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What is the most valuable object you've found in a cache?


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I'm in the planning/development stage of a level 5/5 multi-cache here in Central Washington State. Because of the difficulty involved, I plan to place valuable/very valuable objects into the the final cache. But what's valuable? What's appropriate? Maybe a better question is what kinds of very valuable objects have you encountered?


Your input will give me a proper reference so I can create a nice treasure but not go overboard.


Thanks in advance. B)


Most valuable thing I've found was most likely left unintentionally. Picked up a 1948 silver Canadien quarter. In it's current condition it's probably worth about 10 bucks.


A doctor in the Traverse City, Michigan area was placing a few new caches (around 2002 or 2003) with a pair of $50 bills in them for the 1st and 2nd finders. I think he only did 3 like that...but WOW. I live around 5 hours away...but friends of mine found one that I know of (ABXGuy was one of them). If I was motivated I might spend some time looking them up...but I am at work and have things to do.


I just posted a series the other week where you had to find 10 caches on a 6 mile 1000 foot elevation hike in order to find the final one. ("TT&BB's FINAL Griffith Park Cache). In the final cache I had a $20, $10 & $5 gift certificate for Starbucks for 1st, 2nd & 3rd. My FTFer said it ws the most generous find he'd ever received, and he has 1100+ finds.


Most valuable thing I found was a used sony clie (for paperless caching) and a silver rind with rainbow colored crystals. My Mother in Laz LOVED it and we gave it to her as a christmas present.


A doctor in the Traverse City, Michigan area was placing a few new caches (around 2002 or 2003) with a pair of $50 bills in them for the 1st and 2nd finders. I think he only did 3 like that...but WOW. I live around 5 hours away...but friends of mine found one that I know of (ABXGuy was one of them). If I was motivated I might spend some time looking them up...but I am at work and have things to do.



wow, i hope the FTF just didn't take the whole $100 and run :o


Thanks for all your responses. I wanted to make sure I don't short change the FTF people. I can tell that what I have in mind for a treasure is much greater than any of these examples. The adventure I have in mind will be very difficult and deserves a big prize for those who can actually accomplish it.


I'll be a couple of months before the snows melt and I can place my caches. When I do I'll make a note for those who might be interested in going for a look.


I can tell that what I have in mind for a treasure is much greater than any of these examples. The adventure I have in mind will be very difficult and deserves a big prize for those who can actually accomplish it.


Eternal life?


World peace?


Free Garmin maps?


A GPS with all the bells and whistles that does everything advertised, right out of the box, without any updates?




I went out the other day caching in a local park here in richmond, va and i came across a $25 gift cert. to chilies. Other than that the best find i have come across would have to be a nice watch with a compass or a nice pair of ear rings. Some cool things that i would like to see land in some caches whould have to be some gift cert. to some stores that pertain to geocaching or outdoor activities. or maybe even some unactivated travelbugs or geocoins.


I've found a $20 Starbucks gift card and a new CallerID device. My best finds were not actually in the cache, but found while searching - a Winchester multi-tool and a pair of $200 Maui Jim sunglasses.


I am all for great prizes in caches, but just a thought: If the cache is known to have a very valuable prize waiting in it, it could prompt people to look extra hard, and do considerable damage to the cache location in the process. I have walked into GZ's that looked like a literal Ground Zero, and that was just for a regular cache without noteworthy swag. Some areas are very sensitive to any intrusion, let alone eager prize seekers looking for a hidden $50 dollar bill! The game is, after all, about the hiding and finding - prizes are just the icing on the cake. Please do not take my words as judgmental, just as cautionary.


The best item we've found is a pair of movie passes. Many years ago, on one of a evening news program (like 20/20 or 60 Minutes) they did a story about Geocaching, and Camera man followed a caching couple on a major hike to a cache site that took a few hours just to get to the cache. Once there the FTF prize was a pair of open ended plane tickets to Hawaii.


I received a FTF gift of a backpack once (thanks BrianSnat!)


I have found several medallions or coins that must be worth $5-$50 several times


I found some gold once, flakes actually from some guy from Utah that left them at a cache in Wayne, NJ called Pot of Gold. Saw it at a store valued at nearly $50.


