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Release Notes 1/12/10


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Thank you for the great replies. I was prepared to hear about these bugs and apologize for the inconvenience.


Design feedback is appreciated, but I'm sure you understand the priority at the moment is for broken functionality. Feel free to voice your feedback but please don't expect a reply yet.


Nudecacher and missionMode, please leave those PQ titles alone for the moment as I've used them as examples in the bug doc. Thanks.


I have bugs open for the rest of your reports as well, and will update you on their status when I am able.


On Geocaching map doesnt work "Hide My Finds" and "Hide My Caches" option...


onclick javascript must have broke. If you zoom in or out after clicking on those options, it does change. Or click check for a cache type and then check mark back in.


My maps aren't loading at all... (Firefox 3.5.7)


Go to the map that isn't loading, in windows hold the shift key and then F5. That will cause your internet cache to totally reload the page and the scripts.


That alternating color scheme on caches listings needs improvement. The light blue color is way too similar to the light gray color used to highlight found caches. Its near impossible to do a quick scan through a list and pick out found vs unfound.


So far I don't like all the open space on my "Your Profile" page. I have to scroll forever to see the last caches I found. Could use some more tweaking.


Where's the ability to search trackables I have found by 'last log' date or mileage? They appear in alphabetical order only, there are no other search options. Bring back the search options please!


On Geocaching map doesnt work "Hide My Finds" and "Hide My Caches" option...


onclick javascript must have broke. If you zoom in or out after clicking on those options, it does change. Or click check for a cache type and then check mark back in.


My maps aren't loading at all... (Firefox 3.5.7)


Go to the map that isn't loading, in windows hold the shift key and then F5. That will cause your internet cache to totally reload the page and the scripts.


Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it...still not loading. The little arrows just circle round and round with no change.

We recognize that the GreaseMonkey scripts in particular serve a legitimate need in many cases, so we plan to integrate the most popular scripts wherever possible to render them obsolete (with kind regards to their creators).

That sounds a touch arrogant to say the least. I'll hold my tongue until I've considered my thoughts a little more though. :grin:


I should be flattered if Groundspeak deemed my scripts essential enough to include as functionality on the site, thereby rendering them obsolete. I'm sorry you read some conceit into my statement.


I miss my GREASEMONKEY !!!


Is someone here that can uptdate the Friend2Cache-Script ??


@ Groundspeak

Why just stop this scrips and don´t you include this wonderful functions in your website ?

It shows the "NEEDS" and "WISHES" of most of the (paying) members.


I don´t need a lot of frames and white space.

I need big Thumbnails (Gallery), a showing of VIP-Logs, etc.

We recognize that the GreaseMonkey scripts in particular serve a legitimate need in many cases, so we plan to integrate the most popular scripts wherever possible to render them obsolete (with kind regards to their creators).

That sounds a touch arrogant to say the least. I'll hold my tongue until I've considered my thoughts a little more though. :grin:


I should be flattered if Groundspeak deemed my scripts essential enough to include as functionality on the site, thereby rendering them obsolete. I'm sorry you read some conceit into my statement.


I found the word "obsolete" a bit harsh. Perhaps "no longer required".


On Geocaching map doesnt work "Hide My Finds" and "Hide My Caches" option...


onclick javascript must have broke. If you zoom in or out after clicking on those options, it does change. Or click check for a cache type and then check mark back in.


My maps aren't loading at all... (Firefox 3.5.7)


Go to the map that isn't loading, in windows hold the shift key and then F5. That will cause your internet cache to totally reload the page and the scripts.


Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it...still not loading. The little arrows just circle round and round with no change.


Try deleting the browser cache. Make sure you aren't on the map page when you do it.

I had the same problem, but renewing my cache fixed the problem.

Using Firefox also.

Posted (edited)

. . .

Nudecacher and missionMode, please leave those PQ titles alone for the moment as I've used them as examples in the bug doc. Thanks.

. . .


Notice that only the old ones that ran last night have a problem. The new ones that I just added look ok.




p.s. Oh, and they had the "Run and delete" option so will be gone tomorrow morning.

Edited by Nudecacher

When looking at one of my caches, GC22C8A, I noticed there was no space between the Short Description section and the Long Description section anymore. As a matter of fact, the paragraphs run together as can be seen where the large green print runs into the normal black text.


