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Posted (edited)
It's really a shame that some cachers are free loaders. I loved the game and let me tell ya, most of the caches I've done in the pase 16 days I would of not done. Especially the  event cache 4 hours away from my house. Thanks for the game can't wait for you to do another one. ...

I hear ya loud and clear. I would not have finished todays cave cache. I have a bad leg - no a wooden leg AAARRRRGGHHHH! (cough cough). This cache had me climbing up and over a rock ledge. But there's a $10 coin on the line.


Oh yeah - not to menction my upcoming 374 mile round trip for an event to for my 16th piece. (well I hope to grab 30+ other caches over the two day trip).


If I don't solve the puzzle - oh well - this has been a fun hunt.


Call me Grog!

I got ya beat... my round trip for an event will be 608 miles and I gotta do it THAT day, cause I gotta work the next. Who on earth puts an event on a Tuesday evening??!! LOL

Edited by Cache_boppin_BunnyFuFu
well, I have no problem with helping people or hints of any kind. My problem is when people log that they went to an event and I know for sure they were never there and people logging an event before it even happens.

I think I understand what you're saying and I agree with AtlantaGal. We put a lot of time and effort into this and sure didn't want to get disqualified at the end. So we cleared up any questions in advance. Now we did claim a January event cache, but we claimed it as "placing a cache" since we are hosting it and we asked the pirates in advance, on this forum, if that was acceptable. I can't remember what page of this thread it's on, but they said once the cache page was approved and published on gc.com, we could call it a cache placed. That makes sense, since you could count a traditional as placed once it was published as opposed to waiting until it had been found.


As for the event cache requirement, we just happened to have the dumb luck to have attended an event cache the very day the contest started. I'll bet that used up our annual allotment of geo-luck - we'll probably have lots of DNF's now. :P


Mrs. Car54

Posted (edited)

As usual I broke something. :P I entered the final code and got the conformation page. it said to check my info and I wanted to see if there was a spot for my real name so I backed out and checked my profile like it said to if there was a problem. Then when I went back in to hit the final submit button it wouldn't go to that page. The latest activity page shows that I reentered the code three times to try so it is really messed up.


Dang technology, give me a ship and a map any day. :D


I guess I can't get back to the final comments page. Any sugestions

Edited by andrewrj




:D  :P  :D

good job, I finished as well but broke the thing in the process

Don't worry, it's all good....the captn can fix it!! It's the darn back button...gotta stay away from that one :D We'll get ya taken care of right away, once we fix it you'll be able to go in and log your final comments!


I guess til we make the program change remember...Don't use the BACK button use the LINKS!!







:D  :P  :D

good job, I finished as well but broke the thing in the process

Don't worry, it's all good....the captn can fix it!! It's the darn back button...gotta stay away from that one :D We'll get ya taken care of right away, once we fix it you'll be able to go in and log your final comments!


I guess til we make the program change remember...Don't use the BACK button use the LINKS!!



Thanks for the quick fix, I was panicing, the last thing I wanted to do was break the darn thing. I had an absolute blast.


Yipeee!!!! :) I finished! But now what am I going to do with a full night's sleep now that I don't have to wait for my 2:16 am log in time!!


Thank you Cach U Nuts and 3 Sheets 2 the Wind for an awesome game. Can't wait for the next one but on second thought maybe I should catch up on my sleep first!




What a great game and I was worried to death that we weren't going to figure it out. That last piece really helped, Thanks! Now I can get a few more minutes to sleep in the morning! This was the best way to give out a geocoin and it will mean alot to us, Thanks!

Posted (edited)

What a great game! Loved every minute of it! Including the darn codes! (I can say that now! :P )


Congratulations to 501_Gang! Job well done! You're a great cacher and an awesome person! :P


Congratulations also go out to other Indiana caching teams that have gotten their coin Car 54 and Prairie Partners! Great Job for you too! :)


Indiana Cachers have been well represented in this game....I guess there is more than Corn in Indiana! There's some real caching fools! :lol:


I hope everyone gets their coin! Good luck to all still in the game! And congrats to all who have finished! GREAT JOB! :mad:


Love the sport and truly Loved the Coin Quest!


Ready for the next? You betcha! :huh:


Thank you to CachuNuts and the Skeleton Crew you too are TOTALLY AWESOME!

Edited by 3_9er_bears

Congrats to all the lastest coin quest finishers, as far as I'm concerned everybody who plays the game is a winner: reason because we all stepped away from our computers and went outside to cache! :)



Congrats to all the lastest coin quest finishers, as far as I'm concerned everybody who plays the game is a winner: reason because we all stepped away from our computers and went outside to cache! :)



I agree! This game got me outside caching again, when I had really cut back a lot. I loved every aspect of the game. I thought it was very well executed. Congrats to all the finishers so far. And a big thanks to Cach-U-Nuts, 3 Sheets 2 the Wind and who ever else was involved with setting this game up.