I try to reciprocate.


I frequently place $20 or gift certificates in caches that I know have some competition for a FTF or are difficult to reach.


I have one cache with over $100 with of items in it but only 3 people have found it.


the oddest thing I found at a cache site was my cellphone.


the most dangerous thing I found near a cache was a magazine of hollow tipped bullets.


I am all for great prizes in caches, but just a thought: If the cache is known to have a very valuable prize waiting in it, it could prompt people to look extra hard, and do considerable damage to the cache location in the process. I have walked into GZ's that looked like a literal Ground Zero, and that was just for a regular cache without noteworthy swag. Some areas are very sensitive to any intrusion, let alone eager prize seekers looking for a hidden $50 dollar bill! The game is, after all, about the hiding and finding - prizes are just the icing on the cake. Please do not take my words as judgmental, just as cautionary.


Good comments. I've considered this and due to the locations difficulity know that the area won't suffer.


I'd say the most valuable thing I grabbed from a cache is a letter opener. We use the

darn thing every day now. I found a roll of wheat pennies once. The oldest one in it was from 1916 all

the way to a 1953.


I just found an Anne Murray tape in a cache on the summit of a local hill!


And to add insult to injury, it was probably an 8-track as well.


I haven't really found anything of great value, but i dont mind. Ive enjoyed finding little gadgets and such. A hard cache doesn't need necessarily expensive loot, just good.


I haven't found anything worth more than a few dollars so far. On my 13th cache "lucky #13" I left 13 dollars as the FTF prize.


I am currently working out the plans for a 5/5 multi to place when I get back home. Kind of my way of celebrating the homecoming. I am planning on a MAJOR ftf prize. Like a new GPS, or silver bullion, or just a big pile of one dollar bills (like a couple hundred) ;)


About 3 years ago a local cacher left his old PDA in a cache as the FTF prize. At the time I was still caching with papers flying all over the car, so when I saw that the FTF prize was a PDA I through the kids and the GPS in the car and we were off to get it. We beat another cacher by about 15 mins. (Yes I was speeding... shhhh) I was soooo thrilled to grab the PDA and of course sent a hardy thank you email to the cache owner. What a blessing it was to finally go paperless. So for me the prize was priceless!


If I were an evil cacher, I would just take everything and forget about the smiley. But I am an honest cacher and would take a FTF prize if offered. If not, I would swap something of equal or greater value, or take nothing and post for the smiley. I would hate to see a cache owner get burned by placing too valuable a prize(s) in a cache, unless they have valuables to burn. If that's the case, email me and you can just send the valuables to me instead. :rolleyes:


A log book to sign. :D


Have to agree with this, sorry I know its not what you were looking for.

The thing is when my first cache got muggled all I wanted back was my logbook. It was a letterbox hybrid cache so in my opinion it is irreplaceable.

When I visit a cache the first thing I look for is the logbook. I love reading what other people have written and where they are from.

So most important to me is a good logbook, one that won't fall apart, spirl or staple bound.

Once you place your cache you don't have much control on what is in there other than the logbook.

Posted (edited)

We haven't found anything of considerable value in a cache, but we found $20 on the ground at a trail head once.


As far as filling caches with rewarding swag, we had a Sony Playstation in a cache but it never made it to final placement. It was too heavy to carry (a mile and a half!) so I gave it to some young campers to lighten the load. The look on their faces was priceless. It must have been like Santa Claus came walking down the trail.

Edited by Team LaLonde

I have placed items such as: used PDA (when I upgraded), cable modem for a computer (when I upgraded), gift certificates, old video games that I got bored with (you know the ones...you can't beat them and they mock you daily so you have to get rid of them), a fold up shovel, among other high end items. But honestly my best received items were the toys for the kids (new in packaged and not from McDonald's).


I currently have a 5 gallon drum filled with all kinds of goodies that I just need a spot for...


Thanks for all your responses. I wanted to make sure I don't short change the FTF people. I can tell that what I have in mind for a treasure is much greater than any of these examples. The adventure I have in mind will be very difficult and deserves a big prize for those who can actually accomplish it.


