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Release Notes (Website: New cache owner dashboard) - July 6, 2020

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10 minutes ago, Viajero Perdido said:


Clarity needed please.  Three extra words:


On your caches:

2,419 found logs

112 Favorite points


Your values just happens to be close together making it confusing.
But it is the owner dashboard so everything should be about your owned caches

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Groundspeak has not been great at keeping owners advised of the status of caches that need work, this does the job brilliantly. My only suggestion is to reduce the amount of space taken up be the cache listing in the main view on a PC browser. Ie reduce all the white space between lines. On a phone is fine.

Posted (edited)

Minor bug:

Clicking on the detail (caches needing maintenance, caches disabled, etc) presents a number of pages of data equal to the number of caches in the listing. For example, if I have three caches needing maintenance, then clicking the Needs Maintenance button gives me three pages of detail. page one lists the three caches that need the maintenance, pages 2 and 3 are empty.


Looks like the wrong variable got used for establishing number of pages needed!


Corrections - an apparently unlimited number of pages!

Edited by the Seagnoid

Looks like if I disable a listing because the cache has gone missing and then re-enable this does not count for maintenance.

1 hour ago, MNTA said:

Looks like if I disable a listing because the cache has gone missing and then re-enable this does not count for maintenance.


It never has, since disabling and re-enabling could be done for all manner of reasons unrelated to cache maintenance, such as construction works at GZ, park closures, etc. The only way to clear an NM, or pacify the CHS for that matter, is with an OM.

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The new dashborad for owners is very helpfull. The most important point for me is that I can see if there is any geocache that needs maintenence. It would be good to see this usefull information in my profile.  

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And the next step would be to remove Hide a Cache from the dropdown at the top and put it right underneath the dashboard quickview, with the button being disabled too many caches are out of shape  :antenna::tongue:

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, speedy-1702 said:

What I like most is the quick filter and the embedded pictures.

What a supprise. On my browser in not fullscreen it looks like this:


I hope this can be improved. So either make the small picture layout also with narrower browser windows or improve the display of the pictures.

I also found out that you can also only browse through maximum 5 pictures. Additional pictures are mentioned (+11 on my screenshot) but can not be shown.

The visited date should be more prominent and in my screenshot it is on the very bottom of the log and hard to recognize.

Edited by Hynz
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, terratin said:

And the next step would be to remove Hide a Cache from the dropdown at the top and put it right underneath the dashboard quickview, with the button being disabled too many caches are out of shape  :antenna::tongue:


Which caches are defined as "out of shape"?  the site is now creating multiple versions of  caches need attention. 

Better with published than unpublished, but because it's scraping archived logs, neither is right.


2 published caches with Reviewer notes.  /play/owner/ There are no reviewer notes .They've been published in the last 30 days, so that pane is recording reviewer notes generated and archived at time of publication. It's not helpful.   Presumably it would also include any cache published with a reviewer note on the page.  I bet there's nothing I can do about that, either.  


1 Attention Needed   /play/owner/    Unpublished w Reviewer note pane

3  Needs attention  /play/owner/unpublished     list of unpublished 


7  may need attention  create a cache page,  hide/cachemaintenance.aspx   


If the site scraped only for published caches needing attention, it would have ignore "has Reviewer Note", as now implemented. 


Depending on where I look, I have either 1, 3 or 7 unpublished cache that need attention.

2 published caches are called out - but they need nothing from me.



Edited by Isonzo Karst
  • Upvote 3

Maybe it's just me, but I read every log as they come in, in notifications.  That's pretty basic.

If notifications isn't going away, please explain how this benefits me.    Thanks.  :)

So few log a NM, that it's simply easier to get a clear picture of the few remaining hides we have left by those logs.

I can see this for someone with hundreds of hides, where they might "lose track" of which needs to be "fixed first".

That seems more an issue with some biting off more than they can chew...

This doesn't seem like it'd benefit me right now, and probably not looked at again unless referred to in a thread.

