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Error cointest


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Wich ERROR have you encounter :rolleyes:


You can win 1 nl glow in the dark geocoin only 250 made.


-- Cointest rules: --


* You may post so much as you like.


* If you are perfect and have no errors you are not welcom to this cointest.


* We pick one random winner.


* There be only one winner.


* Your errors may be funny, sad, personal, lolpictures, what ever you like.


* We have humour atleast we think so.


* Please keep it nice, have respect for each other.


* The Error cointest started friday 18.30 Netherlands time and ends sunday 18.30. (48.00 hours)



--------#### Let the ERRORS come!!!!!!! ####--------

Posted (edited)

You mean personal errors, right? Not like when the US newspapers said Thomas Dewey won the election, not Harry S Truman....


Edited to include an erroe...my bad...:rolleyes:


Oh dang, edited again...You do say LOL pics...



Edited by ATMouse

You mean personnel errors, right? Not like when the US newspapers said Thomas Dewey won the election, not Harry S Truman....


Edited to include an erroe...my bad...:rolleyes:


You can take all errors not only personal, computer caching, you can name it.


We got a error, Error :):):)


Okay, this has actually happened to me and to other folk I know: I was finished writing the minutes to a meeting here at work and was doing a proofread when my eye caught the word: "caching". I should have been "cashing".




I was searching for a book for my mother for Christmas on Johnny Cash. I didn't understand why I wasn't finding any until I looked at what I had typed Johnny Cache! I had typed this many many times and didn't catch it....


Here's my most recent error:

On my new mystery cache, I had mixed up the order of the morse code sound files - so the coords it gave you went to the back porch of an apartment building rather than the cache! :rolleyes:


I had this huge deadline back on Jan 15th and my report had a 12 page limit. I had a nice copy worked up and realized that I had 2 extra pages, so I worked in a ton of extra info. About 1 hr before the submisison deadline, I printed out a hardcopy. MS Word had fouled up the numbering and restarted the 4th page as page 1. This meant I was 3 pages over the limit. So, I went from right on time to having just under an hour to edit out 3 pages of text. This deadline is once a year, so missing it would really hurt. I ended up making the deadline, but it was super stressful and qualifies as my error of the year so far.


Oh yeah, this is related to caching, b/c it cost me an extra couple hours of caching time!


I published an event late last year... its next week. Cept, for my original event listing I listed the event in Feb 2007. Only about 10 months too late. :rolleyes:


All is well now... but this is one to add to my LONG LONG LONG list of screw ups, er.. errors.


The upside down 'trackable' wording on the geoguitar samples!


In fact I think that Landsharkz has made the error - From the pics I see that is exactly how I would look at the back of that fab coin and definately not the other way around.


PS: I would be pleased to place an order for some of your "So Called" error versions - Maybe I will win one ?.



Posted (edited)

This is the error we get alot and think it is the darnest cute error we get ever. Cant upload a picture of it but here is the link. Hope it works, otherwise this is what error we like and we will post a picture later as we are at work right now.



http://www.geocaching.com/error/general.aspx Barry and Val sweetlife



P.S. tried the link after we posted it and it works, LOL:)

Edited by sweetlife

I wouldn't call this an error, more of a classic DUH!


I'm at work yesterday and I'm 1/2 way through the day and kick my feet up and realize I have on TWO DIFFERENT SHOES!


My most common error is placing a cache exactly 1 mile from the posted coordinates and see who comes up with the FTF and how they did it!!


So I'm dislexycal and choose to make it moore komical for mysef.


When Mike and I first started caching we had much older GPS units. We had to enter coordinates manually. I enters coordinates for a few cahces to go after one afternoon and after finding a few found myself in a residential area. The GPS insisted the cache was near a little bridge over a small ditch in front of a particular house. I spent at least a half an hour there before realizing I had enrtered in the wrong coordinates! The cache was well over a mile away! Very embarrassing!


Put coords in GPSr, of course I transposed numbers, and was arguing we my better half on which way to go (of course she had entered coords in hers the right way). Any way I felt I was pretty right and said so, then noticed I was two hundred and some miles away from cache. Yup had to retrieve foot from mouth.


