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I have a problem that needs to be addressed.


The other day I found two caches that were hidden by the same person, and on each cache (PVC pipe, and Ammo can) there was a sticker on it that had a yellow background and showed a bear drinking beer with a caption reading "Beer is good for you." :unsure: Now I know that some cachers drink beer, but it should not be advertized on a cache. Today I found a cache that had a keyring in it that was an ad for Bud Light.


I think everyone well knows that Geocaching is a family centered activity, and such ads shouldn't be placed on or inside any caches. I'm wondering if it was the right thing to do to remove the sticker off of the two caches that they were placed on. They were large stickers about the size of the normal "Official Geocaching" stickers that can be found on most ammo caches. Even though it wasn't my cache, I removed it! The keyring was easy to take care of, because I just took it out and didn't leave anything in it's place.


Do we have any opinions?


You're even complaining about the keychain? The stickers I might understand (although I don't think you should remove a sticker from someone else's cache), but there is nothing wrong with a Bud keychain.

You're even complaining about the keychain? The stickers I might understand (although I don't think you should remove a sticker from someone else's cache), but there is nothing wrong with a Bud keychain.

gotta agree with the chicken on this one. if it's not your cache, you have no right to remove the stickers. if you don't like the keychain, leave it there unless you trade it out.

Even though it wasn't my cache, I removed it! ...


Do we have any opinions?

You took someone else's cache??? You need to put it back, and now.


If you disagree with the way, place, or fashion of someone else's cache, you email them. Politely works best. If that doesn't work, then you press the "cache needs archived" option and explain the issue to the approvers. You do not remove someone else's cache because you don't like the contents. I don't like finding bible tracts in caches, but I don't go removing caches when I find them.




I have removed items from geocaches that I didn't think were appropriate, but I always put something back. That way it is just trade. The item taken is now mine and I can do with it what I please including throwing it away. If I don't do a fair trade I feel like I stole it.



I have a problem that needs to be addressed.


The other day I found two caches that were hidden by the same person, and on each cache (PVC pipe, and Ammo can) there was a sticker on it that had a yellow background and showed a bear drinking beer with a caption reading "Beer is good for you." :unsure: Now I know that some cachers drink beer, but it should not be advertized on a cache. Today I found a cache that had a keyring in it that was an ad for Bud Light.


I think everyone well knows that Geocaching is a family centered activity, and such ads shouldn't be placed on or inside any caches. I'm wondering if it was the right thing to do to remove the sticker off of the two caches that they were placed on. They were large stickers about the size of the normal "Official Geocaching" stickers that can be found on most ammo caches. Even though it wasn't my cache, I removed it! The keyring was easy to take care of, because I just took it out and didn't leave anything in it's place.


Do we have any opinions?

Maybe in your spare time you can go rip down a few billboards as well. Why not go to the corner gas station and remove the beer signs from there windows? Personally I agree if you have a problem with a cache you should take it up with the approvers or the owner first.


As for taking the key chain. You should have traded up.


Bad form, sorry.


If you don't care for the stickers avoid this person't caches in the future.

You had no right to remove the sticker from the cache (assuming it was stuck to it like the GC.com sticker). If it was a trade item and you traded for it, no harm done.


Don't need to turn this into a "beer is OK beer is bad thread" but aren't there many other things to worry about?

Posted (edited)
You took someone else's cache???  You need to put it back, and now.


I think he meant he removed the stickers from the cache. He didn't take the entire cache.


Those stickers wouldn't bother me but I guess someone else might take offense. I wouldn't have 'remodeled' the cache, I would have just signed the log, traded if I wanted to and moved onto the next one. You're talking about 2 caches out of 80+ you have found. It's not like every cache in the area has a beer sticker. Honestly, I'll bet the cache owner thought the sticker was funny and wasn't trying to offend anyone. Did you email the cache owner to let them know you removed the stickers?


