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Alaska Geocoin Ordering Information

Ladybug Kids

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Information regarding design, price, schedule, and shipping of the Alaska Geocoin is now available at the 2005 Alaska Geocoin Webpage.


Please note that the deadline for orders is May 1, 2005, and the deadline for payment is May 14, 2005. Also note that order changes or new orders should be made following the process described on the 2005 Alaska Geocoin Ordering Information Webpage.


Many thanks to all of you who expressed interest in the coin even before we had a design to share. Your enthusiasm served as the catalyst for us to get this project off the ground and moved from initial concept to having the dies cut in only six weeks' time. Thanks, too, for all your patience when things went quiet while we worked on the project internally for the past several weeks.


For a perspective on the early stages of the project, read the original Checking Interest In Minting An Alaska Geocoin Thread.

Posted (edited)
Any thought of setting up paypal payments??  I don't mind sending a check but paypal is so much easier.

PayPal wants 2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction, which will add $1.50 to the average order. Since several people have asked about it, I'll get the PayPal option set up.


So, those of you who would rather use PayPal, stand by and I'll let you know when that option is available (may be as soon as this evening).

Edited by Ladybug Kids

By popular demand/request, PayPal should now be available for Alaska Geocoin purchases for those who want to use it.


Go to the Alaska Geocoin Order Web Page for directions on how to make PayPal payments for your Alaska Geocoins. Please drop me a line if the PayPal option hiccoughs since I just upgraded my account today.


Time to break away from the computer and enjoy the 55° sunny day that's passing me by outside. The pussywillows are budding out and the snowpack is down to about a foot in the yard. I think Spring is on the way.


Gotta' complete plans for hiding a cache during a ski trip tomorrow in the White Mountain National Recreation Area as well.


What do you want now?


Money changes everything


except for geocaching coins :rolleyes:


cash is in the mail


and heres a thanks to you ,and your ladybugkids enthusiasm, for the love of geocaching!

Posted (edited)



that the deadline for orders is May 1, 2005, and the deadline for payment is May 14, 2005.  Also note that order changes or new orders should be made following the process described on the 2005 Alaska Geocoin Ordering Information Webpage.


Information regarding design, price, schedule, and shipping of the Alaska Geocoin is now available at the 2005 Alaska Geocoin Webpage.


Many thanks to those who have already paid for their coins. 60% of the money required to start production once the die is complete has arrived so far.


If you miss the May 1 deadline, you will be placed on a waiting list. Coins not paid for by May 14 by people who previously expressed interest will be sold to people on the waiting list after May 14. The waiting list will be added to the Ordering Information Page beginning May 2.

Edited by Ladybug Kids

The deadline for ordering has been extended to Sunday, May 8.


Snail mail payments have been arriving in Alaska in only three to five days, so the original May 1 cutoff was perhaps a bit too conservative.


Information regarding design, price, schedule, and shipping of the Alaska Geocoin is now available at the 2005 Alaska Geocoin Webpage.


Please note that the deadline for orders is May 1, 2005, and the deadline for payment is May 14, 2005.  Also note that order changes or new orders should be made following the process described on the 2005 Alaska Geocoin Ordering Information Webpage.



70% of the payments needed to cover the cost of the coins have been received.


Please check your status on the 2005 ALASKA GEOCOIN ORDERING INFORMATION web page and let me know about any corrections that need to be made.


Also, as updated a couple of days ago, new orders WILL be accepted through May 8, but all payments are still due May 14.


Thanks to everyone who has supported this project to date. I know I can't wait to actually hold one of these coins in my hand.

Posted (edited)
Please check your status on the 2005 ALASKA GEOCOIN ORDERING INFORMATION web page and let me know about any corrections that need to be made. 


Also, as updated a couple of days ago, new orders WILL be accepted through May 8, but all payments are still due May 14.


Thanks to everyone who has supported this project to date.  I know I can't wait to actually hold one of these coins in my hand.

The oversize plaster sculptures for the Alaska geocoin have been completed and the diecutting is beginning. Here is a photo of one of the sculptures:




77% of the payments required to cover the cost of the coins have been received.


I know several cachers are waiting until next weekend to pay via PayPal. Please place your payments in the mail if you aren't paying via PayPal.

Edited by Ladybug Kids

There are about twenty cachers who earlier expressed interest in the Alaska geocoin who I haven't heard from yet. I'm doing a final check-in with you to see if you are still interested in the Alaska geocoin as today is the last "official" day to pay for your order.


