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From reading the posts I assume that the log entry has to be made first on geocaching.com and then at coin quest right?  (Geocaching.com seems to be having a lot of problems tonight.  Will put "for coin quest requirement" in log entry for future caches. 


Also if a virtual was placed in 2003 it would qualify for either the virtual category #8 or the cache placed in 2003 #12, right?

Aye matey, tis true..ye be claiming it fer ye #8 or #12 but not fer both....


I have another pesky question please - maybe it's been covered elsewhere, but I can't find it...


In the post above it seems that you've said that you can log virtuals for other categories (like cache set in 2003), but I just notived the general rules state that except for category 8, any cache that contains a logbook will qualify.


Please can you clarify?





Looks like we could be doin the double step here....by rights, there should be a log book to claim the cache placed in 2003 - now perhaps there was more to this quote as I don't see an answer to the first question...perhaps not - we've been known a time or two to be makin the wrong call - If this be the case, then by all means....you have caught us and so do as you will...


So you are saying that it should be a cache with a logbook, but since you've said this it is up to us? So if we are honourable we'll abide by the original wishes if we haven't already logged it... Dang it! I guess we'd better do the right thing!!!




Captn's hearin that the Coin Questors be gettin a might competitive. Not to worry mates cause alls fair in love and coin quests. Somes likes to figure things out for themselves, somes like the Captn can't find anything when theys 3 sheets to the wind :) and needs all the helps they can gets.


Thar bee a fierce battle for thems low numbered coins, but the real fight will be for that last plunder in the chest. By thens Captn knows the secrets of the map will be no more, but yee must still complete all the steps.


Captn says have fun cause in the end it all just a game. ;)

Hmmmmm...either my eyes are playing tricks on me or it doesn't seem that I've gotten the last couple map pieces.
Thems new fangled computers :o


Captn will try to get that lazy skeleton crew to fix the problem. But he knows thar be partin, and grog drinkin on their mind so it will take him a couple of lashings and o bunch a yellin to get them swabin the deck properly again.


Keep findn your caches, the crew will fix the problem tonight.


I'm hosting an Event(GCRDAQ) on Dec. 4 for #15. When can I log this Cache? Do I have to wait untill the 4 or can I log it sooner? It is on the calender so it is an offical event.


Love the game!


I'm hosting an Event(GCRDAQ) on Dec. 4 for #15. When can I log this Cache? Do I have to wait untill the 4 or can I log it sooner? It is on the calender so it is an offical event.


I'm not a pirate and I don't play one on TV but I would assume like everything else, you can't log attended until you've actually attended so you'll have to wait until the 4th. As a side note, I'm happy for this as my event is on Dec. 1 allowing me to swoop past you! :-) (Although, it means others will be able to swoop past both of us!)

I'm hosting an Event(GCRDAQ) on Dec. 4 for #15. When can I log this Cache? Do I have to wait untill the 4 or can I log it sooner? It is on the calender so it is an offical event.


I'm not a pirate and I don't play one on TV but I would assume like everything else, you can't log attended until you've actually attended so you'll have to wait until the 4th. As a side note, I'm happy for this as my event is on Dec. 1 allowing me to swoop past you! :-) (Although, it means others will be able to swoop past both of us!)

Correct, the Capt'n has already threatened "Plank Walkin'" for someone that did that same thing.


Wait until the event has happened. :P


Thems new fangled computers :D


Captn will try to get that lazy skeleton crew to fix the problem. But he knows thar be partin, and grog drinkin on their mind so it will take him a couple of lashings and o bunch a yellin to get them swabin the deck properly again.


Keep findn your caches, the crew will fix the problem tonight.


Thank you. I'm glad it wasn't my eyes...I already have enough problems with them... :o


I screwed up. :o I did my event cache on Nov 19th, thought I logged it as an event, but it was just pointed out to me that I logged it as the FTF cache. Can I fix this? I still need to do a FTF cache & I don't want to get docked for accidently logging one. Thanks for any help!!!!!! :P

Thanks! I knew he had answered but I had forgotten what it was. I think the FTF is a killer!



I just had a cache approved and no finders yet...but it's up here in cold, foggy WA... :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Why can't we see the entire leaderboard anymore? I was enjoying keeping track of my position and also watching my friends' progress. Now we don't even know who is playing. :rolleyes:

Edited by The Fun Group
Yikes, we've been erased also. :rolleyes:

We were somewhere in the # 120's.