As far as the keychain, I really don't see a problem with that either. I see promo items all the time in caches and it doesn't bother me a bit. I'll bet some people might have enjoyed the keychain. You could have just left it alone if you found it offensive. If you truly felt a need to take it and 'save' other cachers the pain of seeing a beer keychain, you really should have TRADED for it. At that point, the item you traded for is YOURS and you can do whatever you want with it. Taking without trading for it wasn't too cool in my opinion.


I will agree that some items never belong in a cache (food, weapons, porn, drugs, etc.). If I saw an item like that, I would most definitely remove it because, as you said, this is a family sport.


But I just can't see the harm in a beer keychain. Kids will learn, at some point, that beer exists in the world. I don't think the keychain was trying to tell kids, "Hey kids! Start drinking now!". I could see how the stickers might send the wrong message to children but I think the cache owner was just trying to be funny, not start kids on the road to alcoholism at the tender age of 5.


Besides, it is up to the parents to decide what is best for their kids. I could see how some parents might be offended by a beer keychain...but I can also see how a parent could say, "Hey! This cache had a toy for my kid and a cool keychain for me!".


Anyway, just my 2 cents, flame away if you must! :unsure: :unsure: :tired:

Edited by Imajika


I have a problem that needs to be addressed.


The other day I found two caches that were hidden by the same person, and on each cache (PVC pipe, and Ammo can) there was a sticker on it that had a yellow background and showed a bear drinking beer with a caption reading "Beer is good for you."  Now I know that some cachers drink beer, but it should not be advertised on a cache.


How is that advertising? Advertising promotes a product, not an activity. By that reasoning, you should be pulling off the geocache stickers as well. If you know that some cachers drink beer, then you know they aren’t interested in you view, so why the stink? Who said it “should not be advertised on a cache”? You? Who then?


Today I found a cache that had a keyring (sic) in it that was an ad for Bud Light.

So what? Did the key ring jump out and pour a beer down your throat? Where’s the threat?


I think everyone well knows that Geocaching is a family centered activity, and such ads shouldn't be placed on or inside any caches.

WTF? Where is there advertising in anything you’ve mentioned? Tell me WHERE on the website that it says branded items are inappropriate?


I'm wondering if it was the right thing to do to remove the sticker off of the two caches that they were placed on.

There wasn’t a more wrong thing you could have done. It doesn’t belong to you, leave it as you found it.


The keyring (sic) was easy to take care of, because I just took it out and didn't leave anything in it's (sic) place.

That makes you the very sort of lowlife that geocachers complain in the forums about.


What I find ironic is that there is a thread complaining about religious material in caches, and wonder if this isn’t a tongue-in-cheek response to that.


I’ve said it many times, if it ain’t yours, don’t Fudge with it!

You took someone else's cache??? You need to put it back, and now.

I read it that SN took the stickers off the containers - not the containers themselves.


Super Nate:  Do we have any opinions?


Yes. Not a good idea to take stickers off people's containers but if you do, don't tell anyone!


A bit overly sensitive on both counts I'd say, especially the key ring. You'll be a very busy cacher if you decide your mission is to remove all commercial logos. Regardless of how you feel about the commercial message you should not "punish" the cache by taking something without leaving something.


Exceptions: ALWAYS take something out of a cache if the lid won't close whether or not you have something to trade because leaving a cache behind with the lid open exposes the contents and logbook to potential damage.


You can take trash out of a container anytime. I'm not talking about MCD toys or commercial key chains but real garbage: cigarettes, beer bottle caps, broken toys, or inappropriate stuff like porno material or condoms. A Bud keychain does not qualify as inappropriate.


Basically what you did was wrong. It wasn't your cache, and agree or disagree with it's theme, it wasn't up to you to modify it.


I can understand your concerns, but it should have been left up to TPTBs to make a decision. It is indeed a family site and contents should reflect that. Beer is a commodity that is lawfully and largely excepted by the public. Otherwise it would be outlawed.


Beer it's self is against the rules to place in a cache, but stickers and keychains are not.


As a side note: If anyone places a beer cache in my area I want to be the 1st notified! :unsure:


El Diablo


Bottle opener travel bug


I found a bug that was a bottle open once and added one on and moved the bug on its way.