Posted (edited)

Something that is very important when designing websites is clarity and things that catches the eyes = more colors. Hence some small but welcome changes:


  • Can we have the blue hearts back please? Not everything needs to be green! It gets confusing and you easily miss it. 
  • On the "published hides"page. Add a little blue heart next to the smilie if that log gave a fp. 
    • Should be a smilies on that top list too. A smilie next to "Finds", a blue heart next to "Favorites", a sadface next to "DNF", maintenace icon next to "Last maintained".
  • Using a red font on "Archived hides" makes it pop more.
  • A dropdown menu/option for "Unpublished hides" would be very welcome. Opening new pages for every click you do is not good design. 
Edited by !Lux
3 hours ago, cerberus1 said:

Maybe it's just me, but I read every log as they come in, in notifications.  That's pretty basic.

If notifications isn't going away, please explain how this benefits me.    Thanks.  :)

So few log a NM, that it's simply easier to get a clear picture of the few remaining hides we have left by those logs.

I can see this for someone with hundreds of hides, where they might "lose track" of which needs to be "fixed first".

That seems more an issue with some biting off more than they can chew...

This doesn't seem like it'd benefit me right now, and probably not looked at again unless referred to in a thread.


As a CO with over a couple hundred active hides, I too read every log as they come in, with any DNFs being added to a "2 Check" file on my phone. Since this won't sort those recent DNFs to the top, the dashboard currently falls in the "pretty, but doesn't help" category for me. Meanwhile, the "Reviewer Note, Published" is shouts "wolf" rather than highlighting issues. Those two notes are recently published caches. To the best of my recollection, I've never had a Wake Up notification from a reviewer so that filter would be totally ignored by me unless color is incorporated to differentiate good reviewer from bad reviewer notes.


cache status.jpg

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Posted (edited)

I also really like the new pages.

But I think 3 last logs on the list page are not enough, 5 would be better. Futhermore I would not only see the number of FPs, but also the FP percentalso the FP percent.

The last 100 Logs on the main page are also not enough. On good weather days I sometimes receive more than 100 in one day.

Edited by capoaira
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Posted (edited)

What's the sort sequence of the logs in 'Latest activity on your hides' ?
At first I thought it's by log date (decreasing, most recent logs on top) - but there are a few strange 'jumps' on my page:

Visited 09 Jul 20
Visited 07 Jul 20
Visited 08 Jun 20
Visited 28 Jun 20
Visited 20 Jun 20
Visited 25 Jun 20
Visited 04 Jul 20

Or is it by (an invisible) 'last modification date' of the log?

Edited by RCH65
Posted (edited)

It would be nice if the "Great story!" and "Helpful!" reaction buttons were accessible from the dashboard - I would easily be able to reward a finder for their kindness.


(Perhaps someone has already mentioned this - I've have only skimmed the thread - in which case sorry)

Edited by Hügh
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On 7/9/2020 at 4:55 AM, JustFindingOurWay said:

Meanwhile, the "Reviewer Note, Published" is shouts "wolf" rather than highlighting issues. Those two notes are recently published caches. To the best of my recollection, I've never had a Wake Up notification from a reviewer so that filter would be totally ignored by me unless color is incorporated to differentiate good reviewer from bad reviewer notes.


I'm in the same boat:




The Reviewer Note (Published) is a Publish Listing log while the Reviewer Note (Unpublished) is the retraction of my Community Celebration event which remains unpublishable with the current restrictions here. Neither of these notifications are things I can do anything about, so if they're going to be continually shouting Do something! then it's likely any genuine notificatiions will be overlooked.

  • Upvote 2

I like the new owner dashboard! and see today there is a link to it on the main dashboard too

But when going to the new oage, its just blank and nt showing any data at all, just blank? is it still being re-worked or??

Posted (edited)

Today I use the german translation and found a bug and a grammar mistake:

The header shows not the number of found caches: (In english it works)




Veröffentlicht versteckte Caches => Veröffentlichte versteckte Caches

Unveröffentlicht versteckte Caches => Unveröffentlichte versteckte Caches

Archiviert versteckte Caches => Archivierte versteckte Caches


And an other: It sounds better to translate "Attention needed" with "Aufmerksamkeit erforderlich" and not with "Achtung".

