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Geocaching Records

Team KG

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1. Are there any Geocache Records listed in Guinness Book of World Records? :ph34r:


2. What's the most caches any one has found? :lol:


Just curious.....

Thanks in advance! :(


I know! I'm sure someone will be offended by this, but...when do they do things like clean the house, walk the dog, read bedtime stories to the kids, etc.? When we do a day's worth of caching (say, 6 caches on a Saturday), we take the whole day to do it! I guess we could move quicker without kids, but even doing one cache in the evening usually means a quickie dinner at McD's. We love caching, but we can't AFFORD to do it full-time (now if we hit the Powerball...)!

Wow! Is that an official listing done by Geocaching.com :ph34r: ?

It's not. There are rules for getting into the Guiness Book of Records. So far I don't think any record that is official. Geocaching may prove hard to adapt to offical records and we may live with the unoffical ones.

Wow! Is that an official listing done by Geocaching.com :ph34r: ?

It's not. There are rules for getting into the Guiness Book of Records. So far I don't think any record that is official. Geocaching may prove hard to adapt to offical records and we may live with the unoffical ones.

Very true. Plus records are hard to prove because of lying about finding a cache, multi logs, and fake locationless logs.


I think it's possible to put some Geocaching activity on the Guiness Book of World Records, like the number of caches found per day, week, month, etc. Verification process can be set up ahead of time before the attempts are made.


As for the total number of caches found, I believe it will always remain unofficial. That stat is as useful as the guy who makes the most money in a Ponzi Scheme - early bird gets the goodies. :ph34r:


I realize that the numbers that CCCooper has found may seem a little surreal, however they live in my area and I have been caching with them. Believe me they found every cache they say they have found.


There is a record for the most caches found in a 24 hour period, someweheres around 240. Its not as easy as it sounds, it takes months of planning, eliminating certain types of caches and caches above pre-derterminded terrain, and time to figure out the route.


Keep in mind different people like different things, some like numbers, micros, puzzles, I tend to go for high terrain caches or areas where I park and spend the entire day hiking from on e cache to the next.

Any other Geocache Records out there?

I'm sure someone can beat my 13 FTFs in a 24 hour period. However, 12 of them, were in a 2.5 hour period.


Can someone beat my furthest-find-away-from home-coords? My find is 5964 miles away, from San Diego, CA to Zurich, Switzerland.

Posted (edited)

I once turned a 6 stage multi into 8 stages by finding the same stage twice at two different points! Not a record? OK, does it at least rate an appearance on the new TV series, "Stupid Cache Tricks"?

Edited by hukilaulau
Wow :anitongue: ! So are there any records listed in "Guinness Book of Records"?


Keep your suggestions comming...

No there are no records listed in Guiness WBR. GWBR requires some pretty stingent requirements to establish a record and not sure if cachers would want them tagging along etc.... Also most caches is constantly changeing as would any other bean count. Most caches in a day is at 263 st at GWSIII but this can change soon.


I just love to read the logs that say, "found this when doing 25 caches today in the area"


And the cache has been gone for weeks!!!!! To be replaced by owner a few days later!!! :D


I lost a ton of respect for that person.

You make an assumption that the person just lied. I know of one cache the owner could find when ever he went and checked on the cache but others would log finds on. Just because the container is not in the orgional spot does not mean it is not some where near. Don't jump to conclusions.



How about a record for introducing someone into the sport who lives the furthest away from your home? We introduced someone who lives 4035.7 miles (give or take a few miles) away to this crazy hobby. They even went out and found their first cache without a GPSr. :D


As the saying goes, "records are meant to be broken."


Many threads regarding the "most cache finds" have been started, both direct and implied. I'll post some thoughts here rather than bump up the others.


There's always going to be controversy when competitive elements are added. I'll mention two names: Lance Armstrong and Barry Bonds.


My advice to Geocaching newbies is to avoid taking find counts at face value. There's a lot going on behind the scenes, including experience, preparation, schmoozing, and luck. (Note: "skill" and "cheating" were not included :D )


I'm amazed at people who have 5000 counts or more. As others have said, I'm pretty sure they have made sacrifices to dedicate more of their time to Geocaching. Don't forget to reserve your respect or disrespect for those people until you've had a chance to interact with them more personally - just like any friendships and relationships. :ph34r:


Before any beginner embarks on a find count frenzy, be sure to take the time to think about the sacrifices you'll have to make to achieve the "high find count" goal.

Posted (edited)
Most caches in a day is at 263 st at GWSIII but this can change soon.


What's "GWSIII" ?


(Deleted post)

Edited by Team KG
I can beat the record of the furthest away cache- from Tahoe CA to Tahiland 8314.3 miles away, but I'm sure someone else can beat that ... :D

Yee-Ha! Gui-tar! in Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia is 9,329.1 miles away from my home coordinates in Sylva, North Carolina, USA. Found it while visiting relatives Down Under.


"Impossible"??? Hardly. I was part of the team that found 240. Heck, if we hadn't have taken a two-hour dinner break, we woulda found more than that. But that was two records ago. The current record is 260-something, set in Jacksonville in May.


