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Release Notes 1/12/10


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Posted (edited)

Site Updated! And GreaseMonkey...

With the latest release of Geocaching.com, we have modernized the site to allow us to move forward with future projects in an effort to better address the needs of our users. In doing so, some third-party tools, such as GreaseMonkey Scripts, may no longer work because of changes to the underlying structure of the site. We regret that some browser addons will break but it was necessary for us to make these changes ahead of the site localization effort we have planned for this year. Localizing will enable us to provide the non-English speaking community with a more friendly site by translating common pages and navigation into various languages.


We recognize that the GreaseMonkey scripts in particular serve a legitimate need in many cases, so we plan to integrate the most popular scripts wherever possible to render them obsolete (with kind regards to their creators).


Design Changes and Bug Reporting


We have attempted to seek and destroy all the bugs associated with the update to the look and feel of the website, however it is perhaps not realistic to claim we found them all. If you discover any issues please report them here with your browser type and version, along with a description of what you were trying to do when the bug occurred. As always, please open new threads for issues not related to this release. Thanks!


And now the release notes:


13862: Default cache submission to 1.5 terrain stars

Cache submission now defaults to 1.5 star terrain for all geocaches


13310: One click email unsubscribe

No longer requiring username/password to remove oneself from the email list


12950: DeLorme Send to GPS failing on certain caches

Fixed error in DeLorme Send to GPS when one or more of last 5 logs contain a blank line


13422: Replace Dutch Brochures

Updated Dutch language brochures with new version in /resources


14481: Inaccurate message after deleting an Instant Notification

Changed message to correctly instruct the user in creating a new notification


2734: Badges for site volunteers and admins

Added new profile icon and status to help identify official volunteers and Groundspeak lackeys


14063: Addition to Geocoin Manufacturers & Resellers tab

Added http://www.geocoins.ca/ and http://geocachingshop.nl/


12179: Add wbcoins.de to the Geocoin Manufacturer list



12994: Addition to Geocoin Manufacturers & Resellers tab

Added directmint.com


12326: Add Silly's Caching Supplies to Geocoin manufacturer's list



14064: Addition to Geocaching Software page

Added http://www.logicweave.com/cachestats.html


12896: Addition to Travel Bug FAQ

Added text describing how to print an info sheet and how to transfer ownership

of a trackable


13482: "About Groundspeak" on geocaching.com

Updated number of reported Groundspeak employees from 20+ to 40+ (no we did not all clone each other)


13460: New distributor on Geocoin Manufacturer list

Added distributor http://www.milcoins.com/


12895: Addition to Geocoin FAQ

Added instructions for printing a geocoin info sheet


11511: Locked cache page still allows a new note.

Locked caches no longer allow any logs of any type


13982: GPX converts between time formats

Added proper notation to .GPX to indicate the time format used is UTC


10180: Geocaching.com does not require account validation to login

Now requiring account validation to login


10790: Trackable Item mileage not updating and 'recalculate distance' doesn't work

Made some fixes to address the mileage update issues for Trackables


10631: UK postal code gives caches in the wrong area.

Resolved the last of the ambiguous postal code issue


8797: Default hemisphere values for Additional Waypoints

Now defaulting the to the cache's hemisphere values when submitting add’l waypoints


13326: Email for Expiry of Premium Membership

Updated text for Premium Membership expiration email to remove erroneous information


13359: Replace Geocaching Logo for Download

Updated Geocaching.com logos on the Logo Usage page.


13289: Same postal code gives different results on home page vs. advanced search

Now using one postal code DB on all searches


12029: Search results that contain ignored cache don't list it, but lose a result

No longer possible to see no search results when the nearest caches returned are ignored


13426: Premium Trial text changes

Clarified "Note:" on /freetrial/default.aspx


14083: Add left nav selection for GPS Reviews

Updated the navigation to include a new link for "GPS Reviews" and updated the footer link from "GPS Devices" to "GPS Reviews."