Moving to a foreign country at the ripe old age of 32 meant having to learn a new language later on in life. Trust me, the older you are, the harder it is to learn a new language!


Well, there is a town here called Gävle... it's said something like "yeah-vleh." Then there's a curse word, a pretty strong one, that is "jävla" and pronounced "yeah-vluh."


Gävle is 45 minutes away from us and the largest city in our area...and I did a LOT of inadverdent cursing the first 2 or 3 years I was here every time I tried to say the name of that town!!! :rolleyes:


I have since learned how to say them both properly :)... not to mention at the proper times, lol!


Naomi :)


Wednesday at the grade school there was a lot of snow in the play field.


Over the loud speaker, for all the students to hear comes:


"There will be NO MORE SNOWING OF THROW-Ball, uh, whoops I meant Throwing of Snowballs."


The whole school started laughing at the same time.


It was great fun!


Uh, when hubby and I had our engagement pics taken in 1995, I bought a brand new sweter for the pikture. When we got the prufs bak, we realised i had forgotten to take the SIZE stickur off! Big ol' size (not sayin whut size) sticker right smak dab in the middle of the front of my sweater!!


Uh, when hubby and I had our engagement pics taken in 1995, I bought a brand new sweter for the pikture. When we got the prufs bak, we realised i had forgotten to take the SIZE stickur off! Big ol' size (not sayin whut size) sticker right smak dab in the middle of the front of my sweater!!


:rolleyes: That is hillarious! Oh my! How is is that has not happened to me? LOL! :)


When my children were small they enjoyed watching airplanes, like most kids do, and whenever we saw one we would stop and point at it. One day, after leaving the kids at nursery school, I was standing at the bus stop (at rush hours ) when I noticed an airplane. With a loud clear voice I said "Look an airplane" and at the same time I pointed at it. Some people looked at me in a very strange way, others just nodded friendly and said: yes, it´s an airplane - that´s when I realised I didn´t have the kids with me :rolleyes:

Luckily the bus came soon after so I could go and hide at the back :)


I think my most funniest error happened at my wedding reception. At the time I had not met several of the friends my husband had invited to join in on the celebration. The wait staff there were all wearing nice blue button up shirts. When I had a question regarding the sparkling cider fountain that was set up (but we had not ordered), so I approached a man in a nice blue button up shirt. Imagine my embarrassment when I was informed that the man I approached happened to be a friend of my husband and one of our neighbor's no less...... :rolleyes:


One more geocaching related....


We searched for the first stage of a multicache for over 30 mins and gave up. When we got home, the first stage was actually a puzzle and not at the listed coordinates. DUH!


My ex-husband has a younger brother. They look almost identical from behind. You can imagine me horror when I went up behind what I thought was my husband and grabbed his tush and said "I love You" and it turned out to be my brother - in - law I was groping. YIKES!

Posted (edited)

I am trying very hard to update my house and possibly try to sell it. It isn't going so well though. This is what happened to me today.


I bought a can of paint that was being clearanced out to paint the doors and woodwork. The can had a dent so they couldn't put it on the mixing machine. I bought one of those mixers to go on the end of your drill to mix the thin set mortar (had to buy a new drill too) so I decided to use that for the paint too. Well I stuck it in the paint and started the drill but it was WAY too fast. The mixer throw about 1/3 of the can onto the floor and all over my shoes but of course not on the stuff I wanted to paint. Ok so I grab a paint brush and some nearby trim and started to paint using the stuff on the floor since there was so much of it and I had to clean it up anyway. Then I remembered the trim that I had bought that was in the family room and I went in there to get it. All of a sudden I see paint footprints on the carpeting OH NO and I rush back into the ktichen. You know how when you are walking on ice you think if you walk fast you won't break through? Well it doesn't work. Grabbed a rag and try to clean up the carpeting.


Fast forward. The phone jack in the wall in the kitchen broke last night so I had to move the phone into the family room. The phone rang and I went to see who it was. It was a telemarketer and I didn't even answer it but looked down and I had done it again. More footprints!!! This time it was harder to clean up. Maybe its time to stop for the day!

