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Am I The Only One?


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I am wondering how many women there are that enjoys this hobby. I find it hard to get my husband to go out as often as I'd like (I'll prolly get in trouble for this post lol, not really). I see alot of guys on here saying that they have problems getting their wifes to go out. I have a close friend that I just can't get very interested in doing this. she says I should go out on my own, but I really don't want to. It's funner with Jerry and IMO I think it's easier in a way to have two lol. I'm not saying I'd do it without involving Jerry if I had someone to go with me, I don't think it'd be fair in a way lol.

I guess all in all I'm just wondering how many women there is that enjoy going out (maybe even have a "passion" for it lol) as much as i do.


I've been at this 'sport' since late '01 and I am very much female. I can't always get my other half to go with me, and sometimes the kids don't share my enthusiasm (I'm an admitted First Finder Whore), so I do go by myself as often as I can. Unfortunately, where I live it is very rural and there are lions, tigers and bears (Oh My!) in the surrounding wilderness, making it not only unsafe, but decidedly unhealthy for a woman (or anyone) alone to go Geo-hunting.

My suggestion to you would be to go to the forums for your area and see if there are other folks who would like a hunting partner. Go to events, ask around. There is bound to be someone who has similar interests, a similar schedule and a burning desire to hunt and seek.

Barring that, carry pepper spray (taking a training class in how to use it is suggested - I have my Mace certification), a big walking stick and stay out of areas that you wouldn't frequent alone for any other reason. Just because you're caching don't think you're bullet-proof. Not all folks hide caches in the smartest of places.


There are lots of us females in Indiana that like to geocache !


We are a team , we cache together and seperatly , sometimes I do go caching alone . On these occasions I usually limit my caching to more "safer" areas or less challenging caches . The tougher ones , or ones in less desierable neighborhoods Wulf always is with or I take along other friends that enjoy the sport.


Other females I cache with include Awsome Ev and Big Mamma D .




There are lots of us females in Indiana that like to geocache !


Yup - there's lots of us in Indiana. In fact, in my part of Indiana, I think there are either as many or more female geocachers as males. I'm lucky in that JAPTKD is as into caching as I am, so it's a toss up as to who will mention finding a new cache first.


Some of my favorite Geocachers are gals. My wife recently caught the ftf bug and now she goes with me just about every time. About 40% of the active local cachers are ladies also.


I even know a few from the forums, but they can get a bit curmudgenly from time to time.


Hey! I'm definitely a female geocacher as is the other half of the Crimowls team (my good friend). We have been geocaching a few years now and love it!



My wife Sue is far more into geocaching than I am, and if she could, she would spend twelve hours every day hunting geocaches; she is a total numbers ho; there has never been a cache -- even a lame urban micro -- that she will pass by. She has to log them all. Me? Yes, cachign can be fun, but I cannot get obsessed about anything (not even Jennifer Garner or Angelina Jolie!) I am just not hardwired that way; my firmware contains a different instruction set. For me, it is more about Beingness.

Posted (edited)

I am female, and my husband thinks this sport is a bit bizzare and hasn't come with me and kids yet. I do think there are more males, but there are females around.

Edited by kateiam

Well I'm pretty new to this, but I have to say that my wife enjoys the sport every bit as much as I do. It may be a simple matter of exposure? (i.e. more men than women find out about it)? just a thoght.


I am the enthusiast in the house. Hubby will come if there's nothing better to do, but he's definitely not the cacher in the family. Kid will come if it's a cool hike she's not been on before or it's at a place she really enjoys(she's 14 and loves being out in the woods, I expect her to be enthusiastic about returning to Moss Rock Preserve to grab the caches there and climb the rocks). Sis will bring her little feist anytime I'm up for it. So I'm rarely having to hunt alone though I do choose to occasionally.


I'm a chic and I love caching. I'm up for a challenge, I go on the killer hikes, the nocturnals, in the snow and in the rain. And I get ZERO credit by the way for being such a cool wife! (he really should appreciate me more) :lol:


I want to give credit to a woman in the area (bcchick)who really impressed me last fall. We put out a nocturnal way out in BFE, pretty deep in the woods, in a cave. You could enter the cave from the front or jump down in to a hole in the top. This girl drove out there at night with only her dog and having no idea about the front entrance jumped right in that stinking hole without a clue how she was getting out. Now that is one dedicated geo-sister! (once inside she saw the front entrance and went out that way).


I am woman hear me Roar, see me cache!!! :lol:


I also found it difficult to get my husband into it. I finally broke down and bought him his own GPSR!

Wow what a difference that made- we no longer had to share, and he could hunt on his own.


