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Jayme H

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Happy New Year, everyone!


The Product Development Team is considering options for upgrading lists (watchlists, bookmark lists, ignore list, etc) and we would like your help. We know that they get a lot of use, so we would like to know more about how you currently use them and how you would like to use them, if they were designed differently. One of the next projects on our horizon is to continue the work we started on the new Search page and allow lists to be created from search results, making it possible to download the results via PQs, or eventually to access the lists in our free mobile app. These were two of the top requests from the Search survey last year. Down the road, we are thinking about making some additional changes to lists that may simplify the way they work.


If this is your first time visiting and contributing to a User Insights forum thread, please review the guidelines for posting before sharing your thoughts here. These threads are moderated differently than other forum threads.


  1. Do you use lists? Why or why not?
  2. How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?
  3. How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)
  4. The name of a bookmark automatically defaults to the cache name when you create a bookmark. Have you ever changed the name of a bookmark in one of your lists? Why did you feel the need to give it a name other than the cache name? How frequently do you change the names of bookmarks? Please list out the reasons you would change the name of bookmarks. Please see the picture below for reference.
  5. In creating a bookmark, how do you use 'comments' differently or the same as the 'bookmark name'?




This thread will remain open for 2 weeks and close on February 9th.


Thanks for taking part in this conversation!


[*]Do you use lists? Why or why not?


YES! I use them a lot. They help organizes different sets of caches into more manageable groups.


[*]How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


I mainly use them for trips. If I know a trip is coming up, I'll create a list for that trip and research caches in the area. I'll bookmark caches that I want to find in this list and then later create a PQ before the trip. I've had a list going for Geowodstock in Denver and for a trip we plan to take to Seattle this summer. As I run across caches I want to do, I'll bookmark them and look at them more thoroughly later. I also have lists for several different regions in my state. Another use is caches that meet different challenges that I'm working on.


[*]How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)



I would like lists and PQ to be the same thing. It would be nice to be able to view a list on a map without going through the extra PQ steps. The difference between lists and Pocket Queries is difficult for a lot of people and it is difficult to explain the difference. I've been using it for years, so I can fiddle my way around, but some of it seems redundant. Sharing lists with others could also be made a little easier. It would be great if you could share a list through the new Messenger tool, but this list would need to already be in GPX form.


Thanks for asking. I'm looking forward to the changes.

Posted (edited)

  • Do you use lists? Why or why not?

-> to ignore caches, to not forget some possible targets for future geocaching ("to visit caches"), to remember some found but not fulfilled challenges, to remember my FTFs, to remember best and worst caches (there is difference for me between favourited caches and best of caches...)

  • How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?

-> above

  • How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience?

-> to delete all archived caches on the list, to have all found caches marked on the list, to show caches on the list on the map (without necessity of making PQ from them), to have possibility to download them same as PQ directly (as is now possible from Locus through geocaching live)

Edited by puczmeloun

1. Do you use lists? Why or why not?


Yes, because they are an easy way to get a handful of caches together.


2. How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


I use lists mainly when I am planning a trip or a geocaching journey. I access the website and bookmark the geocaches that I am planning to find and then I run a PQ out of this bookmark and I access the bookmark on my phone. However, I also have a public bookmark to share my favourite geocaches.


3. How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience?

I wish there was an easier way to use bookmarks (it takes quite a while to bookmark each geocache) and it would be easier to just access the bookmarks on my phone instead of needing to run a PQ.

Posted (edited)

[*]Do you use lists? Why or why not?


YES. I can only cache infrequently, so there is usually a LONG delay btwn when I research caches and locations and when I can visit. The lists (using both bookmarks and pq's) allows me to plan contingency caching opportunities to planned areas. For unexpected travel, I simply use the 'nearest caches' capability of the geocaching app on my iPhone. But well over 95% of my caching is for caches I researched in advance, and appear on one of my lists.


[*]How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


Part of this is above, i have lists for caches of interest in target areas i have regular or possible travel to in the future. I also keep lists of my 'LTFs' until others find them. The bookmark lists are generally far more useful than the watchlist because I can prefix the cache names to create sequence orders, as well as add notes for each cache (solved coords, suspected hide types, things to do ('check for jeep tb', etc). And finally, I keep a 'maintenance needed' list (of my own caches) since there is no easy way to do this in gc.


[*]How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)



Three suggestions:


1) need a function to move bookmark list entries from one bookmark to another, instead of recreating them every time. Say, move from 'working on' list to 'solved go get it' list. (this first one is an old request from years back that was accepted as 'doable someday')


2) create a default 'maintenance' list for each user, containing all their caches that are disabled or have a needs maintenance flag until cleared.


3) share with specific users for caching together days. (Right now it is only private or public, would like a more exclusive share option)

Edited by imanxman

1. Do you use lists? Why or why not?


YES! I use lists, only bookmark and watchlists. Why or why not is explained it part 2 below.


2. How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


Bookmarks so that I can organize caches for challenge cache requirements and to organized solved puzzle caches in a specific area I am traveling to so I don't forget any of them. I use watchlists to remind me through email of upcoming cache events and for caches which were placed by other friends or caches that I believe are interesting and I should get a notification when someone logs it. They are easy to use, once you get the hang of it, but I do see a few flaws that could be used to improve the lists.


3. How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


Lists can be improved by adding sorting fields. Such as searching for last found by user or last find by other users or by difficulty/terrain. Similar to how you can search for caches in advance search. It would be much easier to organize lists that way. Also, the rating is hard to get to since you have to click on an additional link. Why not make the rating on the bookmark page itself. Similar to geocaches, how the stars are display for D/T, the stars should be displayed on the bookmark page.


Another idea is to download this bookmark list on to the geocaching app so that only caches within this bookmark list show up. It would be much easier to find puzzles or interesting caches if a bookmark list is created and it would be possible to view it on the app. Once you found the bookmark, you can click download caches and ONLY those caches within the bookmark will be loaded onto the app.


Thanks for helping cachers like us give some input, since at the last second Lackey's weren't able to come to Yuma for the mega this weekend. Otherwise, I would have told them a few more ideas I have about the site, not just for lists.


Do you use lists? Why or why not?

Yes, they are a very useful tool for organizing caches.


How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?

I use lists to keep track of caches that have a particular meaning to me. For example, I have a list of which puzzles I've solved and another list of which solved puzzles I've found.


I've been know to create a list to help someone I geocached with figure out which caches we visited in the day's excursions.


I use lists a lot to keep track of challenge cache requirements as I work towards satisfying a challenge cache, and then to demonstrate meeting the requirements after I find the challenge cache.


