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The WORST thing u ever found


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Today while looking for a benchmark I almost stumbled over what I first thought was a part of a sofa. It turned out to be a dead cow. Little of the flesh seemed to be left. Things dry out pretty quick out here. It looked like boney, hairy, jerky. About 1/2 of the hide was still there. The body was complete. It even had an ear tag still there. It did not smell at all which was a blessing really. I almost recovered the head but it still looked pretty meaty so I decided to leave it be. No idea about what killed it. Could have just wandered off and died. Too far out in the brush to be roadkill and too complete to be butchered out remains. It was not really gross but it got me thinking about what I COULD HAVE FOUND. I bet some of you have found things far, far worse. Tell me your stories.

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Today while looking for a benchmark I almost stumbled over what I first thought was a part of a sofa. It turned out to be a dead cow. Little of the flesh seemed to be left. Things dry out pretty quick out here. It looked like boney, hairy, jerky. About 1/2 of the hide was still there. The body was complete. It even had an ear tag still there. It did not smell at all which was a blessing really. I almost recovered the head but it still looked pretty meaty so I decided to leave it be. No idea about what killed it. Could have just wandered off and died. Too far out in the brush to be roadkill and too complete to be butchered out remains. It was not really gross but it got me thinking about what I COULD HAVE FOUND. I bet some of you have found things far, far worse. Tell me your stories.

The WORST thing I ever found...

My ex-wife...

You don't want to here the story..

Wish I had found a dead cow instead.

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I've found a few nasty things in caches. A local cache had a slug in it, stunk good too.


The best one, the dead skunk laying next to a cache. Oh the horror of that smell up close.

Dead deer, large pile of horse crap fresh, nearly stepped on that. A few things, especially if you cache in the country side.

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dead (human) body. Shortly after taking a picture 2 police officers found me with it.


ya.. I win :o


A small prize for a few hours of interrogation!


That is wierd. My buddy had a similar experience. He found a hanging body while on his way to a cache one morning. The thing is he didn't feel the need to tell anyone right away. He didn't want to be late for work. At lunch he remembered and called the police. I don't know how he could forget all morning. He is an odd sort of fellow and that sort of thing just doesn't phase him. The police also wondered how he attached such little importance to the discovery. Apparently they thought about charging him with something, but he explained that if he hadn't happened by the guy would still be there and they let him go.


I kid you not.


The Geek

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our worst "find" ever was in our own cache. we had received a report that our cache was "icky" and "needed maintenance". we set out for the location and figured we'd find a thermos full of water or otherwise, as our cache location was in an environmentally vulnerable location. well, needless to say, we discoverd that apparently our tinly little 3 quart thermos bottle was someone's port-a-potty. we put the lid on and tossed the entire thing, hoping the trash guys wouldn't asses a hazmat fee for disposal!


we went to walmart and purchased an all new cache, bigger, better, and safer and luckily the same hasn't happened again. horrible story but i guess it fits the topic.


-cache_likeyoulive (owners of spelunkemite, legendary cache of the yosemite highway 120 region)

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Not actually in a cache, but near enough.


1. I hopped out of my pal's jeep and landed shin deep in what I originally thought was dried grasses at the edge of the road until I realized there was a rib cage next to my ankle. Yup, deer carcass, make that carcasses as it seems this little used semi paved road was a hunter's dumping ground at the edge of a swamp. At least there was some water nearby to rinse my boots off .


2. A very very large adult pleasure toy, with a duct tape repair job, about 10' from the actual cache. It wouldn't even have fit in the 30mm ammo can if we had wanted to leave a bigger surprise for the next finder. :D

Sheesh, who would a. need one that large, b. play with it and leave it out in the woods, and c. what did they do to it and their bodies that required a duct tape repair job??? :D :D

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A cigarette lighter half shaped as a hand grenade, half as a white pigeon (as in the white pigeon of peace).


I've never found anything so stupid and useless as that lighter with a severe problem of double personality.


Sounds like a sticker in a car window I saw yesterday... "LOVE" spelled with a hand grenade for the "O"

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2. A very very large adult pleasure toy, with a duct tape repair job, about 10' from the actual cache. It wouldn't even have fit in the 30mm ammo can if we had wanted to leave a bigger surprise for the next finder. :D

We found something similar at a night cache that we found during the day. It was bright purple and sitting directly on top of one of the stages. We were thankful that we could find the final without needing the info in that stage.


Its sighting had been mentioned in previous logs, and as far as I know it remains there today. Maybe there was something in the description about needing "special equipment" that I missed.

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Well this one was pretty bad






No it's not spiders, rather some type of crickets. BIG crickets. And like 4000 of them all at one place (final stage).


Here's a tip: if you poke one of them in the direction of a nice cluster of them intresting things happen....


BTW, Does anyone know what kind of crickets these are?