I did the above search for it to show you how many travel bugs are from a booze theme.


Should we now go and remove all these bugs from the system?



The keyring (sic) was easy to take care of, because I just took it out and didn't leave anything in it's (sic) place.

That makes you the very sort of lowlife that geocachers complain in the forums about.

A bit heavy handed. We are only talking about a keychain here. Forum discussions so often lose perspective on "real world" issues.


It was a philosophical action not a statement of SN's general practice.


And SN brought it here for input from others to see if there would be agreement. Of course, there won't be much agreement but still, it was good to voluntarily bring the concept here and test it out.


in going over your last 19 logs, you don't mention in a single one of them about a problem with the stickers or that you took the keychain without trading it out. why?


Pretty much like everyone said. Beer itself is one thing, it's illegal to give it to a minor. Porno is illegal to show a minor.

It's not illegal to show a kid a picture of a bear drinking a beer. It's not illegal to give a kid a bud light keychain. That's going overboard. Do you ask for the supermarket to cover all the beer when you go food shopping? Do you pre-read every magazine and newspaper and cut out the ads? Do you blindfold the kids when they leave the house so they don't accidently see a liquor store or a billboard?

Dude, you wen't way over the line by ripping the stickers off the guy's cache, and you made a FINE example for your kids by showing them it's ok to vandalize and steal as long as it's something you don't like.

Posted (edited)

I'll have to vote that I don't approve a cache being 'modified'

(labels being torn off) or being critical of finding a beer keychain

as a trade item.

If I can tolerate (almost) finding soggy cigarette UPC/barcodes

in a cache...just about anything else is a true treasure.


If a cache or it's contents bother you that much, you might try e-mailing the

owner or the approver of the cache before deciding on your own what is

& what is not acceptable.

Edited by bodolad
Posted (edited)

I'm pretty much in agreement with the rest, here.

Removing the keychain without leaving anything in its place was the same as taking any other trade item without leaving one of your own.


Removing the sticker was just as inappropriate as spraypainting someone's cache day-glo orange because you thought it would look better that way.


If you have an issue with the appearance or contents of someone's cache, take it up privately with them in an e-mail exchange. If you think it really needs attention and they don't agree, then escalate to TPTB.


I've seen numerous trade items that involve alcoholic beverages in one form or another. I know plenty of people who homebrew their own beer, ale, mead, and other alcoholic beverages, who love finding and trading for such items. Still, in all the caches I have found, there have probably been fewer total references to alcohol than I see in a typical day, were I to count the billboards, convenience store signs, t-shirts, TV ads, sporting event promotions, and yes, even keychains that are out there in the Real World.


Yes, I feel that you were out of line in defacing someone's cache because you didn't care for the way they chose to decorate the container. I would certainly take offense at anyone doing something similar to one of my hides. The keychain is a lesser matter, but it still constitutes taking a trade item without leaving something in exchange. I'm also a bit puzzled as to why you chose to make a public issue of it here in the forums when you make no mention of it whatsoever in your cache logs, where potential finders might notice it and take it as a warning should they be as sensitive as you seem to be about beer references.


At the very least, you owe the hider an apology for altering their cache. If you're really that sensitive to beer ads, should you find a cache with an objectionable sticker on it in the future, I respectfully suggest that instead of vandalizing it, you simply put it back where you found it, walk away, and find another cache to look for.


(Two more cents on the pile)


Edit: No "probably" about it. You do owe the hider an apology.

Edited by Seamus
... Do we have any opinions?

YES. You should have left the stickers and traded up for the key chain. By the way did you trade up for both the keychain and stickers? Never mind I digress.


By the way I thought this was all about the Hunt, the Find and Signing the Log, not what is inside the cache.


So, using this same logic, should we take out all of the stupid McToys that none of us grownups like?

Family sport means THE WHOLE FAMILY, including dad, who might want to kick back with a Bud Light after a long day of caching.


I can understand being upset about a keychain that said, "I love to beat my wife after drinking a 6 pack," but just a corporate logo doesn't seem like such a big deal.