Posted (edited)

So now that the game is coming to an end... Did anyone else find the "Tigger" Icon for #17? What was that all about?



Edited by Lux
Posted (edited)


please elaborate



I went splunking on the site during the early days of the game. I found the 17th icon which was at the time "tigger" Now the 17th icon is:



Edited by Lux
I went splunking on the site during the early days of the game.  I found the 17th icon which was at the time "tigger" 

Thankful we are . . .


Fer that explanation . . .


We wuz thinkin there be more bilge rats showing their ugly faces . . .


Tis true Tigger was there before . . .


A lot of the code is recycled . . .


From previous games . . .



3sheets.gif and Always Be Rememberin . . . .

Who on earth puts an event on a Tuesday evening??!!  LOL

Ummmm Central Connecticut Cachers??? :huh:

Yep, the Central CT Cachers have a monthly Tuesday evening event. Why Tuesday, you ask? Because with turnouts of 40-50, most places are too crowded on Friday and Saturday nights to fit us! On Tuesdays, places can accommodate you more easily. Although the daytime outdoor caching events have always been on weekends, the evening get togethers are weeknights.


I can eat, sleep, and relax now.




My final log:

Oh man! Took me about 20 minutes to figure out how to go about solving the last part. Then I just stopped, relaxed, and looked again. DUH! It just popped out at me! I wish I could have held my 12th or 13th position (I forget which I had), but hey, I am SO glad to have the coin!! Congrats to everybody before me and good luck to the people below me. This was awesome and I can't wait to do the next game!

Ladycacher & Boys.


Got ours finished tonight...logged it during our event. Hardest part was getting internet connection to cooperate at Panera. Was relieved that I knew what to do when the final piece popped up. This was a great quest...cannot wait for another!




#45 is mine!!!


My final log:

This game has been interesting and at times frustrating, but most of all it’s been a heck of a good time...including many solo adventures, two weekends of caching with friends, and at least three snowball fights. ;-)


What started as just a Quest for the Coin turned into something much more. It turned into an adventure and a Quest for that adventure. I notified others of the adventure possibility and some participated for awhile and at least one other completed it (last night, WTG AndrewRJ!).


I regret losing a day and dropping farther than I wanted to after starting strongly, but it was because of one of the Saturday adventures and that was more important than the finishing position.


Thank you to the organizers and hosts of this event. I definitely look forward to doing this again...now that I’m addicted to yet another aspect of this game. ;-)


Weird story. About four night ago we were waiting for our log in time (4:47). We would try to log in early and just hit refresh until the official log in time. Well we refreshed and the time was 4:44:44. Well we ooohhed and aaahhed over that and joked about it being and omen, just stupid stuff like that. Well, the next night we were doing the refresh bit again and got close to 4:44:44 so then we tried to get it and we did!! Well now it was a ritual. I missed it one night by a second. But tonight I hit it again. Well we high fived and made jokes, probably only funny to us. But anyway, guess what coin we got, #44!! :) How cool is that!! :huh:

Weird story. About four night ago we were waiting for our log in time (4:47). We would try to log in early and just hit refresh until the official log in time. Well we refreshed and the time was 4:44:44. Well we ooohhed and aaahhed over that and joked about it being and omen, just stupid stuff like that. Well, the next night we were doing the refresh bit again and got close to 4:44:44 so then we tried to get it and we did!! Well now it was a ritual. I missed it one night by a second. But tonight I hit it again. Well we high fived and made jokes, probably only funny to us. But anyway, guess what coin we got, #44!! :) How cool is that!! :huh:

Now that IS cool! Sounds as though you got the coin you were meant to get! Also, it's nice to know I wasn't the only goof sitting by my computer hitting refresh, refresh, refresh,...... :)


Mrs. Car54

Posted (edited)
Also, it's nice to know I wasn't the only goof sitting by my computer hitting refresh, refresh, refresh,......


Yep, every night for sixteen days and we looovvvvved it!

The question is...Did you sync all the clocks in the house also?? :rolleyes:

Edited by 3 Bubbas
I can eat, sleep, and relax now.




My final log:

Oh man! Took me about 20 minutes to figure out how to go about solving the last part. Then I just stopped, relaxed, and looked again. DUH! It just popped out at me! I wish I could have held my 12th or 13th position (I forget which I had), but hey, I am SO glad to have the coin!! Congrats to everybody before me and good luck to the people below me. This was awesome and I can't wait to do the next game!

Ladycacher & Boys.

