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Sunset From The Cache - Please Share

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I was going to post that Albion Sunset but Carleen beat me to the draw. It still takes me half an hour to figure out how to get a photo in here. :anibad:



Edited by NevaP

Aargh! We go to Rosario for a church campout every spring, and I've always wanted to do Ebey Bluffs, and haven't because of friends and family. Stop posting all the great pics!!! :D


Maybe I can convince everyone to go to it this year. :ph34r:


On a cachepedition into Saskatchewan back in 2003 this sunset presented itself after finding Sandcastles GC1566. A great hike and a bonus sunset.






The sky was overcast the whole day, until just before sunset. The sun popped out and I took a bunch of pictures, even climbing back up to the summit to get more pictures.


This was one of my first caching experiences and I got back to my car (after a 1.5 mile hike) when it was nearly dark.


I put my headlamp in my fanny pack after this experience. :rolleyes:

Aargh! We go to Rosario for a church campout every spring, and I've always wanted to do Ebey Bluffs, and haven't because of friends and family. Stop posting all the great pics!!! :rolleyes:


Maybe I can convince everyone to go to it this year. :D


How about just one more from Ebey Bluffs? :D




This COULD have been an awesome sunset, except right at sunset these clouds blew in on the horizon. We got ripped!



Sunset? SUNSET? Why can it not be SUNRISE? You people got a problem with MORNING CACHERS?


I will not tolerate this discrimination against morning cachers!


(you have been angsterized)




After much difficulty, a strange error message and some trouble shooting over in the newbie forums I finally think I can post a Sunset picture.


This is a sunset at Lake Ogallala Nebraska, near GCJE8K The Little Lake.


If it's not here ( I got it to post in the test thread) I give up and declare myself computer challenged at present.


NevaP, who still swears its all done by magic :rolleyes:

Sunset?  SUNSET?  Why can it not be SUNRISE?  You people got a problem with MORNING CACHERS? 


I will not tolerate this discrimination against morning cachers!


(you have been angsterized)



Here's a Sunrise. This is at Lithgow, NSW, Australia. OK I was birding when I took this photo but I did find a geocache near here the day before and another one the day after.


NevaP, delighted that she can get photos to post again :rolleyes:

Aargh! We go to Rosario for a church campout every spring, and I've always wanted to do Ebey Bluffs, and haven't because of friends and family. Stop posting all the great pics!!! :D


Maybe I can convince everyone to go to it this year. :lol:

You have to do it! It's an amazing cache.


But oops, I didn't read the title very carefully. We're supposed to be sharing pictures for this week. Whoops. ;) I have been caching during the day this week, not at sunset. :D

But oops, I didn't read the title very carefully. We're supposed to be sharing pictures for this week. Whoops. ;) I have been caching during the day this week, not at sunset. :D

I read the caption as this being the token non-angst thread for the week, not that the pictures had to be from this week. ;)

But oops, I didn't read the title very carefully. We're supposed to be sharing pictures for this week. Whoops. :D I have been caching during the day this week, not at sunset. ;)

Doesn't matter - I like your pictures. ;)


In fact, I really like this whole topic. I keep coming back here just to look at all the pictures. Very relaxing. Totally angstless.

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