I am using Firefox 3


Loch Cache


On Geocaching map doesnt work "Hide My Finds" and "Hide My Caches" option...


onclick javascript must have broke. If you zoom in or out after clicking on those options, it does change. Or click check for a cache type and then check mark back in.


My maps aren't loading at all... (Firefox 3.5.7)


Go to the map that isn't loading, in windows hold the shift key and then F5. That will cause your internet cache to totally reload the page and the scripts.


Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it...still not loading. The little arrows just circle round and round with no change.


Try deleting the browser cache. Make sure you aren't on the map page when you do it.

I had the same problem, but renewing my cache fixed the problem.

Using Firefox also.


:grin::D That fixed it! Thanks!!! :D:blink:


UK postcodes do not work.


Entering my UK postcode into the Postal Code box brings up a window asking me to select the correct location... but my location is not listed. Two UK locations (Jersey and Belfast) are listed, but not Birmingham.



Nudecacher and missionMode, please leave those PQ titles alone for the moment as I've used them as examples in the bug doc. Thanks.


I have bugs open for the rest of your reports as well, and will update you on their status when I am able.


I think you have until tomorrow for that. Mine occurred when I tried to delete it. I think the code to change the name to contain a Strikethrough is what broke it. Before seeing your response I tried to delete it again and I was forwarded to a confirmation page that told me it would still exist for my reference until tomorrow.

We recognize that the GreaseMonkey scripts in particular serve a legitimate need in many cases, so we plan to integrate the most popular scripts wherever possible to render them obsolete (with kind regards to their creators).

That sounds a touch arrogant to say the least. I'll hold my tongue until I've considered my thoughts a little more though. :grin:

Arrogant? Lol. As soon as I saw 'greasemonkey' in the title of the post, i figured GS was finally going to try to ban it.

What's arrogant is the part I've bolded. People put many hours work into GM scripts & GSP implying that they're going to take the best, integrate them into the site and leave the original author's work "obsolete" (presumably without credit or compensation) is arrogant. Now I've only put in a handful of hours over the last couple of years on GM scripts that are used by a few people here and there. I have no idea how the authors of widely used, complex and well loved scripts feel about their countless hours of work being made "obsolete".

As an author of several Greasemonkey scripts, I am quite flattered when Groundspeak integrates features from my scripts into the website for all to use. The reality is that very few site users use Greasemonkey so the vast remainder are not able to use my work. Some features have already been included from both mine and Prime's scripts and I think it's great.


Groundspeak most definitely supports these scripts. There are actually a couple of hooks on at least one page that were added to directly support Prime's and my scripts.



Notice that only the old ones that ran last night have a problem. The new ones that I just added look ok.




p.s. Oh, and they had the "Run and delete" option so will be gone tomorrow morning.


I think we are seeing something common. This applied to the one that gave me trouble as well.

Posted (edited)

Bugs in the new formatting:


Let's use my "Crossword Cipher" cache ( http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC22X5A ) as an example:


Table padding and spacing settings now don't display, which is annoying, since many of us rely on tables to control the page layout, and we want cell contents separated by some uniform margin. All the Across and Down hints in my crossword puzzle cache now have the numbers right up against the clues, because <TABLE CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=2> values now display as if their size is 0, not 2.


Also, it's even worse in Internet Explorer 8, as all cell values on this cache that don't have a specified alignment are defaulting to being centered, and not left aligned (this doesn't happen when viewing this HTML content offline in IE).


I have tested on Chrome, Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18702, and Firefox 3.5.7.


I suppose work arounds would include lots of " & nbsp ;"s and never counting on default cell alignments, but if so, I have many such caches to "fix". :grin:

Edited by Team Yofa


Notice that only the old ones that ran last night have a problem. The new ones that I just added look ok.




p.s. Oh, and they had the "Run and delete" option so will be gone tomorrow morning.


I think we are seeing something common. This applied to the one that gave me trouble as well.


Wonder if this is a browser cache problem?

Can you delete your Browser cache and see what happens?

Posted (edited)


Wonder if this is a browser cache problem?

Can you delete your Browser cache and see what happens?


Tempting, but since Nate asked me to leave it alone I won't touch it.


I did just clear my cache though, so I will try creating another and saving it with that option.


EDIT: Tried it with another new one and it did the same thing.

Edited by missionMode
Posted (edited)

I agree with most posts about the white space --- Way too much!