Good For You, Girl!!




We would like to thank Cach-U-Nuts for such a great game. We really enjoyed doing the different caches which made the game very interesting. The puzzle really had us questioning what it was going to be and we were thoroughly surprise at our ability to decrypt it so easily after looking at the possibilities while waiting to log the last couple of caches. Wish there were more games around that made you do a little bit of extra work using the mind as well as the body. Also, congratulations to all that participated and good luck in your quest wherever it shall lead you. Thank You.


Arrrgh!! all you mateys! ! !


Tis true a bunch of you found yer booty. . . .


But suddenly thar be seven able bodied seaman . . . . .


Unable to solve the code . . . . .


What treachery lies underfoot, says I . . . . .


Cud it be yer all seeking coin number 50 ? ? ?


Har Dee Har Har . . . .


Amuses an old pirate it does, watchin . . . . .


The cuniving and posturing . . .


Who will make the next move? ? ? ?


3sheets.gif and Always Be Rememberin . . . .

Posted (edited)

As has been said before, thanks for this cool adventure! I was totally ticked the first night I missed my logging time by about half an hour, cause I forgot to watch the clock. That prompted me to figure out how the alarm setting on my PDA worked, so I didn't miss my chance again. Never had a reason to use that alarm before this game. :rolleyes:


Of course, before this particular game I never knew that Molly Pitcher was buried in nearby Carlisle, and I didn't realize there were so few caches with the word "River" in the title, or that there were actually so many with 3 digits the same nearby. And before the game there was only one cache locally hidden by a dog, now a number of local people (including me) own one. Yes, the Coin Quest game turned out to be far more than just about a coin. Thanks for the kickstart I needed to get out of the house and go seek out some of the caches I probably wouldn't have sought after during my "regular" caching activities. I probably put around 100 miles on the car just for this game, which is far less than many folks had to. Loved every minute of it though.

Edited by DocDiTTo

Sigh, two hours into what will be FOUR DAYS of no logs from me while I wait for the only event within hundreds of miles to happen...... whimper..... whine.... :rolleyes:


I claimed me booty in the wee hours of the morning! Coin #51!!! Aaarrgh!!! pirate.png


I think my final log says it all:


Mission accomplished!!! What a ride! This contest brought geocaching to a whole new level for me! And like finishing a good book, I will be going through some serious Coin Quest Contest withdrawals over the next few days. Did anyone plan a Coin Quest Support Group Event yet? Thank you, Cach-U-Nuts and 3 Sheets 2 The Wind, for this wonderful adventure! :rolleyes:


Just a short question, even though it might be a bit early... :(


When we completed the quest we were told to check our profile for the shipping address. I changed our account name into my real name then (don't think our postman will know "Balla & Silly" :) ). But since I noticed that we might be the only ones who did that I put our account name back in.


When do you need the real names?

How funny...our postwoman will deliver anything that has our address on it.  She doesn't care who it's addressed to.

Hmm...I don't think she works in a big city with buildings that have more than just one letterbox? :(

[balla & Silly Posted: Nov 30 2005, 03:13 PM 


Just a short question, even though it might be a bit early... 


When we completed the quest we were told to check our profile for the shipping address. I changed our account name into my real name then (don't think our postman will know "Balla & Silly"  ). But since I noticed that we might be the only ones who did that I put our account name back in.


When do you need the real names? 



I was wondering the same thing but haven't modified my profile as I don't want to change my user name.

Arrrrrrrrgghhhhh!!! Anyone else not able to get on the site?


Yes I have had intermittent problems getting into the site today and I'm using IE.

Hope you can get into it at your posting time.


Well I have just logged my 15th piece, now I have to wait until Sat. for an event. At least it's only 200 miles away, :anibad: but it's being held in honor of the coin quest and Cache-u-Nuts so it's fitting that it completes my quest.

have to wait until Sat. for an event. At least it's only 200 miles away,  but it's being held in honor of the coin quest and Cache-u-Nuts so it's fitting that it completes my quest.


What event! Where will it be held? I want to go!

And like finishing a good book, I will be going through some serious Coin Quest Contest withdrawals over the next few days. Did anyone plan a Coin Quest Support Group Event yet?

Congrats! You might want to look at the current benchmarking contest. See how many different types of benchmarks you can find by January 2nd. Winner gets either their GSAK paid for or their premium membership paid for. There aren't many playing, yet.

Congrats! You might want to look at the current benchmarking contest. See how many different types of benchmarks you can find by January 2nd. Winner gets either their GSAK paid for or their premium membership paid for. There aren't many playing, yet.

Have you got a link to the benchmark game? I look at www.cachunuts.com and didn't see any reference to it.



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