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Arrg Mateys...Just 3 logs left. Red herring solved. Thar cipher has walked thy plank also. Some of my fella ship mates helped get that scurvy cipher overboard.


Were gettin so close to thar coins, I can taste that metal in my whiskey filled mouth.

for statue quest does it have to be human or can a dinosaur qualify?

For clarification let's just say that the statue must have a face. Anything that has two eyes, and a mouth can be used.


OK, this contradicts what was previously posted but I'm ok with that because if it's correct then I can log the same cache that I expect Mystery Ink are asking about. :)

OK, this contradicts what was previously posted but I'm ok with that because if it's correct then I can log the same cache that I expect Mystery Ink are asking about. :P

Yes previously I said a human head but sometimes I drink too much grog. . .


Somebody wanted to log a statue of a bear . . .


So I changed direction just like the winds . . .


And collectively we came up with the 2 eyes and a mouth rule . . .


Would either of these qualify for the cave?

Tunnel of Terror or Rockland Tunnel GCGMYQ

They sound like great caves!

So I changed direction just like the winds . . .


And collectively we came up with the 2 eyes and a mouth rule . . .

Mmmmmm..... Grog.


No complaints from me! :P


The thing you are the statue yourself. "ICH" on the statue means "me". So you get up on the pedestal and make a picture of yourself.


... Vacation was superb. But I lost 7 days of logging time for the quest. ;-)))


Ok I got a question. It say that this game is for all ages. In the rules there is a line that says: Within the map are several hidden phrases . . . some will lead you nowhere . . . but solve the correct one and you'll find our hidden chest of coins!

I am getting up in age and were glasses for most of my reading. For the life of me, I have not seen any phrases what so ever on this map (i'm not totally blind yet). Are they right in front of me or am I going to have to get a magnifying glass? I would hate to finish all the cache requirements and not be able to complete the quest. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Anytime a micro cache is put out in my area, they tell me to add 2 points to the difficulity of that cache because of my sight. hehehe, they just love me.


Ok I got a question. It say that this game is for all ages. In the rules there is a line that says: Within the map are several hidden phrases . . . some will lead you nowhere . . . but solve the correct one and you'll find our hidden chest of coins!

I am getting up in age and were glasses for most of my reading. For the life of me, I have not seen any phrases what so ever on this map (i'm not totally blind yet). Are they right in front of me or am I going to have to get a magnifying glass? I would hate to finish all the cache requirements and not be able to complete the quest. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Anytime a micro cache is put out in my area, they tell me to add 2 points to the difficulity of that cache because of my sight. hehehe, they just love me.



The hidden phrases are right in front of you, perhaps glasses are not even required. However the phrases are encrypted with a variety of differnt types of encryptions.


If you have uncovered the first four pieces to the puzzle you have uncovered the first phrase. If you have uncovered the first five pieces to the map you will have revealed a part to the second phrase. If you have revealed eight pieces to the map you wil have revealed part of another phrase.


I know you are probably scratching your head right now if you have caught on :P .


Legna feel free to e-mail me if you want further assistance.


Arrrgh...You say you want hints eh. Well matey, what's it worth to ya scallywag??

Are ya willing to walk thar plank to find out a hint?

Are ya willing to trade your whiskey?

How bout that nice boat you travel around in?


Keep at it scurrvy scallywag, you will find the answer if you google enough.


after completing the red herring and moving on to the next revealed codes... all i can saw is... *<CENSORED>* looks like gibberish to me at the moment...


maybe as i get the last few pieces, the puzzle will reveal itself(pun intended)


Yo ho ho mateys! Me thinker has been soaked in salt water fer some time, yet I been solvin' thar top, port side, starboard side, and as much of thar dag blasted bottom o' th' map as I kin see.


Me question to ye sea-farin' types be: be ye spottin' any other messages with yer weather eyes? I be seein' juss the four, but with a double ration o' grog I may just be seein' eight...


Aye matey... I be thinkin there's sumfin fishy about them parm trees, but me rum soaked beard be gittin' in the way o' thar map...


I think them fronds be worth considerin'... yet they make no sense a'tall, me hardie.


Any other scalliwags care to weigh in?


Har, har, harr!! *cough*

We tried to Google the symbols on the sides but can't find a match.

:D We will keep looking.

That one I found. Also found top and bottom. Now the palm tree is a different story and I know it exists.


I need a drink.




Managed to land the red herring. Still fishing around for something else, but no luck yet.


I guess the first winners will be happening shortly?? At least, those who started the first day will have all their caches logged. Will be interesting to see how quickly the puzzle will be solved.


It's been mega fun. Love those Cach-U-Nuts puzzles & games.



Balla, I got the bottom part figured out now.

It's Silly (Heidi) doing all the puzzling. (Ha, nice word game... :D )

I'll send you an email but I'm afraid I've got that one as well and can't figure out something else...


I am out for the evening ;) Good luck to all the people posting their 16th logs tonight. I am sad that I will not be able to see what is happening. Don't get me wrong, I am making sure that I am back in time to log my 16th and try to figure out the palm trees.




It was nice being in the top 10, while it lasted. Gotta wait 2 days to attend and log my event. I think I will go thru Coin Quest withdrawal! I will probably spend my evenings staring at the palm trees - which I also think as suspicious.

It was nice being in the top 10, while it lasted. Gotta wait 2 days to attend and log my event. I think I will go thru Coin Quest withdrawal! I will probably spend my evenings staring at the palm trees - which I also think as suspicious.

I've been looking at them for hours now, trying to find a solution. My eyes are big squares, red, full of tears...(where's the whining thread?)

It's midnight over here in Germany and I'm going to bed shortly, dreaming of palm trees that are waving in the wind, laughing and throwing coconuts at me. What a nightmare! ;)

Posted (edited)
What a drag I have everything figured out but the palm trees>??? Help I only have 4 hours? Does anyone have it all figured out? No need for the answer just curious?

I got it!!!!!


Not sure how it fits with that last piece still looming, but I got it! Woo!


And TMD, I NEED you to stay above me. So if I don't see you logging on time, I plan on emailing you the answer. I want #7!

Edited by AtlantaGal
Posted (edited)
Well... Has epiduralgirl got her coin yet or what? I hope it is just a quick form to fill all the answers into then wait by the mailbox.

She must have, she's gone from the list.


I just hope the numbers we were in equate to the number on the coin or I have wasted more time than I care to mention on this, lol.

Edited by AtlantaGal
If you go to "latest activity" you will see that it took her about half hour to figure out the final piece. ;)

Does anybody know her? I'm wondering if she had to solve the trees or if she had them going in.


Arrgggghhh Matey....the ship's crew reports a coin has been discovered...all hands on deck - tis a good job completed by EpiduralGirl - break out the grog and toast the first of many!!


Good luck to ye all!!


The scurvy crew!!

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