Edited by LadyBee4T

We had agreed to meet our son and daughter-in-law in Ely, Nevada (They live in Reno, we live in the Salt Lake Valley, and we meet there when Jess goes to visit her family) anyway, we were supposed to meet at 1:00 (I think) got the time change mixed up and thought we were going to be late. So, we SPEEDING down the road at about 90 miles and hour, passing caches all along the way, made it at what we thought was the right time only to find (after we called Adam, and told him we were there) that we were TWO HOURS EARLY....... :D


BTW, we still have trouble with the time change....is it one hour earlier or one hour later....hummm :D


Oh boy! I could write posts and posts about my goofy errors!!!


Here is one!


I am playing volleyball! Nothing special! Just for fun, in a local team! I am too fat and short (177cm) to be a good player!!


Once, I went to my volleyball trainning earlier! I found in the stadium some friends and some girls who were in a local basketball team, and we desided to play some basketball!


I played a litle and then just to move better, I had the great idea to take out my athletic form (Is that the right word?)! I was always wearing sorts, the one my team had given me!!! That day...I forgot to wear it!!!!


I was so cool... when the trouser of my athletc form was almost down, I relised that everybody was laughing!!! People who were there waiting for their kids, my friends, the girls....I just looked and....I was not wearing my sorts but only my underpants!!! My friends started teasing me...


I will never forget the shame! I just wanted to disappear!!! The worst?...I liked one of the girls so much!!! After all that, I couldn't say a word to her!!!!


i just placed a puzzle cache today and screwed up the final coords. It put the people somewhere in the ocean near Japan. Luckily my reviewer saw it and i corrected it. i still laugh at my mistake.


My latest "ERROR" was changing my mind at the last minute on what I wanted to wear to work. I am a nurse, and so wear scrubs. I don't know if you've ever noticed, but those things are not made out of the thickest material.


Anyways, I had initially put on a blue pair of scrub pants, and an older shirt, when I remembered that is was February, and I could wear my new Valentine's scrub top now! It was about 5 minutes before my ride was due to pick me up, so I hurried to my room, pulled out my cool new top and changed tops, only to realize the blue pants just didn't go with Valentine's patterns! So I grabbed my nice, starched white scrub pants, and chenaged just in time to hear my ride honk. Even got the matching Clogs on, too!


Get to work, go about assessing my patients, picking up things around their rooms, just trying to make them comfortable. I don't know how many times I bent over in my patient's rooms that morning. I don't know how many of you are nurse's, or have heard of having a "nurse's bladder", and going all day without having to stop for a "potty break". Well....... I don't have a nurse's bladder, so about 2 hours into my job, I went to the restroom, only to discover, to my chagrin, and everybody else's laugh, that I had failed to change my panties when I decided to change my clothes.


My dark blue panties that matched my dark blue pants, just shined really pretty through those nice crisply starched pants every time I bent over in front of anybody ALL day long! Or any time my shirt would ride up as I dug something out of my pocket. I was tugging on that darned cute Valentine's shirt all day!!


My coworkers gave me so much grief that day! Although my best friend, who I also worked with, said she had an answer for my dilemma. She said I should go "commando". Well, since I don't watch a lot of T.V., and she knows this, I didn't know what she was talking about. So again, I became the laughingstock when she said I could go remove my underclothes and then they could shine through my pants!!


Not a CHANCE! Blue doesn't look that bad through white! lol Oh well, anybody in the hospital deserves a good laugh, wherever they can find it! :D


Looking through some of my old caching pictures for an event coming up, I found one of my most embarrassing "errors" in judgement!


There were several of us walking along the edge of a field filled with tall grasses. I was just a bit ahead of the group and with the sunsetting behind them, I decided it was a great picture opportunity.

I handed my walking stick to Ypsi Chris who was walking beside me and stepped backwards off the trail to set up the picture.

As I did so, the back of my heel caught the grass and I could not move my foot back. But I had already started to move the other foot, and down I went, right flat on my backside.

I dropped like a rock out of the sky, completely flat down.


And then I was started laughing. I laughed so hard that I could not get up.