I frequently need to move multiple caches from one list to another. That is very hard to do currently especially if there are many caches involved.


How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)

I'd like to be able to share a list with a simple coord.info link.


I'd like to be able to download a list in XML format, modify it off-line with my own tools, and then upload the modified XML file to change the on-line version of the list. This includes both changing the list contents as well as changing the title and comments on individual entries.

Posted (edited)

Bookmark lists:

* Used for some challenge requirements (moreso in the past, but some still require bookmark lists as qualification 'evidence')


* I use them to organize caches topically, by groups, regions, goals, etc. Especially useful for challenge caches, flagging which are qualified/found-only/near qualification


* Excellent tools for trip organization with friends to quickly pass around target caches; also easily printed for marking by hand if desired


* I don't use the log-notification setting for lists, but I do have private, public, and shared lists.


* API list management is useful from gsak. For complex filters, it's handy to narrow down a list (especially routes) and be able to add them to their own list.




* Other users' lists don't display your cache Found It status, forcing you to create a PQ from their list in order to see that. (or, of course, load or view the list via API in a 3rd party app like gsak or geosphere)


* Lists could have an improved print-only alternate page design, via css 'media' styling (else a completely separate URL for printing)


* View list on the map!


* Download as GPX w/account-specific info (similar to showing found status on the web list), not just barebones LOC list.


* Batch modification; not just Delete from list - Copy or Move to another list (especially useful when viewing others' lists).


* Perhaps a quick inline title/text editor per item instead of form submitting to a new page.


Ignore lists:

* I don't personally use them (as with corrected coordinates, I use those features in my mobile app)


Watch lists:

* Primarily I use them for watching FTFs, or in some cases if I post a DNF and would like to see the next couple of finds; or I'm just interested in others' experiences

Edited by thebruce0

-Do you use lists? Why or why not?

Main list I use is the "Offline List" feature of the Android App


Also have a very small handfull of caches on my watchlist that are of interest to me, Thinking about it this could be better served as a bookmark list.


How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


I use the offline list to plan out my day. Often when I'm heading out specifically geocaching for the day there will be at least one or two that are out of range for the phone so I find it easiest to put all the ones I want on that list then I can just go and know they will all be available. It's actually quite a pain in the butt.

How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


I would dearly love to see the "Send to Phone" button on the cache page operational. That is press that button and it syncs the cache to a list on app rather than research cache on web, go to app and search, then go through rigmarole of adding to offline list,


  2. Do you use lists? Why or why not?
    Yes, but not as widely as many I suspect.
  3. How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?

    2. I use the watchlist to watch:

      • local caches to see if there are new cachers active in my area.
      • a cache I DNFd to see if someone else finds it
      • A cache I NMd to see if the maintenance gets actioned.
      • Any particularly interesting or fun caches, in order to read other cacher's stories/opinions of the cache.

[*]I have a list of puzzle caches I have solved but not found.

[*]I have a list of challenge caches I have qualified for but not found.

[*]I have a list of "today's targets" so when going to an area I will put any caches I'm particularly interested in on that list so I can easily target them among all the other caches.


[*]How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience?

Your suggestion of creating a list from the search tool, and using that to create PQs to send to a GPS sounds excellent, other than that I can't think of anything else I want to do with lists.




  1. Do you use lists? Why or why not?
  2. How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?
  3. How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)



1. Yes, I find them handy.


2. To keep track of various challenges, to provide a list of qualifying caches for a challenge, provide a list for a quarterly event I attend, to share with caching friends the list of caches to plunder that day, to keep track of to-do lists, to keep track of caches I logged NM's on, probably other reason I don't remember at this time.


3. There is a number of missing functionality feature. A way to duplicate a list - sometimes I want to copy someone's list and without third party software this is not possible. A way to delete caches from the list with the use of the API, a way download a subset of the list with either the API or PQ like I can now with .loc files, expand the API to include the watch list.

Posted (edited)

1.Do you use lists? Why or why not?

I do use them. I find them to be a useful way to organize specific caches.


2. How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?

I use them for challenge caches, and to watch caches I helped put out but don't own ones that were placed for me.


3. How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience?

I am actually fine with the way that they are and would be bummed if they were changed so much that I could no longer use them in the same way. The only thing I would like that currently isn't available is when I am looking at other people's lists it would be nice to see which caches I have found like I can with the lists I make.


As for the lists on the iPhone app it would be nice to have a feature to update all of the caches on the list instead of having to do them one at a time.

Edited by spider16
Posted (edited)
  1. Do you use lists? Why or why not?
  2. How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?
  3. How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)

  1. Yes, I normally uses list to share best caches I found, or to merge in a sigle list a trail or a series.
  2. See #1
  3. They are missing a good listing decription (embedded images or similar) and the possibility to greate a .gpx to export, mainly.



Edited by Lord Yoruno
Posted (edited)

Do you use lists? Why or why not?


I use them a lot. I currently have 64 bookmark lists. After PQs, the List feature is why I have a PM membership.

How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


I use some of them to create PQs (Cemeteries not found; New York trip; Puzzles solved but not found). I use some of them to remember caches that may be of interest when discussing topics in the forums (Bad ideas, bomb scares, etc.; Needs Maintenance). I have lists that I think others might be interested in (Letterboxes with handcarved stamps; Library caches; Art caches).


The ignore list is very important to me. I currently have over 500 caches on my ignore list .I would love to be able to put a cache on my ignore list via the app when I am out in the field. I've returned to quite a few caches accidentally not realizing I forgot to add them to my ignore list once I got home.


How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)

I want to be able to truly "Share" lists. For instance I will look at other Cemetery bookmark lists. I would like to mesh their bookmark list with mine to see what cemetery caches on their list are not on my Cemeteries Not Found list.


I want several Ignore Lists. One for caches I don't want to go find (keep the current Ignore List). One for caches I have found but can't log (challenge caches). That way the found, but can't log it cache comes off of my map and my PQs. Maybe a spare Ignore List for reasons I haven't thought of yet. :)

Edited by L0ne.R
Posted (edited)

Do you use lists? Why or why not?


Yes, I use lists. It's a convenient way to track some of the cache types I'm hunting for.



How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


I use bookmark lists to keep track of challenge cache requirements, to track certain types of caches that I want to find. It's also a great way to store caches that I specifically want to find when I go into a geographic area.


Watch lists are invaluable in terms of new caches, as well as when caches are archived or disabled/enabled. I would change the interface to allow actual texts to be sent to phones, rather than having to use my carrier's email (ie, xxx.xxx.xxxx@carrier.com)



How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


I would dearly love to see the Ignore list expanded to include caches by individual CO's. There are some CO's whose caches are pure garbage, and it would be nice to be able to add them to an ignore list, rather than have to limit their 500 or 600 or however many caches individually.

