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John NW

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Posted (edited)

OK, taken the bull by the horns.




has been registered, happy to administer it or pass it on to someone else :-)

Edited by rutson

Think I must have been asleep and missed this one... LOL.

I'm more than willing to help on this event.. If it's in Harrogate then obviously easier for me..


If it is a Mega event then somewher like the Great Yorkshire Showground has the Hardstanding but we would have to aproach the Agricultural soc..

But count me in on any help I can give.


Posted (edited)

John O' Groats to Harrogate = 477 miles driving

Land's End to Harrogate = 414 miles driving


It seems pretty central for 'everyone' to me, and has a regional showground as mentioned before.


Robin: If you go ahead and take the reins I'll be happy to lend a hand, though I couldn't get over to any meetings until I get a car.


Just to sit on the fence a bit, how many would actually be coming from the top half of scotland, compared to say cornwall and devon?


Having said that, the most important thing is someone prepared to lead it, and if the HHs are prepared to do that, then lets go for Harrogate!


Have the reviewers said whether we can have a 'split event'? One event but two sites....




edditted for speling...

Edited by purple_pineapple

Just to sit on the fence a bit, how many would actually be coming from the top half of scotland, compared to say cornwall and devon?


See my earlier posts in this thread.

The cache centroid of all caches on mainland Britain is actually slightly further North than Harrogate, and I've also already pointed out that users of this forum are the vast miniority of active UK cachers.


Harrogate and Swindon have emerged as strong contenders, but I've seen more offers of help with Harrogate so far which will be essential in order to run the event well.


How about planning Harrogate for 2008 and Swindon for 2009? I'm willing to lead a Swindon event in 2009 if there is enough interest and support available for it. In the meantime, the Harrogate team could get into their stride and try to make this a success.


I'm willing to lead a Swindon event in 2009 if there is enough interest and support available for it.


We have emailed Dave separately with our offer of support for Swindon 2009 if it happens.


Looking forward to seeing everyone at the 2008 event (wherever it may be, we'll try our best to be there).


Just to sit on the fence a bit, how many would actually be coming from the top half of scotland, compared to say cornwall and devon?


See my earlier posts in this thread.

The cache centroid of all caches on mainland Britain is actually slightly further North than Harrogate, and I've also already pointed out that users of this forum are the vast miniority of active UK cachers.


as you say, the forum users are the minority anyway - we need to advertise this event 'off forum' as much as possible! We could argue locations all day though, but the most important thing is someone prepared to organise it!


I'm still waiting for a reviewer response to my question though! :) Are we allowed to have two separate locations for one event, as that would seem a great idea, if someone is prepared to head up the Swindon end!




Lets get some movement......


12 Midday at my offices in Harrogate on Saturday 12th January 2008.


At that meeting I would like as many people as possible, so that we can split people into various areas (sub-committes) and to find peoples commitment.


At this stage I need ideas....


We also need at least one person, hopefully more that have attended Mega events, and I would prefer if possible one of the reviewers to be there (PLEASE GROVEL GROVEL)


Contact me direct to say "yes I am attending" and I will forward to you the agenda, and full instructions to my place.


Rutson please attend if possible as we need you to hit the world with the website as soon after that meeting..


WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME IF WE ARE TO HOLD A 2008 EVENT... My June North Yorkshire Event which normally attracts around 150-200 people takes me nearly 4 months to organise !!!


I have some good contacts in the Harrogate area which should prove valuable.


By the way I already know that we will have the following countries attending : USA, Sweeden & Belgium...




Are we allowed to have two separate locations for one event, as that would seem a great idea, if someone is prepared to head up the Swindon end!


Shoot me down in flames :) for suggesting this - but I think two locations and one mega event is a compromise. Two (insert word mega here if required) events should be two locations. One (insert word mega if required) event should be one location.

Posted (edited)

How about hiding a cache with £1m in it at the Mega Event?


Not only should that get over 500 to attend, it surely should resolve the problems where and what time of year it should be held. :)


If not a £1m, could one unique Geocoin be sufficient to get the same result?

Edited by goldpot
Posted (edited)

Why are we talking the middle of England ?

Why not the middle of the UK ?

Wouldn't that be somewhere between Nothumberland and Yorkshire?

Would this not make if fairer on the Scottish cachers?

Durham, Newcastle, Northumberland and North Yorshire areas have a huge amount of caches :)


Don't forget about us who tow caravans also, we would need a site for that would accomodate us.


Just my 2p worth


M :)


Ok I posted before I had read the whole thread Harrogate is good for us :)

Remember to cancel Easter Hols in Harrogate as we are going to Mega Event there.


