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250 Free Coins


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Posted (edited)

Avast ye scurvy dogs . . . . . a new coin be available to be had by all!


Thar be 250 coins up for grabs and they be not for sale or trade.



Argg...It's The Cach-U-Nuts and 3 Sheets 2 The Wind silver coin and if ye be wantin' one ye must join in our little adventure game. Weigh your anchors and cast off with Cap'n Garmin as he navigates his journey to a distant island on a Quest for a long lost treasure chest full of precious coins!


Join us now as the journey begins.


{Contest is over; edited by moderator to remove link.}

Edited by Keystone
So do we get one of each coin, or how is it determined which coin we get??

Successful players will get one of the 250 antique silver coins that were made especially for this game. The 25 limited edition bronze coins are reserved for very special trades. Please don't post here for trade requests. Contact us via email.

Posted (edited)
Um, I am looking at the people who logged caches today and they are not following your guidelines as I read them.  It is my understand that this activity starts today, am I correct?

Well technically, all we said was that caches before November 12th would not count. These were all logged today so no harm, no foul. It would be nice if from now on people would write in their cache log that they logged the cache while playing the coin quest game. We have added this request to our guidelines.


OOPS, we didn't look at a couple of them close enough. Our skeleton crew informed us of a couple of vialations so the entries have been deleted. They said they would let it go this time. . . .

Edited by Cach-U-Nuts
I already messed mine up and put in a prev cache. didn't read all of the instructions:(

Can I get mine reset??? Pleaseeeeee


Aye, matey...ye be readin the rules now, or next time, ye be walkin the plank! :laughing:

I see someone put down a event cache from back in June. Would this count?



Me thinks ye cachers are gettin a bit ahead of emselfs....appears we'll be havin to delete some false starts eh?


PEOPLE.....take a few minutes and READ THE RULES!! All 16 of the cache requirements must be caches visited starting today...no LOGs before NOV 12th!!

There is also a 24 waiting period between logs...

Posted (edited)

I find that this part of the page people might look over.


Playing The Game;

Once you've signed up to play, log in and go to 'Log A Cache' This page features 16 different icons, each one represents the type of cache you will need to log. These must be new logs, it is against the guidelines to revisit a cache you have already been to prior to Nov 12th 2005 - Please visit HERE for a more detailed description of the 16 cache requirements. These caching requirements can be done in any order, some may require more research and be a bit further or harder to get to, others may be right in your backyard or you may even find yourself creating one or two of them! Each time you log a Cache Requirement you will receive a piece of a Treasure Map, only you can see your Treasure map and you must be logged in to see it. You are only allowed to log one Cache every 24 hours, the reason for this is to give more folks equal playing ground. When writing your log on the geocaching web site please state in your log that you are logging this cache as a requirement for the Coin Quest game.

Edited by GeoCrickets
Posted (edited)

Grumble.....grumble......grumble. Just kidding. Looks like I've got to go back out tonight to log #14. Coins did you say?!?


Where are the keys kids? We'll be back in a bit. TFTC(oin)! :laughing:


Larry (lpyankeefan)

Edited by lpyankeefan

That sounds a real funny and interesting game! :o

We just registered and we also had a cache today that requires the game, great! Okay, we just did our log entry for that cache before we read in the rules that you also have to mention the Coin Quest game in the log entry. But we hope it still counts and will add this to the logs of any further caches that we want to count for this game.

And no - we are not coin addicted. Well...not really. Or are we? :laughing:

Posted (edited)

Now I know what I'll be doing during lunch for the next few weeks...




Sorry I'm late boss, the cache was further away then I expected :laughing:

Edited by Night_Hawk
Posted (edited)

Well, I just skimmed this, but only 1 of my 13 finds for today will count? That sucks :laughing: Shhould I wait and post date one of these finds for tomorrow then since I cannot cache tomorrow?

Edited by AtlantaGal
If we find more than 1 type in a single day can we log 1 every 24 hours or does it have to be a new find every 24 hours? All ofter Nov. 12th of course.

Sure, you can find them all in one day as long as that day is Nov 12th or after. But you can only log 1 required cache type every 24 hours to get a new piece for your treasure map. Nobody will be able to finish before 16 days.



This could be another difficult one depending if there is an upcoming geocaching event in your area. If not you might need to plan one. Bear in mind that geocaching requires events to be submitted 2 weeks in advance so don't dilly dally. And check those newbies carefully . . . our crew might be there checking up on you. We wouldn't recommend serving rum punch!


Here is my question. To me the description implies that I either attend an event or have an event myself. Today I held the South Central PA event but I did not log the event as attended because I am the host. Would this fulfill the requirement of #15 for hosting the event?




I went out today and managed to get five of the 16 it was a blast and I got myself a puzzle piece.


Now I need to go back and really read the guidlines for the game.


thanks C-U-N's



Well after reading everything, I think my caching run had 2 qualifying caches. I logged one of them, and I guess I can log the other one tomorrow night then? I already made the notation about the game as I was logging the cache.

