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Enhanced OS maps on cache pages

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I used to use the original Geocaching UK Map Substituter, and I have tried the advanced one, but it is much slower to load. Why is this?
Slower by what sort of magnitude?


I do expect it to be slightly slower due to the way it works.


The old script just had to find where the cache is and swap the old image for a new map.

The new script finds where the cache is, and all the additional waypoints (if there are any), swaps the map for a box, and the box is then filled in a little later with maps, controls, and the pointers.


I have to do it this way, as first I have to load some code from another site which provides me with a framework which I can build onto.


So, in conclusion, I expected there to be a slight speed pay off in favour of more functionality. I now have quite an aging computer, and it is hardly noticable, although I have not run any comparitive tests.


I will try and see if I can speed it up a little, but I won't have the opportunity to modify the script much in the next few weeks due to other (rather important) priorities.


Glad that's not a puzzle cache clue!


I seem to be getting the Pilmuir map again - anyone else?


I have uninstalled my script and installed the latest but no change. Note the link seems to give me v1.0.6 rather than 1.0.7??




Raine and his fellow lackeys have made some changes to the site in the last 24 hours (see the website discussion section of the forums), which have broken the OS Script again.

Posted (edited)
Oh, all's fine then?


Not even logged onto the main site yet to check, tbh..

Yep working fine for me - I missed the install/deinstall of the upgrade then? Scratch that - I did notice. I was a couple of days ago. I expect it will raise its head again soon. Edited by Dizzley

Whoops - sorry about the last post.


I am new to geocaching (and forums!) and have been following this thread with interest.


I have loaded Edgemasters great script to use the OS maps. The only problem I now have is that the location markers on the OS map appear in the main cache details page but although the OS map is present on the print friendly version the markers are not.


Whoops - sorry about the last post.


I am new to geocaching (and forums!) and have been following this thread with interest.


I have loaded Edgemasters great script to use the OS maps. The only problem I now have is that the location markers on the OS map appear in the main cache details page but although the OS map is present on the print friendly version the markers are not.


I'm pleased to announce a bumper feature update.


v1.1.0 of the script changes the following:

  • Faster, less glitchy display of map tiles, without the multi-map watermarking. (I now get the images directly from the OS Explore website)
  • 2 new zoom levels for the map - the 1:250k and 1:1M road atlases.
  • 1940's New Popular Edition OS maps layer, for those interested in how an area once was. (Coverage in Scotland is patchy)
  • Slippy map now shows on print friendly pages, including printable markers.
  • Updated OpenLayers to 2.5RC3.

Many changes have also been made to the code to hopefully improve the code quality and speed.


Install from http://grand.edgemaster.googlepages.com/ge...dosmaps.user.js

Main site http://grand.edgemaster.googlepages.com/os...cedcachepagemap

Email notification list http://groups.google.com/group/enhanced-os...-for-geocaching


Reviewer script is at the usual location.


Please post any bugs you find to this thread.


Many Thanks Edgemaster.


Works a treat. The install from your Email overwrit the js script but nothing seemed to happen, only tried the once. On going to your web page the install worked perfectly.




Posted (edited)

Hi, I have moved to this tread from another where I was running the wrong version (thanks Edgemaster). I am now on version 1.12 but I now dont seem to get any maps at all. The relevant scripts are active in Greasemonkey but when I open any cachepage, in the LH corner it says 'connecting to openlayer.org' then says 'transfering data from Banman5.Groundspeak.com'. This remains and the blue progress bar is sitting about 90% of the way across.

The map box remains blank. Is it me or something that Geocaching are doing. I tried on another PC which doesnt have Greasemonkey and the Yahoo map displays fine.

Edited by ForsdykeFinders
Posted (edited)

Suddenly just a few days ago my OS map, whilst still showing on every listing, is stuck at a place I have never been near on Geocaching.com - Pilmuir. I am not very technical but has anyone any ideas? I seem to have the latest Greasemonkey but this problem seems have occurred when I upgraded Firefox. Could it be something Geocaching.com have done?