Are only the the first 100 contenders worthy now? :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Here's hoping everyone has lots and lots of turkey and is too full and too sleepy to cache or log, thus allowing us to make the first page. :rolleyes:


Well this isn't going to happen since I am going out tomorrow and finding 7 to 9 caches I need. I have plotted my path and the caches and have them loaded into the GPS.

Are only the the first 100 contenders worthy now?
The skeleton crew be a drinkin the grog and makin a big to do about eatin some turkey. Captn will lash the swabies back into shape so you can be seein yours place in the ranks of the coin questors, just as soon as the Captn get done a drinkin and a eatn. :rolleyes:
This game is so much fun!! We have looked at your games before but have never been able to play. Thanks so much for creating a wonderful game that everyone can enjoy!!
AWW go on now, Captn's and the skeleton crews havn a barnacle scrappin good time too.


The Coin Quest be a right fine time for all, and the ol' Captn canna wait for the cheers from those that be gettn plunder and the nashing of teeth from those that don't. But this not be the end. Captn's whippin the crew to bring up yet another game. There be a bounty on the head of the crew member that lets a loose tongue slip the details


Dead Men Tell No Tales :rolleyes:


Another question...


Should the 12th piece of the map appear disconnected from the rest of the map, or is something wrong with my map too?


I'm on my portable computer and it's different than my desktop, so I thought maybe the problem was this OS.

Another question...


Should the 12th piece of the map appear disconnected from the rest of the map, or is something wrong with my map too?


I'm on my portable computer and it's different than my desktop, so I thought maybe the problem was this OS.

I got the same thing, seemed a little odd didn't it?


I got the same thing, seemed a little odd didn't it?

Yes! I am so worried I won't be able to solve this thing once all my caches are logged.

We feel the same. Up to now the puzzle is a total mystery to us. No idea at all how to solve that. It would be a bad one if we tried our hardest with all the caches, complete them - and then won't be able to do the puzzle. :D

I think in that case I don't wanna hear about the fun chasing all the caches... :)


But I don't worry about the torn off corner. That's probably just a nice little extra to drive us nuts! :mad:


I think I start meditating, using the mantra "Let the fogs of mystery that are laying over this map disappear as soon as we complete it. Let the fogs of mystery that are laying over this map disappear as soon as we complete it. Let the fogs..."


Maybe it works?


Would THIS cache work for the Cave cache? (GC257D)
Thar cave in this cache dona seem to be a hole in the ground.


Captn 3 Sheets always bees a lookin for good hidy holes for his plunder. Sometime Captn, he gets lucky and plunders a rich ship and needs a big hidy hole. Sometime Captn needs just a little hole for his finest treasure. He likes caves, but a good mine, sinker hole, tunnel, even a tiny little cave are all good. Nows I wants you to keep this in mind that Captn don't want nobody doin any thin stupid, so you's stays out of dem caves if they not be safe.

The disconnected piece of the map makes sense after you read the story :mad:



Sum lamps be shinin brighter than others. . . . .


If ye be having anxieties about the codes . . . . .


A Book ye be needing . . . .


Treasure Trove be the name . . . . .




and alway remember . . . . .


Treasure Trove... Isn't that the book where you can find the real treasures that were hidden. The million dollar jeweled pins and stuff?


The left and right sides of the map mean nothing... cute joke tho. Sigh.


Is there any way to meet the event requirement without it being a listed geocaching event? Meaning what can we do to make a geaocaching event work for this game? We would have a log book, take photos or whatever as proof.





Tell me about it! I'm going to finish getting the last ones I need besides that one this weekend. Finish logging them on Sunday and then not be able to log ANYTHING for a week because the Event that I'm hosting isn't untill the 4th! ARG!


Love the game thou and can't wait untill the next one starts!




I'm having a problem logging in my latest cache tonight. I keep getting an error message saying I used the back button but I didn't. I edited an earlier one because of an incorrect waypoint and now I can't log mine tonight and I had planned to get the rest of the requirements this weekend. What to do now? I haven't another one ready to log tonight as my cache has been submitted but not yet approved. Any suggestions?

