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Number of finds in one day

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I recently came across a log, I wish I bookmarked it, where a cacher claimed to have found thirty some finds in a day. Now I admit that I am not a young man anymore, but I can't imagine anyone finding, logging and driving to that many caches in one day. But then I thought if there were a number of cachers team hunting, that would up the odds, but I still find it hard to believe. So that makes me think that they would have had to cached and over saturated cache area where all the caches were exactly .10 miles from one another. Or there were a large group that split up into teams and they logged finds for one another whether they found each cache or not. So, have any of you actually found 30+ caches in a day? :)


Well, i would like to introduce you to a little thing called speed caching, that my buddy taught me. Now, if you go to my profile page you will see that this is true data from there.

Most finds in a day: 55 on Saturday, February 07, 2009; 43 on Saturday, February 21, 2009; 28 on Saturday, March 07, 2009


I'm not sure of the exact number as I don't follow these things all that close but I think the one day record is in the vicinity of three hundred caches.

Posted (edited)

I'll jump in before the 'numbers run' people start answering.


Last fall our small 'team' (father (over 60), son (over 40) & grandson (teen)) headed out for the day. We went about 95 miles, grabbed 25 caches, lunch, did some family history work and explored a couple new cemeteries. If we had been heading for numbers only we could have easily hit 50 in an area that's not highly saturated. There is an area near here where there are well over 50 caches in a line about 5 miles long. I've seen people hit 70-80 in that area in one day.


Looking further, I see that you are pretty close to the high saturation area I was talking about. If you check SR224 in Boardman and Youngstown you will see that very large number can be easy if planned out.

Edited by DiamondDaveG

There are many people who have found 50, 100 or more in a day. You will probably hear from many of them later in this thread. In cache saturated areas it's not a difficult thing to do and the caches don't all have to be .1 mile from each other.


There are also geocachrs who have found 240, and 260+ in 24 hours. Something like that takes extensive planning, a cache rich area and a driver who knows the area.


One group found over 300 in 24 hours, but in that case they had split up at points so it's a somewhat tainted record in the eyes of some geocachers.


Just because you can't imagine doing it yourself doesn't mean that someone with the will, the time and the proper planning can't do it

Posted (edited)

I personally watched as a team found 80 caches in just about 10 hours near here.


I know a cacher that found 240 in 24 hours.


I have seen logs from cachers get 70 of my caches in one day.


I personally got 20 caches in about 4 hours one day this spring spread out over 45 miles of driving.

Edited by StarBrand

I'll jump in before the 'numbers run' people start answering.


Last fall our small 'team' (father (over 60), son (over 40) & grandson (teen)) headed out for the day. We went about 95 miles, grabbed 25 caches, lunch, did some family history work and explored a couple new cemeteries. If we had been heading for numbers only we could have easily hit 50 in an area that's not highly saturated. There is an area near here where there are well over 50 caches in a line about 5 miles long. I've seen people hit 70-80 in that area in one day.


Looking further, I see that you are pretty close to the high saturation area I was talking about. If you check SR224 in Boardman and Youngstown you will see that very large number can be easy if planned out.

My wife and I have cached that area and like you say there are a large number of caches, but you run into the problem of a large number of muggles which has always slowed us down to some extent. We went there on 12/31/08 to try and hit 150 finds for the year, but between muggles and very cold temps we only found 15 finds. But we only cached for about 6 or 7 hours.

So, have any of you actually found 30+ caches in a day?


personally, 69 caches in 5 hours 5/20/2005


It's not hard, really. Modest planning, and the desire to do it.


I had a cacher log a cache of mine with a bookmarked list of 81 finds in one day, including 8 different cache types on that day (trad, multi, mystery, webcam, virt, Wherigo, earthcache, letterbox hybrid - that takes some planning!) According to one the logs of the group of 3, one of them had 81 finds on the day, one had 61 and one had 47.


Found only 40 on the way to and from an event on Saturday that was an hour from home. Some of the parking lot ones were pretty challenging and took some time, others were Park n Grabs. Even did a 2 stage multi, and had solved a few puzzles, but never got close enough to the actual hides.


I spent two hours visiting with geopals at the event, and I still got home by 6 in order to clean up and go to a birthday dinner for a friend. Otherwise I might have doubled that count. Maybe this weekend, if that is what I plan for.


If you are in a cache dense area, and like caching for the whole day, you can find lots of caches. And quite a few of them can be interesting and outside of parking lots if that is your plan.


Sadly, I've got so little respect for myself I've taken to documenting just how to ruin your caching experience through organized caching and dashing, here.


