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Who Would You Like To See As A Mod?

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O.k. The question is who would you like to see as a Mod in the forums, and why?


The current Mods don't count, because we know they do a great job! :(


Be serious with this because the TBTP may be watching. I would also like to hear from the current Mods.


Before we start...I take myself out of the running. I like the position I have now. :(


El Diablo


I'd elect either myself, Stunod, the smurf, or sparky....


The reason: Just to see the mass chaos that ensues...


But seriously, the best authority figures come from shady backrounds....


Alot of people say that some of the best cops they know were serious troublemakers when they were kids...

Posted (edited)
You just trying to stir up debate or something?  Do we need new mods?  Do TPTB care what we say here when they decide?

No we don't need new Mods. The current ones we have do a great job.


At the same time I know they are over worked. I just thought that as a community we could offer up names as a support. Just in case they want to expand.


El Diablo

Edited by El Diablo

I can't think of anyone I'd rather be moderated by more than briansnat.



Of course being modded by Carleenp wouldn't be to bad either (but rumor has it she may already be busy). :(:(

Tell me what the problem is that more moderators will solve. Thanks

It is just a question so TPTB will have a pool if they neeed it.


The current Mods do a great job!


El Diablo

Tell me what the problem is that more moderators will solve. Thanks

It is just a question so TPTB will have a pool if they neeed it.


The current Mods do a great job!


El Diablo

In that case, someone directly employeed by gc.com


If you don't like the topic, or don't feel it's potentially useful, then please don't participate. If you do choose to participate, please do so in a meaningful manner. Or at least be funny.


Everyone has a choice whether to read a particular forum topic. They can choose to skip the 47th "just testing my avatar" thread or the 18th "what kind of GPS should I buy?" thread. Well, except me. I have to read all of them. Am I an idiot or what? Wait, don't answer that. It would be off-topic.


Sorry, this fell to close behind a we need another approver' thread that seemed to have a hidden objective.


If it's honestly a question of who's the next mod, then I apologize. But my recommendation is sincere.


I'd liek to see someone that's relatively unknown on the forums, nothing based on post count or anything, just someone that might not have acquired a pool of buddies, and could not have their judgement clouded by them.


I would vote for carleenp. She keeps a level head and seems to always be fair. Briansnat would also be a good choice. Mopar would be very good as well. And let me add sept1c tank. All these people use the forums in a respectful manner and have never been obnoxious (like me).


Seriously, I'd vote for el d, briansnat, carleenp & renegade knight. I might not agree all the time with them, but noone's perfect. They'll learn! :( J/K... They are almost always level headed, approachable & knowledgeable. And presumably, they can spell better'n I can. Oy vey....


On a (hopefully) FUNNY note: I vote for myself. I'd be happy to land a ban or two. Er, lend a HAND... sorry. Easy slip... :huh::(


Criminal might be an "interesting" choice as well, now that I think about it.


I'd vote for Radman Version 3.0, he can be fair and be a hard *ss at the same time. He would...


Wait a minute...




I am so screwed, please ignore this!


I thought Briansnat was already a mod, or is that Mopar? :( Criminal, now that would be interesting. Carleen was the first person that came to mind but I think she might be TOO nice. Planet also comes to mind. She like the Mom of Northeast cachers and one of the nicest people you will ever meet. Come to think of it she might be too nice for the job as well. Hmmm... I gotta say even though you took yourself out of the running El D, you would be right up there.


I'll take the gig if someone'll throw in a decent computer and maybe a new set of kite string for my "modem."


...and about five more hours added to the day... and a repreive from going to work so I can check caches ... and some "happy pills" for my wife ...


Hmmmmmm, let me think about this .......


Someone here is a good guesser/accurate predictor. Watch for a change that is already in the works. Which only goes to show why this thread is *not* irrelevant.

Someone here is a good guesser/accurate predictor. Watch for a change that is already in the works. Which only goes to show why this thread is *not* irrelevant.

Sparticus Wattage???

Someone here is a good guesser/accurate predictor. Watch for a change that is already in the works. Which only goes to show why this thread is *not* irrelevant.

Oh come on!!! You can't go and say something like that and not tell us now!!!

I'd liek to see someone that's relatively unknown on the forums, nothing based on post count or anything, just someone that might not have acquired a pool of buddies, and could not have their judgement clouded by them.

I'd have to go with the lurker types. Someone who is in the forums a lot, watches everthing that goes on, but doesn't post much.


Too many opinions expressed creates a poor base to build from even if someone well known could mod and do it well. A perception that the mod would be fair and impartial is as important as that they really are fair and impartial. Of those well known in the forums I think Carleenp's reputation is rock solid.

But seriously, the best authority figures come from shady backrounds....


Alot of people say that some of the best cops they know were serious troublemakers when they were kids...

If that is true, then I wouldn't be a good choice, cause I am sweet and innocent. :(:(:huh:


And I think that this thread is a breath of fresh air. :(


Pete Townshend. Is/was a mod.


Plus, if you piss him off he'll smack you upside your head with his guitar. Just look what it did for Abbie Hoffman.




On topic. Most anyone I would like to see as mods have already been mentioned, but I'm not gonna say who.


I would like to add that I think that since it seems that more than a couple of people serve as both mods and approvers it would be good to get either new mods or new approvers to lighten their load. I can't begin to imagine how they are able to do both jobs. My hat is off to them doubly.

Posted (edited)
I'd elect either myself

He who most wants to be in power is LEAST capable of wielding it properly.


To all those that never mentioned me on this thread:


THANK YOU! You're true friends.


While I agree about Carleenp and Briansnat, I like them too much to wish that particular honor upon them.


Stunod's first post was the best though.

Edited by Snoogans
Someone here is a good guesser/accurate predictor.  Watch for a change that is already in the works.  Which only goes to show why this thread is *not* irrelevant.

That would be me, undoubtedly. :(:(

Pete Townshend. Is/was a mod.


Plus, if you piss him off he'll smack you upside your head with his guitar. Just look what it did for Abbie Hoffman.




On topic. Most anyone I would like to see as mods have already been mentioned, but I'm not gonna say who.


I would like to add that I think that since it seems that more than a couple of people serve as both mods and approvers it would be good to get either new mods or new approvers to lighten their load. I can't begin to imagine how they are able to do both jobs. My hat is off to them doubly.

Large amount of medication and the knowledge that Hydee supports us 100%.

But mostly its the medication.

I would only be a mod if I got a Blue Pony avatar...



See thats a problem, I was smart enough to register 16 different pony colors. Blus was one of them


You'd be surprised, but I could be a very good moderator of this forum.

To be honest, it would not surprise me. you strike me as the type that would support something you committed to and do the job required of you without personal opinions interfering.

Posted (edited)
You'd be surprised, but I could be a very good moderator of this forum.

To be honest, it would not surprise me. you strike me as the type that would support something you committed to and do the job required of you without personal opinions interfering.

Actually, ju66l3r, I'd second that. Even if I did see your name on a Fark post... :(

Edited by New England n00b

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