I'm having a problem logging in my latest cache tonight. I keep getting an error message saying I used the back button but I didn't. I edited an earlier one because of an incorrect waypoint and now I can't log mine tonight and I had planned to get the rest of the requirements this weekend. What to do now? I haven't another one ready to log tonight as my cache has been submitted but not yet approved. Any suggestions?

Same thing happened to me last night also. :lol:

Posted (edited)
I'm having a problem logging in my latest cache tonight.  I keep getting an error message saying I used the back button but I didn't.  I edited an earlier one because of an incorrect waypoint and now I can't log mine tonight and I had planned to get the rest of the requirements this weekend.  What to do now?  I haven't another one ready to log tonight as my cache has been submitted but not yet approved.  Any suggestions?

Avast Ye Scurvy (edited by moderator) . . . . .


Please don't be takin it personal when ya sees the (edited by moderator) message. . . .


Most of the problems on our site be because of using the back button . . . .


To go back instead of using the links provided. . . . .


When a log be posted a flag be set . . . . .


And iffen ya try to log again when the flag be there . . . .


The (edited by moderator) message ye will see . . . .


The way to reset the flag be to go to the page where ya kin choose yur cache type. .


Sum folks be usin the back button to get the page to enter yur cache info . . .


To Type ahead their information . . . .


And use a different browser (or tab) to pick their cache type. . .


The problem be that the (edited by moderator) flag never gets reset. . . .


Ye must hereby be using the same browser or tab to both choose . . .


The cache type and enter the info.


Iffen it be speed yer after then simply type one letter for the cache name . .


And three letters fer the gc number. The comment can be left blank.


Yer time stamp will be set and then you kin edit yer listing and write the biggest gosh darn story that you want.


That reminds me. We wud like yall to make videos of yer adventures and write up great storys about yer happenins and send them to us. We want to put together sum dvds and books about peoples adventure with Coin Questing.


That be all fer now. . .


Ye be dismissed ! ! !


NOTE: This post was moderator edited for words that were decided to be too unsavory for a family friendly forum.

Edited by Eartha
Posted (edited)
I'm having a problem logging in my latest cache tonight.  I keep getting an error message saying I used the back button but I didn't.  I edited an earlier one because of an incorrect waypoint and now I can't log mine tonight and I had planned to get the rest of the requirements this weekend.  What to do now?  I haven't another one ready to log tonight as my cache has been submitted but not yet approved.  Any suggestions?

Avast Ye Scurvy (edited by moderator). . . . .


Please don't be takin it personal when ya sees the (edited by moderator) message. . . .


Most of the problems on our site be because of using the back button . . . .


To go back instead of using the links provided. . . . .


When a log be posted a flag be set . . . . .


And iffen ya try to log again when the flag be there . . . .


The (edited by moderator) message ye will see . . . .


The way to reset the flag be to go to the page where ya kin choose yur cache type. .


Sum folks be usin the back button to get the page to enter yur cache info . . .


To Type ahead their information . . . .


And use a different browser (or tab) to pick their cache type. . .


The problem be that the (edited by moderator) flag never gets reset. . . .


Ye must hereby be using the same browser or tab to both choose . . .


The cache type and enter the info.


Iffen it be speed yer after then simply type one letter for the cache name . .


And three letters fer the gc number. The comment can be left blank.


Yer time stamp will be set and then you kin edit yer listing and write the biggest gosh darn story that you want.


That reminds me. We wud like yall to make videos of yer adventures and write up great storys about yer happenins and send them to us. We want to put together sum dvds and books about peoples adventure with Coin Questing.


That be all fer now. . .


Ye be dismissed ! ! !

Say What?


Note: this post also edited by moderator for language.

Edited by Eartha

Alright I found the Red Herring, that one was rather simple. I have seen the coding before that is used for the next hidden message off to the West but I am unable to pin point it right now where I seen it. Would any one care to share where I may have seen this coding before? Feel free if you choose to e-mail me if you don't want to post in the forum.


For coin quest #10 Cache for Little Girls. Our friends wife had her baby on October the 1st. He put this cache out to announce her arrival. Its called "Its a Girl" GCQRED. Would this cache be alright? Thanks and we are having a blast with this!!!