And the sticker? Do you know how many people enjoy homebrewing as a hobby?


Definitely not cool in my book, dude. Don't wreck what isn't yours. :unsure:

Even though it wasn't my cache, I removed it! The keyring was easy to take care of, because I just took it out and didn't leave anything in it's place.


Do we have any opinions?

Just my opinion - you took the wrong approach.


If I thought that a cache was inappropriate I'd use the 'Should be Archived' when logging my visit.


I've found numerous trade items that I didn't think should be in a cache. I traded them out.

You took someone else's cache???  You need to put it back, and now.

I read it that SN took the stickers off the containers - not the containers themselves.

Oops. Sorry about that. It's been one of _those_ Fridays.

Posted (edited)
Even though it wasn't my cache, I removed it! The keyring was easy to take care of, because I just took it out and didn't leave anything in it's place.


Do we have any opinions?




It seems as if you can't do anything now day's without making someone unhappy.


What if someone puts a bible or american flag in the cache. :unsure:


Edited to add: I'm willing to bet my reply will even tic someone off. :tired:

Edited by Milbank


I have a problem that needs to be addressed.


The other day I found two caches that were hidden by the same person, and on each cache (PVC pipe, and Ammo can) there was a sticker on it that had a yellow background and showed a bear drinking beer with a caption reading "Beer is good for you." :unsure: Now I know that some cachers drink beer, but it should not be advertized on a cache. Today I found a cache that had a keyring in it that was an ad for Bud Light.


I think everyone well knows that Geocaching is a family centered activity, and such ads shouldn't be placed on or inside any caches. I'm wondering if it was the right thing to do to remove the sticker off of the two caches that they were placed on. They were large stickers about the size of the normal "Official Geocaching" stickers that can be found on most ammo caches. Even though it wasn't my cache, I removed it! The keyring was easy to take care of, because I just took it out and didn't leave anything in it's place.


Do we have any opinions?

Which problem did you want to address?

People stealing stuff out of caches, People tampering with other people cachers, or things that offend you?


Removing spam and illegal things is fine. Removing things that you find objectible can you get you flamed, especially when its something that only some feel as you do. As has been said, trade it the item out for something of equal vaule and then its yours to use, destroy, keep forever, whatever.


On the sticker thing. Its been said, but Ill repeat it. Please DON'T TAMPER WITH OTHER'S CACHES! :unsure: If you find something you think is wrong, get ahold of the owner and kindly ask they consider changing it. Work with them, Don't just go do whatever the hell you please. If you think this is ok to remove stuff in this manner, then it would be ok for someone else to go and put "Beer is good for you" stickers on every cache they find.

What I find ironic is that there is a thread complaining about religious material in caches, and wonder if this isn’t a tongue-in-cheek response to that.

I hope you're right and there isn't someone out there "purifying" the world for me.


Don't worry, I've met today's youth. The little ones can't read it and the older ones are already drinking.


All "kidding" aside, you don't need to, nor should you remove the stickers. I've seen worse. The keychain was a trade item, if you didn't like it, then don't trade for it. The stickers might just be someone's sig item. It doesn't reflect on the cache, just the cacher that placed it. You, my friend, are way too sensitive. Lighten up. Don't worry be happy. GO HAVE A BEER!


This dadgum country is just getting way to PC!! So, what's next? Do we go through every single cache ever placed and remove anything that anyone may find offensive? :unsure: What about items not made in the USA? Made by a foreign country whose beliefs aren't the same as us? Hell, let's just get rid of all those ammo boxes, too, then, because those are a product of war, and war is killing people! Oh, the humanity!!! A freaking cartoon picture of a freaking bear drinking a freaking beer!!!! Good Lord, what's next?!?!? Sterilizing people as a pre-emptive strike to prevent their sons and daughters from becoming criminals, or better yet, just to prevent their sons and daughters from having to see pictures of a bear drinking beer, or by chance coming across a bottle opener in a cache that advertises beer? Lord knows they'd never see that anywhere but inside a freaking geocache! There is no other way I know to say anything about what you did and why except to say it in a way that will most likely get me warned! :unsure: How freaking stupid! How the heck do you survive in this world if a stupid little cartoon or a stupid little inanimate object causes you that much freaking grief?!?!?!?

