+sept1c_tank Posted November 2, 2003 Posted November 2, 2003 A little more than 3 weeks ago, Jeremy said: quote:posted October 10, 2003 04:57 PM With great disappointment, we have removed the use of tags from sig lines. ...many complaints about the effect that sig lines have to a discussion. Slow download times on modems, distracting sig lines that affect the ongoing conversations... In your opinion, how has that decision affected the forums? ==============="If it feels good...do it"================ **(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")** . Quote
+leatherman Posted November 2, 2003 Posted November 2, 2003 Are you kidding! The forums crashed for fifteen minutes while I was trying to respond to this. Sig line pictures sure as hell didn't cause it either! Quote
+woof n lulu Posted November 2, 2003 Posted November 2, 2003 What he ^ said ! Aging is not for wimps ! Hey, my gray hair is just a disquise ! Quote
+haggaeus Posted November 2, 2003 Posted November 2, 2003 As a lynx user, I am not affected by IMG tags (and I believe users of graphical browsers can switch off didplaying images too, if theya re annoyed by them). On the other hand, the forums are slower or inaccessible lately, maybe because of server overload by complaints about the IMG tags ban? Czech caching in US. Quote
+BadAndy Posted November 2, 2003 Posted November 2, 2003 Kirk: I need more bandwidth Scotty!! Scotty: I'm givin ya all she's got Capn! Kirk: Bones, tweak that server! McCoy: Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a programmer. Spock: There seems to be a corolation between the number of users and the speed of the website....Interesting indeed. Voice of Invader: We are MSNcaching.com...resistance is futile. "Me transmitte sursum, Caledoni!" Quote
+Mr. Snazz Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 sorry about the instability. I just remembered that about two years ago, I farmed out one of my 333mhz celerons to Infopop for use as a UBB server. I logged in to the box yesterday, and lo and behold, infopop has the Groundspeak forums running on it. My cats like to walk across the $69 UPS that powers the thing. Quote
BassoonPilot Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 quote:Originally posted by BadAndy:Spock: There seems to be a corolation between the number of users and the speed of the website....Interesting indeed. I used to think this, but then I started watching the numbers of "members" and "guests" signed onto the forums, and have noticed NO DIFFERENCE whether 200 people are using the forums or 20 people; the server hangs both ways. Is this forum using one of InfoPop's "shared servers?" If it is, whoever we are sharing it with must be hogging access to it. Quote
BassoonPilot Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Mr. Snazz:I just remembered that about two years ago, I farmed out one of my 333mhz celerons to Infopop for use as a UBB server. You sure it wasn't a 386SX-16? Quote
+worldtraveler Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 I'm glad Jeremy was proactive. As slow as the forums have been recently without the img tags, I hate to think how bad it would be with them! And I bet if we all stopped talking about reasonable alternatives to the current virtual and vacation cache policies, the forums would zing along faster than ever. worldtraveler Quote
+hydee Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 sept1c_tank, I would say you have no one to blame but yourself. You keep posting photos of me with huge hair. Do you know how much bandwidth it takes to continually load those images? hydee I work for the frog Please don't throw sand when playing in the sandbox! Quote
+joefrog Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 quote:Originally posted by hydee:sept1c_tank, I would say you have no one to blame but yourself. You keep posting photos of me with huge hair. Do you know how much bandwidth it takes to continually load those images? About half as long as it'd take to tease hair up that high, I'd wager... Joel (joefrog) "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for ye are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!" Quote
+hydee Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 quote:Originally posted by joefrog:About half as long as it'd take to tease hair up that high, I'd wager... Joel (joefrog) tease my hair??? Geocaching gives me that look naturally hydee I work for the frog Please don't throw sand when playing in the sandbox! Quote
+worldtraveler Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 quote:Originally posted by hydee:...tease my hair??? Geocaching gives me that look naturally <stage whisper> Any bets on how long it's gonna take before she declares herself off-topic and locks this thread down? Oh, and just to keeps THIS reply ON topic, it took a looooong time for the reply screen to come up. worldtraveler Quote
ju66l3r Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 Right now, the forums are flying...reply windows and everything. Of course, they were just down and out for like 15-30 minutes (that I was trying, at least)...so I'm not sure the trade-off is going to work out. In the meantime, it's not because of any dumb pictures obviously. -- Arrr, there be smurfs ta smurf. Quote
CacheMonkeez Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 Do you really think slow download times is the reason behind removing the images from sig lines? And do you think it was done "with great disappointment"? quote:Originally posted by sept1c_tank:A little more than 3 weeks ago, Jeremy said: quote:posted October 10, 2003 04:57 PM With great disappointment, we have removed the use of tags from sig lines. ...many complaints about the effect that sig lines have to a discussion. Slow download times on modems, distracting sig lines that affect the ongoing conversations... _In your opinion, how has that decision affected the forums?_ . Quote