So yes, 30, 50, 100 or more in a day is entirely possible; trivial even. It's just not the same kind of fun as hiking to a remote hilltop, but then the kinds of caches you are forced to find in a 50+ day are not offering that kind of fun anyway.


Considering that in my area there are over 60 caches within a 2 mile area and over 400 in the 5 mile area I would say that it would be very possible for someone to rack up a huge amount of them in a day.


On 4/18 I went caching with a friend in the Lodi/Galt area of California. We got a late start and found the first cache at about 10:30AM, we went to an event (2 hours) and ate dinner (1 hour). We cached until 9:45 PM and found 38 (tied my personal record) with 2 DNFs. On Sunday 4/19 we started a 9 AM and cached until 8:30 PM with 53 finds (my new personal best) and about 7 DNFs with 45 minutes out for lunch. In this area there are over 200 caches by one person and over 100 of those had "End of tthe Road # .." in the title. Lodi and Galt have a combined population of about 85K and are mostly surrounded by vineyards.


As we were sitting around one day marveling at the number some Cachers seem to be able to log in a day, we kind of figured that to get more than say, 100 it would have to be a VERY saturated area and would involve some very early starts and late finishes (say about sun up). My Brother in law (Captain of Captain and Mate and I (Chief) set out one day while we were visiting for Easter to see just how we could do. It started with dropping of their pups at the groomers and a failed attempt at a newly placed Cache for a FTF. our journey involved Caches along the eastern side of Wisconsin and Illinois and yes, we even stopped for lunch and even a search for ammo boxes at a hardware store. All in all we ended up with 40 finds (41 if you count the one we stopped for that afterwards Captain realized that they already had). All this and we were able to finish up before the sun was setting. I'd believe that it was possible to hit maybe even 60 givin the right area. I'm supicious of those logging in excess of 100. I'm thinking it was most likely the end of a journey and they're logging all their finds total and not changing the dates. Of course I've been known to be wrong before. :P C&C.


I'm going to being up the olden days when we cached from covered wagons, but someone on the forums a few years ago checked this into out and listed the top 10 cachers in one day. I was number 10 with 26 finds. I remember that days well since we started before the sun came up and finished about 10 pm that night. Cache density was not even a term on the horizon at that point. We drove over 200 miles to find those 26 caches. In some ways caching was more fun back then, but not nearly as satisfying as today.




It's partly about density, but more so about planning. I'm in a dense enough area that I could clean up 30 caches in the span of several hours if I cared to.


My last outing involved 37 caches and 4 DNFs all along the same road (25 miles of slow driving on a dirt trail), plus another 175 miles of driving to get home from where I had started. I can't even begin to count how many caches I passed up along my way back...


I don't get full days or even half days to cache. An average outing for me is 2-3 hours and I've managed to find as many as 12 in that time frame. So, if I put an 8 hr day into it I'd probably get in the area of 35-40 in a day. It all depends on how many you can find compacted into a small area. I've had 5 caches on a single trail in one park before and it took about 30 mins to grab them all.


We did 56 in a day in Nevada thanks to the Road of Wells and followed it up with 51 two days later thanks to the huge smile in the desert...they certainly helped boost our totals...looking back, when we first started caching, it was a feat to get 7 or 8 in a day. Today, that's nothing. Oh how our sport has changed over the years...


We did 56 in a day in Nevada thanks to the Road of Wells and followed it up with 51 two days later thanks to the huge smile in the desert...they certainly helped boost our totals...looking back, when we first started caching, it was a feat to get 7 or 8 in a day. Today, that's nothing. Oh how our sport has changed over the years...

Also did the Road of Wells, but they have added some more since then. I spent the rest of the day doing a few caches as I drove to Vegas and some other non-caching activities there.


We've had three days in the low-thirtys. All involved a series of caches along a road or trail. One was 72 miles along an old stagecoach route in the desert, another a 4 wheel drive along a mountain ridgeline, and the last was a 5-mile hike in the desert hills and an oasis. A lot of fun and great views and experiences.


To me, it is the journey, not the numbers at the end—but I'm not afraid of the numbers either.


Our personal best is 27 in the same day. Could have done about 10 more but we had a party to go to that night. Before that 14 was our best day.


Two days before we went out we planned our route. We started with a list of 50 caches to look for and in which order we would look for them. We spent no more than 10 min. at GZ before we moved on and if there were to many muggles near by, we passed on it.


Most days when we go out we try to find between 5 an 8 caches. We are not in it for the numbers, we are in it to have fun. :)


I recently came across a log, I wish I bookmarked it, where a cacher claimed to have found thirty some finds in a day. Now I admit that I am not a young man anymore, but I can't imagine anyone finding, logging and driving to that many caches in one day. But then I thought if there were a number of cachers team hunting, that would up the odds, but I still find it hard to believe. So that makes me think that they would have had to cached and over saturated cache area where all the caches were exactly .10 miles from one another. Or there were a large group that split up into teams and they logged finds for one another whether they found each cache or not. So, have any of you actually found 30+ caches in a day? :)


It's all just a matter of where you live. In San Francisco you can pick up over 30 in a day on foot. Done it.

