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Geocaching.com Usernames?

Guest hgmonaro

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Guest hgmonaro

Been reading the 'how old are we' thread, and giggling away at some of the responses... I was reading some of the usernames people use and wondering... some are fairly 'normal', some I have no idea.. care to share?


Mine is a car we own, a HG (model destignation) Monaro (1970 Aussie GM vehicle). I use it on lots of forums since I can remember it!

Guest sivad

Mine is sivad. My last name spelled backwards. Pluse there was a TV show by that name when I was a kid.And his real last name was Davis. So the horror show was born.

Guest c_oflynn

Mine is pretty simple tongue.gif On some other forums I use "heli55", heli for helicopter (like an RC helicopter) and 55 "because".

Guest brokenwing

I was the best thing I could think of at the time! I had surgery on my shoulder about 2 1/2 months ago for a tendon problem. It still has not healed, and I'm beginning to think it's not going to, hence 'brokenwing'.

Guest gstrong1

The way these old legs carry me out of the woods after a cache hunt. icon_biggrin.gif.



Gary "Gimpy" Strong


Guest gstrong1

unt. icon_biggrin.gif.



Gary "Gimpy" Strong


Guest gstrong1

unt. icon_biggrin.gif.



Gary "Gimpy" Strong


Guest gstrong1

The way these old legs carry me out of the woods after a cache hunt. icon_biggrin.gif.



Gary "Gimpy" Strong


Guest Squad51

Squad51, from the 70's tv series "Emergency!" Anyone remember that? I'm a fire buff....lol.

Guest db8tr

Db8tr, because I do debate at school and tend to be up to a debate anywhere... on any topic. All in fun of course.

Guest GFDT8

Mine was simple,I'm a fire fighter and it's the department I work for and the truck that I drive. G alveston F ire D ept T anker 8

Guest wizmedic

I used to have a BBS system with the old Atari 800 system. The name of the BBS was 'The Wizard's Workshop' that I had here in Utah. I used to go by the name 'Wizard of Kiev'. Read someplace that it was about a guy who was a wizard in kiev that was a giver of life. Which I thought was kinda cool since I am a paramedic. When I took down my BBS and the internet came around year later, the wizard of kiev was to long to use, so I thought WizMedic would be an good name. So that is how my handle was born.....Cheers! icon_smile.gif

Guest wizmedic

I used to have a BBS system with the old Atari 800 system. The name of the BBS was 'The Wizard's Workshop' that I had here in Utah. I used to go by the name 'Wizard of Kiev'. Read someplace that it was about a guy who was a wizard in kiev that was a giver of life. Which I thought was kinda cool since I am a paramedic. When I took down my BBS and the internet came around year later, the wizard of kiev was to long to use, so I thought WizMedic would be an good name. So that is how my handle was born.....Cheers! icon_smile.gif

Guest Random

Random was my favorite character in my favorite series of books I read when I was younger. The books were Roger Zelazny's "Amber Series" if anyone is interested in great sci-fi/fantasy books you should check 'em out. Great topic idea Hgmonaro! icon_smile.gif

Guest Random

Random was my favorite character in my favorite series of books I read when I was younger. The books were Roger Zelazny's "Amber Series" if anyone is interested in great sci-fi/fantasy books you should check 'em out. Great topic idea Hgmonaro! icon_smile.gif

Guest JoeyBob

Joey is my first name-given, not a nickname.

Bob was the middle name a bunch of my friends used as a joke back in high school. A jest about our Southern heritage- Joey Bob, Jim Bob, Alan Bob, etc.

Guest Moss Trooper

Mine is taken from a period in UK history.. The Border Reivers went from 1300-1600's and were quashed, after about 50 years they reamerged for a while and were called moss troopers as they rode the moors on the border of Scotland and England.

Guest echosgold

Mine is the AKC name of our Labrador Retriever, Echo. We named her after several things, ie, her yellow coloring, Echo Lake near Lake Tahoe, Echo Canyon in Death Valley and the gold from our placer gold claim we enjoy working.




www.Outdoor-Dog.com -Gear for Active Dogs!