I also upped the difficulty level of the caches we were seeking. He was really bored with the cache and dash! We did a 5 star difficulty and terrain that challenged him to actually use his brilliant mind.


We are also working on doing pocket queries, trying to go paperless with a Palm- he's a techie, so that helped also. The more gadgets he has to use, the more he's getting into it.


These are the things that have worked for me.


Good luck. B)


A friend and local Maryland cacher with whom Sue and I sometimes cache is a female, and she is an avid cacher. Her husband rarely caches with her, and she has one of the highest cache finds in the state, with well over 1,000 finds. And, of course, Lynn, CCCooperAgency, who has the highest find count in the world (I guess her count is up around 14,500) is female! By the way, there are some fotos of Lynn wearing her Tyvek protective bunny suit and holding a portable radiation monitor on the cache listng page for our infamous Psycho Urban Cache #9 - Hot Glowing Tribulations prior to tackling the third and final stage of the cache. She and her caching buddy Mocadeki had dropped by our wilderness home before tackling the third stage (the abandoned nuclear reactor containment building) to pick up their Tyvek bunny suits and radiation monitors.


Oh, and two local young single moms who are fairly new to geocaching have announced that completing our PUC #9 cache (above) is their big geocaching goal for 2006. So, in my estimation, there is a pretty good representation of females among geocachers, and a number of them even go after the really tough and sick extreme caches!

Posted (edited)

The more addicted, uh, enthusiastic, member of Team Neos is Neos2, definitely female. And yes, also an Indiana cacher.


One of the most often spoken of newer cachers in Indiana is also female. The words "caching machine" usually get mentioned in the same sentence with her name. I watched her demonstrate how to get to one of her wicked hides one day--it involved doing a chin-up on a wooden beam.

Edited by Team Neos

Moun10Girl is my wife and loves to cache, but time seems to be more her restraint than desire. Frozen Buns is a team of 4 (2guys/2girls) we intro'd to caching a couple months back. The first cachers we ever met in the field around here are 3 women from the upper valley who cache together. I think we're pretty 50/50 around here from what I've seen. We have a lot of her and him teams according to the logs, too. So you're definitely not alone. Now if we can just get Fox's wife to come to the dark side...


I am wondering how many women there are that enjoys this hobby. I find it hard to get my husband to go out as often as I'd like (I'll prolly get in trouble for this post lol, not really). I see alot of guys on here saying that they have problems getting their wifes to go out. I have a close friend that I just can't get very interested in doing this. she says I should go out on my own, but I really don't want to. It's funner with Jerry and IMO I think it's easier in a way to have two lol. I'm not saying I'd do it without involving Jerry if I had someone to go with me, I don't think it'd be fair in a way lol.

I guess all in all I'm just wondering how many women there is that enjoy going out (maybe even have a "passion" for it lol) as much as i do.


Greetings fellow Oklahoman! There are many female cachers around here, but maybe not so many up in your area. We are a husband and wife team from the Tulsa County area. She generally finds about half the caches we hunt. Most of the women we know cache as part of a team or team up together. Feel free to come down to a TAG meeting one of these days (it would only be a 70 or so mile drive :ph34r: ) or if you are feeling really adventurous you can attend a meeting in OKC or Ponca City. The meetings are pretty informal...just an excuse to sit around, eat, tell caching stories, and the go caching after.


We're a husband wife team from NE Kansas. I enjoy the forums and my husband does the techi stuff. We both love the hunt and the people we have met are terrific.


Just a suggestion to get hubby involved.....start talking about:


1. painting the house

2. cleaning the garage

3. cleaning the basement

4. landscaping the yard

5. tiling the bathroom

6. refinishing the woodwork

7. recarpeting the floor

8. etc.

9. etc.

10. etc.


:ph34r: Caching will start sounding much more interesting. :ph34r:



Just a suggestion to get hubby involved.....start talking about:


Not sure about the OP, but I know I'm not exactly encouraging mine to get more involved :ph34r: As for the other, I'm sure the replies would be along the lines of "yeah, you could have probably done all that this past weekend if you'd not gone caching!" :ph34r:


Female. :ph34r:

And while we have always gone as a family so far, I am more into it than the rest of the family.

And I was the one who wanted a GPS for her birthday this year instead of jewelry. :ph34r:


My wife Sue is far more into geocaching than I am, and if she could, she would spend twelve hours every day hunting geocaches; she is a total numbers ho; there has never been a cache -- even a lame urban micro -- that she will pass by.


Sigh! This is Sue. Correction: there is not a PUZZLE cache I will pass by. Others I can and do - some of them anyway!


