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The Great Coin Race --- Around The World In 80 Days


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Curious if people would be interested in entering a Great Coin Race - Around the Cache World in 80 caches.


For a $20 entrance fee each participant would get 3 coins (one to enter the race, a spare and a race exclusive coin). The coins would look like a hot air balloon. Each coin would travel from cache to cache and have to accomplish 7 great feats (tba later). Once your coin completes the 7 feats they get a 'Seven Feats' prize coin. :laughing: The balloon race coins would be trackable and have a balloon as an icon.


Just gathering thoughts, opinions and ideas? Post them here. (coin design to come later).

The main goal is to get a bunch of coins out into caches for people to move along. Each coin in the race would have a traveler label explaining what it is doing and how to help it along.

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time frame: 80 days. hehe


Have you thought about options for the 7 feats yet?


Yeah I begun thinking about the feats but if you have any suggestions post them here!

They would be things like:

1) move thru 7 caches

2) cross a time zone

3) be placed in an event, puzzle, multi, regular cache


(the first three being easier with more and more difficult challenges...) we could actually have 15 challenges that are harder and harder to accomplish (and build on one another)




I don't see why someone can't enter more than once.

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time frame: 80 days. hehe


Have you thought about options for the 7 feats yet?


Yeah I begun thinking about the feats but if you have any suggestions post them here!

They would be things like:

1) move thru 7 caches

2) cross a time zone

3) be placed in an event, puzzle, multi, regular cache


(the first three being easier with more and more difficult challenges...) we could actually have 15 challenges that are harder and harder to accomplish (and build on one another)




I don't see why someone can't enter more than once.



Depends on how complicated the feats are... 80 days might not be enough (god knows some people keep TBs for weeks, myself included, guilt as charged). Maybe we can do somehting like the premier geocoin race... but give out more specific missions... let's say...to visit 15 specific countries, etc. And maybe there can be more winning categories?


Just a thought

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Brilliantly fun notion, count me in.


P.S. I like ozymandiasism's ideas re: more time, specific missions and especially more winning categories.


Not to overly complicate things but, how bout...


Perhaps the "missions" could be assigned points for difficulty - i.e. those that require more time, distance, trouble (like logging it thru an event cache would get a tad fewer pts. than say... getting it to the top of Everest, the moon, etc.

Edited by globalgirl
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Well o.k. I'll bite to get the juices drooling 'round here. But just fuzzy brainstorming 'cuz no doubt both missions and pt. assignments will be necessarily arbitrary (and muchly debated).


For starters, I'm thinking we'd want the focus of the missions to be on global geographics and geocaching related. And ideally devised such that the playing field will be generally globally level. e.g. a mission of all 50 states clearly leaves a goodly part of the Planet at a disadvantage (not to mention begs the question as to what might be comparable in say... South Africa.) Then again... I guess these little travelers can be sent anywhere and helped by folks all over the globe, so... Nonetheless, I hafta say a mission of all 50 states (for example) seems mighty narrow-minded for an "Around the World in 80 days" race.


Other thoughts...


I'm thinkin'... maybe a point system ranging from 1 - 1000. With the top of Everest assigned the 1k and each and every generic cache logged 1 pt. of course.


<btw, should you manage to get your coin first on the moon, then you win, hands-down, no question!> :laughing:


Each country visited (can only get points once for each country visited): 50 pts.

5 countries visited: bonus of 100 pts. (i.e. total of 350 pts.)

10 countries visited: bonus of 300 pts. (i.e. total 800 pts.)

Most countries visited: 1000 pts.

Most miles: I dunno, maybe 800 pts.

Cross a time zone: 100 pts.

Cache above 14,000 ft. say, 250 pts.

Cache below sea level (i.e. underwater), likewise 250 pts.

Cache within say... 50 miles of one of the 7 Wonders of the World: 500 pts.


Various 'n sundry other notions...


Logged at an event cache might be 20 pts.

Logged into a newly placed cache: 50 pts.

5 star difficulty or 5 star terrain cache: 100 pts. (each)

I'd also like to see a few pts. added for a wheelchair accessible cache.

Furthest north cache: 250 pts.

Likewise, South, East and West (based on our trusty Equator and the jolly ol' Prime Meridian): 250 pts.


Then there's - how to verify (not to mention track) missions successfully completed (photos with gps coords?)


Timewise? Well yes, we couuuld do just 80 days. But... I'd give it at least 3 months - possibly 6, maybe even a year...


Just a potpourii of stray thoughts here - hopefully to stir up further input. I'm happy to help organize, etc. anyway I can (shoot, I might even whittle a custom little "passport" for each coin in the race similar to these little honeys.)


But I dare say... Bottom line? Let's remember this is a GAME after all. So let's try to keep fair 'n FUN!

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Well o.k. I'll bite to get the juices drooling 'round here. But just fuzzy brainstorming 'cuz no doubt both missions and pt. assignments will be necessarily arbitrary (and muchly debated).


For starters, I'm thinking we'd want the focus of the missions to be on global geographics and geocaching related. And ideally devised such that the playing field will be generally globally level. e.g. a mission of all 50 states clearly leaves a goodly part of the Planet at a disadvantage (not to mention begs the question as to what might be comparable in say... South Africa.) Then again... I guess these little travelers can be sent anywhere and helped by folks all over the globe, so... Nonetheless, I hafta say a mission of all 50 states (for example) seems mighty narrow-minded for an "Around the World in 80 days" race.


