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How do you say "I Found It!" while group caching?


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This thread may already be started somewhere on here, but I couldn't find it, so I decided to start one.


When we are out caching in a group in South Jersey, we try to let everyone find the cache before we pull it out of its hiding spot. We do it this way. When a cacher spots the cache, they walk away from where they were searching and either have a seat or just stand there (hopefully not looking in the direction of the cache) and say "Coffee". This translates to "I am going to sit here and have a cup of coffee while the rest of you poor saps look around and try to find it."


I mentioned it to a few other cachers in other areas and have found that other cachers in other areas have their own things they shout when they find a cache. So I am curious about who says what where. And I started this thread.


So the questions are:


When you are out geocaching with a group of people, what do you shout instead of "I Found It!" How did it start?


It depends what type of caching we're doing. If we're doing a numbers run, then we just yell out found it so no time is wasted.


If we're doing casual caching where each person wants to find the hide, most will walk away, maybe look a bit in the wrong spot to throw someone off and just stand there. It depends how obvious you want to make it. If you want to let it be known, like if 3 of 4 have found it and you're still searching, my friends like to cross their arms, kind of like in disgust, saying, "Hey, cmon and find it already..."


And you didn't even give GG credit for the inspiration.


Around here the accepted standard is Hucklebuckle. But you knew that.


I wanted you to join in and tell the whole story of Hucklebuckle. I was just gonna post it on your board that the thread was here, but you are WAY too quick for me and my phone kept ringing and I am moving into a new house and my kid is a PITA and....well, you know.


And you didn't even give GG credit for the inspiration.


Around here the accepted standard is Hucklebuckle. But you knew that.


I wanted you to join in and tell the whole story of Hucklebuckle. I was just gonna post it on your board that the thread was here, but you are WAY too quick for me and my phone kept ringing and I am moving into a new house and my kid is a PITA and....well, you know.


What is that noise? Is that violin music I hear?


What part did you want me to tell? The part about how it's from an old time kids game? Or the part about how we have a local cacher who uses it as his caching handle? I honestly don't know if the cachers started using it first for finds or the young man in question started the whole thing when he chose his geo-name. Either way I hope no one ever publishes another Huck-a-cypher.

Posted (edited)

The rule for our family is that when a person finds it they stop where they are and just smile in the direction of the cache. As each person notices the one person standing and smiling we all work our way over and do the same until the last person see's the smiling crowd and comes over. The person who initially found it gets to make the grab and then we all sign in.


We aren't in any hurry to find the caches so i don't know how this would wok for those groups on their power finds.

Edited by ao318

When we are out caching in a group in South Jersey, we try to let everyone find the cache before we pull it out of its hiding spot. We do it this way. When a cacher spots the cache, they walk away from where they were searching and either have a seat or just stand there (hopefully not looking in the direction of the cache) and say "Coffee". This translates to "I am going to sit here and have a cup of coffee while the rest of you poor saps look around and try to find it."...


I don't know where exactly started, but we've been caching like this for a long time in both the northern and southern part of the state. I can only assume that it's origin is from Central Jersey. :)

I've heard in areas where they have lots of micros, that call out espresso instead of coffee.






Don't ask me why, it's just what is. :)

You'd have to ask lucyandrickie how that got started. Lately, it's mutated into "whoo" (like an owl), but I've started using "woot" like one of the early posters does. The important part appears to be the "oo" sound. :)


I usually say "Found it!" although one of the last caches I found first with another cacher, I said something like "Ya wouldn't think that a purple cache would be so hard to find!" Yes, the cache was purple, and it wasn't described as such on the cache page...


I've heard people use "Olly-olly-oxenfree," also have a friend who says "Boola-boola-boola." Or maybe it's "Hoola-hoola-hoola!" :)


I LIKE moo! I may have to adopt that!

Especially since out local Huckle Buckle has retired ; )


A friend of mine who caches with his kids....of course the kids find the cache first : ) And THEY say "Mommy, bring the camera!"


And a lesser used but more entertaining method used by our local cockroachess is to find two rocks and bang them together.


I have never purposefully gone caching with other teams so I'm not too sure. Once we stumbled upon another team over an FTF (we had been looking for some time when they came up) and continued the search together. When I finally found it, I guess I said "Got it" or "Here it is". And we all signed the log together.


Usually, when we're just the two of us, the first to find it says so. Same thing when we go out caching with non (yet) cachers, we don't leave things to last for too long :)

Posted (edited)

And you didn't even give GG credit for the inspiration.


Around here the accepted standard is Hucklebuckle. But you knew that.