12709: GPS Devices and Reviews Pages Have Old Data

Cleaned up test reviews and fixed sorting issue


13375: EarthCaches: add an additional link to EC guidelines

Added agreement checkbox to submission pages when the Earthcache type is selected


13350: Change to brochure page

Fixed spelling of "Nederlandse"


13374: EarthCaches: make the EarthCache type available to everyone

Added ability for users to select Earthcache type when submitting a new cache


14058: Inactive Geocache Submittal Text Changes

Rewrote cache submission page errors and messages to reduce confusion when an inactivated cache is saved


13274: Manufacturer device dropdown on GPS pages is improperly populated, labeled

Fixed in GPS Reviews redesign


13411: Homepage text change

Updated home page cache counter with new text and statistics covering 30 days instead of just 7


14075: Replace login popup when changing email address

Changing email settings now requires password in the same way as other profile changes


13325: User with metric unit preferences is receiving weekly mailer in Imperial units



6691: Bookmark bugs - Changing cache type results in wrong bookmark listing

Changes made to cache pages now reflected on bookmark list


13312: When setting account preferences, time zone drop-down defaults to GMT

Fixed issue where the time zone drop-down reverted to GMT, overwriting user’s previous settings


11263: Allow armed forces addresses for membership creation

Added option to select AA (Armed Forces Americas), AE (Armed Forces Europe) or

AP (Armed Forces Pacific) as the state value


12144: Map on cache edit page inaccurate

Map now reflects coordinates accurately


13320: Geocaching Logo needs circle R trademark on all geocaching.com pages

Added the Registered Trademark symbol to the Geocaching logos in the upper left of each page.


12776: Include metric distance in coordinate change log calculation

Added "distance from old" in meters


14215: No indication of which account will be unsubscribed when using one-click unsubscribe in weekly mailer



13080: PQ: Selecting "By Home Coordinates" and a region/state results in 0 caches



13216: Cannot unsubscribe to field notes for Twitter without an active Twitter account

Added "Remove Account" button allowing user to remove their Twitter account settings


14026: subscriber-only cache should be called Premium Member Only Cache

Fixed text on geocache details page


9262: Trackable log encryption fails

Trackable logs now properly encrypt


4633: time stamps need time zone specified

Time stamps now specify GMT


11424: Attributes included in GPX files.

Added ability to set version preference in user profile; default is still the original (old) version


9987: Posting found logs on non-standard caches (events, web cams, etc.) does not auto-fill proper log type

When posting field notes for events and other extended cache types a "found it” will convert to the appropriate log type


10654: Error in UK Grid reference display order.

The British Grid reference was erroneously displayed as Northings then Eastings.


12182: HTML tags in trackable name break page formatting



14019: Text Change: Bookmark instructions

Changed "todo list" to "to do list"


9028: My GPS: Device model type dropdown out of position when containing long names

Updated CSS to accommodate longer dropdown lists


13992: Altrec Store Link - Text Change

Updated Altrec link in footer to read "Altrec Gear."


12987: Automated message for 'Missing' travel bugs

Fixed issue where cache archive notification URLs were adding a parenthesis resulting in a 404


13287: South Korean province mispelled



13159: Timestamps at the bottom of cache_details.aspx need labels.

Clarified time stamps in cache footer

Edited by OpinioNate

Look and feel update... scary :grin: This one's gonna be good.


If the look and feel changed at all i'm expecting forum explosion in 5...4... 3... as soon as the site reopens :D




Yup waiting on the site to reappear myself. :grin:


This was awesome though

13482: "About Groundspeak" on geocaching.com

Updated number of reported Groundspeak employees from 20+ to 40+ (no we did not all clone each other)

With the latest release of Geocaching.com, we have modernized the site to allow us to move forward with future projects in an effort to better address the needs of our users. In doing so, some third-party tools, such as GreaseMonkey Scripts, may no longer work because of changes to the underlying structure of the site. We regret that some browser addons will break ...

Since I was a beta tester for the new site, I have already updated most of my Greasemonkey scripts to work with the new layout. But in doing so, they are no longer compatible with the old layout, so I'm going to wait a couple of hours to make sure no show-stopping problems are found that necessitates going back. It's not that I don't have faith in the beta-testers, but history has shown that a wider audience often seems to find problems that the beta-testers missed.


I will post a list of all my scripts, plus links to upgrade, in a future post.

With the latest release of Geocaching.com, we have modernized the site to allow us to move forward with future projects in an effort to better address the needs of our users. In doing so, some third-party tools, such as GreaseMonkey Scripts, may no longer work because of changes to the underlying structure of the site. We regret that some browser addons will break ...

Since I was a beta tester for the new site, I have already updated most of my Greasemonkey scripts to work with the new layout. But in doing so, they are no longer compatible with the old layout, so I'm going to wait a couple of hours to make sure no show-stopping problems are found that necessitates going back. It's not that I don't have faith in the beta-testers, but history has shown that a wider audience often seems to find problems that the beta-testers missed.


I will post a list of all my scripts, plus links to upgrade, in a future post.


Lil Devil,


Your efforts highlight the very best of the geocaching community. THANK YOU. :grin::D:D:blink:;)


2734: Badges for site volunteers and admins

Added new profile icon and status to help identify official volunteers and Groundspeak lackeys

"Badgers? Badgers? We don't need no stinking badgers!"




