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Who Owns The Caches Near Your Home?

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I was checking up on some of my caches this morning. Rather than click "My Cache Page", scroll past the travelbug list (42 and growing), then onto one of my other caches, I tried something else. I clicked "nearby caches" hoping to get to one of my other caches with fewer mouse clicks. I was surprised at the result. Yes, I did see the cache I was searching for, since it is only a few miles away. I found something rather interesting:



Generally, you probably have placed some caches near your house. Do you "own" the entire area like I do? I thought it was interesting that I own almost all of the caches near the particular cache I was searching from. Someone who visits my area (Team 360?) could easily log most of my caches in a couple of hours.


If you want to make your own list, keep in mind that if you search from your home coordinates, someone could triangulate your location based on the distance to as little as 3 caches. My list is based on a nearby cache, so triangulating would lead someone right back to the starting cache instead of my house.


Maybe I missed something....How could someone find out my location from the caches I placed nearest to my home? Yes I have 3 very close. Please explain, I'm interested to know if there is something I'm not considering here. :o


Ok, suppose you have 3 caches. They are 1 mile, 1.4 miles and 3.7 miles from your home. Plot those coordinates on a map and draw a circle around each one. The radius of each circle should be equal to the distance from your house. Where all three circles meet will be your location.


He is basically saying, that if you create a list like the one he did in the top post, make sure you don't generate that list based on your exact home coordinates. Then they can find your house. (Big Woop, huh?)


He is not saying the just by pulling up a list of anyone's hides it is possible to find their house. Only if they are displayed in a search from exact coordinates. So, find your own cache and then click "nearest caches" to get your list, if you so choose.

Posted (edited)

I understand that part, but how would someone know how far they are from my home coordinates? Wouldn't they have to go to my "My cache page". They would need my password, wouldn't they, or am I wrong? :o


OK, thanks Dru....I see now.

Edited by Tiwica

If you did a search like sax man did, except you had it from your home coordinates it would show how far the caches were from your house. If you were to post a screen shot of the cache list with the caches closest to your EXACT location, someone could easily triangulate it and find it out.


That is only if you posted the information here...


Sax was just sharing his way of staying safe when posting this info. I mean who wants a bunch of loonies with GPSrs at their door at six in the morning?


Well my first one is in my driveway so I guess I don't care who knows where I live. My first page has 15 of mine so yeah, mostly me.


(2/2) 8 Jan '04 99ft

S Automated Cache Machine by Lazyboy & Mitey Mite (GCHFHZ)

Oregon (United States) 4 days ago*





(1.5/1.5) 21 Dec '03 1mi

E Cascade Butte by Lazyboy & Mitey Mite (GCHC6P)

Oregon (United States) 05 Jan 04





(2.5/3) 29 Mar '03 2.9mi

N Crow Foot by LazyBoy & Mitey Mite (GCEE76)

Oregon (United States) 4 days ago*





(2.5/2) 29 Mar '03 2.9mi

E Ditch It Here III by LazyBoy & Mitey Mite (GCEE53)

Oregon (United States) 26 Dec 03





(2.5/2.5) 24 Jan '03 3.3mi

E Black Rock II by Lazyboy & Mitey Mite (GCC941)

Oregon (United States) 26 Dec 03





(1.5/1.5) 22 Aug '01 3.3mi

E Black Rock by Lone Ranger & Tonto (GC187B)

Oregon (United States) 4 days ago*

24 Sep 01




(2/2.5) 28 Nov '02 3.4mi

E Drop Me A Line Sometime by LazyBoy & Mitey Mite (GCAE53)

Oregon (United States) 26 Dec 03





(2/1.5) 25 Apr '02 3.7mi

E Ditch It Here II by Lazyboy & Mitey Mite (GC515C)

Oregon (United States) 26 Dec 03





(3/4) 21 Dec '03 4mi

NE Still The Pits by Lazyboy & Mitey Mite (GCHC6G)

Oregon (United States) 05 Jan 04





(2/2) 21 Dec '03 4.1mi

NE Burned by Lazyboy & Mitey Mite (GCHC6M)

Oregon (United States) 05 Jan 04





(2/1.5) 27 Mar '02 4.2mi

E Ditch It Here by Lazyboy & Mitey Mite (GC4627)

Oregon (United States) 26 Dec 03





(2/3) 30 Mar '02 4.3mi

SE Am I Lost Yet??? by Lazyboy & Mitey Mite (GC4720)