Posted (edited)

From your own profile:



Collecting all kinds of varies things, Country Music, Pathfinders,

cars (mainly normal cars seen on the road everyday), talking with

friends, GEOCACHING, GEOCACHING,...and did I mention GEOCACHING?


Well, at least you never hear about alcohol, cheating on spouses, violence, lying, stealing, or anything bad like that in country music. Guess you're clear there. :unsure:


Oh, yeah, cars kill people, too. Bummer. Guess that gets rid of another hobby for you.

Edited by Sparky-Watts


I have a problem that needs to be addressed.


The other day I found two caches that were hidden by the same person, and on each cache (PVC pipe, and Ammo can) there was a sticker on it that had a yellow background and showed a bear drinking beer with a caption reading "Beer is good for you." :unsure: Now I know that some cachers drink beer, but it should not be advertized on a cache. Today I found a cache that had a keyring in it that was an ad for Bud Light.


I think everyone well knows that Geocaching is a family centered activity, and such ads shouldn't be placed on or inside any caches. I'm wondering if it was the right thing to do to remove the sticker off of the two caches that they were placed on. They were large stickers about the size of the normal "Official Geocaching" stickers that can be found on most ammo caches. Even though it wasn't my cache, I removed it! The keyring was easy to take care of, because I just took it out and didn't leave anything in it's place.


Do we have any opinions?

While Geocaching is meant to be a family activity, It is also an international activity and in some parts of the world young people do drink beer and wine, just because you have a problem with a beer sticker on a cache and a Bud. key ring in a cache, those are your values and not the values of the person who placed the cache, You have no right to impose your values on anyone eles. This has gotten to be a real problem in the USA, you have people that think they have the right to tell everyone else what they should do and how they should think. Have you heared of the first amendment, have you heard of free speech. It sure sounds like you have heard af vandelism. :unsure:


No need for me to chime in except to wonder how often you have been so heavily censoring caches in your area.


Do you remove references to fatty foods? cars? sports? All are legal activities that are dangerous and often deadly. If you found some CD's in the cache would you take it upon yourself to play them to make sure they are safe enough for the rest of the world?


Hey, I even agree with Criminal on this one.


I was going to write a long response to this posting, but I was just putting the finishing touches on my Beer and Ribs event and I need to goto the fridge to get another beer so I will be brief. :unsure:


If you don't like the bud keyring. Trade it out of the cache and keep it or throw if away or whatever. Did the keyring have a bottle opener? Cause that's useful when you are caching!




"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."


--From Hamlet (I, v, 166-167)


Give the guy a break, he a allowed his opinion with out being castigated for it.




verb {T} FORMAL


to criticize someone or something severely:)


For those that read castrated, For shame :unsure:


"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."


--From Hamlet (I, v, 166-167)


Give the guy a break, he is allowed his opinion with out being castigated for it.




verb {T} FORMAL


to criticize someone or something severely:)


For those that read castrated, For shame :unsure:

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."


--From Hamlet (I, v, 166-167)


Give the guy a break, he is allowed his opinion with out being castigated for it.




verb {T} FORMAL


to criticize someone or something severely:)


For those that read castrated, For shame :unsure:

With all due respect CO...he did ask for opinons. Probably not the brightest thing to do with this bunch, but he did ask.


I will agree that we have all pretty much conveyed our message and now we are starting to go into overkill here.


