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2012 Goals

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Ach. I have this problem with coloring in maps. :unsure:

Maritime Canada! Yes. We're flying from Halifax to St John's for a day or two of geocaching. But, we're giving up on St Pierre et Miquelon, since Groundspeak has declared its independence from France.

Last year, we made it to Minnesota and Iowa. Year before that Florida. Probably will not be able to afford to travel after that. Oh, well.

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Ach. I have this problem with coloring in maps. :unsure:

Maritime Canada! Yes. We're flying from Halifax to St John's for a day or two of geocaching. But, we're giving up on St Pierre et Miquelon, since Groundspeak has declared its independence from France.

Last year, we made it to Minnesota and Iowa. Year before that Florida. Probably will not be able to afford to travel after that. Oh, well.


I've been to St. Johns, but unfortunately it was a few years before I started caching. I'm also into coloring maps and even though I only live 3 hours or so from the Canadian border I've haven't been in Canada since I started caching.


I've added one State (Georgia) and one country (Switzerland) so far this year and there's a pretty good chance I might get two more in September (Singapore, Malaysia). My recent trip to Tanzania may have opened up some opportunities to do some additional traveling to Africa, possibly to Uganda and/or Rwanda.

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To find 2000 caches this year. I was just over 1000 at the end of June, but I really need to start cranking out some monster weekends to make it happen.


2000 a year? I am on a pace to find less than 100 this year, and if I do reach 100 finds, that will be twice as many as last year. It really is not about the numbers for me.

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You could say I had a goal, and reached it. I completed the all-time 366 calendar days of caching on June 12th, I believe it was. I might have the wrong date, but no biggie, my profile shows them all full. When Geocaching.com came out with their own stats a couple years ago, I noticed I was at about 330 or so of the 366 days, as a long-time onesy-twosey type of cacher. So I had heard about all those challenge caches out there, and definitely went out of my way to fill the grid out. We had a particularly mild winter in the upper Mid-Atlantic region, so I had no problem filling in 7 or 8 January and February days I needed in 2012. And of course it was a leap year. I remember there wasn't so much as a flake of snow on the ground, but I only attended an event that day. So yep, I'm qualified now, and I'm going to guess every U.S. State has at least one 366 day Challenge, and many have more than one, depending on your region. I just have to go out and find some of them now, including the one about 15 miles from my home coordinates.

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It was 2000 caches but after finding 500+ in a week during Island Spirit I think 3000 should be more appropriate barring a trip to the E.T. highway which just might happen, then it'll be 5,000.


Other target was the original stash plaque and due to a mistake I made during that 500+ cache week and having to correct it that goal was accomplished.

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A little over half the way through the year. What was your 2012 goal and how close to it are you?


To not drive off the road or into anyone else while looking at my various equipment. So far not so good but good enough.




Edited by BlueDeuce
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Edited by Great Scott!
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A little over half the way through the year. What was your 2012 goal and how close to it are you?

1. To find one more cache then my best year, so far 86% done.

2. To get one more ICON, Done. B)

3. To get at least 1/2 of the days of the year checked off. Got 2/29 and am closing in on the total.

4. To have fun and not care if I don't make any of these goals. DONE :D

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A little over half the way through the year. What was your 2012 goal and how close to it are you?


1. To have a caching streak that exceeds my non-caching streak. Check! 83 days and counting.

2. To stay in the top 20 Saskatchewan geocachers (maybe move up if possible). So far I'm hanging on. Was up to 17 at one point, but have been passed by a few maniacs cachers.

3. As of today, 2012 is now the year in which I have found the most caches. 652 finds so far this year. I wonder if I could do 1000?

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A little over half the way through the year. What was your 2012 goal and how close to it are you?

1. To find one more cache then my best year, so far 86% done.

2. To get one more ICON, Done. B)

3. To get at least 1/2 of the days of the year checked off. Got 2/29 and am closing in on the total.

4. To have fun and not care if I don't make any of these goals. DONE :D

All completed. :D


Working on next year!

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* Again beat the previous year total finds. About 470 more to go. Shouldn`t be a problem


* Establish a new streak. Previous streak of 275 days ended last December on a cruise. Need 16 more days.


* Fill the calendar which we did like many other cachers on Feb 29.


* In August MA decided that we should have 5 caches on every day on the calendar, so now we are working on that and hoping to get it done by next August.


* Keep having fun. On target

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So far, I've been doing well filling in my "Finds for Each Day of the Year" grid. And I've been doing well with my "have fun geocaching" goal too.
Well, my "Finds for Each Day of the Year" grid is complete. And I've been having fun geocaching. I even have a new "Best Day" statistic (16 caches in one day on 2012-06-09).
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I wanted to find virtuals and earthcaches in every country but am failing miserably on the traveling part of it. Other than that, I made a goal not to worry about numbers or feel compelled to find anything, and that is working out great.


My goal this year wasn't quite as ambitious but I was hoping to crack 20 countries for geocaching (been to many more, but didn't discover caching until . Did that by adding Switzerland, Turkey, and Iceland- plus two new US states thanks to conferences- and will be adding Italy and hopefully another country or two by the end of the year.


It's not about the numbers, it's about adventures. :)

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I wanted to find virtuals and earthcaches in every country but am failing miserably on the traveling part of it. Other than that, I made a goal not to worry about numbers or feel compelled to find anything, and that is working out great.


My goal this year wasn't quite as ambitious but I was hoping to crack 20 countries for geocaching (been to many more, but didn't discover caching until . Did that by adding Switzerland, Turkey, and Iceland- plus two new US states thanks to conferences- and will be adding Italy and hopefully another country or two by the end of the year.


