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What GPSr Do You Use?


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I'm not looking to start any arguments. I'm just curious about what GPSr everyone uses. I haven't really seen any other threads about this and i was just wondering. I suppose you could also add whether you like it or not, or some small blurb. I use a Magellan SporTrac Map, and it's my first GPSr and i love it. :lol:

Posted (edited)

My wife and I have Geko 201, Etrex Legend, Gps V and an IQue. We also have three external antennas, and one reradiator. Will be getting the GPS 60C or CS when it comes out.

Edited by JDan150

I use an old and trusty GARMIN 45 that I got off of Ebay for $50 ... It's a bit fussy, but it gets me to the caches within about 4ft. on a clear day. I'm still not so sure about it's performance on overcast days.


I have a Magellan Sportrack Pro, i love it, the maps are more detailed than the extrex Vista of my father but sportrack Pro don't have an electronic compass :lol:


I use a Garmin III+ (there is a picture of it over to the left, which would be west if you have north up.)


I have been hoping it would stop working ever since the V came out. Couldn't even kill it kayaking Hells Canyon. There is an interesting story about a certain 300 yard gap in the tracklog, but that would be off topic.


Now that the 60C is coming out, I may have to resort to leaving my III+ on top of the car and driving off, but don't tell my wife. :lol:

I use a Garmin III+ (there is a picture of it over to the left, which would be west if you have north up.)


I have been hoping it would stop working ever since the V came out. Couldn't even kill it kayaking Hells Canyon. There is an interesting story about a certain 300 yard gap in the tracklog, but that would be off topic.


Now that the 60C is coming out, I may have to resort to leaving my III+ on top of the car and driving off, but don't tell my wife. :lol:

You can send it to me and I will take it off youre hands for ya! :D



Garmin Vista. When I bought this, I thought it would have many features that I wouldn't need or use, but I'm glad I spent the extra $$'s, as I found that I do use them.


I also just picked up a Palm Tungsten E as I am going to go paperless.


I have a Magellan Pioneer that I bought some years ago, and still carry in my flight bag, just in case. I also have a Radio Shack Digitraveler in the car for use with my Palm and Mapopolis, but for geocaching I have a Garmin eTrex Legend.

Posted (edited)

Topo, Acaro & Rospo exclusively use & recomend eTrexes :D


A Yellow, a Legend and a Vista here.


Guess we should ask Garmin money for sponsoring...

Edited by team_tar

I use the Garmin V and I love it but Im perty sure Ill be wanting a 60CS once they become available! I have been drooling since the word of its release!! :D


The other half of my team recently purchased an eTrex Legend which he seems very happy with. Garmin all the way for our team!


Kar of TS! :D

I use an old and trusty GARMIN 45 that I got off of Ebay for $50 ... It's a bit fussy, but it gets me to the caches within about 4ft. on a clear day. I'm still not so sure about it's performance on overcast days.

My first attempt to find a cache was with a Garmin 45. It could do NOTHING in ANY tree cover. I don't know how Soar_Feet can make the thing work!

I then got a Garmin 76 which I used for an entire summer and found a bunch of caches with it. Bought a Rino 120 as soon as they came out about a year ago and have been using it since. VERY happy with the Rino120! Very good reception, good mapping, etc. etc. I'm a little disappointed that more people don't have them. I have yet to see another one appear on my map screen with the peer-to-peer positioning feature.

I'm awfully tempted by the new Garmin 60 line. Think I'll wait a while until they're time-tested (and I can afford one!). Might pop for one for a Christmas present next year -- we'll see.


We use the Garmin iQue 3600, and we love it! After reading all these posts, though, I am considering getting a cheaper one for walking with. I'd really hate to damage it!


ATC Dude


I have a Meridian Marine w/ BlueNav. I primarily use it for boating and fishing, and can't believe that I ever set foot in a boat without it. The marine charts are fantastic in my area.


I am new to GeoCaching, so I will be interested to see how well I do looking for more precise locations...



I'm not looking to start any arguments. I'm just curious about what GPSr everyone uses.

I started with a Garmin Rino120. It has served me well for close to 300 finds. However recently I aquired a new Garmin V and will never go back. I may leave the V in the car to do routing and take the rino into the field, but I will never go without autorouting again!


I lust after a 60CS, but it was announced exactly a week after I got the V and cannot justify the purchase (to my XYL).