If you aren't interested, please send me an e-mail note stating so and I will delete you from the shipping database.


If you are still interested, please go to Alaska Geocoin Order Page and pay by PayPal or send me a note to let me know the check or money order is in the mail.


Looking forward to moving from the order/payment phase of the project to rapid distribution once the coins come from the mint.


Many thanks to the more than 220 cachers who helped support the inaugural Alaska geocoin project.


Great idea Pdxmarathonman! B)


I actually sent two and in some cases three e-mails to cachers for whom I was missing shipping or payment information when 1) the design and pricing was fixed and posted on the web page; 2) when the order period closed; and 3) earlier today when the payment deadline was approaching in addition to bumping the forum thread and updating the coin webpage. I've worked at this because many cachers expressed interest sight unseen which provided the impetus to moving the coin project forward back in March. I want to be sure that all those cachers who stepped up early get a chance at the finished product.


Those who have paid for their coins (the vast majority, by the way B)) don't need to worry about the coin's production being held up. As soon as the dies are done and proofed, the coin order will be placed since we've reached the financial break-even point of the project.


I'll post again when the dies are ready, but the mint is still saying the coins will be done in mid-June.

If you are still interested, please go to Alaska Geocoin Order Page and pay by PayPal or send me a note to let me know the check or money order is in the mail.

I just learned of this today and would love to order one for my dd who's moving to AK. But... nowhere on the ordering page does it say how much they are!


Is it still possible to order 1, and if so, how much? I'd be happy to pay with PayPal.

Posted (edited)

Quick update....I stopped by the Alaska Mint while in Anchorage and the coins are still on track to come out of production in mid-June.


I ordered a few extra silver and brass coins in case anyone missed out on the first round(s). Send me an e-mail if you are interested.

Edited by Ladybug Kids
Quick update....I stopped by the Alaska Mint while in Anchorage and the coins are still on track to come out of production in mid-June.


I ordered a few extra silver and brass coins in case anyone missed out on the first round(s). Send me an e-mail if you are interested.

I was just wondering!


I was just wondering!

As updated on the 2005 Alaska Geocoin Webpage a few days ago, the mint's production schedule has slipped until the end of June or early July. The moosehead die was complete and the Denali side was nearly complete. We have a cache event scheduled for June 25 & 26 and it would be nice to have to coins available for local distribution at that time, but I don't think it's going to happen.


I'll crosspost updates here and on the webpage from here on out.

Posted (edited)

I received a confirming phone call from the mint that the coin production of the Alaska Geocoin should be done by June 23 or 24 :lol:.


Since I'm co-hosting the 1st Annual Summer Solstice Midnight Caching Event scheduled for June 25 and 26 north of the Arctic Circle, coin distribution won't begin until the following week. If the coins are ready on June 23 and Fearless5 can get down to Anchorage and back on that date, we'll have some coins to distribute at the Event Cache and to place in the new caches. Will aim to get a Cache Event/Envelop stuffing party scheduled for the week of June 27 so people don't have to wait much longer for the coins. The bottom line is that folks should begin seeing Alaska geocoins show up in their mail boxes the week of July 4 :D!!!


There are several brass and silver coins that haven't been paid for by cachers who expressed interest earlier. Repeated attempts to contact the cachers through their cacher accounts and using the original e-mail address they provided have been unsuccessful. I'm going to take Sissy's lead for the South African Coins and accept new orders to for those coins. Please e-mail me if interested in increasing your already paid order or if you missed the original sales opportunity and want to place a new order.


Thanks everyone for supporting this project and for your patience!

Edited by Ladybug Kids

The last brass coins are sold, so coins sales are now complete.


The Alaska Mint slipped the final production schedule by another week :lol:.


Still hope to package and ship the coins over the July 4 weekend. Will continue to post updates as I get more information.


Photos of silver coin are below. Edge stamping with tracking information needs to be completed on the silver coins and minting and edge stamping of the brass coins is on the home stretch. Still hoping to ship the week of July 4.




The silver coins will be complete on Friday, July 1, and the brass coins will be complete on Thursday, July 7. Packaging and shipping will commence immediately upon receipt of both flavors of the coins, so watch for the coins the week of July 11.


Sorry about the continued schedule slips...I want the coins in my hands as or more badly than the rest of you do.


Are you planning on coming down to AnchorTown if NorthWes arranges an event? If so, you might be able to save on the shipping & distribution for a few of us that don't mind waiting a couple extra days.


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