Half my profile has disappeared.



Also at the top in the quick view box after geocaches and trackable items, plus before friends and account details, it says YOURS, they are not yours they are MINE. Can we have it back to Mine so it makes sense, please.


I hate change! So now we wait for GC.com to lag and timeout and take forever even more! they need to mirror on other servers to speed it up rather than moving everything around.


Let's see how long it runs this fast! Definetly faster, but time will tell!


Way too much whitespace in the new layout. Otherwise it looks like a good re-skin, and I see that the HTML has been simplified quite a bit. Also, that is quite a long list of little touchups that will be appreciated.


New skin is awfully. :-( There is too much space between rows and all statistics in profiles are destroyed. Please, add some posibilitty for giving back old skin.

Posted (edited)

Way too much whitespace in the new layout. Otherwise it looks like a good re-skin, and I see that the HTML has been simplified quite a bit. Also, that is quite a long list of little touchups that will be appreciated.


I have to agree. Way too much whitespace and now the columns are wrapping dut to my low resolution 1600x1200 resolution. (read normal screen) I really feel sorry for anyone with less than perfect vision who needs to use a lower 1024x768 resolution.


It does seem a bit zippier though.


Anyway to trim back the right column to maximize the left on the My Profile page? It wouldn't hurt to strip the grid lines either.


(edit to correct my rez to 1600x1200)

Edited by Zop
Posted (edited)

Same here, except that our complete Profile Information disappeared.

The Information ist formatted in HTML and still visible in the editor, but the public profile view is empty.




The Profile Information Preview works fine... strange!

Edited by GothNRoll

Ok, maybe not quite. I was able to get a new query in, and it looks ok. I still have some old query names that have the '<' missing so the "name" column displays with bad html code. I run Mozilla Firefox on a Netbook with a small screen. The scrolling and page layout are %100 worse than before. It is very difficult to get around the pages to see what's going on. I had made accomoditations on how I sized the windows to work with it before. I hope you can clean it up for people with small screens.



aka Nudecacher


Oh, you cannot be serious with the new design... It appears more broken, than modern and cool... Tons of whitespace sucks, removal of many background colors (logs, right panel in gc.com/my/, ...) makes the information hard to be found...

To summarize it, new design is awful, buggy, and unusable... :grin:


Wow.. It looks like all of the tables are pooched. Please clean up the double spacing or whatever is going on.


Same here, except that our complete Profile Information disappeared.

The Information ist formatted in HTML and still visible in the editor, but the public profile view is empty.



Yep, I'm experiencing the same bug. HTML code is there in the editor but two matrices are not being displayed.


Also have a problem with PQ names, e.g. 5/5">5/5 is displayed for a PQ named 5/5 and Ottawa">Ottawa is displayed for a PQ named Ottawa


OK self.. calm down - its all the name of progress. :D It'll take shape as people offer constructive criticism & the developers have time to deal with it all. :D

1. Overall - the common feedback already submitted by many about lots of white space is my first impression too.


2. Regarding the Your profile pages.. the header of the (Mine) sections, changes to (Mine), then back again to (Yours). And then when I click (Mine) under trackables - all the header links are not available. When rifling from left to right, as if navigasting thru tabbed pages, the "Trackable Items (Yours)" provides no such links. Seems like it should.


e.g. Quick View | Watchlist | Geocaches (Yours) | Trackable Items (Yours)


3. Cosmetic feedback.. On the log entry page, the "Log Type" pull-down is huge; not sure if this is by design or a candidate for a little tweaking.


4. The "Your Friends" page is really ugly now. I feel that some rule on box size should force all to be the same size. It seems as though some user-defined variable is dictating the size/shape of the whole layout.


5. The "Geocoins Near Your Home Location" maps still, after all these years, seems to be non-functional (or maybe I just don't get it).


That's all I have time for now.. keep up the good work!




Ok, maybe not quite. I was able to get a new query in, and it looks ok. I still have some old query names that have the '<' missing so the "name" column displays with bad html code. I run Mozilla Firefox on a Netbook with a small screen. The scrolling and page layout are %100 worse than before. It is very difficult to get around the pages to see what's going on. I had made accomoditations on how I sized the windows to work with it before. I hope you can clean it up for people with small screens.



aka Nudecacher


The problem in the Name field seems to be a case of attempting to nest double quote characters. The only special symbols I use in names are the dash '-' and the colon ':' characters.



