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Go JayBee

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Posted (edited)

Congratulations to all the finders of the GeoLeprechaun's lovely coins! I am thoroughly enjoying reading the adventures of the coin-searchers! Be careful out there trying to be the first to grab the coins!


If I found the "pot of gold" at a nearby cache, I'd give it to my daughter who introduced me to geocaching. She's a PhD candidate at Trinity College Dublin, and we are very proud of her. :o Maybe you'd like to see where our Punxsutawney Phil sees or doesn't see his shadow on Groundhog Day??

Edited by PeachyPA

B) Just got in a little while ago. I was out caching this afternoon, and while passing by a previously found cache, I stopped to see if an Appalachian Trail Silver geocoin was still there. I had never picked one up in a cache, although I have the whole set, I wanted the icon for my account.


To my surprise, not only was the AT geocoin there, but in the ziplock bag for the log book, there was another coin. :huh: It turned out to be a Geo_Leprechain coin with the #16. ;)B)B) . This coin is not even listed on the cache sheet yet. Thank you, Geo_Leprechaun, whoever you are. This coin will be cherished. It's beautiful. B) I left an un-activated GCC 2007-03 for the next to find. Again, thank you so much. B)


The cache was GC14Z99 ? Amahokoy - Prograbber




So many visits the little guy doesn't even have time to update his map.


Hey If you need help.... I might be able to help for a price :D:D:D:D


He can afford it with his pot O gold... :D


Congrats BIG JOHN!!!!!!! Never met ya yet, but have seen that you are one worthy recipient of that Pot O Gold!...WTG!!!


I too think of a finger with a face every time I see that avitar!!! :D:D:D

Posted (edited)

I didn't even know about the leprechaun or his pot of gold until I found one (#29 - which has always been my "lucky" number) yesterday in Halifax, Nova Scotia! I just moved to the city to start university. Hopefully this gives me enough luck to do well. :)


Is it a coincidence that right after finding the coin something absolutely wonderful happened? I think not!


This is the first geocoin I've ever found (Guess the coin trend hasn't reached the rural areas yet). Hah, what a way to start.


Thank-you, Geo-Leprechaun!

Edited by The Alien

Up for a challange?


The Official Run Around


What would you do to get your hands on one of these?


I Performed a maintenance run on this cache after some flooding in the area. The whole hike in I knew the coins was there and I told myself I was going to leave it for the next finder. However, once I got to the cache and found it in good shape, I saw the pot of gold....... I really tried to leave it but my weakness got the best of me. I took the pot of gold and left an unactivated back to caching coin.


I am now the owner of coin 31!




Up for a challange?


The Official Run Around


What would you do to get your hands on one of these?


I Performed a maintenance run on this cache after some flooding in the area. The whole hike in I knew the coins was there and I told myself I was going to leave it for the next finder. However, once I got to the cache and found it in good shape, I saw the pot of gold....... I really tried to leave it but my weakness got the best of me. I took the pot of gold and left an unactivated back to caching coin.


I am now the owner of coin 31!




Temptation go the better of you! Don't worry, we had thought about doing the same thing, but that D--- cache kicked our tails! Well, now, I can quit worrying about it. It's in good hands!! lol Congrats Ammoman!


I had invited the Geo Leprechaun to town for the Notre Dame vs Michigan football game and I guess he did sneak into town. I was at an event that day and paid no attention to the game but the next evening I went out and did some caching. Here is my log for GCVQ4W.


Out caching this evening with my good caching buddy Nurse Nanna. There were some caches in this area she wanted to do and I wanted a buddy with me when I attempted this one because of the terrain rating of 4.5. We picked our approach gabbing and making a bit of a racket and suddenly she said "Look right in front of you." I turned and there was a doe calmly eating and looking at us about 25 feet away. I then saw another and she handed me my camera. I took a few shots but the light was fading a bit. The deer walked off and we continued towards the cache. About 100 feet away we again saw them and the fawn then looked at us and turned to its mother and starting nursing!! Anne made a noise and that little fawn looked at her as if to say "What, haven't you seen a deer nursing before?" The answer for me was no! This was a definite kodak moment but I of course had put my camera away. On we went towards the cache and the deer never got more than about 60 feet away from us walking in circles and calmly eating. When we got near the cache site my gpsr was having a bit of trouble settling down. We watched the deer and looked for the cache, looked for the cache and watched the deer. The light was fading but I finally located the cache container. It is very well hidden!! Very nice hide for sure. When I opened the container I got the surprise of my life!! I found a Pot O'Gold geocoin!!! I couldn't believe my eyes! That Leprechaun did sneak into town for the Notre Dame/Michigan game and left his gold!! I grabbed that coin and left appropiate swag in return. Thanks for the great cache! We had fun finding it and watching the deer was a great bonus.


I am now the proud owner of #122. Thanks Geo Leprechaun! And I still will buy you that guinness if you are in town another time!!!


What a wonderful experience, LadyBee4T!!! Just reading about you watching the deer so close and intimate makes me jealous, and finding a pot of gold in that cache after that, wow :anitongue: What a great day <_< Congratulations!!!


Way to go, Beverly. Congrats. :anitongue:


It's always fun to see wildlife while walking through the bush. I've been doing it for over 40 years and I still get a rush everytime I see something big. <_<


Way to go, Beverly. Congrats. <_<


It's always fun to see wildlife while walking through the bush. I've been doing it for over 40 years and I still get a rush everytime I see something big. <_<


Everytime *I* see something big, it seems to rush AT me! :anitongue:


LadyBee4T, seeing the deer and fawn would certainly be a highlight of a caching trip and to top it off with such a fantastic coins make this a cache to remember.


I have grown up seeing deer and their fawns many, many times but yes watching that fawn nurse was absolutely priceless!!!!!


LadyBee4T, seeing the deer and fawn would certainly be a highlight of a caching trip and to top it off with such a fantastic coins make this a cache to remember.


I have grown up seeing deer and their fawns many, many times but yes watching that fawn nurse was absolutely priceless!!!!!


Very cool! That's the type of things that makes this game fun for us, too! :blink:



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