Posted (edited)

GARMIN GARMIN GARMIN! Started with a 12XL for military use in 2000 just before I went to Kosovo :D . Last year, after a few months of geocaching, I bought a Legend. I have no regrets about either. The 60cs looks really good for a future purchase and if I hear back that the performance is good, I'm sure I'll get one. I don't think I will part with the other two though - its always nice to have a back up to the back up :D

Edited by 105mm Redleg

sp2610 in the car and gpsmap76s on foot and in aircraft. definitely planning to upgrade to the 60cs from the 76s when it comes out.


i am wondering though - the 60cs appears to offer the same screen size as the etrex (within .1") - i wonder if there's a 76 series replacement coming this year with colour screen etc...


decisions, decisions...


Just got my first, a Garmin etrex Vista. I love hooking it up to my laptop when I'm in my truck, for a huge display I can read by glances, instead of risking my life peering at a teensy screen.




I have a Platinum and a Legend. Of the two I like the Platinum better. The reasons being: I can download maps on a SD card, bigger screen, more navigation screens and to me it's easier to work with the menus. The things I like about the Legend are its size and although it's a could be a possible problem in the future, I like the click stick.


The antenna issue isn't that big of a deal to me because I use my GPSR's mostly on the water or in the woods during the fall and winter. However, during the times I use the GPS's in my vehicles or during the summer in the woods I have to give the better reception award to the Platinum.


Started out with a Garmin 12 :lol: that I had bought in 1999 or there abouts for exploring my own plot of land. Then in 2002, I bought an Etrex yellow because they were on sale. :P My office provided me with another Etrex yellow, when we deployed to the desert :o . And most recently, my wife gave me a Vista for our anniversary B) I still carry then all in my bag and when a non-caching muggle wants to try a cache, I have a GPSr for them to use. Also, having multiple GPSrs allows my wife to have one, when the team is hard at it. I like the inputs of the Vista best, but it seems to jump around more than the Etrex yellow. All in all, I use the Vista the most.

Posted (edited)

I started out with a Magellan 315 back in Jun of 2000 (Still has it uses). I then upgraded to a map 330 (august 2001), but traded it off for a meridian gold (October of 2001-it was eventually upgraded to a platinum by Magellan). I have recently purchased a GPS V (October of 2003- main reason is the high resolution screen, and I also wanted to try a autorouting unit). I also have a Navman sleeve for my Ipaq.


My Personal favorite unit is the 315 (you can drop kick that thing and it will still work). My next favorite would be the platinum, basically because of the sensors and the ability to use SD cards (and all that entails). Also mapsend topo & S&D appear to be more up-to-date for my region when compared to City Select 5.02 (I have screen shots).


Wyatt W.

Edited by phantom4099

I first bought a Legend and absolutely loved it until... I got MetroGuide 5! I fell in love with MG5 and found that the Legend's 8MB is pretty much insufficient for my needs. So, I learned about the eMap which allows up to 128MB of memory! That did the trick!


I definitely use the eMap in the car, and the Legend for caching. I still love all of the Legend's features. Although the eMap's screen is larger, the Legend's resolution is MUCH nicer and all of the available data that can be displayed on the trip computer page is awesome! Also, when I travel on a plane, I always take the eMap because of its external antenna jack! I tried taking the Legend on a trip once and I pretty much had to hold it up to the window the whole time which was a real pain. The eMap with an external antenna (with suction mount) is a much better setup for traveling in the passenger cabin of an airliner.


All in all, I have to say that I use the eMap more since I got it.


Will I get a 60C when they come out? ABSOLUTELY!!! :mad: Seems to be the best of both worlds for me!! I will probably keep the eMap for backup.


I was always totally happy with my MeriColor. Now, with DirectRoute installed, it is truly a dual function GPSr. I will now only switch chips (to Topo) when going into the mountains/woods for at least a full day.


My handheld migration (all Garmins):

GPS 38 => eTrex Camo => eTrex Mariner (basically a Venture) => eTrex Legend => eTrex Vista => GPSmap 60CS once available


Fixed Mount


GPS 128 => GPSmap 162


I've loved them all.




For about two more weeks - then probably going to the Sportrak Map but considering going for the Etrex Vista. I'd be happy with the Etrex yellow execpt I want a data cable now but with the data cable being so expensive, might as well treat myself to a new unit that comes with the cable.

I'd be happy with the Etrex yellow execpt I want a data cable now but with the data cable being so expensive....

Power/data cable on eBay for $17.55 or just the PC cable for $12.20 including shipping...


I started with a MeriGreen that I got as a gift from my caching father (GMcSC). Ran across a eTrex camo in Wally World for $60 and thought I'd sell on eBay. Well, that didn't happen :) so I now use both at the same time. Each has it's advantages and they work well together.


But if I had to keep only one... :D

Posted (edited)

I have a Garmin eTrex Yellow, my 2nd GPS, which I like. My first was a Magellan GPS310, it's a great backup.


Just got a bike handlebar mount for the eTrex. It was worth it.

Edited by mikeh420

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