We recognize that the GreaseMonkey scripts in particular serve a legitimate need in many cases, so we plan to integrate the most popular scripts wherever possible to render them obsolete (with kind regards to their creators).

That sounds a touch arrogant to say the least. I'll hold my tongue until I've considered my thoughts a little more though. :grin:


Minor bug report: something may be amiss with HTML Tidy - I can't seem to insert <br/> elements in TB pages at the moment.



The problem in the Name field seems to be a case of attempting to nest double quote characters. The only special symbols I use in names are the dash '-' and the colon ':' characters.



Mine was originally just the word Osborne. no other characters.


/* ... */
/* And so on */

That's a lot of whitespace!


(I'm working on 1200x800)


Also, this whitespace discussion sounds somewhat familiar from a previous update.

the excessive whitespace


I also noticed that profile image captions don't have much treatment ATM.


This line is hosing the look of all of my tables in my cache descriptions:


yu27-reset-fonts-grids.css, first "table" block in the file:


table {





Please find a way to keep this CSS entry from bleeding into the cache descriptions I write! (... so that I don't have to go back and hand-hack around this in each cache description I have ...)




Looks good, nice and crisp.


Is there a way you can make a minor colour change to the highlight colours when looking at cache lists.


When I look at a friends caches found I find the colour of caches I have not found a little weak and difficult to spot.


Maybe my eyesight is going.






I agree that while there is a lot of white space/extra spacing on the cache pages, it also seems that the space between "short description" and "long description" was taken out, so they run together in the same paragraph. I'm using Firefox 3.5.7.

Posted (edited)
We recognize that the GreaseMonkey scripts in particular serve a legitimate need in many cases, so we plan to integrate the most popular scripts wherever possible to render them obsolete (with kind regards to their creators).

That sounds a touch arrogant to say the least. I'll hold my tongue until I've considered my thoughts a little more though. :grin:



Arrogant? Lol. As soon as I saw 'greasemonkey' in the title of the post, i figured GS was finally going to try to ban it.


We're lucky that GS is 'allowing' users to use greasemonkey at all. Of course, they couldn't *totally* technically ban it, but they could easily ban it in the terms of use.

Edited by benh57

FindStats (as made by GSAK) aren't looking the same on profiles anymore either... almost like there's a hiccup in the html coding between what it was and what it is...


we are not amused... :grin:


On Geocaching map doesnt work "Hide My Finds" and "Hide My Caches" option...


onclick javascript must have broke. If you zoom in or out after clicking on those options, it does change. Or click check for a cache type and then check mark back in.


On Geocaching map doesnt work "Hide My Finds" and "Hide My Caches" option...


onclick javascript must have broke. If you zoom in or out after clicking on those options, it does change. Or click check for a cache type and then check mark back in.


My maps aren't loading at all... (Firefox 3.5.7)

We recognize that the GreaseMonkey scripts in particular serve a legitimate need in many cases, so we plan to integrate the most popular scripts wherever possible to render them obsolete (with kind regards to their creators).

That sounds a touch arrogant to say the least. I'll hold my tongue until I've considered my thoughts a little more though. :grin:



Arrogant? Lol. As soon as I saw 'greasemonkey' in the title of the post, i figured GS was finally going to try to ban it.

What's arrogant is the part I've bolded. People put many hours work into GM scripts & GSP implying that they're going to take the best, integrate them into the site and leave the original author's work "obsolete" (presumably without credit or compensation) is arrogant. Now I've only put in a handful of hours over the last couple of years on GM scripts that are used by a few people here and there. I have no idea how the authors of widely used, complex and well loved scripts feel about their countless hours of work being made "obsolete".


We're lucky that GS is 'allowing' users to use greasemonkey at all. Of course, they couldn't *totally* technically ban it, but they could easily ban it in the terms of use.

As you said, you can't ban client-side technology.


On the plus side, I'm very pleased to see GPX attributes return, thank you!


FindStats (as made by GSAK) aren't looking the same on profiles anymore either... almost like there's a hiccup in the html coding between what it was and what it is...


we are not amused... :grin:


Looks like a change in Cascading style sheets that the script was utilizing.

It should be a simple fix for FindStats to add the correct css.


Tables aren't bordered anymore. In most of the site. Will be a simple fix with a css tag.


Can't really blame GS for that one. It is THEIR code. Not FindStats (GSAK).

But I know what you mean.


When I scroll through my list of finds I will randomly get Cannot Open the internet site http://.... "Operation Aborted" pop up and then Internet Explorer cannot display the web page when you click OK. The data deso seem to be displayed OK. This is IE7.

I like the speed up but that extra scrolling is awful.

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