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Sunset From The Cache - Please Share

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AAARRRGHHH! I am getting very sick and tired of this thread, due to its chronic and incredibly annoying absolute lack of angst. :anitongue::( I need to see at least a moderate dose of angst very quickly, else I shall go bonkers. Further, if I do not see angst here soon, I will report this thread to the moderators for being in violation of the well-known "minimum acceptable threshold level of angst" rule. Thank you in advance for doing the needful! :mad::mad:

Posted (edited)

AAARRRGHHH! I am getting very sick and tired of this thread, due to its chronic and incredibly annoying absolute lack of angst. :D:( I need to see at least a moderate dose of angst very quickly, else I shall go bonkers. Further, if I do not see angst here soon, I will report this thread to the moderators for being in violation of the well-known "minimum acceptable threshold level of angst" rule. Thank you in advance for doing the needful! :):)


Vinny, Vinny, Vinny. I'm surprised that you of all people don't understand. Don't you know that these aren't just benign photos of sunsets from caches around the world, but in reality are subliminal messages from the Illuminati designed to lull everyone into a sense of security so that they can take over the minds of the Uninitiated? :mad: Sheesh. :anitongue:


All except my photos, of course. :mad::(

Edited by Ambrosia

AAARRRGHHH! I am getting very sick and tired of this thread, due to its chronic and incredibly annoying absolute lack of angst. :rolleyes::rolleyes: I need to see at least a moderate dose of angst very quickly, else I shall go bonkers. Further, if I do not see angst here soon, I will report this thread to the moderators for being in violation of the well-known "minimum acceptable threshold level of angst" rule. Thank you in advance for doing the needful! :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Vinny, Vinny, Vinny. I'm surprised that you of all people don't understand. Don't you know that these aren't just benign photos of sunsets from caches around the world, but in reality are subliminal messages from the Illuminati designed to lull everyone into a sense of security so that they can take over the minds of the Uninitiated? :rolleyes: Sheesh. :unsure:


All except my photos, of course. :rolleyes::ph34r:

Phew! It is very very good to hear that there really is a sinister and conspiratorial undertone to this thread after all. Thank God that you set me straight on this matter, and saved me from countless hours and days of needless worrying. Thank you for having done the needful.


Not exactly sunset, but a cool cache page image.

There's gonna be a "sunset" of a sort for manatees unless somebody comes up with a cheap solution for their apparent inability to figure out that they should avoid powerboats.



Posted (edited)
4bffe1da-9b2d-469a-a534-a4059656ad6d.jpg A Cape May New Jersey sunset. (The less geographically astute may question this, but the water is the Delaware Bay not the Atlantic. The really less astute won't notice. :)) JAScott says I must give her credit for the photo. Vinnie.. the angst has begun!!! Edited by edscott
Posted (edited)

I am glad this topic got bumped up. It's far more pleasant to think about sunsets than rogue reviewers, water soaked logs or who gets a find credit. This time of the year I always think about going out to Lodi, California, for some caches, old vine zin, a chance to hum the old Creedence song, and to watch the Sandhill Cranes fly in at sunset. If we are lucky, there is a moment when the setting sun casts a red or golden light upon them. Fortunately it's easy to combine all of those things. These were all taken at cache locations.







Edited by Erickson

Not exactly sunset, but a cool cache page image.

There's gonna be a "sunset" of a sort for manatees unless somebody comes up with a cheap solution for their apparent inability to figure out that they should avoid powerboats.




Oh the Huge-Manatee! (sorry, had to say it)


Ive not gotten any great sunset while caching pics but i have had the sun going down while trying to search a cache out quite a few times.


Hopefully we will get the opportunity to see some awesome sights too. :D


Gotta start bringing my camera caching!


Thanks everyone for sharing.


on a beach near Grand Bend Ontario, those guys with the bagpipes come out every night at sunset and play for about 20 minutes :ph34r:








Beach on the Olympic Peninsula. Not quite a cache location since traditionals are not permitted on NPS land. But we did a few caches nearby and I may try to develop an earthcache for this area.




Undated sunrise photo (still didn't have my camera clock set) from near home.





Jan 3, 2010, sunset from the Angel Island Ferry, after a day of caching (and hiding one)





Feb 15, 2010, morning dew, taken while scouting location for The Other End Of The Park





Feb 15, 2010, sunset near GC1YWQ2 Lemming up or Lemming down?





July 7, morning light on Mt. Shasta from GCNYRH Sims' Big Brother





July 18, 2010, GC24Y8A The Palace of Fine Arts



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