I'm at 217 finds since finding my first cache 49 weeks ago. But here's the thing: I remember something about every single one of them. I remember things like the container, the trek to the cache, the fruitless searches, and so on. I remember at least one thing. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to remember each and every cache I search for. I figure it gets harder to recall details after so many hundred finds. It's a shame if the high-volume cachers look back at a cache and it's become nothing more than a smiley log and a checkmark.

Posted (edited)

I found 138 (I think) in a sixteen hour period while in Nashville a month or so ago. I was on my own and had never been in the area previously. Most of the finds were park-and-grab micros but there were a few longer strolls. I logged my finds over the next 10 days; some of the park-and-grabs were hard to distinguish as individual memories. Since I pride myself on logging unique entries for each cache I find this made it hard, but I still made unique entries -- I wound up admitting that I couldn't remember the cache but was sure i enjoyed it at the time.


The downside to power-caching is that you are likely to forget some of them. However I DO remember most of the 1900+ caches I have found over the past two years. (And some of the caches I can't remember were forgettable anyway.) some of my favorite caching days have been long hikes with the family where only one cache was attempted. But I like a day where the aim is numbers.


To bring this post back on thread I believe that it is possible in a cache-dense area for a solitary cacher with no local geographic knowledge (but using an auto-routing GPS) to find 300+ caches in 24 hours. I was on track to hit 207 had I continued -- I stopped beause I was getting bored. And if I had been looking to "set" a record I would have eliminated any cache that had you walking too far.


Caching is what you make it!

Edited by OzGuff
Posted (edited)

Some information about the current record for most caches found in a 24 hour period can be found here http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php...topic=99629&hl=


Huskie and me had the honour - with the help of our friends of NEFGA / Jacksonville to find the 263 caches.


It is a record just for FUN - and to be beaten (while having FUN beating it).


And there will always be someone who is faster / better / . . . - but the competition can be FUN.


Happy caching from Germany,


Edited by geoPirat

Unless the cachers attempting to set the record, started at the same cache and went to each cache consecutively in order as the previous cachers who attempted the record, then I don't think you could have a GBR GeoCaching Record.


I think A person who attempted to set the record in Nashville, TN and then reattempted to set it in the Smokey Mountains might have two very drastically different outcomes.


For instance, in order for someone to be the current (non-official) record (what is it like 270 or so caches) then they would have to start where the original record holder started and visit all those same caches


Just my 2 cents!

Posted (edited)
Any other Geocache Records out there?

I'm sure someone can beat my 13 FTFs in a 24 hour period. However, 12 of them, were in a 2.5 hour period.

I only had 9 FTFs on the day that JoeSpaz hid 35 film canisters on his birthday in Fremont--that might be a record for single hides in a day?


My personal records of note:

818 consecutive days with a logged find. (I doubt that anybody else has more, but I haven't checked.)

763 DNFs (I know Geo Dee has over 1000!)

13 consecutive days with a FTF (all different hiders)

10 consecutive days with a DNF

Edited by kablooey
"Impossible"??? Hardly.  I was part of the team that found 240.  Heck, if we hadn't have taken a two-hour dinner break, we woulda found more than that.  But that was two records ago.  The current record is 260-something, set in Jacksonville in May.


I've been wondering how this team thing works. Does everyone on the team need to find/log the cache in order to log it as a team find - did you have to visit all 240 caches? Or, say you have a team of 24, you split up and each find 10 caches alone, do you log it as a team find, rather than 24 individuals each logging 10 finds? If so it would seem that the number of finds in a day has more to do with the team size than with actually finding lots of caches.


Just a curious newbie, I'm not in it for the numbers or trying to break any records.


My "team" was myself and my friend Carleenp, assisted by a local driver and a local navigator/record-keeper. Carleen and I both visited each of the 240 caches, of course, and logged them on our respective personal accounts. It wouldn't be fun or challenging for ten people to split up and find 80 caches each, would it?


We both searched for every cache, but there was not much point in waiting for the other person to find the cache. A lot of them (but hardly all) were in pretty obvious locations, which is how we were able to find so many of them so quickly. It was really no different than a regular day of cache hunting with a friend, except that we never stopped, and the caches were really close together.


The other world record holders operated in much the same fashion.


Thanks for the reply. I agree splitting up wouldn't be as much fun, but could run the numbers up higher. I was guessing that the way you explained it was probably the way its done, but being a newbie I was just curious.

Posted (edited)

My favorite is "The Staff of Groundspeak, Inc. Sing the Hits of Tiny Tim."


If I am not mistaken, it was the video of their rendition of "Tip toe through the Tulips ... (while geocaching)" that got so many landmanagers up-in-arms. :P


If you missed it, they look a lot like "Weezer," but that Jeremy has more moves than Gwen Stefani. :P

Edited by Skovar

It might be more appropriate in the future to start a new thread and put a link in it to the old thread. So people do not read through the entire thread thinking it is new.

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