Sue of Vinny & Sue Team



Just a suggestion to get hubby involved.....start talking about:


Not sure about the OP, but I know I'm not exactly encouraging mine to get more involved :ph34r: As for the other, I'm sure the replies would be along the lines of "yeah, you could have probably done all that this past weekend if you'd not gone caching!" :lol:


Yep. So you can imagine what our house looks like. :huh: Oh, well. That stuff will be there. The caches may not. :ph34r:


I am female and cache with people or alone. Mostly with friends of both genders though and I met my boyfriend through caching, so that is nice. :ph34r: My Mom also caches and drags my Dad along. He complains at times, but actually likes it I think. :ph34r:


I'd go more often but am a single parent for most of the year. I know "some" men are able to just run out of the house at any given time to get a cache and leave the kids home with mom. Even when my husband IS here (he lives in another state), I can't just dump the kids on him to go out and do my own thing.


Also, I've been sick this winter so have stayed inside more.


Hubby sometimes goes along, but more often than not I'm out there alone. The geo field is pretty male dominated. I was one of a handful of women graduating from the Texas State University Geography department, but we're slowly balancing the playing field.


If there is anyone in the Texoma region I'd love to team up! See you at Geowoodstock 4 May 25-28 (GCRRC6)


Unfortunately, where I live it is very rural and there are lions, tigers and bears (Oh My!) in the surrounding wilderness, making it not only unsafe, but decidedly unhealthy for a woman (or anyone) alone to go Geo-hunting.

This brought back images of my sister who lives in a cabin 30 miles north of any Alaskan civilization... She told me she was getting fat sitting around the cabin all winter, so she decided to start jogging, but only when the weather is warm (above 0 degrees). She sent me a picture of her jogging outfit... complete with a Desert Eagle holstered to her hip. :ph34r:


I think there are more obsessed female cachers in the PNW than male cachers. I'm lucky and my husband and I both enjoy caching. Now if we can just get the kids to both want to go caching at the same time.


I think there are more obsessed female cachers in the PNW than male cachers. I'm lucky and my husband and I both enjoy caching. Now if we can just get the kids to both want to go caching at the same time.

I think that you are right. There must be something in the water over here. :ph34r::ph34r:


OH My i didn't think i'd get this many replies lol. I'mglad to know that i'm not the only one that LOVES to cache that is female.... My Hubby is a bit more interested since we started using his Pocket PC..... I think maybe time has a lot to do with him going.

I wouldn't say I'ma numbers person, how ever I do grin BIG when I see how far ahead we are from His Buddy! They've always been competive. Thanks for all the replies, and i hope I get more!

Oh, and he suprised me today with an early Birthday presant... 4 Tbs, some geocaching stickers and the such!! :ph34r:




I think i'll lerck around tomorrow and see what I can find on our local forums. Just to see lol


I am very new to this hobby but I took hubby and daughter with me 1st time and they are hooked! World of Warcraft or Geocaching? Hmmmm...am retired and getting fat? Guess Geocaching wins hands down with the support of my hubby! "Look Honey...your walking and your behind is getting smaller!" That is what I am waiting to hear even thnough he calls my GPS "Mama's new Toy!"





I am wondering how many women there are that enjoys this hobby. I find it hard to get my husband to go out as often as I'd like (I'll prolly get in trouble for this post lol, not really). I see alot of guys on here saying that they have problems getting their wifes to go out. I have a close friend that I just can't get very interested in doing this. she says I should go out on my own, but I really don't want to. It's funner with Jerry and IMO I think it's easier in a way to have two lol. I'm not saying I'd do it without involving Jerry if I had someone to go with me, I don't think it'd be fair in a way lol.

I guess all in all I'm just wondering how many women there is that enjoy going out (maybe even have a "passion" for it lol) as much as i do.


I've definately noticed that there are more men than women, although around my area it doesn't seem to be true. Here in Central New York, the most prolific hider is a woman. She has almost 300 hides and over 1000 finds to her name. Her dog (also a female) even has her own account and I think she has more finds than me!


My wife is not into caching as much as I am either. I have gone out on my own, but I don't enjoy it as much as when she is with me. Usually if I do, it's because she is encouraging me to go, or if she is already gone somewhere else (like if I have the day off from work and she doesn't). It's pretty rare for me to go out caching and leave her alone at home. I can definately identify with you there. Hang in there, and maybe the hubby will come around. I bet he would like to hold the gps and lead the way, that seems to get my wife more excited about the whole thing.


Unfortunately, where I live it is very rural and there are lions, tigers and bears (Oh My!) in the surrounding wilderness, making it not only unsafe, but decidedly unhealthy for a woman (or anyone) alone to go Geo-hunting.




