in your Signature area.

4. REMOVE THE ? before url.

5. Replace ??? with your own Geocoin Collection Owner Number.


[?url=http://www.geocoincollection.com/cointrade/showlist.asp?type=2&owner=???]My Trade List[/url]

[?url=http://www.geocoincollection.com/cointrade/showlist.asp?type=3&owner=???]My Seeking List[/url]

Edited by Fluttershy

I'm in. The last one was fun. Thanks for organizing this again Fluttershy!


Thanks~! I've decided I'm doing one Secret Mission a year, so Secret Cupid it is for 2007.


This will give others a chance the chance to host other Missions. :)


I know crazycavelover & UOTrackers will be hosting in the future!


Borrowed from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.


I shot an arrow into the air,

It fell to earth, I knew not where;

For, so swiftly it flew, the sight

Could not follow it in its flight.


I breathed a song into the air,

It fell to earth, I knew not where;

For who has sight so keen and strong,

That it can follow the flight of song?


Long, long afterward, in an oak

I found the arrow, still unbroke;

And the song, from beginning to end,

I found again in the heart of a friend.




I am in again! :) Email sent.


Secret Cupid emails are welcome today!


This is actually helpful in building up a bigger base of People so that when

I start emailing your Missions tomorrow, you won't have any idea who has your name!





You'll start getting your Missions Tomorrow... (Monday)


Have a wonderful day!


Welcome to Mission Geocoin Secret Cupid!


Name exchange Begins: Monday, January 22nd!


:blink: :blink: IF You'd Like To BEE cupid02.gif Involved, PLEASE Follow These Guidelines: :blink::huh:


2. You must be a registered user in these Forums/with a history of at least 50 posts.



I'm so disappointed :) I was really looking forward to this but alas I don't meet the minimum requirement of 50 posts.


I'm so disappointed :) I was really looking forward to this but alas I don't meet the minimum requirement of 50 posts.


Post 16 more times before tomorrow and you will!


I'm not that talkative. :blink: Guess I'll just hold on to the green Jeep I was going to send.

Posted (edited)

I'm so disappointed :) I was really looking forward to this but alas I don't meet the minimum requirement of 50 posts.


:blink: Go to the "Off topic" section in the forums, you can rack up a lot of posts there, and have fun while you're at it. :blink:

Edited by 57chevy

I'm in. The last one was fun. Thanks for organizing this again Fluttershy!


Thanks~! I've decided I'm doing one Secret Mission a year, so Secret Cupid it is for 2007.


This will give others a chance the chance to host other Missions. :)


I know crazycavelover & UOTrackers will be hosting in the future!


And of course I am in for this one too!!! Go figure I just dropped 4 coins today!


Email sent. But I have not done this yet so I don't really know what all to do. How do I know what to send a person?? Does it matter?? I am just wondering??


Some people have trading lists which include a list of coins they're seeking. If you don't know if the person has a list or if you don't have any of the coins they have listed, you can send any 3 coins you want --- just as long as they're unactivated.


Email sent! Thanks for setting this up again! :drama:


:drama: Go to the "Off topic" section in the forums, you can rack up a lot of posts there, and have fun while you're at it. :drama:

I don't think your post count increases in the OT forum. I could be wrong though. :laughing:

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