Posted (edited)

Mystery Ink this is what dictionary.com says and I think it's basically what the Cache-u-Nuts said back in the thread a bit




A three-dimensional form or likeness sculpted, modeled, carved, or cast in material such as stone, clay, wood, or bronze.




n : a sculpture representing a human or animal


somebody correct me if I'm wrong

Edited by Pepper
Mystery Ink this is what dictionary.com says and I think it's basically what the Cache-u-Nuts said back in the thread a bit




A three-dimensional form or likeness sculpted, modeled, carved, or cast in material such as stone, clay, wood, or bronze.




n : a sculpture representing a human or animal


somebody correct me if I'm wrong

Ah cool, thanks Pepper just clerifying it. Btw dino's arent animals. :mmraspberry:

Posted (edited)
Mystery Ink this is what dictionary.com says and I think it's basically what the Cache-u-Nuts said back in the thread a bit




A three-dimensional form or likeness sculpted, modeled, carved, or cast in material such as stone, clay, wood, or bronze.




n : a sculpture representing a human or animal


somebody correct me if I'm wrong

Ah cool, thanks Pepper just clerifying it. Btw dino's arent animals. :mmraspberry:

Cach-U-Nuts previously posted "But for clarification let's just say that to be a statue it must be something that is carved in a human likeness. Lets clarify it a little further to say that it must have the likeness of a human face in three dimensional relief so a bust would qualify but a sculpture of a hand or other body part that doesn't include a head would not count. Likewise, a two dimensional carving of a face would not qualify."


So it has to be a person, not a dino.

Edited by Team Nazgul
Posted (edited)
I'm having a problem logging in my latest cache tonight.  I keep getting an error message saying I used the back button but I didn't.  I edited an earlier one because of an incorrect waypoint and now I can't log mine tonight and I had planned to get the rest of the requirements this weekend.  What to do now?  I haven't another one ready to log tonight as my cache has been submitted but not yet approved.  Any suggestions?

Avast Ye Scurvy (edited by moderator) . . . . .


Please don't be takin it personal when ya sees the (edited by moderator) message. . . .


Most of the problems on our site be because of using the back button . . . .


To go back instead of using the links provided. . . . .


When a log be posted a flag be set . . . . .


And iffen ya try to log again when the flag be there . . . .


The (edited by moderator) message ye will see . . . .


The way to reset the flag be to go to the page where ya kin choose yur cache type. .


Sum folks be usin the back button to get the page to enter yur cache info . . .


To Type ahead their information . . . .


And use a different browser (or tab) to pick their cache type. . .


The problem be that the (deited by moderator) flag never gets reset. . . .


Ye must hereby be using the same browser or tab to both choose . . .


The cache type and enter the info.


Iffen it be speed yer after then simply type one letter for the cache name . .


And three letters fer the gc number. The comment can be left blank.


Yer time stamp will be set and then you kin edit yer listing and write the biggest gosh darn story that you want.


That reminds me. We wud like yall to make videos of yer adventures and write up great storys about yer happenins and send them to us. We want to put together sum dvds and books about peoples adventure with Coin Questing.


That be all fer now. . .


Ye be dismissed ! ! !

Say What?

:mmraspberry: Well, alright then....plain english:


When you enter the cache information and hit submit it sets a flag. If you

try to submit the same information again you will get the scurvy message.

Going to the page where you choose the cache type turns off the Scurvy flag.

Usually the cause of getting the message is due to inappropriate use of the

back button.


Now get outta here ya scurvy dogs!!!


Note: This post also edited by moderator.

Edited by Eartha
for statue quest does it have to be human or can a dinosaur qualify?

For clarification let's just say that the statue must have a face. Anything that has two eyes, and a mouth can be used.


are these coins gonna be trackable?

Not at geocaching.com but we will keep track of your coin number on our web site.


  For coin quest #10 Cache for Little Girls. Our friends wife had her baby on October the 1st. He put this cache out to announce her arrival. Its called "Its a Girl" GCQRED. Would this cache be alright? Thanks and we are having a blast with this!!! 

Sounds like a fine little girl cache.


  Nothing related to the game but I did want to ask about the thumbnail images that appear in some logs. (like my puppy) Why do some have them and not others?

It's simply a matter of when Mr. Cach-U-Nuts happens to be sitting at his computer. If a story in a log catches his attention then he looks for interesting pictures to post.

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