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Garmin geocoin promotion:All coin versions now released.


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or an extra to post to a friend.


... and what would be so wrong with that really?


Hands up, I posted some to other cachers (who incidentally weren't particularly friends, just people I have seen on this forum), as they live in far flung parts of the country and had no Blacks store near them. As a result, Garmin have publicity in areas they might not have expected.


I did a circular tour of Blacks stores in central London, by wheelchair to collect them so they weren't exactly on a plate either!


I sent family members and a friend in to get three extras and posted them all to other cachers (all unable to get into a participating store), they are now in circulation - out there as Garmin intended.


Just called six local Blacks or Millets from the list and none have any coins, three denied that they were taking part in the promotion, one Millets said if they did come in they would transfer them to the nearest Blacks as they don't sell Garmin products, one thought they were an accessory and had never heard of geocaching.


Hahaha -still no garmin coins in Exeter - apparently (the official line) Garmin underestimated demand and didn't get enough made.

South West due for release late September......

Posted (edited)

Blacks at Ipswich and Fenchurch Street London still have stock of B I g Ben coins, called 23 stores from the list now and none have them in stock. Shame, I have to pass five on the way to the hospital this morning.

Edited by Team Skully

Blacks at Ipswich and Fenchurch Street London still have stock of Bog Ben coins, called 23 stores from the list now and none have them in stock. Shame, I have to pass five on the way to the hospital this morning.


Called at 9.10 to Romford, Basildon and Brentwood - no luck, did not know what I was on about...


Shall try again Sat


Just called six local Blacks or Millets from the list and none have any coins


Called at 9.10 to Romford, Basildon and Brentwood - no luck, did not know what I was on about...


Maybe the post hasn't yet been? Seemed like the first thing they knew about the last lot was when an envelope arrived with the coins in.



Maybe the post hasn't yet been? Seemed like the first thing they knew about the last lot was when an envelope arrived with the coins in.


This is my hope after calling most of the local stores and getting the same reply as the other posters. Perhaps they are sent special delivery, and guaranteed by 1pm.


Let’s hope for better news later in the day.


Regards Tarot


None in the Isle of Man - and a very negative response. They definitely shouldn't be listed, definitely won't receive anything, as they don't sell Garmin...


Who's to say though that something won't turn up in their post...



Team Madders


This distribution doesn't seem to have been handled very well by Garmin. It seems all it is achieving is to frustrate us geocachers and annoy the shop assistants in Blacks and Millets around the country who are being bombarded by our calls.



"Get free stuff here !" does tend to do that to people.



How many non geocachers are likely to have been 'converted' to the hobby and purchased a Garmin GPS on the back of this promotion ?



Perhaps there should have been a minimum purchase requirement before you got a coin.


For certain there should have been information given to the stores themselves in advance so they knew what was happening.


Non in Hanley, I tried Blacks and Millets. I was not the first to ask, and they could not tell if or when they expect to receive any.


Thanks for the warning about Leek, saved me a lunchtime trip.



Posted (edited)

This distribution doesn't seem to have been handled very well by Garmin.


For certain there should have been information given to the stores themselves in advance so they knew what was happening.


I'm not sure how much of the blame, especially for the communication issues, can be laid at Garmin's door. My guess is that Garmin UK have been dealing with someone in marketing at Blacks (who own Millets; at least, I think it's that way round). After that, it would presumably be up to Blacks' own operations people to alert the stores and make sure that staff know what's happening. Will they regard it as their top priority for this month to ensure that the handing out of 15 strange free items per store goes without a hitch?


Even if it were Garmin's job to communicate with the store managers, they would be competing for what I believe is called "mindshare" with all the 101 other problems which a retail manager has to face every day. I don't know how much incentive a store manager has to dedicate staff time to "correctly" handing out 15 strange free items, when their reporting hierarchy is rather more likely to be interested in footfall, average spend, etc - especially during a consumer downturn...

Edited by sTeamTraen

I am aware of the many burdens a store manager has to shoulder during the day, I know things turn up in the post or on email or even a customer is the first to advise them about something is happening.



So I have emailed Millets customer support, to see if they can give any guidance on who has them and or when they will have them. When you add up the number of cachers visiting/ringing their stores for the coins and the number of manhours involved in dealing with these calls/visits it has to be worth them cooperating centrally (I did say if they wished I would post their reply on here.)



I know I would rather spend my weekend caching, :cry: , if I am allowed out :D than searching Millet stores for rare and elusive coins. ;)


I know I would rather spend my weekend caching, :D , if I am allowed out ;) than searching Millet stores for rare and elusive coins. ;)


Who's forcing you to look for the coins? :cry:


Success! Blacks in Cambridge phoned me to tell me the geocoins had arrived. They seemed to have about 10 or 12 in total, including all four of the new designs. I chose a Stonehenge, which is beautifully made.