Edited by grateful cacher

1. Do you use lists? Why or why not?


Yes, I use them for:

keeping track of which geocaches I need to find to complete certain challenges

keeping track of which puzzles I have solved

keeping track of DNFs I plan to avenge

planning my weekly geocaching intentions (as I'm filling in my calendar grid)

organizing geocaches by theme

organizing geocaches by my travel intentions

organizing geocaches by


2. How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


My preference is to thoroughly research geocaches online before I go to find them (because I like to know what I'm getting myself into) and as I browse through geocaches I can save the ones I want to find to lists right away and not have to worry about doing my research when I'm out and about and want to quickly grab a geocache. (I think of this as somewhat moderated spontaneity.) The only tough/difficult/frustrating thing about using lists (for me) is that if I want to see my lists in a map view, I have to create a pocket query. It would be much less painful/bothersome and definitely more efficient, if I could just automagically see my lists in a map view without having to go through the pocket query step - but at the same time, the pocket query functionality is useful because pocket queries show up on my phone automagically, while lists don't. (Yes, I just admitted to occasionally using my phone for geocaching...sigh.)


3. How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


The map view functionality is the most critically lacking piece of lists for me. To be able to share lists with other geocachers specifically (and not with every geocacher everywhere) would also be really helpful. It's not very often that I find myself perusing other geocacher's lists - simply because I assume that they have different intentions in creating their lists than I might have in mine.

Posted (edited)

Do you use lists?

I use all three types.

Watchlist: I will often watchlist a trackable that I place in a cache until I see that it has been picked up and deposited elsewhere. That way I know I made a good choice in my drop location and not feel guilty that what I did made it get lost. I will also watch certain geocaches that were fun, hard or unusual to see what others say in their logs. I may watch a new cache until there is an FTF. I might watch one that I DNFed to see how future cachers do or if the owner does maintenance.

Ignore List: I have added geocaches to the Ignore list if it was a puzzle that I could not solve after many attempts and I did not want to have it taunt me on the map, PQs, etc. This is especially useful for the ones nearest to home. I may also ignore ones that I know I will never find due to requiring special gear such as climbing equipment or SCUBA gear.

Bookmark lists: I have private bookmark lists for: caches the I heard or read about that I would like to find "someday" if I am ever nearby(wish list), caches I have found that help satisfy a specific challenge (might be changed to public after criteria met), caches that if found will help meet a challenge, and a list of the challenges that I have accepted and am currently seeking caches to satisfy (so that I can easily find the listing later).


Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience?

When viewing the list of caches in a given bookmark list, I would like to be able to edit the comment on each entry from the list, rather than having to go to the edit screen for each entry. This is only a minor inconvenience.

Also, ignored caches do not show on the maps that show all the caches in an area (with smileys for found and stars for owned cache). That is usually how I want it, but I occasionally would like an "option" to include ignored caches on the map (likely with a different icon to designate ignored caches).

I would like the ability to see the list of who is watching a geocache or trackable. Maybe that could be another premium member function.

Edited by Starkacher

Do you use lists? Why or why not? Yes, I have multiple reasons.


How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?

One list is a Bucket list of caches I'd like to visit someday. I make lists to narrow down caches on trips to make caching more than just lame park and grab lamp post hides. I choose caches that look interesting, put them on a list and then load them as a PQ.


I think having to jump from screen to screen to add a cache to a list is tedious. If you could add one to a list without jumping to a new screen that would be nice. It would be awesome to be able to add on from the map without leaving the map.


How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


If you could add one to a list without jumping to a new screen that would be nice. It would be awesome to be able to add on from the map without leaving the map.


I use lists all of the time, including the watchlist (for DNFs and to observe well-done caches such as those by WVTims). I use them when identifying which caches will enable me to qualify for a challenge cache, because the majority of my caching decisions lately revolve around qualifying for challenge caches in which I have already signed the log.


I also use lists when planning trips. For example, I am planning to attend GeoWoodstock and have been compiling a list of caches.


I also have a "bucket list" of caches I would like to find if I ever find the opportunity to get to this location or that location.


I do wish that lists and PQ's were more easy to use. Displaying all of the caches of a particular list on a map is a VERY handy tool. Also, the ability to add my own notes to caches on my list. "Don't forget your ladder." "Bring first aid kit." "Use the 4wd and not the car." "Remember to drop pathtag." Things of that nature.


I never ignore a cache. A smilie is a smilie is a smilie. No need to ignore it. IfvI can't find it, I will continue trying until I find it, the owner does maintenance and then I find it, or it is archived. If I need a TOTT that I don't have, it is a glaring reminder to buy or borrow that TOTT. That being said, I know many cachers who ignore poorly done caches or caches by a certain cache owner. Making this ability a little more user friendly would make many cachers happy.


Do you use lists? Why or why not?

Yes - they are useful for keeping tabs on certain groups of caches I'm reviewing - especially when there are many caches in the review queue


How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


A few ways.

1) When I have caches that I review in advance - that need to be published at a certain time/date (e.g. midnight - or on Christmas Day / New Year / a Fridy evening for the weekend FTF hounds etc.)

2) When working on a series / geo art / trail that a cacher is submitting as they finish - and there are issues or I need a "parking lot" for a group of caches that I am currently reviewing.

3) To create a watch list of caches that I need to follow for issues (land owner feedback / safety or security issues / a problem cache hider that may be changing way points too often / some other "suspicious" activity i need to monitor / just a gut feeling

4) I have one list for a sensitive area where the land manager has asked to monitor activity and logs - as they suspect cachers are going off trail and are causing problems - I believe not - so we are monitoring this for evideice


How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


1) That I can group a few caches from the review queue and create a list automatically from there

2)Lists will have an option to be deleted when all caches are removed from them (if they are easy to create - they need to be easy to delete too)

3) When a cache is locked for publishing in the list - I'd like to see the details of proposed publishin time or lock status from the main list page

4) I'd like to be able to creat a map view of the list (ONLY) with all waypoints visible on the map (in review mode/view)


Two things I'd really like:

- be able to save the full result of PQ search as a list

- be able to create a PQ with a single click from a list




Oui, j'utilise beaucoup les listes.


J'en ai de plusieurs sortes :


[challenge] : elles permettent de m'organiser pour savoir où j'en suis des différentes caches challenges auxquelles je participe.

- log ok / critères à faire,

- log à faire / critères ok,

- log à faire / critères à faire.