Oregon (United States) 4 days ago*





(1/1) 6 Apr '02 4.8mi


Oregon (United States) 26 Dec 03

07 Apr 02




(2/2) 28 Jan '03 5mi

SE Overlook II by Lazyboy & Mitey Mite (GCCC29)

Oregon (United States) 4 days ago*





(2/2) 9 Apr '03 5mi

E Lost Log by Dolphin Grl (GCF59D)

Oregon (United States) 26 Dec 03

10 Apr 03




(2/1.5) 15 Apr '01 5.1mi

SE Cemetary Backyard by Lazyboy (GC6E1)

Oregon (United States) 26 Dec 03





(1/1) 6 Apr '02 5.4mi

N Lazyboy's Lunchbreak by missnomer (GC4A7B)

Oregon (United States) 4 days ago*

07 Apr 02




(2/2) 23 Feb '02 5.5mi

N TELEPHONE POLE POINT by Rooster_KF & Double C / Arlo (GC3CCE)

Oregon (United States) 4 days ago*

11 Mar 02




(3/3.5) 3 May '02 5.8mi

N Postcards by Lazyboy & Mitey Mite (GC5409)

Oregon (United States) 09 Feb 03





(2/2.5) 30 Jan '03 5.8mi

S Obenchain by Lazyboy & Mitey Mite (GCCCC5)

Oregon (United States) 4 days ago*

Posted (edited)

My caches are shotgunned across Southern Idaho. I have several in town but don't dominate it.


Just looked. My caches don't show up until the second page. But I'm using a zip code instead of my home coords. Switching might make it so that one appears on the first page.

Edited by Renegade Knight

In my account information, I use coordinates, not the zip code. I set the coords a few blocks off by rounding the seconds a little bit.

It was just too wierd to have the coords to my living room listed anywhere.



Off topic but how did you do this?


On Topic: I only have one cache near my current house, the rest are spread out. The close cache requires a lot of maintainence, I may have to change the theme when I move farther away.


I just placed a cache close to my new house. When we move I will be able to see it from my bedroom window, that will change when the build more houses. Until then It will be fun to keep an eye on.


I own the two closest, then Amish Hacker owns the next three, then me again, then other semi-locals. Looks like I haven't been defending my turf enough! :o


However, since I just moved to this location in June, I'd have to really look back at my old home coords to see if my home was any more obvious then.




Here's mine for Ithaca, Michigan (Ones with smiling froggies are mine!)






(2/2.5) 23 Mar '03 1mi

W Jailhouse Trail by Radman Version 2.0 (GCEAD8)

Michigan (United States) 2 days ago*







(2.5/1.5) 25 Nov '02 6.5mi

S Back in the Old Shack! (Ola Corners) by Radman Version 2.0 & Brandon Ester (GCAD4B)

Michigan (United States) 02 Jan 04





(2/2) 14 Apr '03 7.9mi

NW Fallen Tree Trail by Jen G, Don K (GCF946)

Michigan (United States) 30 Dec 03

16 Apr 03




(2/1) 25 Oct '03 8.2mi

NW Middle of the Mitten WebCam Cache by cache_catchers7 (GCH48P)

Michigan (United States) 31 Oct 03







(1.5/3) 12 Jan '03 9.1mi

S Where the Eagles Perch. by Radman Version 2.0 & Bman2001 (GCC319)

Michigan (United States) 21 Oct 03





(1/1) 19 May '02 9.3mi

N Middle of the Mitten by Eight Legs (GC5B3E)

Michigan (United States) 02 Jan 04

10 Jan 03






(1.5/2.5) 12 Jan '03 12.9mi

S Old Eureka Cematary by Radman Version 2.0 & Bman2001 (GCC31D)

Michigan (United States) 2 days ago*





(1/1.5) 2 Jan '04 15.8mi

SE That Dam Cache by pocketcacher (GCHEA7)

Michigan (United States) 2 days ago*





(1.5/1) 26 Jul '03 19.2mi

S M-21 Road Rage-St. Johns by 3Bees (GCGH6E)

Michigan (United States) 11 Jan 04





(1.5/1) 1 Dec '02 20.4mi

E Let it Ring by Risu (GCB035)

Michigan (United States) 27 Dec 03

07 Dec 02




(1/1) 27 Jul '03 20.6mi

SE M-21 Road Rage - What a RUSH! by 3Bees (GCGHY3)

Michigan (United States) 10 Jan 04







(2.5/1.5) 2 Mar '03 21mi

SE Radman's Childhood Town by Radman Version 2.0 (GCG4Z8)

Michigan (United States) 10 Jan 04


I haven't placed very many, and of those, only one is near my house. It is about 5 blocks away or so. The rest are all rural. The ones I have planned to place in the spring are also all rural.