We need some where that will accommodate a tin tent and I personally think a Mega Event will have to run for at least a week, you cant plan something as big as this and have it last a weekend :unsure


Mandy :)

Edited by Us 4 and Jess
Posted (edited)
Why are we talking the middle of England ?

Why not the middle of the UK ?

Good point - :)


If you accept that cachers are likely to be fairly evenly spread by population (ie a fixed percentage of the pop) - and there's no reason to believe that people are more likely to be cachers in any given area - then the centre of the UK by population density is over 130km south of Harrogate, in South Derbyshire.


(from the 2001 census results)

Edited by keehotee
Posted (edited)
Why are we talking the middle of England ?

Why not the middle of the UK ?

Good point - :)


If you accept that cachers are likely to be fairly evenly spread by population (ie a fixed percentage of the pop) - and there's no reason to believe that people are more likely to be cachers in any given area - then the centre of the UK by population density is over 130km south of Harrogate, in South Derbyshire.


(from the 2001 census results)

Way back in the thread I was proposing a Peak District event, but because I think previous experience is essential

I support the Harrogate bid.


I also wondered about a two centre event, but I think that we need to stick with one - and organise a follow-up mega event in 2009/10. Don't rush it people - we can all have a shot over time AND I agree that SEVEN MONTHS is a short time in which to do even the one event properly.


All this from John and Carol's great idea - don't forget!


We keep hearing about Geo-Woodstock (now in it's 5th year) and we were wondering why we are missing out on a MEGA event in the UK - we know that Glastonbury followed Woodstock musically - so is there any chance of a Geo-Glastonbury geocachingly?!?! Could we assemble 500 cachers at one time in the UK?!? :)


It would be a great opportunity not only to meet with cachers from all over the country and from further afield but it would allow the participants to obtain the Mega Event icon.


What do you think?


Over to you...

Let's get behind the Harrogate boys and girls!


Edited for random excess whitespace.

Edited by Dizzley
Let's get behind the Harrogate boys and girls!

I agree!


I was just pointing out that there's already a slight northern bias, and if you take it any further north you run the risk of not getting enough southern attendance :):)

Let's get behind the Harrogate boys and girls!

I agree!


I was just pointing out that there's already a slight northern bias, and if you take it any further north you run the risk of not getting enough southern attendance :):)

No offence taken. None meant I'm sure :)


I hope they make early moves on the Yorkshire Showground. That would handle the scale and offer amenities.

Posted (edited)
I hope they make early moves on the Yorkshire Showground. That would handle the scale and offer amenities.

And if not there, I once drove a 2cv from Southampton to Ripley Castle for the national 2CVGB meet - and there were well over 500 there........ :)

Edited by keehotee

I think all discussion of where it "should" be is likely to be moot. This sort of thing needs a core group of three or four nutters dedicated people who live near to each other and trust each other. Once that group emerges, the event will (inevitably) be held pretty near to where they live, because they aren't going to make a 100-mile round trip every time they need to check something with the camp site.


Once the venue is announced, everyone else can either complain that it's too far from them, or start working on travel plans. But the people who will organise it, are already going "above and beyond". It's not realistic (or reasonable) to expect them to organise a referendum on which centroid to use to work out where to hold it.


I think all discussion of where it "should" be is likely to be moot. This sort of thing needs a core group of three or four nutters dedicated people who live near to each other and trust each other. Once that group emerges, the event will (inevitably) be held pretty near to where they live, because they aren't going to make a 100-mile round trip every time they need to check something with the camp site.


Once the venue is announced, everyone else can either complain that it's too far from them, or start working on travel plans. But the people who will organise it, are already going "above and beyond". It's not realistic (or reasonable) to expect them to organise a referendum on which centroid to use to work out where to hold it.


One of the nutters dedicated people is here and can I personally thank this reply...


The second paragraph really sums it up.... we are going to go beyond what has been done before in time and effort and I know we will not be able to please everyone....


If I can spend days/weeks organising this, then can I only ask that when the date is chosen and the location please can my fellow cachers please start clearing that date in their diaries and start organising travel plans


Our first committee meeting is on 12th January 2007 and I already have a small number of nutters dedicated people attending, so watch the forums shortly after that date...


Hopefully the cache page will appear shortly after...


Dont forget.... 500 people is you ! We need you to attend....




Several people have asked for guidance on whether two events in separate locations would qualify as one larger "Event". It is my understanding that they would not, so my advice is to proceed on the basis of holding one event in Harrogate.


My personal, "unofficial", opinion is that now we have a volunteer to head up the effort we should all accept that the event will be held in Harrogate. While other locations have a lot going for them, so does Harrogate!


If it helps with the planning, would it be useful for me to create a new pinned topic in this forum, perhaps with appropriate links?