mckee Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 Still slow. As usual. -------------------- Would you like some cheese with your whine? Quote
+fizzymagic Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 Where did people get the impression that pictures from external servers were slowing the forums down? Nobody at Groundspeak ever said that, as far as I know. I find the forums much more readable without all the nonsense fluff everyone was putting in. I think the elimination of the pictures was a very positive step. Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 I have not noticed any difference but haven't really looked.I think they run fine for me anyway. WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS *GEOTRYAGAIN* TAKE PRIDE IN AMERICA http://www.doi.gov/news/front_current.html 1803-2003 "LOUSIANA PURCHASE" http://www.lapurchase.org "LEWIS AND CLARK EXPADITION" http://lewisclark.geog.missouri.edu/index Arkansas Missouri Geocachers Association www.ARK-MO-Geocachers@yahoogroups.com Quote
+Snoogans Posted November 3, 2003 Posted November 3, 2003 If I'm experiencing slowness, it's usually on your end. I'm on OC3, or whatever the newest baddest system there is. (not a techno geek) My company is continually upgrading our internet power. I'm gonna really have to slow down when I get a cable connection at home. Sngans WWJD For a Klondike bar? Quote
+joefrog Posted November 4, 2003 Posted November 4, 2003 I've noticed less lag than usual, but it does still bog down at times. Maybe the "premium members" should have a 2mb space to upload some small pics to keep them happy? I'm on a T1, and other sites load just fine when the forum doesn't. Growing pains, I suppose? Joel (joefrog) "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for ye are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!" Quote
Fakk 2 Posted November 4, 2003 Posted November 4, 2003 I voted no difference since most people put the img tag at the bottom of their post. so although it isnt a sig its still there loading. GeoCache Pickup Line: Hey I'm looking for treasure, Can I look around your chest? Quote
+leatherman Posted November 4, 2003 Posted November 4, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Dream Alchemist:since most people put the img tag at the bottom of their post. so although it isnt a sig its still there loading. That's interesting. I don't see one image at the bottom of any of the posts in this thread. Are you seeing things? The only thing still being used are the smilies. Quote
+sept1c_tank Posted November 4, 2003 Author Posted November 4, 2003 My own experience is that, the forums don't load any faster. And often, they seem even slower. quote: I started watching the numbers of "members" and "guests" signed onto the forums, and have noticed NO DIFFERENCE whether 200 people are using the forums or 20 people; the server hangs both ways. I, too, have been watching that, and I can detect no difference by volume of users. quote: You keep posting photos of me with huge hair. Do you know how much bandwidth it takes to continually load those images? Hydee, I love your big, red locks. Will you send me one? quote:I don't see one image at the bottom of any of the posts in this thread. Look at the bottom of this post. (While you're at it, see if this thread loads any slower now!) quote: I find the forums much more readable without all the nonsense fluff everyone was putting in. I think the elimination of the pictures was a very positive step. I disagree. ==============="If it feels good...do it"================ **(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")** . Quote
Fakk 2 Posted November 4, 2003 Posted November 4, 2003 OMG I went to readthis thread after Septic responded and it wouldnt load the page had to close the browser wait 5 mins and try agn. It must ahve been that image. GeoCache Pickup Line: Hey I'm looking for treasure, Can I look around your chest? Quote
+Divine Posted November 4, 2003 Posted November 4, 2003 quote:Originally posted by sept1c_tank:Look at the bottom of this post. (While you're at it, see if this thread loads any slower now!) Yeah, it did. Also, it kinda messed the otherwise nice layout of your post. - I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory. - Quote
+sept1c_tank Posted November 4, 2003 Author Posted November 4, 2003 How do you like me now? ==============="If it feels good...do it"================ **(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")** . Quote
+leatherman Posted November 5, 2003 Posted November 5, 2003 It just took me thirty minutes to get into the forums. I say we all put outrageous amounts of images in every one of our posts to test this image theory. Quote
+Zartimus Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 I find the forums bloody slow to post (3 to 5 minutes in some cases on different PC's , work and home, at different hours of the day). I'm gonna go look in the website forum to see if there are any threads about that. Quote
+PDOP's Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Zartimus:I find the forums bloody slow to post (3 to 5 minutes in some cases on different PC's , work and home, at different hours of the day). I'm gonna go look in the website forum to see if there are any threads about that. Me too. Hope they get it fixed soon as this is no fun PDOP's GPS Pages Quote
+carleenp Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 I was unable to login most of today. Then, the box to reply to anything would not come up. This one finally did after several minutes. Of course it might get stuck and not ever post (guess I'm about to find out). Very annoying. pika waving Quote
