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After weeks of discussion with various and varied :unsure: members of the UK and Ireland Geocaching scene and with many late nights fuelled only by beer and Geocaching obsession we have a final design for version#1 of the new UK GeoCoins. :unsure:


The design has been beautifully drawn in graphic design by House of Boo and has now been sent to the mint for proof coins to be sent for our approval.


Once we have agreed proofs we will release photographs and be able to give you estimated completion of our first batch of coins.


Please note that this is the first design only. We hope that the coins will be a success and will in future allow us to develop the 'Heads' side into many UK and ROI designs. So if this first design isn't exactly to your taste please be sympathetic to it as we have tried to be as 'inclusive' as possible on this first design. In the future we may even be able to arrange (at cost) coins to your own individual, club or team designs for FTF gifts, sig items, etc.


So now on to the design - www.GeoCoins.co.uk.

Posted (edited)

Having only scraped through Latin 'O' level, can anyone enlighten me on the meaning of;


"Veni - Quaesivi - Inveni"?


Does it mean " I came, I searched, I returned"?


They look great btw, and I'm sure that you will be overwhelmed with requests to buy them.

Edited by Firth of Forth


" I came, I found, I logged it"


Can't remember what the latin for website is.. don't laugh.. the vatican recently issued the official translation.


Really like the look of that coin!


Lovely coin and thanks for the effort of producing them.

Great design of the British Isles.

So why the obsolete script on the top? :unsure:


Not that it matters much, as the coin will I am sure serve its purpose.


I also look forward to an expected date of release and firm pricing. I don't look forward to the row about the Repulic of Ireland being shown over the Union Jack but that's just 'other people'. As a compromise design I think it's great. I hope to be buying some as FTF prizes soon.



I don't look forward to the row about the Repulic of Ireland being shown over the Union Jack but that's just 'other people'.

suppose your're refering to myself there

I also look forward to an expected date of release and firm pricing. I don't look forward to the row about the Repulic of Ireland being shown over the Union Jack but that's just 'other people'. As a compromise design I think it's great. I hope to be buying some as FTF prizes soon.



Don't start stirring the pot, for [insert deity of choice]'s sake Paul. We did talk to those people who voiced their concerns before and they said that an entire Irish island was preferable to a disembodied NI.

We did talk to those people who voiced their concerns before and they said that an entire Irish island was preferable to a disembodied NI.

That's funny, 'cause nothing was said to me. So who exactly did you talk to?


I wasn't trying to stir up trouble, and I wasn't thinking of any individual. If I had been I'd have said 'another person' not 'other people'. It's all old ground that's been well covered and I think it's time for everyone who wants a UK Geocoin (including myself) to fully get behind this design and declare their commitment to buying one, some or lots. (As I have.)




P.S. Southern Cross? lol!

Posted (edited)
P.S. Southern Cross? lol!


C'mon - there's gotta be more than *one* (or a couple :lol: ) of expat antipodeans caching over 'ere...


I'm afraid the Union Jack just looks naked without the Southern Cross... :P



...and before I'm corrected for calling it the Union Jack not the Union Flag - It's the Jack when it's on our flag, as our flag is descended from the Naval one... :P

Edited by CuplaKiwis

Beautiful design. Even includes the Isle of Man. Right in the centre. I always knew my home was the centre of the universe!

Will order when finalised.


Fantastic, I'll have some. What about a pre-order to get some of your initial costs back straight away?

One question, how big is the oblong plaque type bit in the middle of the compass? Big enough for a team name to be engraved?

Superb effort, well done to all involved.


One question, how big is the oblong plaque type bit in the middle of the compass? Big enough for a team name to be engraved?

Superb effort, well done to all involved.

I would imagine the tracking number's going there


I suspect that the oblong space is intended for the tracking number...


But, I guess there could be some that were left blank for personalised engraving...


Anyway, congratulations on the design - it's even better than I thought it would be - I'd like to place an order as soon as the pricing is worked out.


Bob Aldridge


Thanks for all the lovely compliments on the design I can feel the pride welling up deep inside of me! Please remember that I am available for private assignments or even the odd bar mitzvah!!! :P


Glad you like "OUR" coin!!!


House Of Boo


Lovely...... but what happened to the Isle of Wight? It looks like a little tadger dangling there.... The Solent needs drawing on it :P.


Ace coin. Put me down for 5 please!