Posted (edited)

I have one on my first page that belongs to me. I have 7 caches in CT, 1 in MA, 1 in RI, and 3 in New York. But anybody who caches around here knows that CT Trampers rule!!! I like to travel to cache.

Oh and two more in CT that I placed under thebryno's account with him. I take care of those since he moved to Vermont.

Edited by Planet

To get a picture of anything on your computers screen press the print screen button on your keyboard and then go into paint or another program that is like it. Now paste it in paint (etc) and you will be able to see the whole screen that you saw when you pressed print screen. You can cut stuff off that you dont want then upload it to Groundspeak.


I hope you "comprand"(understand in french)

If you think I'm going to give you the coordinates of my house, you're crazy. But 5 caches of the 11 nearest my house (2.7 mi.) are my own. The three caches nearest my house are mine. ;):o

I'm not asking for the coordinates to your house. I was warning people to be careful posting a list like this. Someone could figure out where they lived if they used their home coords as the basis of the search.


What I'm asking for with post is "do you own your town?" I have placed most of the caches in Rio Rancho, NM. My list above proves that. I hadn't thought about it before I clicked "nearby caches" and saw almost every cache in the area was mine. I thought it would be neat to see someone else's list showing they have the most caches placed in their area.

Posted (edited)


Off topic but how did you do this?

Ditto. How do you save a screen shot?


Anyway, I own 6 of the first 8. The other 24 caches are spread out a bit more.

Edited by JMBella
Ditto. How do you save a screen shot?

Press "Print Screen" (might say "Prt Sc).

Open your "Paint" program (it comes with Windows)

press "CTRL" and "V" to paste the image

Click "Yes" to enlarge the image

Save the file.


This will give you an image equal to your screen size. You can crop the image and lower the resolution with any photo program to reduce the file size.

What I'm asking for with post is "do you own your town?"

Yes, but I migh be willing to part with a bridge or two for the right price :o , or would you be interested in a very nice RR crossing? ;)




Looking at this list reminds me of the seagulls from Finding Nemo.


My list is nowhere near looking at that. Where we used to live before we moved in June of last year, the nearest cache was mine (it was 100 feet from my back fence), but my caches are more spread out than that.


Now, if I lived up near Lake Arrowhead, where my in-laws live, I'd have more of my own caches around me than I do now. Go figure. :o

Here is a challenge. I'll play....




This list was generated from my front doorstep. Prize to the first one to figure out my home address.

I would do that little challenge if it wouldn't bore me to death, as I just finished a whole crap load of homework for my advanced algebra class

I own all of the caches within 7 miles of mile house. But that number is 3 as I live in a rural area with a low cache density

Prize to the first one to figure out my home address.


You're Robert Blake!


Wait... he's three blocks away.


You're Greg Brady!


Wait... his house was two blocks away.


Let's try 4135 Bakman Ave, an 1893 square foot house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, built in 1949 (so you have a problem with those dang two prong outlets). It looks like you bought it in October 2002, at $338,696.


Your property taxes of $2,094.38 are due April 10.


Am I close? Too close for your liking?

I own everything but one cache within 15 miles of me! :o

I thought you owned the only cache within 15 miles of your house :D I suppose there are two then, since you own all but one? ;)

DINGDINGDINGDINGDING!!!!!! You win the booby prize!!!! Someone placed a cache about 4 miles from me a while back! :P


There's a huge fudge factor built into the idea of triangulating to someone's location from the postings of their caches here, and that's the fact the distances are given to the nearest tenth of a mile. In a rural location that might be close enough for a house, but in a suburb, it might get you to within a block of the location.

Ditto. How do you save a screen shot?


Another neat way is to use Irfanview, a freeware image handling program mentioned often on these pages.


They have a tool called Capture in Options. Once you set it up, when you hit Contrl F11, you save the screen image to a file in whatever format you wish ie. bitmap, jpeg tif, RAW, or a bunch of other formats.