Edited by Pendle Witch

I had the exact same problem and discovered I was running a down level version of the Greasemonkey script. Upgarde to the later version in the previous posting.

Thanks for this ForsdykeFinders. I thought that I had updated to the latest version but must not have done. Everything is fine now. Thanks again. :unsure:

Posted (edited)

Brilliant. I use Minimap sidebar and street map extensions but they use google maps so you do not get the OS style.


Thanks a lot

Edited by bgma79
Posted (edited)

If Carlsberg did Greasemonkey scripts; I think this would be it!


Now, it was pointed out to me by a fellow cacher that the script breaks the ability to see the map of all nearby caches on the Map GC.com link to via the Yahoo map which the script hides, could the script add this link so that the functionality is still there?


The link points to http://www.geocaching.com/seek/gmnearest.a...mp;lng=d.mmmmmm

where lat=dd.mmmmm&lng=d.mmmmmm are the present pages cache coordinates






EDIT Forum board makes the copied link look naff :laughing:

Edited by Moote

If Carlsberg did Greasemonkey scripts; I think this would be it!


Now, it was pointed out to me by a fellow cacher that the script breaks the ability to see the map of all nearby caches on the Map GC.com link to via the Yahoo map which the script hides, could the script add this link so that the functionality is still there?


The link points to http://www.geocaching.com/seek/gmnearest.a...mp;lng=d.mmmmmm

where lat=dd.mmmmm&lng=d.mmmmmm are the present pages cache coordinates






EDIT Forum board makes the copied link look naff :laughing:


What is the point in this? The links to the left of the map cover all the options that the simple link the Yahoo map is.


It would be possible, but the map is already crowded enough with controls.


I've just finished working on a fix to the pink custard errors, as it has been so aptly named by those in geochat!


As noted, I am now using the Official OrdnanceSurvey OpenSpace API Tiles (but using the plain OpenLayers interface, theirs is a bit clunky otherwise), there is a 30,000 daily tile view limit, just shout at me if you hit any problems, I can probably work around it.


Advantages of using the official api include a greater range of scales, the full-uk view is now working correctly, and there is also an extra zoomed version of the landranger 50k maps, and the rather oddly presented (imo) 10k scale mapping (which crazily doesn't show footpaths! :D ).


Anyway, install from here, and enjoy having your maps back!




Reviewer edition not yet complete, could a reviewer send me a copy of the review webpage html, so I can make the necessary changes? Thanks


Oooh what a relief - life returns to normal.


Thank you Edgemaster!


I have just been working on a trip to Canada and it made me so thankful that a fix was on the way we didnt have to stick to Gmaps.


I've just got 2 comments to make :D


i) I hope Edgemaster is attending the Mega Event :D


ii) And at the Mega Event there is a large queue of people waiting to buy him a drink :D:D


A big thank you in advance from my colleagues and myself :D


I've just got 2 comments to make :D


i) I hope Edgemaster is attending the Mega Event :D


ii) And at the Mega Event there is a large queue of people waiting to buy him a drink :D:D


A big thank you in advance from my colleagues and myself :D


you would not be encouraging under age drinking would you?


I've just got 2 comments to make :D


i) I hope Edgemaster is attending the Mega Event :D


ii) And at the Mega Event there is a large queue of people waiting to buy him a drink :D:D


A big thank you in advance from my colleagues and myself :D


you would not be encouraging under age drinking would you?


I said a drink :D not of what type :o . For all I know he might not be one of the younger generation into fizzy surgery drinks :lol: but into something more refined such as Sparkling or flavoured Water :D:D


Hmm, I'm sorry to have to bring this one back up, but I'm afraid I'm getting the "map tile cannot be served" error again...! I'm getting it on caches in Wiltshire and in Devon, so it looks as if it's widespread.

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