Posted (edited)

Can you use the same cache for multiple requirements? I found a cache today in the woods with a great view. Can I use it for both requirements?

Edited to ask if I found a TB yesterday but dropped it in another cache today does it still count?

Edited by Stephanie2427
Posted (edited)

this is good place to visit also


{game is over; link to forums deleted by moderator}


I also read the rules and I'm assuming everything I did today will count I just have to be patient and log them one day at a time?


I'm not sure I saw this address in there rules or I could of missed it.

Edited by Keystone

Question regarding the category of placing a new cache:


Does "placing", ie hosting an event cache count? The requirement does say a cache of any type, but I thought I'd ask.


Mrs. Car54

Can you use the same cache for multiple requirements? I found a cache today in the woods with a great view.  Can I use it for both requirements?

Edited to ask if I found a TB yesterday but dropped it in another cache today does it still count?


<Can you use the same cache for multiple requirements? I found a cache today in the woods with a great view. Can I use it for both requirements?>


:o Sorry no, each cache you log can only be used once to meet your requirment. :)


<I found a TB yesterday but dropped it in another cache today does it still count?>


As long as the DAY you MOVED the BUG is ON or AFTER Nov 12th - then go ahead and count it!! :)

Question regarding the category of placing a new cache:


Does "placing", ie hosting an event cache count?  The requirement does say a cache of any type, but I thought I'd ask.


Mrs. Car54

You could count this as "1" requirement ie; #15 or #13 but you could not use it for both....but Thanks for asking!! :o


Sounds like fun,count me in please.This could be an expensive hunt for me with the gas(glad its not $3.00+ a gallon) and probaly leaving work early a few times to head towards the Pittsburgh area or south a few times to log some caches for this neat game.Not many close to home any longer! :o


This could be another difficult one depending if there is an upcoming geocaching event in your area. If not you might need to plan one. Bear in mind that geocaching requires events to be submitted 2 weeks in advance so don't dilly dally. And check those newbies carefully . . . our crew might be there checking up on you. We wouldn't recommend serving rum punch!


Here is my question.  To me the description implies that I either attend an event or have an event myself.  Today I held the South Central PA event but I did not log the event as attended because I am the host.  Would this fulfill the requirement of #15 for hosting the event?



Looks good to us! If you don't want to post a 'find' log maybe you can post a note that you were the Host of this event and are thereby claiming it as your #15 cache requirement :o


Good Job!!

Am I correct that it's 1 cache a day? :o

I'm not sure if you can post one per calendar day or one every 24 hours (quite different, actually). Also, I noted that time timezone of the server is being used because when I logged my cache yesterday after 11:00pm it dated it as 11/13 not 11/12. I guess I missed a day then. Maybe we shouldn't have stayed at the event so long... :)






Yesterday when I logged my cache find at thecachingplace it said I had to wait 24 hours. If I'm correct I can't log another cache there until after 6PM today my time.



Am I correct that it's 1 cache a day? :o

As long as they are caches you found on or after November 12th, if you find more than one qualifying cache in a day you can use them all but you will only be able to log one at a time. After 24 hours you can log the next one and so forth. If our skeleton crew of cache monitors determine you are using a cache that was found previous to November 12th then that entry will be deleted.


When you log a cache on our web site it takes a time stamp of the event. Then it will make you wait for exactly 24 hours before you can log another cache. The time stamps are recorded in Mountain Standard Time which is GMT -7 hours. Every player waits for exactly 24 hours regardless of which time zone they live in.


Argggg, ya flibberty gibberten scallywags! There be coins to be had and caches to be plundered. We be playin'.


What be the time limit on ransackin' the dozen and 4 caches?.... and if we drift asea without makin' our plunderin' quota... what be your address? We'll be makin' sail in your direction and prayin' for a wind at our backs...we be havin' our coins on way or the other! ARGGG!


A couple of questions:


Do CITO events count as event caches for your purposes? They are listed as a separate type (with separate icon) on geocaching.com. I have seen this question alsek already but have not seen a response.


In regard to the 3 digit match category... Many puzzle caches use coords like this for the false location when posting the cache. Do these qualify for 3 digit finds?


We're playing...




OK I went out and did several caches today and most overlapped the categories. I logged one but can't remember which category :mad: I went back a few pages but still don't know. If I go to relog a diff cache under the same category will it tell me that I have already logged it? I hope so because I was teetering between 2 and both qualified. I don't want to mess up 2 days in a row :signalviolin:



OK I went out and did several caches today and most overlapped the categories. I logged one but can't remember which category :mad: I went back a few pages but still don't know. If I go to relog a diff cache under the same category will it tell me that I have already logged it? I hope so because I was teetering between 2 and both qualified. I don't want to mess up 2 days in a row :signalviolin:



I just checked your stats and you logged the FTF category.

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