Guest raygun_88

Mine is for a former American President and his IQ icon_wink.gif

Guest raygun_88

Mine is for a former American President and his IQ icon_wink.gif


Mine is derived from two names I used to get called at work... way back when I was 17.

My boss then (not very nice) used to call me a moron! (his favourite word). The guys I used to work with thought I was cool cause I just used to dismiss him for the waste of time that he so obviously was...




Guest triffid

Mine is from the "old" sci-fi movie "The Day of the Triffids". I've encountered several of these carnivorous flower/plants while hunting for caches! icon_biggrin.gif




Guest triffid

Mine is from the "old" sci-fi movie "The Day of the Triffids". I've encountered several of these carnivorous flower/plants while hunting for caches! icon_biggrin.gif




Guest Schwuk

My nick comes from the closing credits of the John Hughes movie "She's having a baby" -there are lots of different actors in the credits giving suggestions for babies names, and one them stuck in my head - it was Bill Murray saying "Schwuk. I don't know what it means, I heard it on a bus."


Years later, I was trying to think up a unique name to use on the net, and I remembered Schwuk, and the rest is history...



How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Guest Elwood

mine is because i had an uncle whose house i darn near grew up in, he never once that i can recall used my real name, allways called me Elwood.he was a good man that took me on a yearly hike to the top of Timpanogos. its my small remberance of someone that had a big influence on my life.

might as weel include the rest of my gang here as well

Catwoman= my wife, loves cats, undecided about geocaching. at least she comes along for the ride.

Darth Maul= my son. likes StarWars, and looking through the caches to see what he thinks he cant live without.

Catgirl=my daughter. likes geocaching, and cats, all animals really.


[This message has been edited by Elwood (edited 17 July 2001).]

Guest Elwood

as well

Catwoman= my wife, loves cats, undecided about geocaching. at least she comes along for the ride.

Darth Maul= my son. likes StarWars, and looking through the caches to see what he thinks he cant live without.

Catgirl=my daughter. likes geocaching, and cats, all animals really.


[This message has been edited by Elwood (edited 17 July 2001).]

Guest Hard Slate

Hard Slate Gap is the name of the shortcut between my two favorite trout streams that goes over the mountain.It's an old very curvy

gravel rd, the first time we traveled it we were following a local, who showed us all the best holes,doing about 50mph.The pucker factor was high that day.

Guest robamy

Simple my name is Rob my wifes name is Amy. Someone said we are connected at the hip once you get married :-).


Rob & Amy = Robamy


Erik our son came along a little later so we may have to come up with a new username. icon_wink.gif

Guest robamy

Simple my name is Rob my wifes name is Amy. Someone said we are connected at the hip once you get married :-).


Rob & Amy = Robamy


Erik our son came along a little later so we may have to come up with a new username. icon_wink.gif

Guest Ttepee

My initials are TP.... tepee was taken on my server many years ago so I grabbed the t from my son's initials (I'm the big T of course ;-) and have become known as Ttepee on the www.

Guest coralgeo

I work for the US Geological Survey studying coral reefs. Hence, coral geology, or coralgeo for short.




Into a melody of deep blue; shells drifting downward to sink and settle on the seafloor. An earth song of creation kneads them into stone, draws aside the waves and lifts them into mountains.

-Nancy Penrose

Guest coralgeo

deleted double post


[This message has been edited by coralgeo (edited 10 February 2002).]

Guest WaylandersMA

From Wayland, Massachusetts. Plural hunters.

Guest cavetoad

got this one back in college when I was doing a lot of caving and it stuck. It's also the name I used for my racing team I put together a few years back.


Guest barefoot

I like to spend my "non-work" time either barefoot or in sandals, and that includes geocaching (as my poison oak-scarred feet will attest to).