I'll be a couple of months before the snows melt and I can place my caches. When I do I'll make a note for those who might be interested in going for a look.


Did you say treasure?


The most valuable thing we (I cache with "shoot the zombie in the brain") have found was in a cache just last night. On our way to GCPZQA I got the "low battery" signal on my eTrex so I stopped in at a gas station to get a Gatorade and some double A's. A pair of Duracells were $5.99! When you need something, you need it, so I gripe to my buddy and drink my Gatorade to cool off. Five minutes later we find the cache and inside is a log, a shell, and two double A's!


Not a super expensive item but it sure was frustrating to open that little box and see fresh batteries staring back at me!

Posted (edited)

Inside the caches I've placed, I've put a handmade titanium chainmail bracelet. If I were to have sold that at a market, I would have probably been asking about $50 for it.


Most expensive thing I've FOUND isn't all that much... well, aside from TB's of greater value, but those don't really count, since you kinda don't keep those :grin:. I've found a loonie once or twice... that's really about it.

Edited by Kabuthunk
Posted (edited)



The FTF prize for a 3 stage multi-cache I'm setting up soon will be a Red, 1984 Volkswagon Scirocco.


Not physically in the cache, but contact info and a code will be left to reach me with. If they call me and can provide the code, I'll give them the keys and sign the title over!


It's been sitting in my back yard for ages, a crappy old car with splotchy paint and dirty upholstry. Probably needs a new battery too. It was dumped on me by a relative and I have no use for it. With some TLC it could be a beater runabout for someone though. Quick value estimate is maybe $800


Keep in mind, this multi-cache will involve some extreme urbanex, climbing-crawling-hiking, planning, and a touch of courage. The 3 stages will be difficult on their own and in completely different locations, so expect to make several seperate excursions for this one.


The idea came as a result of a lack of challenging caches in my area. Anyone in the Tucson region interested can PM me, email me, whatever and I'll let them know when it's ready.


If this is successful, I might put a small team together to really give a swift hard kick to this sport in Tucson. Extreme geocaching ftw.

Edited by ahrenjb

I haven't found extremely valuable things, I think the best thing that I've found is a small pair of binoculars at "Big One" in Haddonfield, NJ near Hopkins Pond. I'm about to place a monkey puzzle cache, probably in southern NJ or northern DE. I am planning to have a pretty valuable FTF prize for that! :o


I've found a loonie once or twice... that's really about it.


Yeah, sorry I put my ex in that cache - and she does have a way of keep popping up :blink::unsure::ph34r:


I've found a loonie once or twice... that's really about it.


Yeah, sorry I put my ex in that cache - and she does have a way of keep popping up :D:D:D


I know ya'll keep on popping up down here. every where I have been I seen your name.

Nicest thing I have seen have been a pair of ear rings.

;) Well the most expensive thing I found in a cache was a Victorian Gentlemans Braclet... It was a great cache with a treasure chest theme.... We all swapped treasure in it... I liked the look of what I thought was a nice piece of costume jewellery and swapped it for a pair of earings I had taken... It was only after wearing it for about 6 months that a local antique shop I was in offered me £350 for it that I realised it was worth anything.. I never sold it and still wear it to this day ...5 Years later and have had it valued at just over £ 500 by a reputable silver dealer .... so great find eh.....

The first cache we placed had five $5 casino chips it it. Funny thing is even tough we're in Reno the chips were from Atlantic City, South Lake Tahoe and Las Vegas - not a Reno casino among them.


AFAIK four of them are still in the cache. (GC1BWAZ)


If you don't think it is cheesy, often you can buy restaurant.com gift certificates for local places for cheap.


$25 gift certificates are usually $10 but if you buy them when they have promotional codes (Found at Daddy-deals or resellerratings) you can get the $25 cert for $5.


Or you can buy them for yourself and eat lots of food for less.


-I dont think i have found anything valuable. If i did i forgot as i dont take anything usually.


I think the most expensive thing we have found was a laser pointer. It was funny because my wife was saying just a few days prior how she wanted to get one for her lesson plans.


Then the other would probably be a FTF Geocaching Card game form MooseMob. We are planning on playing it this weekend. Thanks again Moose.

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