For example, with my screen currently set at 800 by 600, and Irfan capture pre-set on jpeg, I automatically save the screen in about 52kb file. Each time I capture by hitting Contrl F11, Iautomatically creat another file. You don't have to stop what you're doing. They also have a timer where you can set a capture evrey few seconds up to 600. Haven't figured what I could use that for. :o




Actually, my home co-ordinates in the system are a city park within walking distance. Anyone who actually wants to figure out where I live has to spend at least 15 seconds looking up my address some other way.


Heck, I'll give ya my home address if ya want it. I'm not worried about anyone coming over....except maybe that sax-totin' smurf-boy....said he was gonna come by after work and visit my cache, so I hurried up and got in un-disabled for him....think he ever showed up? Heck no......lying little blue sh**! :lol:

Prize to the first one to figure out my home address.


You're Robert Blake!


Wait... he's three blocks away.


You're Greg Brady!


Wait... his house was two blocks away.


Let's try 4135 Bakman Ave, an 1893 square foot house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, built in 1949 (so you have a problem with those dang two prong outlets). It looks like you bought it in October 2002, at $338,696.


Your property taxes of $2,094.38 are due April 10.


Am I close? Too close for your liking?

Pretty good. How exactly did you do this? I mean, Mopar told me my address by using google on my name, not too hard. But, you got very close with the triangulation method. Within 9 digits of the address. Wrong street though. I am actually on Tujunga. I guess the exact spot is in the middle of the block, and you guessed the street on the East, while mine is the one on the west. Then from there, a real estate database will give you the particulars on the property.


So, there you have it, if someone sees your list, even with the rounded distances, they can get to your city block. Lucky I live in LA where one city block, especially with apartments can still only get you down to 500 people.


I still say, the phone book, or google is easier. But, congrats on the math. You win the nerd prize.


BTW, Robert Blake does/did live down the street, and his wife was murdered across the street from me at Vitelo's. Didn't realize about Greg Brady, thanks for the trivia there. Do you have an address?


And, I only wish you could buy a house for under $400K in my neighborhood. I'd jump on that price in a heartbeat. You're lucky if you get a 'fixer' for under $600K anymore.

And, I only wish you could buy a house for under $400K in my neighborhood. I'd jump on that price in a heartbeat. You're lucky if you get a 'fixer' for under $600K anymore.


In Lincoln, Nebraska, a nice older home in good condition and in a good neighborhood (e.g. country club area) would run $150-200K. In an OK neighborhood, $90-140K. A fixer upper in the OK neighborhood runs $40-90K. There are no particularly bad neighborhoods here (although there are in Omaha).

And, I only wish you could buy a house for under $400K in my neighborhood. I'd jump on that price in a heartbeat. You're lucky if you get a 'fixer' for under $600K anymore.


In Lincoln, Nebraska, a nice older home in good condition and in a good neighborhood (e.g. country club area) would run $150-200K. In an OK neighborhood, $90-140K. A fixer upper in the OK neighborhood runs $40-90K. There are no particularly bad neighborhoods here (although there are in Omaha).

We bought our house in Indianola (near Des Moines) nine years ago for $60K. Now it is probably legitimately worth $120K. Which is absurd, if you ask me. Balboagirl sometimes mentions moving back to Southern California. Yeah right. We could live in a cardboard box, if it were kind of beat up.


Hey, I'm not the one who went astray, here.


Back on topic. I own 6 now, and only 3 of them show up on the first page. One of them is about 1/2 mile from our house. Mine are spread out 27.6 miles, according to the list. I intend to expand that to about 30 in the reasonably near future.

And, I only wish you could buy a house for under $400K in my neighborhood. I'd jump on that price in a heartbeat. You're lucky if you get a 'fixer' for under $600K anymore.


In Lincoln, Nebraska, a nice older home in good condition and in a good neighborhood (e.g. country club area) would run $150-200K. In an OK neighborhood, $90-140K. A fixer upper in the OK neighborhood runs $40-90K. There are no particularly bad neighborhoods here (although there are in Omaha).

Sunshine and I just refinanced our house, and it appraised at $75,000. It's 83 years old, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, about 1650 sq ft. The same house 20 miles away in Wichita would go for around $35,000 to $55,000, depending on the neighborhood. Of course, we've done a lot of remodeling that increased the value, and we're only half way done with it. We're just finishing up a 14 x 24 master bedroom, and getting ready to start a $15,000 renovation on the kitchen.


And I still own one of two caches within 15 miles of home! :lol:

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