[mystères] : elles permettent de m'organiser pour savoir où j'en suis des différentes caches mystères.

- à décoder,

- en cours de décodage,

- décodées et prêtes à trouver,

- de terrain.


[thématique] : elles sont visibles de tous, et ça permet de les afficher sur les fiches des caches correspondantes et peut intéresser les autres GéoCacheurs.

- naturisme,

- pistes cyclables,

- grottes,

- etc.


[projets] : ça me permet de regrouper les caches que j'envisage de faire ou que je n'ai pas eu le temps de terminer.

- caches à faire,

- caches commencées mais non terminées (par exemple les multi),

- séries commencées non terminées.


[jeu] : ça me permet d'avoir un suivi des caches importantes. Je reçois une notification par mail pour chaque nouveau log.

- mes favoris,

- mes DNF,

- mes FTF,

- mes STF,

- mes TTF.


[moments] : ça me permet de trier les caches à proximité pour savoir lesquelles faire quand.

- caches possibles à faire de nuit après le travail,

- caches possibles à faire l'après-midi après le travail.


[séries] : elles sont visibles de tous, et ça permet de regrouper les différentes caches d'une même série et d'ainsi afficher la liste sur les caches correspondantes à destination des autres GéoCacheurs.

- une liste par série où je suis owner.




[english via Google Translate]


Yes, I use a lot the lists.


I have several kinds:


[challenge]: they allow to organize myself to where I am different challenges caches which I participate.

- Log ok / criteria to do,

- Log to / criteria ok

- Log to / criteria to do.


[mysteries]: they allow to organize myself to where I am different mystery caches.

- Decoding,

- Being decoded,

- Decoded and ready to find,

- Course.


[theme]: they are visible to all, and it can display on the cards corresponding caches and may interest other geocachers.

- Nudist,

- cycle paths,

- Caves,

- Etc.


[projects]: it allows me to group caches that I anticipated or that I have not had time to finish.

- Caches to do,

- Caches started but not completed (eg multi)

- Unfinished series started.


[Game]: it allows me to have a track of important caches. I receive an email notification for each new log.

- my Favourites,

- My DNF,

- My FTF

- My STF,

- My FTT.


[times]: it allows me to sort the nearby caches to know where to be when.

- Covers possible to do night after work,

- Covers possible to do in the afternoon after work.


[series]: they are visible to all, and it allows to combine the multiple caches of the same series and thus display the list on the corresponding caches to other geocachers.

- A list of series where I am owner.

  1. Do you use lists? Why or why not?
    I use lists extensively. In fact, that's about the only way I ever plan our caching trips anymore. We currently have 26 lists.
  2. How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?
    I use the ignore list for its intended purpose and appreciate that it is available.
    I use the watchlist to either keep an eye on TB's we've moved that have gone missing or caches we DNF'd. Once the TB or cache is logged, I remove it from the watchlist.
    As others have mentioned, I use lists to keep track of challenge cache fulfillments (10 lists), our limited list of FTF's, upcoming vacations, upcoming cache outings, solved but not found puzzles, etc. Once that outing or trip is over, the list is a good resource for logging the caches. When I've finished logging, I delete the list.
    Our biggest list (124 caches) is for caches we want to do. I have happened across them in some fashion - a post in the forums, the Geocaching Blog, FB post, whatever - and know that if we are ever in that area, we want to hunt that cache.
    One important feature I constantly use is the ability to alter the cache title once it's in my list. For instance, in our Caches We Want To Do list, I append the 2-space state abbreviation to the front of the cache name, so my list is then sorted by state. I also use that function to order the list on vacations - by day or area and then by the order in which we will travel.
  3. How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


I would love for lists to show the same columns that a proximity search conducted from a cache page shows - primarily difficulty/terrain, date placed, last found date and fave points. Then it would be ideal if I could not only sort, but filter the results. For example, I've already started a list for a vacation we'll be taking to GA this fall. As we get closer to the trip, I'll check the list again to see how recently they've been found. If it's been a while, I'll read the recent logs to see if there's a problem.


I do find it frustrating that once I've gone to a cache from the list page, I either have to use the back arrow (several times if I've logged the cache, looked at the gallery, checked out the map, etc) or click back through my profile to get back to the list. Same thing if I'm in one list and want to go to another. Can't you add "lists" to the "Play" drop-down menu or something?


I love these ideas already mentioned:

- ability to add a cache to more than one bookmark at once

- ability to share a list with only a specific cacher or group of cachers

- ability to either run a PQ or click "map it" directly from the list page


Thank you for asking!

Mrs. Car54

Do you use lists? Why or why not?

I use bookmark lists and watchlist. I use bookmark lists to maintain a list of caches I would like to find etc. I use watchlist to stay updated on activity on new caches in my area, and some special caches I like to keep an eye on.


I don't use the ignore list, as I can't stand the thought of not seeing all caches on the map (even if it's a really hard challenge I know I'll never ever qualify for). It would also make placing caches a lot harder. And if it's a cache I don't want to find, I am able to ignore it without putting it on a list.


How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?

I seldom create new bookmark lists, I just add to the ones I have. I mainly use one list, called Todo, where I put all interesting caches. Caches I one day hope to find, and caches I dream about finding (like number 2 million, ISS etc).


I think the current implementation is good enough for me when it comes to how I add caches to my list(s).


Adding a cache to my watchlist is easy today, and I would like it to stay exactly like it is. Easy to find in the menu, and easy to add a cache to.


I think the biggest problem today is that the bookmark list function is too well hidden. I would like to see them alongside Pocket Queries in the Play-menu.


How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)

Having collaborative lists would definitely be something I could find useful.


Being able to sort the list in the order I intend to find the caches, or the order I would like to prioritize them (my todo list), would be nice.


If you make lists collaborative, it would also be nice to be able to add comments to the list itself (not like today, but more like comments on a blog post on the geocaching.com blog).


A function to copy a public list to a new list would also be nice. That would allow me to take a list I like, make a copy of it and adjust it to my own needs.

  1. Do you use lists? Why or why not?
  2. How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?
  3. How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)

I use Bookmark lists, the Watch list, and the Ignore list.


The Ignore list is the one I use the most frequently. I'll add caches to it that involve terrain I don't want to tackle (example: requires a boat), caches hidden by people with a reputation for crappy hides, caches that I DNF'ed that I don't want to look for again (too high visibility of a location, homeless people in the area). I'll periodically review my Ignore list and take caches off of it once they are archived.


The Watch list is mainly used if I DNF a cache and I want to keep an eye on it to see if someone posts some good spoiler information. I'll also use it if the cache had had a history of trouble (series of DNFs, encounters with neighbors) and I want to see what happens to it.