Edited by lrosell
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Well this one was pretty bad






No it's not spiders, rather some type of crickets. BIG crickets. And like 4000 of them all at one place (final stage).


Here's a tip: if you poke one of them in the direction of a nice cluster of them intresting things happen....


BTW, Does anyone know what kind of crickets these are?


Looks like a camel cricket....




"commonly found in caves. However, most species live in other cool, damp situations such as in wells, rotten logs, stumps and hollow trees, and under damp leaves, stones, boards, and logs."

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We did a night cache out in the middle of nowhere last fall. As we were getting out of the car and organizing our packs one of the people in our group stumbled upon a huge pile of innards, red and still steaming (it was a cold Fall night) We were all a little freaked! Seemed much scarier in the darkness. After we stopped screaming, we decided hunters must have gutted a deer right there at the trail head before putting it on their truck. It made for a pretty creepy night cache.

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Well this one was pretty bad






No it's not spiders, rather some type of crickets. BIG crickets. And like 4000 of them all at one place (final stage).


Here's a tip: if you poke one of them in the direction of a nice cluster of them intresting things happen....


BTW, Does anyone know what kind of crickets these are?

Oh no! That is one of my Psycho caches! I love those crickets, and there are fewer than ten thousand of them at any one stage. Sheesh... lrosell strikes again! :mad::yikes:

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BTW, Does anyone know what kind of crickets these are?


Aww, come on. PUC #8's a walk in the park. You want gross do PUC #10!!

And since when are thousands of of rats, dozens of feral cats, piles of human fecal material, urine-soaked tunnel walls, fifteen foot high pyramids of abandoned used condoms, broken syringes with blood still glistening on the needle, puddles of human bodily fluids, wild-eyed hysterical drug abusers, zombie-like gay sex cruisers straight out of Dawn of the Dead, delerious vacant-eyed street hookers, snarling urban drug dealers, crazed little old ladies who are obsessed with feral cats, armed (as in handguns) tattooed Goth graffiti artists (aka taggers) and a few lacerations and bruising injuries to the body of the cache hunter GROSS? :mad::D


Hello? Earth to CCrew? Hello? :D:mad::yikes::ph34r:




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Worst for me has been two dead dogs at separate caches. One dead for quite a while as the ribs and other bones were showing, the other still decomposing. Very sad. Had to wonder what happened and felt sorry for the owners who probably never knew what happened to their dogs. One was an Irish Setter, the other a German Shepard.

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2. A very very large adult pleasure toy, with a duct tape repair job, about 10' from the actual cache. It wouldn't even have fit in the 30mm ammo can if we had wanted to leave a bigger surprise for the next finder. :ph34r:

Sheesh, who would a. need one that large, b. play with it and leave it out in the woods, and c. what did they do to it and their bodies that required a duct tape repair job??? :yikes::mad:


i was thinking of a fun idea (not for a cache, mind you)...


an area of forest not on but near a trail with dozens of these things doweled onto trees at varying heights and angles. i mentioned it to some friends and they wanted to know where i'd get that many...


...put out a box for donations! you know, at the public library or something...


a big ol' box of slightly used toys. with a sign asking for contributions.


(insert your own deviant variation on "toys for tots" here.)

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I think the worst thing I ever found near a cache was a dead goat that hadn't quite starting rotting out yet but was completely covered in flies and maggots. I did find a "toy" near a cache once.


Goat? Did somebody mention a goat?


(not to mention maggots)


Maybe the gross factor is why so many folks go after the quick road side micros? I once stepped on a rotting guey mouse corpse in my parent's basement---with bare feet. But I guess that doesn't count since it happened long before I heard about geocaching. Just got my Etrex Venture today and am excited and now sqeemish about going. :anitongue:

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Maybe the gross factor is why so many folks go after the quick road side micros? I once stepped on a rotting guey mouse corpse in my parent's basement---with bare feet. But I guess that doesn't count since it happened long before I heard about geocaching. Just got my Etrex Venture today and am excited and now sqeemish about going. :anitongue:


if ti helps you any, i've seen many more "rich decomps" at roadside micros than i have at caches in parks and trails.


come to think of it, i can only think of a few yicky things i've found out in the woods, but the list for the roadside micros goes on and on...


full diapers

soiled undergarments

mountains of human waste and TP

household garbage

used condoms

gut piles

dead dogs

maggot-infested animal remains


out in the woods you're likely to encounter animal scats and remains of predation, but somehow these things are part of the natural order, whereas the dumping of decomposing material at a guardrail just seems gross.

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BTW, Does anyone know what kind of crickets these are?


Aww, come on. PUC #8's a walk in the park. You want gross do PUC #10!!

