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The WORST thing u ever found


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Well this one was pretty bad






No it's not spiders, rather some type of crickets. BIG crickets. And like 4000 of them all at one place (final stage).


Here's a tip: if you poke one of them in the direction of a nice cluster of them intresting things happen....


BTW, Does anyone know what kind of crickets these are?


Yes, these are cave crickets, the orthopteran family Rhaphidophoridae. They are quite tasty.

Posted (edited)

Nasty stuff found at cache sites:


Rotted but non-smelly dog.


Bloated dead cat.


Bloated, rotting, and EXTREMELY smelly deer.


Live .30-.30 round inside the cache. (That one I did a CITO on.)


The other night I did a FTF where I found 4 big black widow spiders in likely cache hiding spots.


Several rattlesnakes at cache sites.


Religious materials in the cache.


Used toilet paper by the cache.


Scorpion under the cache.


FREAKING POISON OAK ALL AROUND THE CACHE. (Yeah, I really hate this one........)


Nasty, obnoxious stuff found near cache site:

Stupid barking dogs - especially annoying when night caching

Edited by Thrak


Several rattlesnakes at cache sites.


Religious materials in the cache.



You put religious materials right up there with rattlesnakes, huh?

Too funny! :)


While I was out scouting for a place to put a multi I thought I found the perfect spot. I averaged the cords, hid the cache, and moved on to hide stage 2. I took a different route out and found a bong, some spoons, beer cans, and a condom. All these things were hidden by a bush about 20 feet from stage one. Apparently that was the teen hangout. Needless to say I grabbed stage one and left the area.


Another time I did this cache near a local spring. When I arrived I found barbies and other dolls lined up around the edge of the spring. This was pretty creepy, but I did the cache any way. When logging the cache I found out that the dolls belonged to a grown man who was known to have made sexual advances on male cachers. He was also reported to be wearing nothing but a speedo. I didn’t believe this until I went back to help a friend find the cache. There he was playing with the dolls and performing strange rituals near the spring. He darted from tree to tree watching us untill we left. Although he seemed like a harmless stoner the whole thing was very strange.



Several rattlesnakes at cache sites.


Religious materials in the cache.



You put religious materials right up there with rattlesnakes, huh?

Too funny! :yikes:


Actually, the rattlesnakes are naturally occurring hazards. They live there and we're invading their space. The religious materials are nothing but trash left by zealots trying to convert everybody to their weird beliefs. So, I consider the religious materials to be nastier than the rattlesnakes. I CITO the junk right on out of there.


Jim Morrison was right. People are strange. The worst things seem to be human related. You would think wandering around out in the sticks would get you away from human wierdness. Think again (sigh).


Worst thing I have come across was a cache in TN at a truck stop. If I remember correctly it was called Just a friendly TB Hotel. I ventured about 15 feet into the woods and discovered the a ammo box. While signing the log and doing a TB swap I kept wondering why the ground was so soggy and sticky looking. The smell in the area was horribale. I guess someone had emptied there portapotty out of their RV or dumped something. Even the ammo can smelled as if someone had used the bathroom in it. I retrieved a TB from the can and B-lined for the gas station to purchase some hand sanatizer. I guess it could have been worse I figure.


dead (human) body. Shortly after taking a picture 2 police officers found me with it.


ya.. I win :rolleyes:


A small prize for a few hours of interrogation!


That is wierd. My buddy had a similar experience. He found a hanging body while on his way to a cache one morning. The thing is he didn't feel the need to tell anyone right away. He didn't want to be late for work. At lunch he remembered and called the police. I don't know how he could forget all morning. He is an odd sort of fellow and that sort of thing just doesn't phase him. The police also wondered how he attached such little importance to the discovery. Apparently they thought about charging him with something, but he explained that if he hadn't happened by the guy would still be there and they let him go.


I kid you not.


The Geek


That is hilarious.


dead (human) body. Shortly after taking a picture 2 police officers found me with it.


ya.. I win :yikes:


A small prize for a few hours of interrogation!


That is wierd. My buddy had a similar experience. He found a hanging body while on his way to a cache one morning. The thing is he didn't feel the need to tell anyone right away. He didn't want to be late for work. At lunch he remembered and called the police. I don't know how he could forget all morning. He is an odd sort of fellow and that sort of thing just doesn't phase him. The police also wondered how he attached such little importance to the discovery. Apparently they thought about charging him with something, but he explained that if he hadn't happened by the guy would still be there and they let him go.


I kid you not.


The Geek


That is hilarious.


STOP IT!!! YOUR KILLING US LOL :):D:angry::):D<_<:)

BTW, Does anyone know what kind of crickets these are?
BAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B)


We did a cache called Bloody Bucket Road GCVFX7 (archived, dang it!) after doing a paddle on the Peace River. Cool story in the listing from "Weird Florida" by Charlie Carlson, but we ended up parking at this little riverside remote launch away from everything. As I stepped out of the Jeep I looked down and right 'almost' under my foot was the bottom part of a deer leg, still bloody and fresh. ACK! With the story we just read we were about to high tail it out but decided we were there and might as well have a smiley along with the nasty. As we were leaving there was some plastic odd shaped bags nearby and we were thinking the rest of the deer might be in there but by then the flies were getting pretty busy.... :anibad:


In my world, the "Stinky Freezer" definately wins the worst thing at a cache award. Read my log for "Hide It and They Will Come" GCYMBP for the full story. Actually, this cache and the logs are absolutely a riot to read.

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