Posted (edited)

" "I came, I sought, I found" - I hope"


I've checked with my overeducated second engineer and he tells me that Inveni is the Latin equivalent of the Greek exclamation Eureka. "I have found".


He reads a book a day and is disgustingly brilliant at pub quizzes and usually gets the correct answer out before the contestants when we watch university challenge. If he says that Inveni means "I have found" then I'd put money on it, even though I don't allow gambling on my ship.

Edited by SigurdM
One question, how big is the oblong plaque type bit in the middle of the compass?

This doesn't seem to have been answered 'officially' but it is indeed for the Tracking # which will be of the format 'UK####'.


The coins will work on a very similar fashion to Groundspeak Travel Bugs having an activation code (for the owner to begin the registration of the coin on the tracking website) and a unique Tracking # stamped on the coin.


The only difference from Groundspeak's coins and bugs is that they will be tracked on-line at www.GeoCoins.co.uk thanks to the superb coding skills of Mr Teasel. :blink:


We also hope to be able to provide cache owners with a snippet of code to put in their cache descriptions which will proclaim the presence of the UK GeoCoins. <_<


There isn't any 'pre-ordering' taking place yet so nobody panic. As soon as we have signed off the final proof coins and have delivery dates and the final cost per coin and delivery we will open up the ordering.


Hope this answers everything for now but please shout if you have any other questions.



I don't look forward to the row about the Repulic of Ireland being shown over the Union Jack but that's just 'other people'.

We've already had it! At least, everyone is now fully aware of where everyone else is coming from. 'Course we could all wind each other up for a while again, just for effect, but... :blink:


Having decided that we wanted the first design of UKGeocoin to be a map of our bit of the globe over a UK flag background, there were only three choices available: E+S+W , E+S+W+NI or E+S+W+NI+RoI. We appreciate that all three options will definitely offend someone (hey, there are a lot of people who will be offended just by my use of the letters 'NI' in the previous sentence!); we just wanted to minimise it where possible.


IMHO, E+S+W would be appropriate for a "GB geocoin", but would be factually incorrect for a "UK geocoin" (I'm not particularly political, but I'm nothing if not pedantic!). When Irish geocachers were consulted, they found E+S+W+NI+RoI less offensive than E+S+W+NI, even against a union flag background. Though I was surprised by this, I was also pleased because there's no doubt that having a disjointed NI floating alone in the Irish Sea doesn't look as good as a map with the whole island. Also, it makes the map (albeit not the background) geographical, not political. It's not a map of the UK, but a map of the World, centred over the UK. If you look closely, just off the edge of the coin you can see the coastline of France too! <_<


Anyway, I'm glad that most people seem to like the design (well done Peter, excellent work!). And remember, if the first batch sells well, we'll be needing a new design for batch 2, so if you don't like national flags or latin inscriptions, start thinking about what you'd like to see next time!

(snip)  When Irish geocachers were consulted, they found E+S+W+NI+RoI less offensive than E+S+W+NI,

I also am intrigued to know who these "Irish Geocachers" are. (Not that it matters.)


  even against a union flag background.

You could have made it non-political (as well as better looking) by leaving the flag off. But hey - the USA geocoins have their flag on, and you wouldn't want the UK to be different, would you...?

But hey - the USA geocoins have their flag on, and you wouldn't want the UK to be different, would you...?

'Course we could all wind each other up for a while again, just for effect, but... <_<

We've already had it! At least, everyone is now fully aware of where everyone else is coming from. 'Course we could all wind each other up for a while again, just for effect, but... <_<

Very true, and good enough for me! I'd like to add my congratulations to Peter of The House of Boo for his fine numismatistic design. It's a corker. I look forward to discovering my first one in a cache in the near(ish) future!



When Irish geocachers were consulted, they found E+S+W+NI+RoI less offensive than E+S+W+NI, even against a union flag background.

Again, as probably the most outspoken on this, I was not consulted. AGAIN I ask, who did you consult? And you say "cachers", so I'd like a list of the so called "Irish cachers we consulted"

Though I was surprised by this, I was also pleased because there's no doubt that having a disjointed NI floating alone in the Irish Sea doesn't look as good as a map with the whole island. 

Well if you did bother to consult, I would have told you that I wouldn't have been happy, and would have thrown a few ideas at you. But no you didn't consult, you insulted instead.

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