And, finally, my various Bookmark lists are used for a range of things: caches I want to find while on a trip, caches I need to document to qualify for a challenge cache, caches I want to find if I'm ever in an area far from home, and caches I want to group together (a history of events which occur annually, caches hidden for a weekend event).


I can't think of anything else I want the lists to do. I sometimes find it tedious to add a large number of caches to an Bookmark list, especially if I need to make a comment/note about each entry such as mentioning the date I found each cache on the list for purposes of qualifying for a challenge cache -- but I think that's more an issue with challenge caches than the lists.


Do you use lists? Why or why not?

I use lists, but not that much. I am generally not very orgnised - so I probably could do a lot more with lists :).


How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?

I have a watchlist of caches. These are mostly favourite caches that I have found and I like to see how other geocachers experienced these caches through the way they log their finds.


How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)

I have too little knowledge of lists to really contribute to this question. I do however think it would be cool to be able to download the cache listings that are part of a list. It would be very hard to replicate the type of lists that I use in a pocket query.

  1. Do you use lists? Why or why not?
  2. How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?
  3. How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


I only use the ignore list and I suspect that I use it differently from most others.


I am currently planning a 6 week European holiday and I have 40 pocket queries relating to various parts of the trip. I run these queries once a week and feed the caches into GSAK databases. I then use GSAK to cull the caches for each database and then run a macro which adds the caches I don't need into the ignore list. Then, next time I run the PQ it ignores the caches I've rejected. After the holiday I will empty my ignore list and start again on the next holiday.


As an aside, I don't need to run the PQ's weekly, but that is the only option I can find to let me automate the running overnight, NSW time. I would be perfectly happy with every two weeks or even every 4 weeks and that would reduce the load on your servers.


Other than that, I don't have any need for bookmark lists etc since I achieve everything in GSAK.


I use lists to plan for trips (building pocket queries), keep track of specific categories of finds (challenges, FTF list), keep "wish lists" of caches to find in certain areas, and one in particular I maintain so others can easily create a pocket query of caches near international airports around the world.


I agree that the current mechanism for adding caches to bookmark lists is overly repetitive, and I'd like a function that lets me add caches to bookmark lists with one click off the cache page, rather than having to load a separate screen.


I have not used the ignore list very frequently, but I do like the ability to ignore caches and I'd like this function retained.


I use watch lists for some caches and TBs I'd like to track and would also want this to be retained.


I also like the suggestion above that bookmark lists be modified so that they show which caches I've found in the list.


It would also be nice to add the function on cache searches, or other people's bookmark lists, or pocket query results, to be able to select multiple caches on the page and add them all to a bookmark list en masse.


Do you use lists? Why or why not?

I use Bookmark lists all the time. I do not use Ignore lists (never have, never will...why would anyone want to ignore a cache?)


How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?

I use Bookmark lists to plan geocaching outings with friends or for going on vacation/trips. I do this several times a month.

They work great except there is no way of ordering the lists easily. As I add a cache to a list I have to manaually prefix a cache with a 2 or 3 digit number like 01 or 001 or even A01, A02, B01, etc so that they are in the order that I plan on finding the caches in. Would be nice if there was some kind of drag and drop feature so I can quickly order a list.

Also, it would be to be able to add multiple caches onto the list at once...right now I add them one at a time from either the map or the cache page itself.


How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)

In addition to what I said above, it would be good that when I add a cache to a Bookmark list and give the cache a custom prefix like "A01", if that came through on the cache name as part of the Pocket Query.


Happy New Year, everyone!


The Product Development Team is considering options for upgrading lists (watchlists, bookmark lists, ignore list, etc) and we would like your help. We know that they get a lot of use, so we would like to know more about how you currently use them and how you would like to use them, if they were designed differently. One of the next projects on our horizon is to continue the work we started on the new Search page and allow lists to be created from search results, making it possible to download the results via PQs, or eventually to access the lists in our free mobile app. These were two of the top requests from the Search survey last year. Down the road, we are thinking about making some additional changes to lists that may simplify the way they work.


If this is your first time visiting and contributing to a User Insights forum thread, please review the guidelines for posting before sharing your thoughts here. These threads are moderated differently than other forum threads.


  1. Do you use lists? Why or why not?
    Yes, they give you the ability to be organized for different searches or tasks.
  2. How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?
    I use them for preparing for trips, challenge caches and some mystery caches. Definitely related to hard to do tasks. They keep me organized!
  3. How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


The collaboration with friends is a great idea! That way we could have a way to pinpoint who has not found what caches in an area together.

This thread will remain open for 2 weeks and close on February 9th.


Thanks for taking part in this conversation!

  • Upvote 1

I use LISTS for Bookmarks for Challenges, Ignore Lists, and for road trips which will include visits to new towns, I will prepare lists of caches that are 'must finds' for whatever reason(age, popularity, uniqueness, etc)

I don't have a lot to add as so many others have already stated my thoughts to a certain degree.


I DO have one SUGGESTION-for IGNORE LISTS-there are caches that I will NEVER EVER go and look for and I would like to put them on a PERMANENT IGNORE list as compared to some I ignore while they are temporarily disabled or not available for winter or other reasons to temporarily ignore caches. These belong on a TEMPORARY IGNORE list that I can check on every so often and edit accordingly. Not using the Ignore List feature is not an option-without this, my pocket queries would be loaded up with caches from a power trail that I will never cache on, etc.


Thank you.


Do you use lists? Why or why not?


Yes, I use lists. They let me organize cache listings in ways that I can't do in any other way.


How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


I use lists to:

  • Track my progress on challenge caches (and to share that progress with the owner of the challenge cache, and anyone else who might be interested).
  • Organize specific caches that I am interested in searching for on a specific geocaching trip (creating a PQ from the list).
  • Keep track of puzzles that I have solved but not yet found (creating a PQ from the list).
  • List caches that meet certain criteria, as an aid for others who might enjoy those particular types of caches.
  • Ignore caches that I do not wish to search for. (My ignored caches are all challenge caches, FWIW.)
  • Track my milestone caches, because I cannot change which milestones are displayed, and the milestones displayed on my Statistics tab do not match the milestones I wish to track.
  • Track caches that have been specifically recommended to me as caches that I might enjoy.
  • Monitoring caches in/near a specific open space that I am monitoring for a local open space district.
  • Creating PQs from lists created by others, when I am interested in finding the caches on those lists.
  • Viewing the caches on lists created by others, when I am evaluating my interest in finding those caches.

The main thing I find difficult to do with lists is to move a cache from one list to another. If I accidentally add a cache to the wrong list, or if I change my mind later, then it is a hassle to add it to the correct list, then find it in the old list and delete it.


