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Release Notes 1/12/10


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. . .

Nudecacher and missionMode, please leave those PQ titles alone for the moment as I've used them as examples in the bug doc. Thanks.

. . .


Notice that only the old ones that ran last night have a problem. The new ones that I just added look ok.




p.s. Oh, and they had the "Run and delete" option so will be gone tomorrow morning.


The HTML is messed up on my caches too..... arg!

Posted (edited)
Exhibits below show first 1024 width (1280x1024) and the second is 768 width (1024x768).

Correction: 1280x1024 is 1280 wide, 1024 tall. So is it more optimized for 1280px width?

Edited by Corey
Posted (edited)

Archived caches, while still displayed with a strikethru line thru the name, no longer have the familiar red color.



Problem was noted earlier. Problem with HTMLtidy.


Oh OK.. sorry.


How about this??..

Caches seem to have no break between the short and long description. The long description simply begins at the end of the short.



Edited by avgraphics

I changed a cache description (edit listing) and noticed a change I don't like at all. In the boxes where you write the short and long descriptions I had couple of lines with some special letters, for example: "Kätkössä ei ole kynää" That's exactly what I want in the cache description.


Earlier if you submitted the changes these special characters where not changed and the text in the cache page and in the edit listing boxes were both readable. Now the text in the edit listing boxes changes and it reads: "Kätkössä ei ole kynää" The text in the cache page is correct, but now it is quite impossible to change the cache description because I can't read that kind of encoding of letters used in many European languages. Now every ä is replaced with '&' + 'auml;' and ö with '&' + 'ouml;'.


I know that is one way to write these special characters, but it would be nice if we were allowed to write foreign languages with letters which are part of UTF-8 and latin-1 character sets.


I hope this text does not change when I post it to the forum. It seems that the forum software tries to replace those &+uml things with correct letters.


Big thumbs down on this! Did anyone test it first. Someone needs to lose their job.

Wow, that seems a bit extreme. Can't they just clean up the mess and then stand in the corner for half an hour?


I am sorry, This is a production site, there is no excuse for releasing something in this condition.


I actually have no problem with the whitespace. I think it lends a nice, clean look. A lot of time must have been spent on that change!! But I do I have to wonder why resources were spent on a look & feel change when there are so many useful features have been requested, and sometimes promised.



One minor nit... on my personal profile page, Premium Features and Account Options are MUCH more important (to me) than Field Notes and particularily, Geocaching with Twitter, and I wish that they were at the top of the page rather than scrunched down to where I have to scroll to.



Someone mentioned that archived caches are not showing up in red anymore, and that is true, but the line drawn through it is red, for what that's worth. Still pretty tough to see.


The new PQ page is better organized, but I still can't select caches with a hide date of before 1995 (used in 2 geocaches around here), and the renaming of the begin / end year broke my GreaseMonkey script. I've fixed it locally on my machine, and if anyone else is using it, let me know.



Oh, GOD, no!! Change it back!!! It looks TERRIBLE in Chrome and takes up WAY more room with lots of "dead space" on the page. Change it back, please, please, please!!! I don't think any change to the website has ever inspired me to complain, but this is HIDEOUS!!


Why mess with something if it isn't broken?!? I can understand the need to fix things that are broken in order to improve the site and functionality. I can even understand making some changes to the code in order to better accommodate future updates to integrate other languages, but this could have been done while at the same time keeping the existing layout the same or near enough. The addition of all the extra space, line spacing and increased font size has detracted from the site not improved it in my opinion. I do hope GC intends to take cognisance of the negative response to the change and fix it asap. I would assume that much of these layout changes have been done via CSS and should therefore not be too much of a problem to fix... after all, thats part of the power of CSS in the first place.


....at the top in the quick view box after geocaches and trackable items, plus before friends and account details, it says YOURS, they are not yours they are MINE. Can we have it back to Mine so it makes sense, please.


In this context "Yours" is completely wrong and it should be changes back to "Mine".


I have to agree. Way too much whitespace and now the columns are wrapping dut to my low resolution 1600x1200 resolution. (read normal screen) I really feel sorry for anyone with less than perfect vision who needs to use a lower 1024x768 resolution.


I'm one of those people using 1024x768. The increase in while space, padding and font size now means a lot more wrapping... for example the cache list next to the map, many of the names are now on 2,3 or even 4 lines because the column width is too narrow.


On Geocaching map doesnt work "Hide My Finds" and "Hide My Caches" option...


This now only works after you move the map or zoom, which is annoying.


... the space between "short description" and "long description" was taken out, so they run together in the same paragraph.


I've seen the same thing and it is particularly annoying when the information/text in the short and long descriptions has been separated for a reason so as NOT to be in a single paragraph.