Edited by capoaira
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I like the new dashboard a lot!


I'd only add one thing - a place to make a little note regarding the cache maintenance. There are two reasons for this:
1) the "Needs maintenance" icon is just too general,
2) people rarely use the above type of logs anyway. It means I still need to read all the logs and I do so.
I need a place to write exactly what actions I need to perform. You know, that I need to make a new logbook, or make sure the magnets don't fall off, or just visit a cache that is getting lonely. It doesn't require much space, I think.

Before the update, I used my owner dashboard as reference and heavily relied on my private notes. Since the update I could almost entirely ditch my private notes, if it wasn't for the lack of the "actions-to-take" box. I hope it could be implemented, perhaps somewhere near the circle with three dots? As a separate column perhaps, so I could clearly see that I've made some specific plans for a given cache.

Keep up the good work!

Screenshot_2020-07-12 Geocaching com.png

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Posted (edited)

This is great! It would be helpful if we could filter by cache type on the main landing page and not just within the established filters. For example, I don't always need to see archived events, or I may want to look only at my mysteries.

Edited by myrthman

On some sub screens from the Dashboard there is a return link top left eg:   Dashboard    ---->  Drafts

It would be good if this was replicated on this Cache Owner Screen

2 hours ago, capoaira said:

Is it possible to add a "Recently added images" field? That would be a great feature.

As would a way to show any logs that have been updated since the original post.


Maybe there's something I've misunderstood about the new cache owner dashboard, but shouldn't the reviewer notes of these two caches turn up as an alert on the front page? And if not, which notes do?







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Will it be possible to click on the different types and see only one specific type og my published caches. For example if I only want to look at our published Letterbox Caches, it would be good to do that only by clicking the "Letterboxes" in the menu "Total hides" on the Cache Owner Dashboard.

pasted image 0.png

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Hey, is there a way that you can put a cache on the "need maintenance" list yourself?  If you read something wrong in the log, but nobody "reports" the problem,  that you have a better view offer this.

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2 hours ago, JKTB47812 said:

Hey, is there a way that you can put a cache on the "need maintenance" list yourself?  If you read something wrong in the log, but nobody "reports" the problem,  that you have a better view offer this.

No. For many years, owners could post a Needs Maintenance log on their own cache which would do all the things needed to flag a cache for maintenance. That would have meant the cache would be displayed in this new NM list on the owner dashboard. A couple years ago GS abruptly removed the option. No one knows why they're so determined to prevent owners from taking that logical step.

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2 hours ago, JKTB47812 said:

Hey, is there a way that you can put a cache on the "need maintenance" list yourself?  If you read something wrong in the log, but nobody "reports" the problem,  that you have a better view offer this.

The standard advice seems to be to ask someone else (e.g., the person who mentioned the issue in their Find log) to post the NM log for you, or to create a sock puppet account to post the NM log yourself.


There is a bug when it comes to events and disabling them later on (after they are finished).


When going into the Cache Owner Dashboard I can see that 4 caches of mine require attention.



Two of these caches are my disabled physical caches. I can also see that I have 2 events with filter Disabled (Published)



But after clicking the Events tab, I can't see anything. The number of events also changes from 2 to 0.




This is very missleading. It would be better if the events wouldn't show up at all and would not be counted into the total of Attenion needed caches or it should show correctly in the events tab – which events are disabled.



Posted (edited)

I was using a list TO get some ability to  sort,  this gives me more than that did. really like the last maintenance column.  

Edited by JRandJuju

This is a great feature, just one small concern.  On the "Your Published Hide" page  the icons, on the "last 3 logs" column, read from right to left.  If you do cache Maintenance on the same day, but after DNF(from a new geocacher)  the DNF comes after the Cache Maintenance Icon!  

7 minutes ago, FrenchMcGees said:

I have not got the cache owner dashboard to work since it's release. Just takes me to a blank page. What gives?