But the biggest mistake of all was in handing off the camera to the others while I tried to compose myself enough to drag myself back up. The immediately snapped a picture.


So if I can figure out how to post a pic, then you will get to see it too....




I am trying very hard to update my house and possibly try to sell it. It isn't going so well though. This is what happened to me today.


I bought a can of paint that was being clearanced out to paint the doors and woodwork. The can had a dent so they couldn't put it on the mixing machine. I bought one of those mixers to go on the end of your drill to mix the thin set mortar (had to buy a new drill too) so I decided to use that for the paint too. Well I stuck it in the paint and started the drill but it was WAY too fast. The mixer throw about 1/3 of the can onto the floor and all over my shoes but of course not on the stuff I wanted to paint. Ok, so I grab a paint brush and some nearby trim and started to paint using the stuff on the floor since there was so much of it and I had to clean it up anyway. Then I remembered the trim that I had bought that was in the family room and I went in there to get it. All of a sudden I see paint footprints on the carpeting OH NO and I rush back into the kitchen. You know how when you are walking on ice you think if you walk fast you won't break through? Well it doesn't work. Grabbed a rag and try to clean up the carpeting.


Fast forward. The phone jack in the wall in the kitchen broke last night so I had to move the phone into the family room. The phone rang and I went to see who it was. It was a telemarketer and I didn't even answer it but looked down and I had done it again. More footprints!!! This time it was harder to clean up. Maybe its time to stop for the day!



Well, hope you have a much better day tomorrow! Paint and carpet, that sucks!!

Posted (edited)

We went hiking down Mulberry Canyon Creek back in March. This is about a 9-mile creek that used to really be a creek when my hubby was young. He and his cousins used to pack their backpacks and go camp along it for 3 or 4 days at a time, when they were 10 or 11 (back when kids could do things like that and parents didn't worry!). He has always wanted to show me where he spent a lot of time in the summers. Mu husband wanted to find a cool place somewhere along the hike to place a cache so that others could come enjoy his bit of "childhood Paradise"! My daughter and her husband went also, along with their 2 dogs.


We were about 3 miles into the 9 mile hike, and I had been taking lots of pictures with the brand-new digital camera my husband had bought me for Christmas (about $200). I had been taking it out of the case and taking pictures, then putting it back in the case, and putting it back in my backpack. Well, I got tired of all the work every time I came across a great photo op, so...... I took the camera out of my backpack, out of it's nice protective case, and slipped it's thin little body into my back pocket. In the other back pocket was my brand new Razor cell phone, that was also a Christmas present!


Well, I've always been known as a "Clutz". We were walking a cliff edge over one of the ONLY mud holes that we came across that day, and....... you guessed it!! I went swimming in 2 foot of mud! My backpack is the only thing that kept my head out of the mud.


Then I almost couldn't climb back up the cliff edge, it was about 8 feet up, and I was "slick as mud!". My family was at the top, just rolling in laughter!


When I finally got back up to the top, I started pulling things out of my pockets, and was just heart-broken! But my son-in-law, who is the most level-headed person I know, started pulling the batteries and memory cards out of the phone and camera. But they didn't have anything to clean them off with. That is until I started laughing.


You remember my earlier story about the small bladder, well, I had carried a roll of toilet paper in my backpack, because I knew I wouldn't make it through the hike without stopping. So we pulled out the paper and proceeded to clean as much mud out of the phone and camera as we could, and then packed them in sandwich baggies from the backpack.


Well, to make a long story shorter, the cell phone still works, has a little mud spot inside the bottom of the screen, the camera works, but makes fuzzy pictures, so it's useless!


And to make matters even worse, that had to have been the STINKIEST mud I've EVER had on me!

Even the dogs wouldn't walk behind me for the rest of the hike!! And we never have gone back to place that cache!!



















Edited by The Amigos
Posted (edited)

hello world,


want to know what my large error is ....

they call him error (see the photograph of the owner of this test).

sorry son of me i have never got why they call your error....


P.S. I as his mother do not participate for the currency to keep the race honest but only to say to my error

I love you.


whit love lorca.nl :D:D

Edited by lorca.nl

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