How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience?


I would like to:

  • filter bookmark list PQs using the same criteria as location-based PQs (e.g., filter out found caches from the list, or filter out caches with the NM attribute).
  • copy/move a cache from one bookmark list to another (e.g., from a "recommended caches" list to a "caches planned for next weekend" list).
  • ignore caches owned by a specific account (e.g., a numbers run trail, or an owner who is feuding with you, or an owner who hides caches you don't enjoy).
  • allow someone else to edit my list, or somehow share the ability and responsibility for maintaining a list with others.
  • automatically populate my ignore list with caches that meet specific criteria (e.g., run a PQ or a New Search and automatically add those caches to my ignore list, or better yet, have my ignore list automatically updated with new caches that meet those criteria).
  • automatically add caches that meet specific criteria to some other bookmark list.

  1. Do you use lists? Why or why not?
  2. How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?
  3. How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


1. I do not use the ignore list option (I guess I figure I can ignore caches for myself), and have a few items on my watchlist (and watch a bookmark list). Bookmark lists are probably one of my most used features on the geocaching site. I love being able to organize cache information for future reference.


2. I use bookmark lists to keep track of puzzle caches I`ve solved but not found, plan which caches I might want to look for on vacation, and highlight important or interesting geocaches (for instance, I maintain a list of the 100 or so oldest active caches in Canada). I also like creating bookmark lists to make it easier for groups of people to run PQs off of them so we can all have the same cache info. I love doing challenge caches and many require you to organize your finds in a bookmark list. In this case I appreciate the ability to edit the cache name in the list so that I can sort caches in a certain order if necessary.


Before I travel I add caches to lists from the map if I know I`m going to a specific area. Next I`ll get a list of caches nearby then sort them by favourites and add highly rated caches to my bookmark list as well. In this way I`ll be sure to both have good caches to look for and have an abundant number to look for. Being able to look at the map first also means I can see where there might be some good areas to rest while on extended road trips, and save those for future reference.


I like how GSAK can save caches to bookmark lists. One way this has helped me is that I run a PQ of a bookmark list I`ve created of caches I`m interested in, then check the caches to see if they`ve been found recently and are in decent shape. I can easily filter out and delete caches that aren`t active in GSAK. From there I will delete all the caches in the bookmark list, and use GSAK to refill the bookmark list with my preferred caches.


I like that there is a place on the list to write notes and descriptors, both for the caches themselves and for the full list. I like that I can choose to keep them private or make them public.


3. Things that I would love to see get easier or clearer:

- transferring items from one bookmark list to another without having to save to one list and deleting from the other.

- removing a few items from a list requires a lot of clicks, then it wants to reload the list from the very beginning again. Some of my bookmark lists can be very large, and it can take quite a while to page through where I had been editing my list. Additionally all the page numbers are at the bottom of the screen, so I have to scroll to the bottom of every screen as I go. This isn`t bad for a short bookmark list, but I`ve used the maximal 1000 cache limit sometimes.

- I would like to be able to see a map of the caches on the bookmark list without having to first create a pocket query.

- It might be nice to be able to choose to be notified if items on a bookmark list are archived. Even better if I could be asked if I want to delete it from the list and it will take care of it for me.

- I find the public vs. shared terminology to be a little ambiguous - they almost sound the same.

- I`ve seen comments where people would like to be able to keep an easy reference of someone else`s bookmark list so they can look at it again later.

- It would be nice if you could have more cache info in the list of bookmarked caches, just like on a list of nearby caches. I might not need to rely on GSAK as much to filter out caches from my list.


Thanks for requesting our opinions!




Do you use lists? Why or why not?


Yes I do. Use lists to hold a collection of related caches that I plan on doing. I also have a couple of lists that I PQ created by someone else

But I would use them more as they are handy but really long to use. I like that you can bookmark from the map.


I also use lists on the app, that are made on the app, but have to PQ a list to get it also in the app. It would be handy to be able to save a list offline into the app without the PQ steps.


How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


Maintaining a list is a bit laborious. But I would like to personalise a list made by someone else.

Maybe you could allow me to duplicate the list to a personal one and then I can remove caches, for example archived ones, or others I'm not interested in.


If someone has made a large list I will use their list with the extra flawed caches rather than create a new one as they do take quite some time to make.


How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


Easy one. Would like to default view whole list on a page rather than in 20 cache chunks, or at least be able to set this myself


And be able to sort lists by different fields.


Would like to be able to share with specific friends rather than everyone. Although public is nice as I like looking at other lists to see what I'm missing.


Would like to have a functional map view of the list, where caches can be removed in the map view,


Would like to create lists from the map view or search where you can bulk add to a list rather than singularly.


Like I mentioned above, would like to be able to duplicate a list and edit that list to remove archived caches or even found caches so I know what is left to find. Or even a hide feature so the list remains as it was but I can hide from view all found caches and hide archived caches or even hide not found caches - the options would be nice.


Would like my lists to be on my premium app too, and be able to add caches from app to my list


Would like to see more info on the list page, for example last time found, cache owner, and other similar fields to the search results pages. And allow me to sort my list by these fields and if I've found them or not.


Thanks again for looking at improvements.


Kind regards.



Q. Do you use lists? Why or why not?

A. Yes, to get updates directly to my email.


Q. How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?

A. I use the watchlist feature to keep track of the TBs I have sent off into the word, I like seeing where they end up without having to go into each one. I also use watchlist to keep up to date on events I plan to attend.


Q.How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)

A. I use the c.geo software on my android phone and often put caches on a list because all that needs to be done is hit "store" and choose the name of the "store" area. These lists are for anything from my own caches, to events I plan on doing, or solved puzzles. Basically, anything I want to be able to reference in the future. The downside is that if something goes wrong with my phone the lists can be lost (unlike the watchlist from geocaching.com). I have created bookmark lists for a challenge cache at geocaching.com but I haven't looked into bringing that up with my phone because the "store" function on c.geo is so easy.

Do you use lists? Why or why not?

How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


I use lists very often. For example to keep track of my solved mysteries, to have an overview of 'must visit caches' or just for planning a short trip.


How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


- view lists directly on the map

- highlight caches from list on the map

- apply filter afterwards (just pick out T1 caches, no night caches, whatever... )

- easier adding caches from the map to my bookmark lists (i.e. just clicking a button or small drop down menu instead of opening another site)



Best regards,



[*]Do you use lists? Why or why not?

Yes, because it's more easy than use the watchlist


[*]How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?