Sore as heck afterwards but....

Posted (edited)

As we were sitting around one day marveling at the number some Cachers seem to be able to log in a day, we kind of figured that to get more than say, 100 it would have to be a VERY saturated area and would involve some very early starts and late finishes (say about sun up). My Brother in law (Captain of Captain and Mate and I (Chief) set out one day while we were visiting for Easter to see just how we could do. It started with dropping of their pups at the groomers and a failed attempt at a newly placed Cache for a FTF. our journey involved Caches along the eastern side of Wisconsin and Illinois and yes, we even stopped for lunch and even a search for ammo boxes at a hardware store. All in all we ended up with 40 finds (41 if you count the one we stopped for that afterwards Captain realized that they already had). All this and we were able to finish up before the sun was setting. I'd believe that it was possible to hit maybe even 60 givin the right area.

You could start by following some basic powercaching rules, skipping fruitless FTF hunts, caches you've already found, and meal stops.
I'm supicious of those logging in excess of 100. I'm thinking it was most likely the end of a journey and they're logging all their finds total and not changing the dates. Of course I've been known to be wrong before. :) C&C.

I'm suspicious of those who go to the dog groomer and the hardware store in the same day. I'm thinking it was most likely a case of "errand padding." It's all about the numbers. :blink: If you want to powercache, then cache, don't run errands.


My numbers: 240 caches found in 24 hours, with one other finder plus a support team consisting of a local driver and navigator who planned and executed the route, but did not help us find the caches unless they, too, had not found them previously.


72 caches found solo on a day when I felt like seeing how many caches I could find without signing a log in a parking lot. Something like 68 were not in parking lots. I did a lot of driving and walking that day. It was fun.

Edited by The Leprechauns
Posted (edited)

Geoboss and I (VK2AAQ) found 241 caches in 19hrs(11th April 2009). :rolleyes: We had no support team, just 2 geocachers in a rental car in an area we had never been to before. Mid morning we hit 24 caches in 1 hour and then later that day we managed to hit a stretch of 30 caches on 1 hour. We didn't find 3 caches the whole day. We only had to bypass 2 caches as mugglers were sitting on them. We did a bit of planning and picked the right weather and amount of daylight. We didn't take much stuff with us. Just 5 GPSs and 1 carry on bag each. We spent 3 days caching and took days 1 and 3 easy hitting 95 and 77 caches on these days. It can be done. It just takes a lot of everything going right with a bit of planning and a lot of experience.


A normal day caching for me is somewhere between 40-65 caches per day. Just yesterday I made 56 finds.

Edited by VK2AAQ

A friend recently had to go to Detroit for work and had some time before his first meeting and decided to grab some caches. They were going quickly, and he was having fun so he kept going and managed to find over 70 in about 7 hours.


He said one place he went had 3 caches in different corners of the parking lot, and he grabbed all 3 in less than 10 minutes.


I So, have any of you actually found 30+ caches in a day? :rolleyes:


HEY!! I'm up to 19 caches in one day!!! LOL!! seems like a lot to me. Wipes me out big time!!!


If you have questions about the cache numbers, you can always check WHERE those people are finding those caches. You can also check the logs and see how many people are caching together. It's faster to cache in teams.


There's a number of people in Germany (maybe other places) who are logging (mostly virtual) caches that they've never been to. You can read the logs and they have logged caches in 3 different states and two countries in one day. Makes it really obvious what's going on.


Some people will do the 24 hour thing. i could never hold up that long, but those who do get a lot that way.


On a recient trip we did 89 caches in 18 hours and a total of 132 finds over two days driving approx 1300km.


This included two FTFs. My previous best was 75 in 24 hours.


I laughed when reading the original post. When I became an avid cacher in 2006 I posted a similar comment about how could someone find 30 in a day. I September of that year I went to the Chicago area and did the BoB (bottles of beer) series (now archived) and some other caches. I found 98 caches of 110 searches in I believe it was 6.5 hours. I did that run solo without mapping software, but the series was really set up to do a numbers run.


I always wanted to find 100 in a day after making it to 98. Last summer I went caching with 2 friends and a cache guide (lived in the area and had done most of the caches) for a numbers run. We ended up with 117 finds for the day. Having a guide along cut down the travel time tremendously.