Posted (edited)



OK we are off...




Please do not place notes on the cache page....use this forum


Cache page is initially designed for you to place a watch on it...


The cache page will be updated shortly and linked to our own web page with further details.


Come on UK, lets show the USA we are here !

Edited by harrogate hunters
We also need at least one person, hopefully more that have attended Mega events, and I would prefer if possible one of the reviewers to be there (PLEASE GROVEL GROVEL)


There was no need for the grovelling but it's accepted :)as all 3 of us support this, I'll step up to the plate on behalf of my colleagues as Reviewer Liaison to the Organising Committee and attend the initial organising committee meeting [note that is as liaison and not as a committee member :) ].


And you've got a guarantee of at least 2 Reviewers attending, and hopefully we can strong arm another 2 at least into attending :) .


And I'd suggest that a private forum with access for the committee members only be set up, to aid with communications between them.


And now it's my turn to start grovelling to the O/H :)


And I'd suggest that a private forum with access for the committee members only be set up, to aid with communications between them.


Good idea Dave, working on it as we speak...


John O' Groats to Harrogate = 477 miles driving

Land's End to Harrogate = 414 miles driving


It seems pretty central for 'everyone' to me, and has a regional showground as mentioned before.


Robin: If you go ahead and take the reins I'll be happy to lend a hand, though I couldn't get over to any meetings until I get a car.


Just to sit on the fence a bit, how many would actually be coming from the top half of scotland, compared to say cornwall and devon?


Having said that, the most important thing is someone prepared to lead it, and if the HHs are prepared to do that, then lets go for Harrogate!


Have the reviewers said whether we can have a 'split event'? One event but two sites....




edditted for speling...

Not a question I can truly answer, but I can say that there are active cachers in the far north of Scotland. two years ago they held the Scottish annual cache bash up there, so I think it is only fair to try and include everyone!


Looks like it is going to be Harrogate area. I am in full support of this, and will try my best to get the time off to attend.

If I am able to attend, I am also willing to do the same as Stuey and organise a minibus, which I shall drive. For anyone who wants to team up and share the costs? If this offer does go ahead, then it will leave from Edinburgh!


If I am able to attend, I am also willing to do the same as Stuey and organise a minibus, which I shall drive. For anyone who wants to team up and share the costs? If this offer does go ahead, then it will leave from Edinburgh!

What about all those cachers in the Highlands and islands who might want a ride down? Scotland doesn't stop at Edinburgh!! :):):):)


Ok, I'll get me coat.......

Posted (edited)

Why not have the event the week after "The Great Yorkshire Show" (8th-10th July) and make it a CITO event as well. You never know, the GYS organisers may offer incentives to help with the clean-up. :)


Is there such a thing as a Mega CITO event? :)

Edited by Master Mariner

/me removes the stirring spoon from Alex's hand!

VERY tounge in cheek Hazel. As a closet Jock myself I'm in full support of those who get fed up of major events being held in the south of England.


:) I know, Alex...!!


Names in the paper log are what counts.

For example "Team Super" - Jack, Jill, Bill & Ben would count as 4.



.....couldn't Little Weed make it :):)


Seriously all the best to the guys organising this, many thanks to you all for going for it, I hope the finally set date is propitious and I can be there :):) anything I can do to help down here in SE England let me know!!



Posted (edited)

Harrogate is too far for us to travel but we wish the organisers every success with this event.


How about planning Harrogate for 2008 and Swindon for 2009? I'm willing to lead a Swindon event in 2009 if there is enough interest and support available for it. In the meantime, the Harrogate team could get into their stride and try to make this a success.


Swindon is only a 330 mile round trip for us from Plymouth, so we would be up for that one.


Hopefully there will be enough interest to get this one off the ground as well.

Edited by spannerman

7 hours each way for me by car: that's pretty good. In fact I could take a flight and get there in three hours, which makes it local!


July is getting booked up, but I might be able to drop by if it's the right weekend.


At this stage it's probably better to stop mentioning a possible Swindon 2009 event. After all, it may well not happen: and it could put people off from making the effort to get to Harrogate in 2008. For a mega-event there's nowhere in mainland Britain that's too far from Harrogate. I'm sure that US mega events draw many people from over a thousand miles drive away without anyone thinking that it's a big deal (OK, petrol is £1.10 a litre in the UK and free in the US!).


At this stage it's probably better to stop mentioning a possible Swindon 2009 event. After all, it may well not happen




I was expressing an interest because in the post I quoted, Dave stated he would be willing to lead a 2009 event if there was enough interest and support. If no-one shows an interest then it will never happen but if there is enough interest now, he has longer to plan the event and make a success of it.

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