+Corp Of Discovery Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 With the way things have been the last two days I think the tag lines are the least of the problems. Remember, wherever you go- there you are! Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 Finally! I have not been able to login to the forums all day. Just as I send an email to FixTheseDarnLoginProblems@Groundspeak.com, my other browser window gets logged in. Of course, I find this thread first and want to reply. Over a minute after pressing the reply button, I am able to type my reply. I'm on a T-1 connection at work and have wasted all of my break time today trying to get on here! If I had an outdoor-type job, I would have been caching instead, but I work in a cleanroom. Hard to get satellite coverage in here, but we have lots of computers! Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness Quote
+Gorak Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 Access to the forums over the last couple of days has been so bad that I've had to resort to working while I'm at work! I guess its one way to keep us troublemakers at bay. ____________ Gorak I love frogs. They taste like chicken. Yum. "Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been passionate, rebellious, and immature." --Tom Robbins Quote
+Stunod Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 It has been so bad, I think the moderators are having trouble logging in. Did you see how long the "tree crotch" post survived? ______________________ Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand. - Homer Simpson ChiTown Cachers * Keenpeople.com Stats Quote
+Team Lyons Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 As far as features go. You bet! As far as being able to read the threads and post. Heck no!! I've been trying to post for three hours with no luck until now. Quote
+sept1c_tank Posted November 6, 2003 Author Posted November 6, 2003 NOTICE!! THIS TOPIC WAS STARTED BEFORE THE CURRENT SLOWDOWN/CRASH OF THE FORUMS. In order to get valid opinions about the policy change mentioned on the first post of this thread, you should refrain from allowing the current situation in the forums to opinionate any responses. However, if it seems to you, impossible to post, difficult to log in, or maybe just a "tough nut to crack," feel free to vent in this thread, (if you've got an hour or two to kill! ==============="If it feels good...do it"================ **(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")** . Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Stunod:It has been so bad, I think the moderators are having trouble logging in. Did you see how long the "tree crotch" post survived? I missed that one, I must have been trying to login then. Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness Quote
+sept1c_tank Posted November 6, 2003 Author Posted November 6, 2003 quote: Originally posted by Stunod:It has been so bad, I think the moderators are having trouble logging in. Did you see how long the "tree crotch" post survived? I think it lasted for around 3 or 4 hours, but the last I saw, there were only 7 posts and maybe 30 or 40 views. At that rate, if it takes a moderator 30 minutes to login now, it would be the same as a topic (off color) lasting only 20 minutes with a post every 3 minutes. That's about right for a post like that. ==============="If it feels good...do it"================ **(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")** . Quote
+Sissy-n-CR Posted November 7, 2003 Posted November 7, 2003 I'd just like to know what the TPTB are going to do about it. This is sorriest performance I've ever seen. CR Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted November 7, 2003 Posted November 7, 2003 I had no trouble loggin in just now, but it still took over a minute to be able to reply. Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness Quote
+Halden Posted November 7, 2003 Posted November 7, 2003 Seems to be working now. ________________________________ That's no Moon, That's a space station! Quote
+The Weasel Posted November 7, 2003 Posted November 7, 2003 Wow, I've seen molasses in January run faster. Just goes to show you that Ebay isn't the best place to buy your servers and software!! Quote
+briansnat Posted November 7, 2003 Posted November 7, 2003 I tried to log in...went to Blockbuster to return a video (RT of about 5 miles) and came back and still wasn't logged in. One of my earlier posts, I was able to take a shower and come back to the PC and the post was still sitting there waiting. "You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm Quote
+The Weasel Posted November 7, 2003 Posted November 7, 2003 Ugh, with not being able to post new topics soon, we are gonna run these old ones dry. In a crisis like this, we nedd "Nick Burns, your companies computer guy!! MOVEEEEEEEEEE" Quote
+The Frantic Cachers Posted November 7, 2003 Posted November 7, 2003 Are they better??.....does ten times slower mean better? Quote
Team Titus213 Posted November 7, 2003 Posted November 7, 2003 Slow? I've got an old C-64 that could speed this up. Just sent an email to TPTB before I found this thread. Put the sig lines back..... ___________________________________ I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see. Quote
+Mark 42 Posted November 7, 2003 Posted November 7, 2003 Please wait. Your request is being processed. Quote
+BadAndy Posted November 7, 2003 Posted November 7, 2003 With the amount of users, the bandwidth bill has got to be huge. My own usage probably exceeds the 3 bucks a month I pay. For basically a free service, How much more can a person expect. Eventually, I think we can expect higher fees or substantial commercial advertising to keep this boat afloat. "Me transmitte sursum, Caledoni!" Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted November 7, 2003 Posted November 7, 2003 I would reply, but the forums are moving too slow Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness Quote
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