Afterward it was actually quite a while before I even found 10 caches in a day. Now I do a lot of "challenge" type caches. I focus mostly on county challenges and will frequently take a weekend to do a county run. I do long days of caching but quite frequently end up with 30-35 cache finds in a day and that is with hours of driving involved. I remember one county run last year or the year before that I ended up with an unexpected hearty count of 55.


You will see your counts go up as you get more familiar with hide types and just experience. You end up with much fewer DNF logs and less time spent searching per cache.



Side note: FWIW, I have also spent a day of hiking 14.5 miles for one cache find as well. Enjoyed that day a caching as well, but for different reasons.


So, have any of you actually found 30+ caches in a day? :unsure:


When solo caching, 30 caches a day is my normal target.


On a recent trip to Florida, myself and another cacher found 32 caches in under 2 hours (The Easy Cache Run) and a total of 76 for the day. Three days later in the Ocala Forest we found 81 caches in one day.


In a cache rich area 30+ caches is easy, it just get repetative and you need good field notes to remember them all for your logs.

I just have to ask.....

Why on earth would anyone want to find so many caches in one day?

I have it on good authority from friends who have found more than 100 in a day that numbers runs are fun. They're a different kind of fun from other ways of caching, and they aren't something most people want to do every day, but the people who do occasional numbers runs enjoy them.

My personal high is 30. The gang and I had fun doing it. We weren't rushed and the caches were cool. I have some friends that have done over 80 in long island and one friend in particular that has done over 100 in a day. I personally lose interest if I have to get out of the car for one, drive to the next, get out of the car, drive, etc.


Our best so far is 73. Started at 7am, cached till 10pm.


An average caching day for us is around 30.


The wife and I will plan whole caching weekends. A recent weekend trip into Nevada netted us 115 caches, between Pahrump, and Caliente, NV. I think we drove almost 700 miles in 2 days..


When we started caching, we used to think 6 a day was good..


I found 24 by myself in one day last weekend with Google Earth only since my husband was out of town with our GPSr.


But seriously, I remember when I first started and finding more than 4 in a day sounded impossible.




I have heard of good armchair cachers finding 700 and 800 caches in a SINGLE DAY!


Nothing to it! For speed, I hear they post with a "cut and paste" reply to each cache....something like......."Great cache! Enjoyed it! TNLN....Thanks for the cache!"


This is the same entry for all the caches whether they are in a dumpster behind a Habib Handy Mart or 300 miles away in a pristine valley with trout steams and waterfalls!


HEY!! It's how YOU want to play the game!




Our record is 38 in a day. George and Elroy out having some fun while Jane and Judy were out of town. 38 is a great number beacuse it really doesn't seem like anyone else claims it.


Great if you're into numbers :)

We did 14 in a day and didn't even start early. However, the ones I like most are multi's 5-20 Km long that takes us through nice areas with enough tags to find or puzzles to solve along the way. We often do just 1 or 2 caches on one trip. In my area people take pride is setting out caches along bike and foot trails where the hunt takes cachers to intersting and historic places.

Not much fun in picking up a magnetic micro hidden on a guardrail on a busy road. They do look good on a statspage though... B)


I don't believe ANY of you people who AVERAGE 100+ cache finds a day. And if you are "team caching", I believe a lot of you "team cachers" have someone else find and sign. To me, that is CHEATING the game.


Geoboss and I (VK2AAQ) found 241 caches in 19hrs(11th April 2009). :D We had no support team, just 2 geocachers in a rental car in an area we had never been to before. Mid morning we hit 24 caches in 1 hour and then later that day we managed to hit a stretch of 30 caches on 1 hour. We didn't find 3 caches the whole day. We only had to bypass 2 caches as mugglers were sitting on them. We did a bit of planning and picked the right weather and amount of daylight. We didn't take much stuff with us. Just 5 GPSs and 1 carry on bag each. We spent 3 days caching and took days 1 and 3 easy hitting 95 and 77 caches on these days. It can be done. It just takes a lot of everything going right with a bit of planning and a lot of experience.


A normal day caching for me is somewhere between 40-65 caches per day. Just yesterday I made 56 finds.


We usually like to take our time and settle for what we get. Even with this strategy, we probably average getting over 30 per trip.. But we did go one day with the express purpose of seeing if we could break the 100 mark. We picked out an area where we knew cache saturation was high and managed to get that easily within, i'm thinking around 10 or 11 hours of actual caching time.


On the bolded part above, i wouldn't say it was impossible, but i do have to think that either your stated time of 1 hour, or the number 30, was typed in by mistake. Even with everything working perfectly, finding a cache, opening it, signing the log, closing it, rehiding it, then making your way .1 miles to the next find, all within an average time of 2 minutes, seems a bit unlikely... :blink:

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