In addition I have also noticed the the text boxes in the cache edit screen have now been made narrower. If anything they should have been made wider. Now we have to do yet more scrolling.


I actually have no problem with the whitespace. I think it lends a nice, clean look. A lot of time must have been spent on that change!! But I do I have to wonder why resources were spent on a look & feel change when there are so many useful features have been requested, and sometimes promised.



As stated in the start of this thread, The look and feel change is so that the site will support internationalization / localization, which is pretty important for growing the sport.


For example, rather than being formatted perfectly for english text, all fields have to be 'expandable' so that they can fit longer german words. Hence the 'flowy' redesign.


Haven't looked at everything yet. But, there is way too much white space on the New Pocket Query Page.


Also, my Public Profile looks really ugly. Don't know what you did, but it looks like it no longer accepts correct HTML formatting.


Safari report: amazingly most everything works. I agree about fixing the wide open white spaces and the brown color that replaced the red for archived caches (Not on all pages BTW.. archived caches on my profile page are still Red) I preferred my owned caches to be displayed in order of most recently found rather than most recently placed, but I can get used to it I suppose. Most importantly, as far as I can tell THE MAPS WORK!!!!! :grin::D:D

Posted (edited)

I agree with what others have said about all the extra white space, plus some of the table sizes seem odd.


* The Hide column on the Hide and Seek page seems too wide. I imagine most users use the Seek section a lot more and would like it to be wider than the Hide section. Also, the form fields for address, postal code and others could be longer so it fills more of the section.


* On the http://www.geocaching.com/my the right hand section is too wide and makes most of the caches in the left hand section (Your logs Last 30 Days) wrap and become difficult to read. Also, in that section, the right column for Visit Log is so narrow that Visit Log wraps onto 2 lines.

Edited by Skippermark

Good grief! It looks like the graphic designer graduated in 1975 with all the white space. It was a fad then, and it faded rapidly because the trade-off was loss of context. I realize we're not talking about number of pages in a magazine here, but I really don't enjoy spending my afternoon scrolling down barren wastelands to reach the pertinent information.

Posted (edited)

OK, found a bug, I believe. I can enlarge thumbnails from my own gallery, but not from someone elses. All I get is the frame.



An example: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?LU...2c-f1c09834ccc7


Are you using Windows Server/Vista + Firefox? Seems to be a weird bug only with that setup. We're looking into it. Let me know if you have a different setup.

Edited by OpinioNate
OK, found a bug, I believe. I can enlarge thumbnails from my own gallery, but not from someone elses. All I get is the frame.

An example: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?LU...2c-f1c09834ccc7

I've noticed that the problem is not consistant. I haven't been able to determine yet which pictures to show, and which do not, but



This one does: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?LU...21-f5237c5f0cba



and this one does not: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?LU...e7-53c6504f955f


OK, found a bug, I believe. I can enlarge thumbnails from my own gallery, but not from someone elses. All I get is the frame.



An example: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?LU...2c-f1c09834ccc7


Are you using Windows Server + Firefox? Seems to be a weird bug only with that setup. We're looking into it. Let me know if you have a different setup.


I'm seeing the same thing using Mac OS X and Safari.


I agree with others, to much white space. The change has also completely trashed my profile page. I use FindStatGen with GSAK. The world66 map of states cached is gone. I have include a table for daily and other finds. The table border and boxes are gone. The tables from FSG are missing all borders. It makes things look really hideous. I am not amused or thankful. Please roll this back. There is no way I can imagine this has anything at all to do with localization.



Posted (edited)

Thank you again for all the helpful feedback! We've made a number of bug fixes and will be pushing a new build out shortly. I'll update the thread with re-release notes at that time. Not all bugs will be fixed but the ones we perceive as being the most critical will be.


Edit: For the smaller bugs we'll re-evaluate tomorrow and possibly have another build to push

Edited by OpinioNate

OK, found a bug, I believe. I can enlarge thumbnails from my own gallery, but not from someone elses. All I get is the frame.



An example: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?LU...2c-f1c09834ccc7


Are you using Windows Server + Firefox? Seems to be a weird bug only with that setup. We're looking into it. Let me know if you have a different setup.


I'm seeing the same thing using Mac OS X and Safari.


Ok thanks. This may take some time but we'll get it fixed.


Not a big deal I s'pose, but it looks like Groundspeak is preparing for a huge onslaught of new caches.


The 'Visit Another Cache' text box at the bottom of a submitted log has room for 25-30 characters, but only accepts seven.


I agree with others, to much white space. The change has also completely trashed my profile page. I use FindStatGen with GSAK. The world66 map of states cached is gone. I have include a table for daily and other finds. The table border and boxes are gone. The tables from FSG are missing all borders. It makes things look really hideous. I am not amused or thankful. Please roll this back. There is no way I can imagine this has anything at all to do with localization.