I use to lists caches I have find, caches I want to find absolutely, caches I want to find but not absolutely, special caches like T5, etc... and some public list for my own caches (like series)


[*]How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)

i would like that it is possible to receive notification on different e-mail adress for each list

i would like that it could be possible to choose the logtype for e-mail notifications (like in the instant-notify)

I would like that the "management" of a list could be more easy : like transfer/copy one or more caches from one list to another

i would like that a cache in one of my list could be more visible (like color in the listings and one color for each list)

I would like to sort the caches in a list as i want


(sorry for my poor english)



Posted (edited)

Do you use lists? Why or why not?


Yes - all the time. I wouldn't be able to play the game the way I do, without them.


How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists?


All the work I do with lists (on a daily basis), I do on a PC and laptop - NOT a mobile device. There's so much information on them that a mobile device keyboard isn't practical at all.


a) Lists are essential to help me plan my geocaching day trips.

Before visiting a certain area, I'll add my targeted caches for the day to a new bookmark list, which them means I can create a PQ from it to see them all at a glance on the resulting map. That map helps me plan which order I'll visit them in. I can then edit the names of each to include a number at the beginning of each cache name to put them in order. I use the item description text box for each entry to include co-ords and details for parking and the rough length of any walk to GZ. I also use it to include the questions and formulas for any multicaches on my itinerary. The paper copy of that list then acts as my itinerary for the day. I tick each one off the paper copy once I've found it and use the on-line list to check back when I log each find on-line to make sure I don't miss any.

I will delete the list after I've completed the day's on-line logging. The trips can sometimes take a couple of weeks to plan. Going on planned trips like this once or twice a week means that I can have 3 or 4 lists like this on the go at any one time but they will be deleted after a few weeks, so I can't refer you to any which I can guarantee will still be in place by the time you read this.


B) They're essential to help me keep track of puzzles I've solved but haven't yet collected.

Whenever I solve a puzzle I add it to my own Solved Puzzles list. As there are always several hundred items on this list, in several countries, at any given time, it's not practical to keep track of them in any other way. When I plan a day trip I'll check the PQ map of this list to see if the areas intersect. I'll then add any within distance range to my itinerary for the day (see above). This private list will probably be viewable by the teckies or lackeys only.


c) I use them to target any qualifying caches I may need for challenges (personal challenge or challenge cache).

When a new challenge cache comes up (or I decide to set myself a personal challenge), I'll search for any caches I need to help me qualify and add them to a 'challenge qualifier' list. When I plan a day trip, I'll check the PQ map of such a list to see if the areas intersect. I'll then add any within distance range to my itinerary for the day (see above). These private lists will probably be viewable by the teckies or lackeys only.


d) They're essential for keeping track of my progress with all the UK geocaching challenge caches.

I have created a list for each stage of the challenge cache process (i.e. 'Not Yet Started', 'Started and Working Towards', 'Qualified But Not Yet Found' & 'Found') and every UK challenge cache is in one of them... except for a rare handful which I throw in to a 'Not For Me' list. I also have a 6th list for those challenge caches which I've found but not yet qualified for. When I plan a day trip I'll check the PQ map of any which are not yet found to see if the areas intersect. I'll then add any within distance range to my itinerary for the day (see a) above). My 'Not Yet started', 'Started and Working Towards', 'Qualified but Not Yet Found' lists are private and will probably be viewable by the teckies or lackeys only. The 'Found' list is public and shared.


e) I create them as proof of qualification for some challenges, when it's the most practical way to provide the information to the CO.

In particular, my 'Challenges Found' bookmark list (which is public) contains details of where in the UK each challenge cache is, what you need to do to qualify, how you can check your own figures and how I qualified. Initially provided & made public as proof of qualification for yet another challenge, I now keep it up to date and detailed to help others who might want to qualify for each challenge on it too. All lists I create for this purpose are public and shared.


f) I use other people's bookmark lists to create PQs of caches I want to find, so that I can either add them to a GSAK database or view them on the PQ map.

An example of this is the Church Micro series in the UK started by Sadexploration and the 14 lists created by Andy33 to document each one. This means I can track my progress of finds within this series and add any within distance range to any planned itinerary for a geocaching day trip (see a) above). I do a similar thing with SideTracked caches and any from the Little Bridges series.


g) I've created a bookmark list for a caching series I've started and which other cachers have asked me if they can add to. The Famous Hampshire Residents bookmark list has also been used by another cacher to add to a challenge checker which will now include that series caches as qualifiers for their challenge cache. This list is public and shared.


h) I use the watchlist to keep track of any caches I've DNFed.

I will wait until they're found again, or the CO performs maintenance before trying to find them again. Once I get notification that it's definitely there, I'll add it to any subsequent geocaching day trip itinerary in the area.


i) I've recently started to create bookmark lists to keep track of puzzles in my (and neighbouring) counties that I haven't yet solved. I go back to them time and again when I'm bored and fancy a puzzle-solving fix. These are my only lists which I add to using GSAK (about once a fortnight). Targeting the local puzzles, means that I stand a good chance of being able to collect the find before it gets archived too!


j) I don't use the ignore list.

It's good to curb the worst excesses of my geocaching addiction, by knowing that there are caches out there I won't be able to find (such as tree climbs or anything which needs a boat) and just 'allowing them to be'. (I can stop any time, I want, honest!)


Are there list related tasks that are tough to do? How would you like to use lists?

Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


i) When I make a change to a list, the resulting PQ map can take some time (up to half an hour!!) to populate correctly. Often a change to the list will mean that instead of showing me only the caches on my list (on the map) it shows me all caches in that area (on the map) negating its usefulness.

Making the PQ map update process instantaneous would help.


ii) Putting items in the order I want, means editing the cache name manually which is a bit time-consuming.

Having the opportunity to specify the order that items appear via a tick box at the time of adding it to the list might make things easier. It could default to 'alphabetically' or 'add this to the bottom of your list' which would mean that I didn't have to select one or the other, if that's what I needed. It would have to include the option to amend the order (and say, shuffling everything else along one place) whenever I needed to.


iii) Having a limited number of characters in each item description box often means I have to abbreviate information. For a complex challenge cache, this means that I can't always include all the required details for each qualifying cache. See my 'Challenges - Found' bookmark list for details.

Increasing the number of characters allowed would help.


iv) The length of my 'favourites list' means that I have to scroll through every single item to the bottom of the page to view my other lists. The favourite list is something I rarely need view at all. I have over 12000 finds, so that means 1200 favourited caches which takes up a lot of space.

It's also annoying having to scroll past other people's long favourite lists to get to their bookmark lists, when I want to create a PQ of their lists.