It's not about the numbers, it's about adventures. :)


I'm surprised that you haven't cached in Italy. Rome is a great city for geocaching because there is so much to see and it's such a wonderful walking city. When I first cached in Rome there weren't too many caches but mostly due to a team called The Roman Brothers that's improved a lot. If you go to Rome you can also add the Vatican to your countries list.


My goals were to add at least one State and one Country and to find more time to go geocaching than I did last year. I've accomplished both. I've only added one State (Georgia) but I've added four more countries (Switzerland, Malaysia, Singapore, and Japan), bring my total to 17 countries, and I've already spent more days caching than last year.

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I wanted to find virtuals and earthcaches in every country but am failing miserably on the traveling part of it. Other than that, I made a goal not to worry about numbers or feel compelled to find anything, and that is working out great.


My goal this year wasn't quite as ambitious but I was hoping to crack 20 countries for geocaching (been to many more, but didn't discover caching until . Did that by adding Switzerland, Turkey, and Iceland- plus two new US states thanks to conferences- and will be adding Italy and hopefully another country or two by the end of the year.


It's not about the numbers, it's about adventures. :)


I'm surprised that you haven't cached in Italy. Rome is a great city for geocaching because there is so much to see and it's such a wonderful walking city. When I first cached in Rome there weren't too many caches but mostly due to a team called The Roman Brothers that's improved a lot. If you go to Rome you can also add the Vatican to your countries list.


My goals were to add at least one State and one Country and to find more time to go geocaching than I did last year. I've accomplished both. I've only added one State (Georgia) but I've added four more countries (Switzerland, Malaysia, Singapore, and Japan), bring my total to 17 countries, and I've already spent more days caching than last year.


Been to Italy pre-caching a fair bit (did a 3 week stint exploring it which was amazing! including the Vatican and San Marino) but got into this hobby a bit late considering the extent of my travels. <_< But there was a 90Euro fare to Verona for a long weekend next month so finally going back there and will log that country- was considering Rome again for the reason you state, but that fare was more like 200 Euro so whatever.


And yeah, probably would be more countries by now but started dating a guy who lives in the UK, so most of my travel budget these days involves crossing the North Sea. Hey I can understand cache descriptions there and he likes to join in, so whatever. :laughing:

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Wanted to complete my 366 calendar days grid, but had to give up after a month. Better luck next year.
Yeah, it took me a couple years to complete my "Finds for Each Day of the Year" grid, once I decided to complete it. The first year, I filled in most of the holes in the grid, but there were a few days when it just didn't happen. The second year, there were fewer holes in the grid, so it was easier to plan to find a cache on those days.
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I've hit my best month ever. (Teach me to go geocaching for two weeks with my brother!) Well on my way to my best year ever! Colored in three Canadian provinces. My brother is working on an 'oldest cache' challenge. So we visied a numbr of old caches, including th oldest in Maine and in Canda (Nova Scotia). And two old caches in Massachusetts. That's got me working on the Jasmer Challenge. I need five months... Should be able to pick up an old one in Connecticut over Thanksgiving. But I'll have to leave The Spot, and State Game Lands #109 for a week's vacation next year. The other two months look almost impossible! Oh, well. Vacation planning time!

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I remember responding to a post back in January asking about geo-goals for 2012, but I don't remember what my answers were.


Have fun caching: mostly accomplished, but impaired by a warmer than usual here in FL and a very busy spring for me (work + college) so I didn't cache anywhere near as much as I wanted to. I have plans to wrap up the year nicely though. :)


Get a cache on Leap Day: accomplished!


Fill My Calendar Grid: I've been trying to make a point to get some more dates filled in, but there aren't enough easy grabs near me to get them all. August is has ALOT of open days thanks to the toasty FL summers. I didn't really expect to get ever day this year, but next year I will probably make it a bigger goal.


Visit Every CCC Park In Florida (and get the accompanying CCC Series caches there): haven't gotten to any yet this year, but I have plans to get them all before the end of the year.


North & South Florida County Challenges: I've got plans to spent about a week in December taking a leisurely caching/history/scenic trip through the FL panhandle which will get all remaining counties there (and the CCC parks there). I'll be swinging over to the greater Tampa area twice in Oct/Nov during which I'll grab the 4 counties I need there. That just leaves getting down to Monroe County...

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Last year was a low for us as I was recovering from open heart surgury and the wife had a stroke. I am 87 and the wife is 86. Our goal is to find 10,000 caches while we are still mobile. For 2012 we started the year with about 5,000 finds and are trying to get to 7,000 this year. We are on track having 6,604 caches right now. All the nice wx we are having in the Puget Sound Area of Washington has helped. We usually start out on Sunday morning driving to a new cache area and stay one or two nights and then come home. Series caches are a big help for us. We are not mobile enough to do any trail caches. Enjoying geocaching since 2001. Dick & Arlene Bremerton, WA

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Sounds like a good goal, best of luck with it!


(Also random W7WT but I swear I've worked you on Ham radio... likely at my old university station under W8EDU.)


Very possible you did work me as I was very active on all bands before we got into geocaching. 88 Dick, W7WT

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And stay out of the poison plants for the rest of the year. Check my avatar and see what it did to me.
Woah! What exactly did you get into???


My goals:

Hide a 1/5 Puzzle

Hide My Tract Cache

Get a cache ready for next April 1st

Don't increase my Longest Streak for Not Caching

Build a Railbike to hit the Rail Trails with.


So far, so good. Bike is almost done, I haven't increased my streak YET, the April Fools cache is almost ready, and I completed everything else. :)


Edited by Too Tall John
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