What has happened to my profile page? After all my hard work it's now ancient history. :grin::D:D

Edited by RonFisk


Notice that only the old ones that ran last night have a problem. The new ones that I just added look ok.




p.s. Oh, and they had the "Run and delete" option so will be gone tomorrow morning.


I think we are seeing something common. This applied to the one that gave me trouble as well.


Wonder if this is a browser cache problem?

Can you delete your Browser cache and see what happens?


Nope. Chrome browser has the same thing, bad html in striked out names.



On Geocaching map doesnt work "Hide My Finds" and "Hide My Caches" option...
I concur with that. Other hide/show options on the map seem to work, but not those two.


Wonder if this is a browser cache problem?

Can you delete your Browser cache and see what happens?


Tempting, but since Nate asked me to leave it alone I won't touch it.


I did just clear my cache though, so I will try creating another and saving it with that option.


EDIT: Tried it with another new one and it did the same thing.


Go ahead and do what you like now, thanks. It's definitely the "run then delete" option coupled with an update to HTMLTidy in this release.


Speaking of which, the HTML issues people are having in profiles and cache pages are the result of this Tidy update. We're investigating that and other bugs reported now.


After loading and entering my field notes I get a message in my (or your as its now called!) profile reading:



You currently have pending field notes. Visit your field notes page to review these notes.



There used to be a little red cross to click to get rid of this box, tried reloading the page and its still there. Although it is just text now and no box either :grin:





Archived caches, while still displayed with a strikethru line thru the name, no longer have the familiar red color.



Problem was noted earlier. Problem with HTMLtidy.

Posted (edited)

. . .

Nope. Chrome browser has the same thing, bad html in striked out names.




Oh, wait. There's more clue there. It's definitely a quote problem. I don't know where the quotes come from, but here is the Name displayed (it's listed twice with a double quote, less than angle bracket between them. Let's see if I can insert the html code here:


<a href="http://www.geocaching.com/pocket/gcquery.aspx?guid=a361b900-190b-48cd-81e6-46729f5774e6" title="<span class=" strike="">0735 WS8k 07-29-2007 thru 08-16-2007 GC12MDE Total Records: 481"><span class="Strike">0735 WS8k 07-29-2007 thru 08-16-2007 GC12MDE Total Records: 481</span>


Ok, that looks like it. Notice the title= seems to be missed up.


I'll attempt to include here the displayed results:


0735 WS8k 07-29-2007 thru 08-16-2007 GC12MDE Total Records: 481">0735 WS8k 07-29-2007 thru 08-16-2007 GC12MDE Total Records: 481


Ok, that looks like it. Let's see what the forum code does when I "Add Reply".




[ Looks like I got it in as intended. I have to go now, I'll check back later. ]

Edited by Nudecacher

On Geocaching map doesnt work "Hide My Finds" and "Hide My Caches" option...


onclick javascript must have broke. If you zoom in or out after clicking on those options, it does change. Or click check for a cache type and then check mark back in.


My maps aren't loading at all... (Firefox 3.5.7)


I found the same--mapping doesn't work anymore in Firefox. However, on the same computer, it does work in Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.


Something that seems a bit off is this site is optimized for a screen width of 1024 pixels. I think that's where some of the white space complaints are coming from. Exhibits below show first 1024 width (1280x1024) and the second is 768 width (1024x768). If there was some way there could be a "select resolution" option kind of like on the Google Maps function that would be very nice.







Posted (edited)

Looks to work OK for me after I emptied/deleted my browser files and history, deleted the geocaching bookmarks/favorites and created a new bookmark/favorite on Mozilla and IE7. Fixed the map problem on IE7 and Mozilla. Google Chrome also works OK with the maps.

Edited by Garyp47
Posted (edited)

I have to agree about the whitespace. Having done editorial work before, there is a reason why open white space is often referred to as dead space. There is one other thing about this I noticed when looking at some of my caches. And this is something I consider a bug. I use HTML on some of my cache descriptions, particularly my puzzles. Often, after spending time getting the coding ready, the site adds extraneous line break codes when I hit submit, inserting blank lines into the description. It's now part of my common procedure to go back in and re-edit my cache pages to remove these extra "<br>" codes. So anyone seeing extra lines in your cache pages after this recent update, go into editing and look for those codes in your cache description. If you see them, especially one right after another, delete them and resubmit. That might help. I found the codes had made their way back into a few of my caches after this update.