Thank you again for all the helpful feedback! We've made a number of bug fixes and will be pushing a new build out shortly. I'll update the thread with re-release notes at that time. Not all bugs will be fixed but the ones we perceive as being the most critical will be.


Edit: For the smaller bugs we'll re-evaluate tomorrow and possibly have another build to push


Thanks Nate. Hope one of the changes is bring back the old format.


It does not seem to be possible to delete a route any longer. The pop-up dialog asking for confirmation appears, but the route does not get deleted.


I know Nate mentioned that the priority is bug fixes, which I understand. When getting around to tweaking the design of the pages, The Geocaches tab from someone's profile needs some adjustments. The found table is really narrow, and the owned table is really wide.




Also, archived caches not showing in red is really confusing. When looking at your own caches, it makes it hard to tell if a cache is just disabled or is archived.


In Vista/Firefox 3.5.7, it looks like the line may be red, but it's hard to tell for sure.


Oh, you cannot be serious with the new design... It appears more broken, than modern and cool... Tons of whitespace sucks, removal of many background colors (logs, right panel in gc.com/my/, ...) makes the information hard to be found...

To summarize it, new design is awful, buggy, and unusable... :grin:

:D My sentiments entirely, we Brits do not like change, especially when it is for the worse!




Big thumbs down on this! Did anyone test it first. Someone needs to lose their job.

Wow, that seems a bit extreme. Can't they just clean up the mess and then stand in the corner for half an hour?


I am sorry, This is a production site, there is no excuse for releasing something in this condition.

:grin: Well said, I agree, this cannot have been tested to the extreme, someone should be held accountable, there are a lot of unhappy customers out there!


Thank you again for all the helpful feedback! We've made a number of bug fixes and will be pushing a new build out shortly. I'll update the thread with re-release notes at that time. Not all bugs will be fixed but the ones we perceive as being the most critical will be.


Edit: For the smaller bugs we'll re-evaluate tomorrow and possibly have another build to push


Thanks Nate. Hope one of the changes is bring back the old format.


I'll second that.


I was just noticing that when I click on My Profile and up on top under geocaches it used to say mine next to it it now says Yours click on that to bring them up. Now the wording reverts back to the old Mine word.

Posted (edited)

I know Nate mentioned that the priority is bug fixes, which I understand. When getting around to tweaking the design of the pages, The Geocaches tab from someone's profile needs some adjustments. The found table is really narrow, and the owned table is really wide.




Also, archived caches not showing in red is really confusing. When looking at your own caches, it makes it hard to tell if a cache is just disabled or is archived.


In Vista/Firefox 3.5.7, it looks like the line may be red, but it's hard to tell for sure.





A side note...

Isn't it great that GS has so many UNPAID beta testers?

Edited by bittsen

I'm confused by all the comments about white space. White space where? Everything looks fine to me. <_<




White space. It would be okay if Nemo and Dory were swimming around in it, but as it stands, it reminds me of looking at a clearcut. Nothin' in there but a few stumps and some fireweed.

Posted (edited)

ditto on whitespace. yes, the html is borked, but it will probably get fixed.


PLEASE adjust the colors on the lists of caches. the grey and the blue on the list (when you are looking at found vs. not found) are too close.


Also, another bug. If a cache has both TB's and coins listed in it, the coins icon is shunted to a second row when looking at a state listing of caches.




Firefox 3.0.17 on Windows XP


Also, whose GM script is it that puts the GC entry field on the left column under "shop for Gear" I liked that script and the bag of tricks, I just don't remember who did it. (I know who did the bag of tricks)

Edited by Ashallond
Posted (edited)

Oh, thanks. It was so narrow, I didn't notice it. People were talking about things wrapping and stuff. Well, I can see that it might not be needed, but it's not bothering me, personally. Not saying that it not bothering others, because it obviously is.


Also, perhaps this has been fixed, but all the html in my profile/geocaches seems fine, as my profile and geocaches look alright. <_<

Edited by Ambrosia

We're pushing a new build shortly with the following fixes:



500 Error attempting to upload image to trackable log




Cannot select user from dropdown on friends page

Updated links from /my page to proper friends management page



Styling error in IE on log detail page

Fixed styling issue which resulted in banner ads overlapping white space and background



Pocket Query title error

“Run once and delete” queries now properly displayed in list of PQs



"Your" versus "Mine" on profile page

Changed “Mine” to “Your” for consistency. Will review the choice to switch from “My/Mine X” to “Your X”



"Hide My Finds" and "Hide My Caches" on google map not working

Added null check – now works



Short description running into long description on cache details pages

Fixed spacing



Profile contents failing to display properly

Added some additional code to tidy to submit output if error occurs



Options to sort Travel Bug lists by name, last log, mileage, etc. gone

Trackable sorting restored


We're going to attempt another update tomorrow afternoon that will hopefully sweep up the remainder. Thanks to everyone for your patience and help!