My suggestion to you would be to go to the forums for your area and see if there are other folks who would like a hunting partner. Go to events, ask around. There is bound to be someone who has similar interests, a similar schedule and a burning desire to hunt and seek.


She already said she wouldn't feel right leaving her husband out.


Barring that, carry pepper spray (taking a training class in how to use it is suggested - I have my Mace certification), a big walking stick and stay out of areas that you wouldn't frequent alone for any other reason. Just because you're caching don't think you're bullet-proof.


Bad Guys, lions, tigers and bears aren't bullet-proof either. Maybe you should carry some bullets to go with your pepper spray.


95+% of the caches I go out for are me, my wife and our little kiddies. If you look at my profile you can see a picture of all of us.


Our motivations are a little different though. Mine is mostly to find new parks and trails I didn't know about and enjoy them whereas my wife and kids it's more for the swag trading (my wife is very much a "kid at heart" and loves the little knick-knacks you find in the caches), though she likes the "new parks" aspect too and sees this as a cheap and easy way to give our little boy and girl more exercise.


They haven't tried one without me yet, though maybe she/they will do one soon. My wife does a lot of rollerblading on some of the local paved, flattish trails herself and has borrowed the GPS to see how fast and far she goes so she's getting the hang of it more.


I am wondering how many women there are that enjoys this hobby. I find it hard to get my husband to go out as often as I'd like (I'll prolly get in trouble for this post lol, not really).

There are lots of women in New England who enjoy caching; I have no idea about the percentage, though. I wonder if you could get an idea of it by looking at pictures posted on event caches, and seeing if there seem to be a lot more men than women in the pictures? (But I guess there are two problems with that approach: maybe events aren't representative of "regular" cache-hunting, so the numbers wouldn't be relevant... and if there really are a lot more men, then it would be mostly men taking the pictures, and maybe (just maybe) they'd end up taking more pictures of women.)


I see alot of guys on here saying that they have problems getting their wifes to go out. I have a close friend that I just can't get very interested in doing this.

Cachers are born, not made, they say :ph34r:


she says I should go out on my own, but I really don't want to. It's funner with Jerry and IMO I think it's easier in a way to have two lol.

I agree, it's definitely more fun when both of us crabs go out together than when I go by myself -- but I have a lot more free time than he does, so I've ended up doing about a third of our total finds alone. But I have more than half of our DNFs by myself! :ph34r: )


I'm not saying I'd do it without involving Jerry if I had someone to go with me, I don't think it'd be fair in a way lol.

I thought that at first, too, that it would be unfair -- and then I decided that when I went out by myself, I'd mostly try to go for ones that he would be less likely to enjoy. He doesn't care much for bugs or bushwhacking, or for caches in conspicuous places, or for ones in questionable areas. So I try to save the best-sounding ones for us to do together, and go for the less appealing ones by myself. (Often I guess wrong, and end up going to a really nice one alone -- I'll always try to return to it with him though, so he doesn't miss out on it.)


I usually cache alone, with my (female) geopup, since my hubby usually is working evenings and Saturdays. I'm much more into it than he is, although he likes to ones hidden out in the wildlife areas. I get the urban park caches without him, since he doesn't enjoy those anyhow, and save the longer hikes for when we can go together. At those times giving him the gps definitely helps keep his interest up.


it's not really he don't enjoy them (cahes) he just doesn't seam to want to go out... i guess in a way i'm being a bit selfish, as he works 10 hours mon-fri and sometimes 6-8 on saturdays..... days off are wonderful things lol. but, honestly IMHO doing caches are funner and more enjoyable then sitting here in front of the computer during the time he's off work lol. we haven't been at it but just over a year. i bet he'll be more apt to go out when we get more done lol

I think it's mainly i'm home alone (with the 2 girls) most the time and want to go out and find some, but decide not to for the fact that most we haven't gotten are a ways off and the thought that it wouldn't be fair lol.


I've gotten SWMBO interested lately, to the point where she takes the lead on the trek. I just can't get her to open up an account and log her finds. She lives vicariously through me, I guess. ;)


I am a woman! And I'm obsessed with geocaching!!!


There. I feel better now. ;):P

I'll just say Ditto to that. :D


Last year, a few months after I started caching, I met another woman who was even more obsessed. We cached together until she moved away. :P


Several of the people in this area who have the highest numbers are women. thumbsup.gif


I cache alone, but really enjoy going with a group like last Saturday when we posed in front of this amazingly-huge, ancient oak tree.




I am a woman and I love it so much that I am the one who sets up our route for the weekend finds. I also research all I can by using these forums and the website itself so I can keep up on the latest. I am on this site everyday. I am just setting out my first TB and my first cache. So excited! My two daughters and my son and husband equally like caching as well.

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