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Most Caches Found In One Day?

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What is the most caches you have FOUND in one day?


Mine is 13 on the day I started and ended doing locationless caches (whole different story....Do not like them anymore....Thats not GeoCaching....Finding any watertower....At least I found one that is featured in many video games.....Speedway Indiana) ANYWAY.......


Doing just CACHES I have found 7 REAL caches in one day. I know someone has to have about 5x's that amount or more.


PS Please do not turn this thread into an arguement about locationless caches




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Traditional- 9, done twice.

Virtual- 4, done 3 times.

Locationless- 20, once.


The idea behind this thing we do, at it's most basic level, is to find someTHING, someWHERE.

All of the above meet that criteria quite nicely.


I'm sure you will be directed to threads or will get some posts here that will tell of people who have found more than a hundred (of what you term REAL caches) in one day.


To each their own........

Edited by Corp Of Discovery
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I was going to mention the CCCooper thing, but keystone beat me to it with the markwell. I believe mine was 10 or 11, but one of those was a cache event. All the other were traditionals in the area of the event and were done in only a few hours at the most. I did manage to do about 7 one day in about 3 or 4 hours time to get my number up to 100. That was driving around too.

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I did 18 last Friday. I also logged 2 "DNF's" that day too.


While I was caching I thought about starting a topic called "Your Finest Hour" to see what's the most anyone's every found in one hour. I'm not sure about mine, but I found 5 in an hour n Friday.



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The most I ever did in one day was 35, on a hot 90+ degree day in Spokane last summer. I had to quit early that day because I was nursing a knee injury from a few weeks earlier. Otherwise I would have found quite a few more.


My second best day was 27 which was done in a blizzard in Olympia around new years. Slowed down by the snow that day.


Tied for third is 25, which I've done twice, once on a road trip with Moun10Bike and for the second time this last weekend up in Bellingham WA.


My Best WEEKEND was somewhere in the upper 50's, but I would have to go back and count.


I like an occasional caching spree like these, but overall I prefer to take it slow and steady.

Edited by Right Wing Wacko
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There is a difference between

Finding X number of caches in one day, and

Logging X number of caches in one day.

Yeah -- logging all of your big day finds takes a lot longer than actually finding them all, unless you do a lame copy/paste/edit "57 of 74 on the Random City Cache Machine" log.


Finding the caches is the easy part :)

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39 in one day recently on the Kitsap Peninsula. Mostly traditionals and multis; number includes a cache get-together event that evening. Could have been a lot more but was with my dad who has a really bad leg (handicap parking sticker helps sometimes though!).


And TravisL is correct. Logging them all seemed harder than finding them. Especially with the servers being overloaded that weekend. :)

Edited by gaviidae
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I always log mine at the cache sight on my sidekick phone. Maybe that's why I don't have huge numbers. I love logging them at the site while my memory of the find is fresh. I do think that I used to compose a bit longer (but maybe less accurate) stories before though... We had 27 finds yesterday. I think the most we've done in one day was 33.



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I have gotten to 25 caches in a day on a couple occasions. I could probably have done more, but I have a habit of getting interested in the 3/3 cache in the next town, or the clever multicache that pops up on the "nearest" list in my PDA as I wander around. I'll start off the day with every intention of maximizing the numbers but when it comes down to exploring one cache in a nice state park vs. hitting 5 more park and grabs, I tend to choose the state park.

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Me? 4 in one day around Boston. A friend was in town and we would have done more but we had evening plans to make as well.


But KA is right about the markwell (and here's another thread on the same record run Markwell).


238 in one day going for about 20 hours (with a 3 hour pitstop to watch a football game) in and around Nashville, where cache density is one of the highest I've ever seen.


The Gorilla Freedom Finders have some of the highest group tallies I've seen.

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On a recent business trip to St Louis I arrived a day early, rented a car and did 15 hours on a Sunday. I had not planned my route and wound up criss-crossing the area. I did finish up with 27 finds and 10 DNFs. I also made sure to compose good logs rather than just "TNLNSL TFTC X of 27 today". Most of these were traditionals (with 1 or 2 shortish multis).


I did the same in London a few weeks ago but all on foot and using public transport; wound up with 25 finds and a few DNFs. I started off with a couple of lengthy multis that were in a scenic area and worth the walk; had I stayed with the non-multis I probably could have found a few more. But even on that day I was able to enjoy my surroundings. I will be back in London in a few weeks and am planning an attack on the Hertfordshire area (which is just north of central London). I currently have 45 caches on my "hope-to-find" list, but driving on the wrong side of the road may limit my finds.


I have to agree with folks that after an all-day caching session I am ready to give it a rest. For a day or two. Some of me best caching experiences have been the one find day with a great hike. But there is definitely a place in my cache life for the extended session, mega-hunt.



Edited by OzGuff
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I did 18 last Friday. I also logged 2 "DNF's" that day too.


While I was caching I thought about starting a topic called "Your Finest Hour" to see what's the most anyone's every found in one hour. I'm not sure about mine, but I found 5 in an hour n Friday.



Yes...Cybert......this is why I started the thread because of our chat :lol:

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September 19, 2002. I did 10 caches between Las Vegas and Phoenix. While this may not seem like much of a feat...


The day started at 3AM leaving the Phoenix area. Hit all the caches on the list on the way up. The afternoon and evening were spent attending my friend's wedding. Hit a couple of caches on The Strip, and one near Hoover Dam. Ending my day by getting home around 5AM.


I've had days with more finds, but none that were nearly as memorable.

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We have had multiple times of 30 or more finds in a day. We just came back from a Cache maching in Wichita, about 2 weeks ago where we found 32 caches, we also had to drive 200 miles to get there, and 200 miles back, so that cut down on our caching time, and also stopping for lunch and dinner we could have done a lot more. we do know of an area that if you do all the caches in the area (all with in a 10 mile radius) you could easily get close to 50 with in a day.

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