I'm confused by all the comments about white space. White space where? Everything looks fine to me. <_<

So maybe we should rather refer to it as "line spacing"?

On my screen it looks as if there are lots of extra empty lines on the new pages that blow up the page size.

Not on yours?


(running Firefox 3.5.7)


We're pushing a new build shortly with the following fixes:

. . .

We're going to attempt another update tomorrow afternoon that will hopefully sweep up the remainder. Thanks to everyone for your patience and help!


Thank you, OpinioNate.




We're pushing a new build shortly with the following fixes:

. . .

We're going to attempt another update tomorrow afternoon that will hopefully sweep up the remainder. Thanks to everyone for your patience and help!


Thank you, OpinioNate.




You bet, Gary. By the way, this fix...



Pocket Query title error

“Run once and delete” queries now properly displayed in list of PQs


...applies only to queries run after this fix. Those older queries will still display funky but tomorrow they'll disappear.


I have a strong complaint! :)<_<


I recently got the temporarily down for maintenance page. While it is very nice looking, there's something wrong with it!




He used to be on those pages, like this:




Or like this:




You guys know how much I like Signal. Where's my refund? :angry:




  1. There's way too much whitespace. Too much ugly.
  2. The practice of bringing the site down mid-day, without apparent warning, should stop.
  3. A better system for determining bugs & gathering user feedback should be in place.
  4. You have a Twitter account. You do know you can use it to communicate?

Seriously, this sort of thing is costing you money. I know more and more people that are opting not to renew their premium memberships because of the way you manage the geocaching.com site. I'd vote with my wallet too if it wasn't for PQs.

For example, rather than being formatted perfectly for english text, all fields have to be 'expandable' so that they can fit longer german words. Hence the 'flowy' redesign.

"Flowy" doesn't require massive amounts of whitespace; the whitespace should be expanding & contracting along with the content.


"Visit Log" and/or "New York" could be a single line and still have enough space for the cache names to be on one line.


Click on Caches there and we get this:



Yet the data doesn't need all that space! Don't set a width for the table at all, let it lay out "naturally". Fixed-width tables (instead of just letting them expand to the space they need) are terrible for readability - way too much horizontal whitespace.


... Also, archived caches not showing in red is really confusing. When looking at your own caches, it makes it hard to tell if a cache is just disabled or is archived.


In Vista/Firefox 3.5.7, it looks like the line may be red, but it's hard to tell for sure.

Some horrible dark brown line indicates Archived caches. How do I know they're Archived? The only dead giveaway is the absence of the Download Waypoints Checkbox and the Icon for "send the Waypoint Information to your GPS".


It looks like a badly conceived color blindness test. What's wrong with red?


The practice of bringing the site down mid-day, without apparent warning, should stop.

The posting of the "release notes" thread is the warning. When it gets posted, figure on the site being down within 30 minutes (from what I've seen).


Subscribe to this forum (maybe the top thread on there is enough, I dunno) and you'll get notification when the release notes are posted.


The trouble is that you can send out all the alerts you want, but if people aren't there to read/hear them, you're just broadcasting into the wind. We have this problem with our remote sites at work all the time. System's going down because a server flipped out? Well, we'll send the email - but the instant the server's back online 1/3 of our users are logging in because they didn't read the email that said "please stay out until we tell you otherwise".

A better system for determining bugs & gathering user feedback should be in place.
Agreed. Bug IDs are meaningless to anyone who can't see the bug database.
You have a Twitter account. You do know you can use it to communicate?
Now that's just crazy talk.


OK, seriously: Twitter would be a good augmentation for posting the release notes thread, but I'd wager that fewer people know about the Groundspeak Twitter feed than know about the release notes being posted in the forums. I thought I was following it myself, but checked and it turns out I wasn't (am now though). http://twitter.com/Groundspeak

Posted (edited)

I'm confused by all the comments about white space. White space where? Everything looks fine to me. <_<

So maybe we should rather refer to it as "line spacing"?

On my screen it looks as if there are lots of extra empty lines on the new pages that blow up the page size.

Not on yours?


(running Firefox 3.5.7)

I'm not sure which pages you're referring to. Although, my profile page looks the same as the example that Crow used earlier. :P


I use both IE8, and Firefox 3.0.12 (I guess that's what I'm using). Things look fine to me on both of them, although I can see what some people are talking about with not needing the extra space that could be used to widen the info more.

Edited by Ambrosia
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