El Diablo

This dadgum country is just getting way to PC!! So, what's next? Do we go through every single cache ever placed and remove anything that anyone may find offensive? :unsure: What about items not made in the USA? Made by a foreign country whose beliefs aren't the same as us? Hell, let's just get rid of all those ammo boxes, too, then, because those are a product of war, and war is killing people! Oh, the humanity!!! A freaking cartoon picture of a freaking bear drinking a freaking beer!!!! Good Lord, what's next?!?!? Sterilizing people as a pre-emptive strike to prevent their sons and daughters from becoming criminals, or better yet, just to prevent their sons and daughters from having to see pictures of a bear drinking beer, or by chance coming across a bottle opener in a cache that advertises beer? Lord knows they'd never see that anywhere but inside a freaking geocache! There is no other way I know to say anything about what you did and why except to say it in a way that will most likely get me warned! :tired: How freaking stupid! How the heck do you survive in this world if a stupid little cartoon or a stupid little inanimate object causes you that much freaking grief?!?!?!?

And another thing.... lets ban those darn FRENCH GPS units.


No more Magellens :unsure:


Hi: I'm a father. I drink beer. This past week I've had two beers. My kids think I have a drinking problem and that I should quit drinking too much Mountain Dew. I have to agree. I do drink too much Mountain Dew. But I don't like coffee and tea isn't strong enough. But I try.


Among other things I drink responsibly. That means I will refrain in the presence of an alcoholic and will not drive after drinking too much. It has been many years since I've had to refrain from driving. My kids were recently introduced to an alcoholic. They saw the effects. It made an impression, we drove home the point.


My mom enjoys a glass of wine and sometimes we share a bottle of wine at dinner. That sounds like family to me. Alcohol is a reality in this world. The problem isn't a sticker, it's what you teach your own children. The lesson you need to teach them goes beyond driving and courtesy. They also need to know about date rape drugs delivered in drinks at a party, they need to know that guys can forget themselves, they need to know there are bad drunks, guys need to know friends will shave off eyebrows, they need to know that too much will kill you, they need to know that they can call you and you will delay the wrath if they are so messed up they need help, and they need to know when it's time to leave and make that call. They need all that and more.


The sticker is a non issue.

Hi: I'm a father. I drink beer. This past week I've had two beers. My kids think I have a drinking problem and that I should quit drinking too much Mountain Dew. I have to agree. I do drink too much Mountain Dew. But I don't like coffee and tea isn't strong enough. But I try.


Among other things I drink responsibly. That means I will refrain in the presence of an alcoholic and will not drive after drinking too much. It has been many years since I've had to refrain from driving. My kids were recently introduced to an alcoholic. They saw the effects. It made an impression, we drove home the point.


My mom enjoys a glass of wine and sometimes we share a bottle of wine at dinner. That sounds like family to me. Alcohol is a reality in this world. The problem isn't a sticker, it's what you teach your own children. The lesson you need to teach them goes beyond driving and courtesy. They also need to know about date rape drugs delivered in drinks at a party, they need to know that guys can forget themselves, they need to know there are bad drunks, guys need to know friends will shave off eyebrows, they need to know that too much will kill you, they need to know that they can call you and you will delay the wrath if they are so messed up they need help, and they need to know when it's time to leave and make that call. They need all that and more.


The sticker is a non issue.

Not too long ago I agreed with the ugly wet cat...Now RK??


I'm giving up drinking...or maybe I need to drink more. :unsure:


Well said RK.


El Diablo


For those that read castrated, For shame :unsure:

Don't worry, I try to read the old fashioned way, carefully and with a good light source. :unsure:

Posted (edited)

Okay SN, please come back and share with us again. What you did is perceived as wrong by the majority in this thread. But, hey, you can redeem yourself by telling all of us to go pack Fudge. Although, I do agree, a sticker of a bear drinking beer is absolutely well ... sad. You probably should have let it be. It's bad enough that people have to drink and act like idiots. Now it looks as if bears and possibly other mammals are doomed to a similiar alcoholic hell, hehehe. I just don't get it. Why show a bear drinking beer? It's not funny or cute. Its kinda of childish and sick. Probably similiar to the Tobacco industry using Joe Camel to target kids on using cigarettes.


edit -typo

Edited by clearpath
...Why show a beer drinking beer? It's not funny or cute. Its kinda of childish and sick...

That's cannabalistic!

LOL !!! You are right it is ... I could also be incest. Hehehe :unsure:

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