Posted (edited)

Blacks in Stratford have 3 left .. but I cant get there ...


The Manager from Milletts Bicester and the chap in the Millets Banbury store both told me that dont think they will get any even though they are on the website and they are effectively the same company as Blacks ... in their words ... " We never get anything and we dont sell Garmin".... I left my details with them nonetheless :cry:


Any other reports?

Edited by JollyJax
Posted (edited)

Blacks in Canterbury said on the phone they didn't have any but they do. They are giving out one per group/couple/family and you aren't allowed to choose which one. Durham Black's have some also, my sister very kindly called and collected us the Angel so as a displaced Northern lass I'm very happy.


Edited to add that Millets in Caterbury said that if they get any they will take them to Blacks as they don't sell Garmin accessories!

Edited by Team Skully
Posted (edited)

Still none in Blacks at Northampton Riverside... :cry:

Though I think the staff are beginning to recognise me. ;)


I had intended checking out Millets in the town centre too, but didn't have any change for the meter. Even a shiny new geocoin isn't worth that much...

Edited by milvus-milvus

I chose a Stonehenge, which is beautifully made.


There's a real sense of humour at work on that coin, in the way that the designer has let the last rock on the right spill out into the rim, even though that has then forced the "how to track" info to be rolled clockwise, which ruins the symmetry of the "communication" part of the coin. A "foolish consistency" would have dictated shrinking the rocks slightly, but this way it has a real "stone age" feel. :cry:


Blacks at Tamworth just called me too to say they have just had a delivery but only a total of 14 and most of those had been reserved.

They said they are to recieve one more shipment but do not know when.

I got me a Stonehenge coin


I only really wanted to get hold of The Angel of the North one. If anybody gets one of that design and doesn't have a special preference, PM me and perhaps we can do swapsies. Pretty Please :cry:


Been into Blacks and Millets in Newcastle this morning. The people in Millets seemed confused at the thought of them recieving the coins and they don't stock Garmin products and didn't even know they were listed on the website.

The people in Blacks (as was the case when I enquired on Monday as well) were totally clueless, had never heard of a Geocoin and didn't know what on Earth I was on about, nevermind if they were getting any! I really want an Angel of the North but looks like I'm going to be out of luck. :cry:

Posted (edited)

thanks to Team Skully managed to get myself one of the Big Ben coins from Blacks at Fenchurch St.


None of localk Blacks or Millets seem to have them here yet , Essex area

Edited by skibumsuk
Posted (edited)

dont forget little old me up in the wilderness that is north of inverness. please think of me if you get hold of a duplicate.

thanks ;)


Think you have problems?


Perth - central Scotland, don't think the assistant in the shop had heard of Garmin, never mind their coins!


None in Dunfermline either.


If I ever do get lucky, will send kids in for more and send you one up. :D



Edited by perth pathfinders

Popped into Sutton this morning, but didn't bother asking - they had boxes everywhere, so'd obviously just recieved their weekly delivery. It's of no bother to me, I'm there again tomorrow.


Blacks in York have them in but Millets don't and say that they are not getting any.


Be careful at Blacks though as when I rung up they said we could have one per person and when we got there they said we could only have one per family. ;)


In the end we managed to get a Stonehenge and a Clifton Suspension Bridge. :D


Also Blacks and Millets in Harrogate are saying they don't have them in either and don't know if they are getting them. :cry:


Amber Alert



I cant get the second one and some folks have the full set :D


M ;)


Think yourself priviledged.


Some of us can't even get a first one!!


If anybody has any spares?????? Would be eternally grateful!






Looks like deliveries to this part of the woods have been delayed...


Broughton in Chester said they didn't get any today, and when I called Millets in Birkenhead, they said they knew about it and said they had been told they will get some, but hadn't as yet!


I know Broughton Blacks said one per family last time.... but I know that the West Viewers are in Edinburgh at the moment and got one per caching team (they are 2 teams)


So I have emailed Millets customer support, to see if they can give any guidance on who has them and or when they will have them. When you add up the number of cachers visiting/ringing their stores for the coins and the number of manhours involved in dealing with these calls/visits it has to be worth them cooperating centrally (I did say if they wished I would post their reply on here.)




I had a reply from Blacks/Millets saying:



Thank you for your e-mail.


I'm sorry to hear you have had problems collecting the Geocoins.


It was an all store promotion so each one will have been sent the promotional information and the coins as advertised.


If you let me no your local store I can find whether they need more coins delivered or any extra information on the promotion.


I have replied back to them giving examples of a few the local stores not being aware of the coins and will post an update when I got one back.

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