Guest Texas Ranger

Although it could be the name of a Texas baseball team or even the brand name on a bass boat....in this case I work as a Park Ranger here in the great state of Texas

Guest Rubberhead

I bought my first GPS in 1996 because I'm a duck hunter and fisherman. I had recently gotten lost in a bad fog and decided a GPS was a good investment. Since getting the GPS, I have been able to hunt even on very foggy mornings when many duck hunters couldn't find their way from the landing.


Anyway, the term "Rubberhead" is a slang term for an inexperienced duck hunter. I started using the name in 1999 on a similar board for duck hunters called duckcentral.com.


I was surprised to see a member named Rubbertoe on Groundspeak.com. I am curious how Rubbertoe came up with the name.

Guest GrouseTales

"GrouseTales", tales about Grouse.


This is the name of my hunting guide service.


During the fall, I guide Grouse and Woodcock hunts in Northern Wisconsin, with my AKC Master Hunter, German Shorthaired Pointers.


GPS comes in real handy at the end of the day when you need to find where you parked your truck.



[This message has been edited by GrouseTales (edited 16 July 2001).]

Guest McIrish

My last name starts with Mc and my family is Irish...how boring am I??? (no relation to Jeremy) I didn't have a clue when I signed up. tongue.gif

Guest leaper64

i am a leapyear baby. guess what year.

Guest Snowtrail

I love to backpack, and usually hit the mountains since I grew up at the hot, muggy coast. It just so happens that the first hike EVERY year, it snows. February, November, May, whenever, it always snows the first trip.


So, when I tried setting up a user on yahoo mail, snowfoot, et all were taken. This one wasn't. Snowtrail it has been ever since.

Guest Prime Suspect

e called screen names, back in the day) to something humorously self-incriminating: "IDidIt", "TheThief", "HackerGod", etc. I took "Prime Suspect", and ended up adopting it permanently. Software I've written that I've released as freeware is done so under the "Prime Suspect Software" name.

Guest Prime Suspect

"Prime Suspect" goes back to the old "CB Channels" days on Compu$erve (the late 70's, to be a little more exact). Someone had broken into their system and stole some user account names and passwords. Some on-line friends and I, being a bunch of smart-asses, decided it would be fun to change our handles (what we called screen names, back in the day) to something humorously self-incriminating: "IDidIt", "TheThief", "HackerGod", etc. I took "Prime Suspect", and ended up adopting it permanently. Software I've written that I've released as freeware is done so under the "Prime Suspect Software" name.

Guest Exocet

"Exocet" 'cause that's what I've been using since about '94 or '95. First on BBS's, but not for long because right around then the Internet seemed to be getting popular, then on IRC and now everywhere.


Exocet is the name of a French-made missile that achieved some notoriety during the Falkland Island War.


I originally picked it because it just seemed like a cool word. icon_smile.gif

Guest Exocet

"Exocet" 'cause that's what I've been using since about '94 or '95. First on BBS's, but not for long because right around then the Internet seemed to be getting popular, then on IRC and now everywhere.


Exocet is the name of a French-made missile that achieved some notoriety during the Falkland Island War.


I originally picked it because it just seemed like a cool word. icon_smile.gif

Guest jeremy

Obviously 'jeremy' is pretty straightforward, but I also use iryshe, which is the original Old English last name.


I am Irish in name only.

Guest WrongWay

We adopted our name from the aviation pioneer Douglas Corrigan.


Corrigan left the east coast inroute to California and ended up in Ireland, forever after to be known as "Wrong Way Corrigan".


After our first hunt where my daughter and I got totally turned around in the dark, had to dodge free range cattle and had an unfortunate encounter with a cowpie, the name pretty much made sense.

Guest logscaler

It is my job. The others I use where already taken here so..... Oh, Schwuk, "As much as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood." is your answer I believe.

Guest MadGPS

My wife gave me that name.She said that I paid more attention to that gps then her and that I was turning into a MadGPS icon_biggrin.gif


MadGPS icon_biggrin.gif

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