I'm not sure what alternating color scheme people are seeing with regards to found vs. not found. I've never really noticed a difference in background colors for the two. I have noticed a general alternating color scheme for all lists, whether found or unfound, presumably to help differentiate each item in a list from the one above and below. However, noticing that the colors on these lists blend together more, I'm guessing it's the same thing everyone else keeps mentioning. It may seem like a minor cosmetic issue, but having the alternating colors is helpful and the light blue I'm seeing is too light. Unless I happen to have my screen tilted at the right angle, it's almost unnoticable.


On the profile page, I seem to recall the profile photo being larger than it is now. I also recall seeing the photo caption centered under the image. The caption is now aligned to the right. It just seems odd from a design standpoint. Seeing how much dead space there is between the basic user data and the photo, the photo could be enlarged without loss.


I am wondering. You mention trying to integrate some Greasemonkey scripts. I think this is a great idea as there are several scripts out there that I see being very useful additions to the site. Is there any way we could get an idea as to what you guys consider the more popular ones? That seems a bit open to opinion. If we knew which ones you are looking at, it would provide users a chance to voice our thoughts on which ones we feel are most beneficial for many users versus just a few users. And there might be something some of us feel should be considered that you guys haven't.


UPDATE: Oops, Nate mentioned working on tidying up HTML while I was typing this. Would this include the extraneous "<br>" codes that the site inserts into cache pages even without asking? *smack* NO! BAD SITE! :grin:

Edited by TripCyclone

Hey, as long as the site is being worked on, could I ask for a change?


When uploading field notes, could we get a "ignore all field notes before" date field that is selectable even if we delete all of our field notes?


I like to keep the "Geocache_visits.txt" file intact in my Colorado but I like to clear field notes on the GC website before I upload them to make sure I log all of them properly. Whenever I delete all the field notes on GC.com, I can't exclude the ones I have already procesed. I end up having to upload them all again.


Hope that made sense.

We're lucky that GS is 'allowing' users to use greasemonkey at all. Of course, they couldn't *totally* technically ban it, but they could easily ban it in the terms of use.


NEVER - no one will ever dictate to me how I interpret the coding on their site to be presented on my browser. NEVER!

:grin: wow can't believe all the negativity(sp?) while I too have some of the same views ( Mostly to do or is it to-do? with making it quicker to spot caches that I have or haven't found) i think people are being a little harsh on these guys(girls?) that put on such a great site I am sure that all the bugs will get worked out. Props on the change and hope too see what it looks like in a week or so

We have attempted to seek and destroy all the bugs associated with the update to the look and feel of the website


Well, the update to the look and feel itself is worst than a bug and it should be the first thing to be destroyed. Now seriously... I can't get it... visual stuff is not related with company policies, plans for the future & whatever... why don't make it democratic... why don't present a template, a testing area and let the users decide by voting in a poll? What if the majority or the large majority of users hate this new look and feel? What's the reason for torturing them in such way? Is there any?


Big thumbs down on this! Did anyone test it first. Someone needs to lose their job.

Wow, that seems a bit extreme. Can't they just clean up the mess and then stand in the corner for half an hour?


I guess we'll see.


I don't like the look of this at all! Way too much white space and the tables everywher are ugly and horrible. This was not an improvement. I feel as though I'm at my at my in-laws with the screen size blown up. Please revert the appearence back. I have IE 7 & 8 and neither are allowing me to remove my (not yours!) found or owned from the map! The yours instead of mine, I thought I, which makes them mine not yours, owned the caches I placed. Also because of the tables it's not easy to locate new ones near you as the "new" symbol is under the placed date instead of next to it. In review I'm not liking this at all! :grin:



Also at the top in the quick view box after geocaches and trackable items, plus before friends and account details, it says YOURS, they are not yours they are MINE. Can we have it back to Mine so it makes sense, please.


:grin: I just went to check my profile too, it seems they have put your profile there. I was not looking for your profile, I was looking for mine. If any one finds my profile let me know, in the meantime I'll just use yours. :D


As an author of several Greasemonkey scripts, I am quite flattered when Groundspeak integrates features from my scripts into the website for all to use. The reality is that very few site users use Greasemonkey so the vast remainder are not able to use my work. Some features have already been included from both mine and Prime's scripts and I think it's great.


Groundspeak most definitely supports these scripts. There are actually a couple of hooks on at least one page that were added to directly support Prime's and my scripts.


I agree. One thing though, a list of what is being used would be nice so we can remove them from our greasemonkey settings,

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