Other thoughts...


I'm thinkin'... maybe a point system ranging from 1 - 1000. With the top of Everest assigned the 1k and each and every generic cache logged 1 pt. of course.


<btw, should you manage to get your coin first on the moon, then you win, hands-down, no question!> :laughing:


Each country visited (can only get points once for each country visited): 50 pts.

5 countries visited: bonus of 100 pts. (i.e. total of 350 pts.)

10 countries visited: bonus of 300 pts. (i.e. total 800 pts.)

Most countries visited: 1000 pts.

Most miles: I dunno, maybe 800 pts.

Cross a time zone: 100 pts.

Cache above 14,000 ft. say, 250 pts.

Cache below sea level (i.e. underwater), likewise 250 pts.

Cache within say... 50 miles of one of the 7 Wonders of the World: 500 pts.


Various 'n sundry other notions...


Logged at an event cache might be 20 pts.

Logged into a newly placed cache: 50 pts.

5 star difficulty or 5 star terrain cache: 100 pts. (each)

I'd also like to see a few pts. added for a wheelchair accessible cache.

Furthest north cache: 250 pts.

Likewise, South, East and West (based on our trusty Equator and the jolly ol' Prime Meridian): 250 pts.


Then there's - how to verify (not to mention track) missions successfully completed (photos with gps coords?)


Timewise? Well yes, we couuuld do just 80 days. But... I'd give it at least 3 months - possibly 6, maybe even a year...


Just a potpourii of stray thoughts here - hopefully to stir up further input. I'm happy to help organize, etc. anyway I can (shoot, I might even whittle a custom little "passport" for each coin in the race similar to these little honeys.)


But I dare say... Bottom line? Let's remember this is a GAME after all. So let's try to keep fair 'n FUN!



Neat Idea. My personal opinion as follow:


1. I think it will be very cool to see your coin earning thousands and millions of points. However, it will get complicated, becqause it LOOKS complicated... "100+250+500+1+25=waaaaat?". I would suggest that we limit the point system to 1-10 point. Anyting above 5pt should not be easy to get. At all.


2. I would probably eliminate the point reward for crossing a time zone. Points awarded for each country visited should be enough


3. I would probbaly reword "newly placed caches" as FTF caches. (What is considered to be newly placed?)


4. Wheelchair Accessable caches. I think it is a great concept, but isn't a lot of urban caches are wheelchair accessible (50%+)? I can be wrong.


5. I think the further E/W/N/S might be stretching it a little...


6. LOVE the passport idea! good call!


7. Most important point. Who will have time to manage all the stats? The more complicated we make the game, the more time it will take to update the playfield. I can see it becoming extremely time consuming to update on a weekly bases....


Now your turn.

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Lots there to ponder, ozy. More later, but for now...


3. I would probbaly reword "newly placed caches" as FTF caches. (What is considered to be newly placed?)

By newly placed, I mean a new hide. A newly hidden cache with the coin left for... not necessarily only the FTF, but whomever will move it along swiftly in the race.

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Here are a few of my ideas:


visit a nightcache

visit an event cache

visit a mountain cache

visit a river or lake cache

most caches visited

most miles traveled

visit an urban cache

visit an ammo box cache

visit another continent


the list can certainly be added to and at first glance these may all seem rather boring and simple but I feel if you start getting too complicated it will get very frustrating - these coud all be easily verified - a tag could have all the criteria listed and maybe a way to mark them off as completed?

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Curious if people would be interested in entering a Great Coin Race - Around the Cache World in 80 caches.


For a $20 entrance fee each participant would get 3 coins (one to enter the race, a spare and a race exclusive coin). The coins would look like a hot air balloon. Each coin would travel from cache to cache and have to accomplish 7 great feats (tba later). Once your coin completes the 7 feats they get a 'Seven Feats' prize coin. :laughing: The balloon race coins would be trackable and have a balloon as an icon.

Yup, (though thousands of pts. could be easily calculated in a nanosecond via a well-built spreadsheet), I too am beginning to wonder if a convoluted point system wouldn't be a nightmare to track (unless some whiz-bang backender would like to step up and create a dynamic database :laughing: ).


Thus... looking back on avroair's original notion - it might well be better to simply devise a set of 7 Feats/Missions, that each coin would strive to complete. The first (2nd and 3rd?) to complete all might get a special bundle of coins/trinkets (we could all chip in something to sweeten the prize.) BUT - *ALL* who eventually completed all 7 feats (within some generous time limit) would get one of the special "Seven Feats" coins.


The fun would lie mainly in devising truly fun missions. My first thought is simply 7 countries of course, but we could also have them gather something from each, or... complete some other such task w/in each country (like... get a pic with Msr. Blair!) And/or... the 7 countries have to include at least 3 different continents, or some such. And/or... 80 caches in each of 7 countries, and/or...


Truly blathering here now, but suffice, putting our creative efforts into devising 7 fun missions would no doubt make the whole affair far more manageable (and I'd still consider whittling a custom bitty passport for each entry - uh, depending on how many we're talking about here...).


<o.k. somebody else's turn again... :laughing: >

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