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Everything posted by T.R.a.M.P.

  1. ...and they won the £2750 jackpot!
  2. Anyone else watching 'Pointless' on BBC1? So who are the geocachers "Paul and Linda"? They just got a pointless answer as well![] Cheers, Trevor
  3. Congrats to team TRaMP for the 1000th find - not as many as some but we like it
  4. When we were on holiday in Portugal last year we came across this cache: CITO Reading the logs it seems that the area is benefitting from cachers attention - but then it is a stunning location, not just a dump that needs clearing!
  5. Ooh - I hadn't noticed that one. Very useful, thank you! Cheers Trevor
  6. I felt just the same - then Christmas came around and someone else shelled out twenty quid[]. Now I wouldn't be without the cable even though it is only used as a back up GPSr. Cheers, Trevor
  7. We are going to Majorca in May and I have grabbed the Open Street Map tiles into Memory Map for use on my pda. I am not sure if this process could be used on your GPSr as it was a fair amount of work getting them calibrated. I thought it was worth the effort - YMMV Cheers, Trevor
  8. One trick is to cover the outside of a box with expanding foam - then bury it before the foam sets. The soil sticks to the foam and creates the camo - much more convincing than a pile of sticks!
  9. Erm, yes - the "Show Ignored Topic" button appears to be missing?
  10. Great! I can now ignore those threads again! Many thanks, Trevor
  11. Since you already have Memory Map, why not consider a pda with GPS - I use the old HP IPAQ rx5720. Memory map will install across and you can actually follow yourself on the map. Of course there are disadvantages to the pda route - the main one being robustness - but it suits me. Cheers, Trevor
  12. I can see your problem - it normally appears again when you reinsert the USB plug, but with an internal USB you can't easily do that. Frankly, I think that is a design problem with your PC - I think USB wasn't really intended as an internal interface. I can't see how the alternative proposed by the next poster makes the situation any different. "Safely remove" hardware should not deinstall the drivers, merely flush the write buffers, and after "ejecting" the card by the alternative method you will be in exactly the same situation in which you presently find yourself. But simply ignoring the requirement to safely remove the card is not a satisfactory solution. External USB card readers are so cheap they are effectively free. If you buy a £10 uSD card you're quite likely to have a USB->uSD card reader bunged in for nothing. I don't know what device you are using it with, but most modern USB devices attach themselves as virtual disks without you having to remove the card at all - I rarely need to use a separate reader. Rgds, Andy I just checked this out and using 'eject' does what is required. When the card is 'ejected', you cannot simply go back to read it again in explorer as it is not detected BUT you only have to remove and replace the card in the reader to make it 're-appear'. Using "Safely Remove" disables the entire card reader - that is all of the virtual disks associated with the various card types - and the reader USB plug has to be unplugged to re-enable it. So, 'eject' is the route to go - many thanks for everyone's assistance! Cheers, Trevor
  13. I realise that delayed writes can be a problem but if I use the "Safely Remove" feature, it disables the card reader which, being a USB unit mounted inside to the case, cannot be used again without resetting the pc.
  14. Not sure where I stand on love it or hate it but I really miss the Greasemonkey forum tools Anyone looking to update them, pretty please?:laughing:
  15. When I first saw this topic I thought it read "Speedos" - where do you put your GPS then?!
  16. Yes, but then I was hoping this was a glitch that may be useful to point out to others... Ah, as I thought - it seems that the glitch is still there. Many thanks for your reply. Trevor
  17. I took advantage of the Garmin offer of 30 days free Premium membership which appeared to have moved on my renewal date as expected - great! However, I just got the renewal email telling me that my membership will run out within seven days - this is relative to the original expiry date. Any suggestion as to what may be going on? Can I ignore the email? Who do I contact to find out? So many questions, where do I stop? How do I stop?.... Cheers, Trevor
  18. Sometime around the beginning of 2005 a collegue at work brought in a yellow Etrex for some reason and all the Engineering dept geeks were interested. "What would you use it for?" seemed to be the most common question - and that was when geocaching was mentioned. A quick sign up on gc.com to find a cache within two miles of home set by our local scout master! We found that one without a GPSr but were soon equipped and the rest is history.
  19. So, are us lesser mortals without the requisite GPSr going to be left out, or will there be a wifi application so that pdas or laptops could play as well?
  20. Ah, that would explain it! We also have a couple that are in a nature reserve with permission - but were only submitted on Saturday, so there is no rush. Anyway, the local cachers seem to be a little slow lately as there have been very few visits to our new caches - but that's another story... Cheers, Trevor
  21. Another ancient Etrex adds 30 days to premium membership
  22. As no one else has bothered to respond, I guess that is the case. Certainly the Forestry Commission sites near me appear to be open all hours. The car parks may be locked at dusk but there are no signs to prevent access.
  23. Bump - its on tonight...
  24. Well I'm back from Oxford but as The Bee Keeper has said Magic is down so we can't Finish reviewing until it's up. As soon as the site is back up normal service will be resumed Andy The Long Man Volunteer UK Reviewer for geocaching.com UK Geocaching Information & Resources website www.follow-the-arrow.co.uk Geocaching.com Knowledge Books Oh, that is good to hear! Hint, hint...
  25. Actually meeting someone on site is by far the best approach. I tried on and off for several months to get some reply from the local council until I met one of the rangers on one of their community events. Contact was made and we soon met to discuss a couple of caches in a local SSSI that they managed. One cache is now live and the other is in the queue. The ranger even suggested another local nature reserve and I will be placing a cache or two there as well. So don't give up and try to actually meet someone in person. Cheers, Trevor
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