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Clams And Geocaching.

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Try contacting the Provincetown Public Library...it seems they may have had some very recent (March 2004) luck with what you're attempting:


4.      Director’s Report: Debbie is researching a computerized reservation system for internet usage and is looking into buying or leasing a machine to charge for printing. Approximate cost is +-$5,000.


a. Grant Updates: She mailed the digitization grant proposal today to LSTA, Karen Krahulik wrote a letter of support of it. Debbie is now working on MCC grant proposal.


b. CLAMS Training March 22: The Board members scheduled themselves to cover the desk while the staff is in CLAMS training on March 22. Debbie has met informally with the directors of Truro and Wellfleet libraries for general discussion about CLAMS money needs and other issues. They set another meeting for September.


Yes, but I believe they were teaching the clams the Dewey Decimal System so they can file returned books. Teaching them to find geocaches is a whole 'nother can of ... clams.

And "Whatever You Want to Call that System" can be very useful in caching...


I can't seem to find a way to link to the "book" without giving a huge clue to a local Multi, so I won't... But trust me, it helps...


Of course it took 3 guys with college degrees to look up a reference #. What does that say?

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A long time ago, somebody moved some east-coast clams to the great lakes and put them in an aquarium--within two days, they had adjusted their feeding cycle--open and closing their shells-- to the local tide schedule--They use the gravitational pull of the moon on their body fluids to set their internal clock, just like werewolves get antssy when a full moon rises at midnight...So it's not so farfetched to believe that they may have some sort of magnetic pole based direction finders in them that would help in geocaching, sort of like homing pidgeons or whales..The problem as I see it is not in training them, bedause they're pretty smart-- it's their mobility on dry land--they're so darn SLOW!!

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If you guys don't get back on topic, CO Admin is gonna slap this thread shut faster than Martha Stewarts jail cell door.


We're talking about training clams, not boiling lobsters!


Well, as far as the training for cache hunting goes -- I think you should read up on Maslow's Hierarchy. You clams are never going to become self-actualised and aware of their full inner potential as cache hunters if their basic needs are not being met. Here's a link: Maslow's Hierarchy


I think you should work on their security needs a little.



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I was reading along, seeing the date the thread was first posted and wondering how on EARTH it got bumped back up today. It was not at all how I expected :D


Did anyone see the Dirty Jobs where Mike Rowe went fishing for geoducks? Maybe he could help us answer this question...

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If this thread is going to be back, can it be thrown into Off Topic?


I'm sorry, but if you read the title it is a geocaching related thread.

I accept your apology, but understand that a while back it was determined that the mere mention of the word geocaching was not sufficient to make a thread geocaching-related. Also, it was determined that 'sillyness' threads that predated 'off topic' would be tossed in OT if they were every reanimated.

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You know... a large clam shell would make for a very cool cache container, would it not?


That set me to thinking: if the clams falter during training to find caches, you could tell them that any clam failing the course will be repurposed as a container. I expect an immediate improvement in cache hunting performance.


If anyone has other examples of geocaches that utilize mollusks or shellfish as camoflage or cache container, I for one would dearly love to read about them.

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I was reading along, seeing the date the thread was first posted and wondering how on EARTH it got bumped back up today. It was not at all how I expected :D


Did anyone see the Dirty Jobs where Mike Rowe went fishing for geoducks? Maybe he could help us answer this question...


Geoducks, must be hard to track those down, especially during migrating season, and where do you keep the activation code? Are we tatooing ducks now to make our sport more enjoyable?


Although I am not a member of PITA. I think we need to make a stand now and not let the practice of geoducks continue. Poor little things


Expect this to land in Ot soon


(edited for editing's sake)

Edited by crosschk
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... Although I am not a member of PITA. ...
Careful. There are a number of PITA members here on the forusm. You don't want to get them riled.


Not trying to say anything bad about PITA. They do some good.


Just trying to get ducks off the list of things to tag for the sake of geocaching

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... Although I am not a member of PITA. ...
Careful. There are a number of PITA members here on the forusm. You don't want to get them riled.


Not trying to say anything bad about PITA. They do some good.


Just trying to get ducks off the list of things to tag for the sake of geocaching

Maybe PITA does, PETA does not. P.I.T.A. is appropriate.

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... Although I am not a member of PITA. ...
Careful. There are a number of PITA members here on the forusm. You don't want to get them riled.


Not trying to say anything bad about PITA. They do some good.


Just trying to get ducks off the list of things to tag for the sake of geocaching

Maybe PITA does, PETA does not. P.I.T.A. is appropriate.


That is funny, so then I will not offend PETA. I am a memeber of PITA, Ask my wife


Me - "Can we stop here for a cache?"


Wife -" your a Pain In the a**." PITA for short


I really get my terms messed up quite a bit here, but this is way too funny

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... Although I am not a member of PITA. ...
Careful. There are a number of PITA members here on the forusm. You don't want to get them riled.


Not trying to say anything bad about PITA. They do some good.



Never mind, too slow (and not as funny) explaining PITA.

Edited by TheWhiteUrkel
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PITA or PETA is all fine and good but can we get back to tracking the ducks? I wonder if the zoologists would help us here. If the duck already has a radio coller maybe we could buy a receiver to tell the Clams where to find the duck and retrieve the code that is tatooed some place under its feathers.


You think they would help?


I must say I dont agree with geoducks, but its its a cache, I'll try to find it once


Proud member of PITA



Edited for Big ooops, misspell of duck

Edited by crosschk
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You know... a large clam shell would make for a very cool cache container, would it not?


That set me to thinking: if the clams falter during training to find caches, you could tell them that any clam failing the course will be repurposed as a container. I expect an immediate improvement in cache hunting performance.


If anyone has other examples of geocaches that utilize mollusks or shellfish as camoflage or cache container, I for one would dearly love to read about them.

Recently I found an ammo-clam that had small holes drilled into it. When I opened it, there was a dead hamster inside. Evidently drowned at high tide.



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Never had much luck teaching them to cache. But I did figure out that if you let your hamster gnaw them to the right shape they make great stamps for the log book.


It's win win. The hamster gets to gnaw. The clam gets to cache. When the clam succumbs to it's wounds you can even drop it off in the cache. By then the hamster has another clam ready for signing the log book. I'm working on training a squid to keep it all inked. That's coming on slowly. He's more interested in opening the beer.

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Wyoming isn't known as a "clam" state. The closest thing we have are Rocky Mountain oysters and they are just NOT trainable!


Come to think of it, my pet trout is a trained geocacher and he cost me 10 clams!!! (sorry- couldn't resist throwing in another cheap attempt at humor!)

Edited by willox96
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I don't mean to muscle in on this conversation, but I do want to say that if I had a clam that could find caches for me, the world would be my oyster.


sorry... I couldn't help myself

So if you happen to be the first successful ClamCacher, you would claim dibs on the *entire world*? Well, I don't care if a moderator conchs my warn meter, but I think that's a really shellfish attitude. :laughing:

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If this thread is going to be back, can it be thrown into Off Topic?


I'm sorry, but if you read the title it is a geocaching related thread.


Yep, it is a geocaching thread.


Hey do you think I would have success with my cat. Problem is she might eat your clambs close to the cache and claim first to find. Shes a real sucker for sea food.


Claire xx

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If this thread is going to be back, can it be thrown into Off Topic?

No, it's grandfathered in. Make that great grandfathered.

That would be Clamfathered in.


to put this back on topic... yeah right... What I'm trying to figure out is how the clams will be able to download waypoints, let alone use a GPS.



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