I wanted you to join in and tell the whole story of Hucklebuckle. I was just gonna post it on your board that the thread was here, but you are WAY too quick for me and my phone kept ringing and I am moving into a new house and my kid is a PITA and....well, you know.


What is that noise? Is that violin music I hear?


What part did you want me to tell? The part about how it's from an old time kids game? Or the part about how we have a local cacher who uses it as his caching handle? I honestly don't know if the cachers started using it first for finds or the young man in question started the whole thing when he chose his geo-name. Either way I hope no one ever publishes another Huck-a-cypher.


Yo Gof! I still can't figure out what you're trying to say in that stolen geocoin thread. :)


This is confusing, is there a merged thread? I can tell you, that the first wave of cachers in our area (2002 joiners like Dru, The Moms, SF1, Brogan, etc..) were using it before I started, and I cached with most of them personally pretty early on in my career (before the end of 2003) and was introduced to it. That "retired" lad didn't come on until late 2004, and had a different username in the beginning anyways. I do know whenever someone outside of WNY hears Huckle Buckle, they usually have no clue what it means. :)

Edited by TheWhiteUrkel

What we learned from some others in our area at an Intro event was the "hiking staff lean" -- you back away from the cache, and lean on your hiking staff (or pretend to, if you don't have one).


What's really funny is when you have been "leaning" for 4 - 5 minutes, and no one else has noticed that you are "leaning" yet because they are so engrossed in the search.


Just calmly join the gang in hunting like nothing ever happened, and then all the sudden yell as loud as you can "IN YOUR FACE!!!" :blink:


LOL! I like to follow that up with a BIG.......LOOOOOOSSSEEERRRRRRSSSSSSSSSSS! :):)<_<


As they find it, each person walks away from GZ and puts their finger on their nose, but says nothing. When you are down to the last moron cacher, you know who is buying lunch that day! :)


Really we usually just say "found it", and then everyone runs over. Kinda boring really. Although if you are my wife, you yell "I got it" seven or eight times before you really have it, because she suffers from premature exclamation. :)


Around here the accepted standard is HuckleBuckle. But you knew that.

A) The part about how it's from an old time kids game?

B)Or the part about how we have a local cacher who uses it as his caching handle?

C) I honestly don't know if the cachers started using it first for finds or the young man in question started the whole thing when he chose his geo-name.


Yo buddy,

a ) Yes, it originated from the kids game!

b ) I was gonna actually change my name/handle to that, but “SOMEONE.... :) ” changed theirs just days before me.

c ) Years ago, when I got started in caching, the phrase “HuckleBuckle” was to signify that you found the cache or the part. I had picked it up on GC when I first started, I did not create the phrase! Some of us old time cachers would use it regularly, and the newbies would want to know what it mean.

For almost two years, I'd explain to many local cachers what “HuckleBuckle” meant.

I had picked it up on GC when I first started, I did not create the phrase!


...When you are out geocaching with a group of people, what do you shout instead of "I Found It!" How did it start?

My group uses the three muskateers method. If one finds we we all found it.

Other groups use the huckle buckler method. If one finds it they discreetly walk away then say they found (or maybe not) it and leave others to do the same.


Groups vary but they seem to use one or the other method. The bes thing to do is ask, or get your vote in and then let the group decide.


We always say "All for one and one for all." No idea where that came from. :)

That's the Three Muskateers Method. My personal favorite.

The only time it's ever a problem (and then it's not really a problem) is when there is a dogpile wrestling match when there is swag we all want.

I usually say "Found it!" although one of the last caches I found first with another cacher, I said something like "Ya wouldn't think that a purple cache would be so hard to find!" Yes, the cache was purple, and it wasn't described as such on the cache page...
My group uses the three muskateers method. If one finds we we all found it.
I'll clarify my "Found it!" statement by saying I generally use the Three Musketeers method. If the cache is a particularly clever hide that I think my caching partner will enjoy the "A-Ha!" moment, I'll still say "Found it!" but won't reveal the hide.


Sometimes if the hide is blatantly obvious, I'll do the same thing. Not so others can enjoy the "A-Ha!" moment, but so I can enjoy teasing them... ;)

Posted (edited)

When we are out caching in a group in South Jersey, we try to let everyone find the cache before we pull it out of its hiding spot. We do it this way. When a cacher spots the cache, they walk away from where they were searching and either have a seat or just stand there (hopefully not looking in the direction of the cache) and say "Coffee". This translates to "I am going to sit here and have a cup of coffee while the rest of you poor saps look around and try to find it."...