And since when are thousands of of rats, dozens of feral cats, piles of human fecal material, urine-soaked tunnel walls, fifteen foot high pyramids of abandoned used condoms, broken syringes with blood still glistening on the needle, puddles of human bodily fluids, wild-eyed hysterical drug abusers, zombie-like gay sex cruisers straight out of Dawn of the Dead, delerious vacant-eyed street hookers, snarling urban drug dealers, crazed little old ladies who are obsessed with feral cats, armed (as in handguns) tattooed Goth graffiti artists (aka taggers) and a few lacerations and bruising injuries to the body of the cache hunter GROSS? :laughing::wub:


Hello? Earth to CCrew? Hello? :wub::):D:D



Whoa, you forgot the worse one!! "Vinny doing cache maintenance" !! :)B)B):D:D:D


But durned if you aren't right on all the rest. That's one cache I wouldn't do in less than a group of three. One to retrieve the cache and two for protection!!

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BTW, Does anyone know what kind of crickets these are?


Aww, come on. PUC #8's a walk in the park. You want gross do PUC #10!!

And since when are thousands of of rats, dozens of feral cats, piles of human fecal material, urine-soaked tunnel walls, fifteen foot high pyramids of abandoned used condoms, broken syringes with blood still glistening on the needle, puddles of human bodily fluids, wild-eyed hysterical drug abusers, zombie-like gay sex cruisers straight out of Dawn of the Dead, delerious vacant-eyed street hookers, snarling urban drug dealers, crazed little old ladies who are obsessed with feral cats, armed (as in handguns) tattooed Goth graffiti artists (aka taggers) and a few lacerations and bruising injuries to the body of the cache hunter GROSS? :laughing::wub:


Hello? Earth to CCrew? Hello? :wub::):D:D


Whoa, you forgot the worse one!! "Vinny doing cache maintenance" !! B):D:D:DB):D


But durned if you aren't right on all the rest. That's one cache I wouldn't do in less than a group of three. One to retrieve the cache and two for protection!!




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2. A very very large adult pleasure toy, with a duct tape repair job, about 10' from the actual cache. It wouldn't even have fit in the 30mm ammo can if we had wanted to leave a bigger surprise for the next finder. :lol:

Sheesh, who would a. need one that large, b. play with it and leave it out in the woods, and c. what did they do to it and their bodies that required a duct tape repair job??? :rolleyes::cool:

Now that I am done laughing hysterically trying to read this to hubby! (my eyes are still a little glossy from laughing so hard! B) )

I guess we have been fairly lucky living in the high desert. I think the first worst thing we came across was a dead petrified cat in Las Vegas. Apparently the Vegas heat and sun had pretty well preserved this kitty as people had been logging comments about it for the better part of two years.

a very soiled pair of tighty whitey's (poor guy!)

containers from a meth lab (marked the coords, then called the sheriffs dept)

used condoms (eww, we see a lot of these, I guess the upside is they are probably people that shouldn't be reproducing in the first place)

we didn't find a dead body, but there was one very near some caches we had found last January while there was snow on the ground, she went missing Jan.21, we found the caches on the 24th and she was found on Feb.13th. It still gives me the ooogies when I drive by.

Edited by LostinReno
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2. A very very large adult pleasure toy, with a duct tape repair job, about 10' from the actual cache. It wouldn't even have fit in the 30mm ammo can if we had wanted to leave a bigger surprise for the next finder. :cool:

Sheesh, who would a. need one that large, b. play with it and leave it out in the woods, and c. what did they do to it and their bodies that required a duct tape repair job??? :lol::grin:

Now that I am done laughing hysterically trying to read this to hubby! (my eyes are still a little glossy from laughing so hard! B) )

I guess we have been fairly lucky living in the high desert. I think the first worst thing we came across was a dead petrified cat in Las Vegas. Apparently the Vegas heat and sun had pretty well preserved this kitty as people had been logging comments about it for the better part of two years.

a very soiled pair of tighty whitey's (poor guy!)

containers from a meth lab (marked the coords, then called the sheriffs dept)

used condoms (eww, we see a lot of these, I guess the upside is they are probably people that shouldn't be reproducing in the first place)

we didn't find a dead body, but there was one very near some caches we had found last January while there was snow on the ground, she went missing Jan.21, we found the caches on the 24th and she was found on Feb.13th. It still gives me the ooogies when I drive by.

OMG that was funny! :rolleyes:


I like to forget the gross stuff that I've come across. But since that is what this thread is about....

I hate is finding empty containers of KY Jelly when I'm looking for a cache. Yecch! :cool:

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We (lostlookingforyou and I) found a dead body in a cemetery on the 4th of July. There are lots of dead bodies in cemeteries but this one was above ground...

PCC Forums


I read your story and about wet my pants laughing at this part


"the dead body was really starting to creep us out, so we decide to move to the inside of the cemetery where the other caches are and wait for the sirens. We went right by one of the caches so we made the find and were doing the paperwork when we heard the sirens,"


Find dead body + Call cops + Grab close cache + tell cops where body is = Hardcore Cachers

Edited by WatchDog2020
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