Care to mention OS, browser, plugins?



Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, FrenchMcGees said:

Android phone I guess. Google chrome. 


Have you tried accessing the Owner Dashboard on the computer at all?  I just checked, and it DOES work via the browser on my phone, but I have done nearly all of my cache owner tasks on the computer.


If you still get a blank page while trying to access the Owner Dashboard on your computer, then information on what browser and computer OS you have will help.

Edited by CAVinoGal

Thank you for the feedback on the new Cache owner dashboard. There are some great ideas for potential future features and we continue to investigate some of the bug reports. 

Today we released a few small updates:
- On the main Cache owner dashboard page, we have updated the styling of the quick filters to be the same height and to be separated more clearly by published/unpublished state.
- The four current quick filters will now conditionally show for players. You will only see quick filters if they are active for your hides. 
- On the Cache owner dashboard published and archived tables, we have added a count of the trackables in your hides. Learn how to mark trackables as missing in the Help Center.


  • Upvote 3
On 9/9/2020 at 8:43 PM, Oceansazul said:

Today we released a new Quick Filter on the Cache owner dashboard.

Cache owners will now see a new quick filter if one or more of their geocaches needs attention as determined by a low Health Score. Cache owners can select this quick filter to see a table of their caches that have this filter applied. 



I just discovered this on our team account. The Dashboard reported one cache with a Low Health Score. When I clicked that link, the list had no caches on the list.  ???

1 hour ago, K13 said:

I just discovered this on our team account.

@K13 Do you mind sharing your team account name so we can investigate? Also, to be sure I understand, were you on the Cache owner dashboard when you saw the Low Health Score report, or, were you on the (New) player dashboard? 

24 minutes ago, Oceansazul said:

@K13 Do you mind sharing your team account name so we can investigate? Also, to be sure I understand, were you on the Cache owner dashboard when you saw the Low Health Score report, or, were you on the (New) player dashboard? 

This happened about an hour ago. I had just Archived a cache listing that had several consecutive DNF logs a few minutes prior, and was looking at the New dashboard (ugh!) & saw the New cache owner dashboard (Not a fan of that one either). I checked it out, and saw the issue I described.


I checked again just now, and the issue is resolved. I guess the page/system/? needed a few minutes to refresh the status?


Quick Filters - Will the new dashboard send out a request to archive a cache when it has recievied 4 DNF in a row? 


I see that it keeps track and reports to the cache owner that there may be a problem, just wondering if it will also flag it to be archived. 


I'm just wondering if the new Cache Owner Dashboard would flag it. Started getting a message that it may need maintenance on the 4th DNF. Didn't get a needs maintenance or needs archive from a cacher, just at the top of the new page. 

Check out my cache page - https://coord.info/GC4Z3E9 

Thanks Jim


The Cache Health Score does not generate a "Needs Archived" log; there was no request to archive GC4Z3E9. 


Community Volunteer Reviewers are alerted to caches with Low Health Scores, using the same algorithm that made two of your caches show up on your Owner Dashboard's quick filters.  If the issue causing the Low Health Score is not addressed after a period of time, then the local Reviewer may temporarily disable your cache page.

9 minutes ago, jimandjoanne said:

So the way i understand what your saying if a few of us can't find a cache in a row it gets flagged and at some point gets reviewed. 


Yes, this has been the case ever since the Cache Health Score was rolled out a few years ago.  All that was done in a recent Release is to make the same information about Low Health Scores available to the Cache Owner on the new dashboard.  This was a frequent request ever since the Cache Health Score algorithm was developed.


It's important to emphasize that a low Cache Health Score only triggers a "review," as you correctly stated.  Review by the cache owner or the local reviewer is still needed.  For example, four DNF's from one group in one day may just mean that this group had a bad day with a bad satellite array - especially if someone found the cache after that.  Or, the string of DNF's could be coming from less experienced geocachers, while veteran cachers are still finding the high-difficulty cache.  Reviewers exercise their judgment before deciding to take action on a cache flagged for a Low Health Score.

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