I don't know where exactly started, but we've been caching like this for a long time in both the northern and southern part of the state. I can only assume that it's origin is from Central Jersey. ;)

I've heard in areas where they have lots of micros, that call out espresso instead of coffee.


I can't say for certain, but I think "Coffee", or as it began "I'm having a cup of coffee", was first used during a group hunt in Harriman in April of 2003. At least it was the first time I heard the term and I think it was either Harrald or Hartclimbs who came up with it. They may have heard it elsewhere, but I'm pretty sure one of them started it.


Here are two logs that reference it:

Skitrail to Silvermine


Silvermine N0 2


To answer Gipsie's question, I've done it both ways. The "coffee method" works better with a smaller groups. If you have 15-20 people it could take forever for each to find it, so with larger groups someone will yell "Found It" and we'll all gather around to sign in.


In smaller groups, say 3-8 people, we usually use the "coffee method". If it's just me and the wife we always use the "Coffee method" and in the case of my wife, she'll sometimes actually pull out a cup and a Thermos of coffee and sit there drinking it while I'm still looking.

Edited by briansnat
To answer Gipsie's question, I've done it both ways. The "coffee method" works better with a smaller groups. If you have 15-20 people it could take forever for each to find it, so with larger groups someone will yell "Found It" and we'll all gather around to sign in.
At CacheApalooza 3 there was a cache about 50-feet deep into some 8 foot tall saw palmettos and vines near a drop off bank into some swamp, and when we arrived there were already three people on the hunt. By the time it was found there was at least 12 of us scouring over the area, we lost and found a cell phone, a GPS and a PDA and several pints of blood. If someone walked off, sat down and said "Coffee" they'd of been tarred and feathered mob-style :D


In smaller groups, say 3-8 people, we usually use the "coffee method". If it's just me and the wife we always use the "Coffee method" and in the case of my wife, she'll sometimes actually pull out a cup and a Thermos of coffee and sit there drinking it while I'm still looking.
The coffee method works but often it's a group effort so a find is a find. And I don't mind even though I'm the one yelling back "Found it!" from knee deep gator muck while bleeding from the leg cuts and swatting away the saber toothed swamp skeeters... ;)

In every group I been with the finder normally just pulls it out and says "Here it is."


You people don't know what you're missing. Think of the fun you can have heaping abuse on your fellow cachers if you find it first and they are still looking. And heaven help the last one who is still looking while 5 or 6 people stand around ridiculing him. You can't buy fun like that!


One of the groups I cache with regularly uses the expression "search harder" and we try and slip it casually into a sentance "Why dont you search harder over there" so that the person sometimes doesn't even notice it and we get an extra laugh at their expense. Of course, the ultimate trick is to find the cache, sign the log and return the cache to it's hiding place undectected. It's very hard to accomplish during a group hunt.


I usually say "well hello my leetle friend"

One of my regular caching pals is fond of "Yatzee!"

The other usually just says 'got it'.


We don't usually play the coffee/hucklebuckle version of the game, but it does happen on occasion when there is a particularly nice hide worthy of an individual 'aha' moment for all.


It largely depends on the group I'm with. We typically hammer out these details prior to hitting the "Go To" button. Sometimes whoever locates it first just hollers "Found It!" and we converge with pens & swag in hand. Other times, once we locate the cache, we meander around a bit, pretending to search, then step away with a smirk.

You people don't know what you're missing. Think of the fun you can have heaping abuse on your fellow cachers if you find it first and they are still looking. And heaven help the last one who is still looking while 5 or 6 people stand around ridiculing him. You can't buy fun like that!
We have hosted group caching runs a couple times in places with either our caches or caches we've found and it's a hoot sometimes to see everyone within inches of a well hidden camo job and yet oblivious to it's presence. Have a multi with fake (edited as I know people who read this) and a pair of cachers went out, one had found it, one hadn't. The one who found it sent me pictures of the other sitting almost on top of it and in quite a few frustraited poses with his hand right beside the hide. Yeah, can't buy fun like that ;)

Of course, the ultimate trick is to find the cache, sign the log and return the cache to it's hiding place undetected. It's very hard to accomplish during a group hunt.


Especially if the container is an ammo box! ;)

But it can happen. :D


If Muggles are about, I like to say "Yuk. There's dog poop over here!"



So the questions are:


When you are out geocaching with a group of people, what do you shout instead of "I Found It!" How did it start?


Someone brought this thread to my attention. :D Like other WNY cachers above have mentioned, the term "hucklebuckle" has been around for ages before caching. It's definitely popular in the Western New York region to scream out hucklebuckle! after finding a cache, but if you did it in Ohio, Pennsylvania, other regions of the country, they would look at you like you were nuts. ;)

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