Having favourites as a separate list (with items specified elsewhere) would mean I didn't have to scroll past them all to view the information I actually want.


v) Moving caches from one list to another or adding them to more than one list at a time is laborious, requiring additional information to be copied and pasted.

It would be nice to be able to add caches to more than one bookmark list at a time more easily, or transfer from one list to another with one click - rather than deleting and re-introducing.


vi) I don't use the log notification option on any of my lists as the resulting influx of e-mails would be astronomical.

I'd like to be able to specify what SORT of logs I'd like to see on my list items. In particular to just see DNFs and/or archive notices would make the deluge of e-mails manageable.

Edited by mellers

Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience?

I have lists with geocaches that I really want to find if I am in the area. I want to be able to mark lists as wanna-have-list. Then I want the caches in that list to be shown highlighted or somehow marked, so that I easily see that there's a cache on one of those lists in the area where I will be for geocaching. Caches like that should be highlighted on the map, and should also be easy to see/identify list displays (search results etc.).ppy h


Also, I would like to have dynamic lists. E.g. a list that contains all geocaches that I have not found yet, which have corrected coordinates. Best way to implement this would be to connect a search with a list, and the list would update dynamically.


This leads to the search feature. For full power of a dynamic list, I would like to have a "power search" feature, where I can add a boolean search expression to the filter, e.g. "((found==false) && ( (correctedcoordinates==true) || (cachenote ~ ".*Final.*")))". The cachenote expression shows how a regular expression could be used in such power search expression. I would suggest to first use the normal search filter, and on the result of that search, the boolean power search filter would be used. Combined with a dynamic list, that would be a really great feature!


Happy hacking :D


I use list for a number of reasons and find them useful, however the one flaw for me with them is that when I view a list created by another account such as a list of caches making up our local Geo Tour SDW Geo Tour it does not show me which caches I have found. I’d like to see a smiley against the caches I have found for any list I view irrespective of the owner.


I know I can gain this feature if I create a list of of those caches myself, but why duplicate?


Kind Regards,



1. Do you use lists? Why or why not?


Yes. Bookmark lists are a useful way to group caches which may otherwise not be linked in any way.


I don't use ignore lists, although I know they're useful for some people.


I have a number of caches on my watchlist, although I rarely view the list itself.


2. How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


I use a bookmark list to group together caches in a series I have, which is spread over a wide area. I also use private bookmark lists to group together certain caches (all over the country) which I intend to do in future.


I add caches to my watchlist which will provide good logs in future. These are typically 'adventurous' or fun caches, and it's nice to read other cachers' stories about finding them.


I also add newly published caches to my watchlist if I intend to go out and find them straight away, so that I get a notification if someone finds it before me. Once the 'FTF' is gone, I'll usually take it off the list.


3. How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience?




- Make it possible to share bookmark lists with specific users, rather than just private or public.

- Make it possible to view bookmark lists on the map, like PQs can be.

- When 'unwatching' a cache from its page, don't redirect to the watchlist page to confirm removal, just remove it there and then.

- Make it possible to add all caches by a Cacher to the ignore list, rather than having to do it individually.

- Implement in-line editing of the titles/notes for bookmark list entries, rather than needing to go to a separate page for each.

- Allow the addition of multiple caches at a time (from searches, cache owner lists etc.) to bookmark lists.

Do you use lists? Why or why not?


All the time. They are a vital tool to be able to organise caches into categories and to share lists of caches with other Gocachers for too many reasons to list. In fact if they were not available on geocaching.com I would have to implement my own solution for grouping caches at home (and there would be less reason to have a premium membership!).


How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?




1. To store solved puzzles.

2. To ignore puzzles that I cannot solve, or have gone missing and have too few visitors to get themselves archived for non maintenance.

3. To group cache series together to aid in planning a walk.

4. To keep a track of caches I have DNF'd and would like to find.

5. To prove eligibility for challenge caches.

6. To group caches together that might help me complete a challenge.

7. To remove puzzle series from PQ's that I am not ready to work on (such as Geo art).

8. To set an email notification of logs on caches that I am interested in, e.g. event attendees, finders of special caches.


That's just what I can think of right now, I probably use them for much much more.


Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


I find the whole implementation of lists on Geocaching.com a little bit monotonous and old fashioned. Overdue for an update to make creating, deleting lists, adding and removing geocaches from those lists slicker in fact. I would like a whole lot more AJAX and far fewer page refreshes on cache pages when managing lists (5 page loads to add a single cache to a list and get back to that cache!).


Creating a pocket query from a list to download caches is over complicated and unnecessary. You should be able to simply click a download GPX button on the lists page and download the lot right away (it doesn't need a complicated query after all!)


How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


1. Being able to collaborate lists with a friends would be amazing (but maybe some version control would be a good idea so that changes can be reversed).

2. Direct download of lists with a simple click of a button.

3. Adding caches to a list with an AJAX popup on the page and no page reloads!

4. Adding group of caches to a list from the search results page.

5. Quick addition of caches from the map page (select many caches and then drag into a list - lasso a load would be awesome but technically difficult to implement).

6. When viewing an ignored cache make it easier to remove from lists (ignore or other) without page reloads by an AJAX popup.

7. Bulk addition of caches to the ignore list from a specific cache owner.

8. Create your own copy of someone else's shared bookmark list so you can customise it.

9. Pocket queries which combine multiple bookmark lists into one download.

10. In standard pocket queries include an option to exclude caches from a bookmark list e.g. unsolved puzzles. I would prefer not to have to use ignore in many cases!

11. In standard pocket queries include an option to include extra caches from a bookmark list that otherwise would not be included in the results. This could be used for example to include series bonus mystery caches and the odd cache I might want to pick up on route.


As you can see it's a very useful feature so don't break any existing functionality!


Do you use lists? Why or why not?


I use lists all the time. I travel alot, so before I go, I make a list of the caches in the area I'm going. I usually make a bookmark list using favorite points and looking at old caches. I sometimes eliminate the 5/5 caches, or ones that are too remote. Then I have to solve all the puzzles. That becomes a pocket query and then I have to download them individually to the 2 GPSs I usually take. If you could simplify that process, I would love it.


How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


The other piece that is missing is the ability to connect with a fellow cacher who wants to go and look for the same cache. Think of a meetup rather than an event, since it might be done on short notice based on weather. I usually cache alone, but there are caches that require a friend, or should be done with a companion for safety reasons. I want to be able to post (on the cache page, or a sortable site, or a meetup-like page) that I want to go look for cache GCXXX tomorrow or Saturday or sometime soon, and others should be able to reply to me so we can make plans. Otherwise, I'm randomly trying to find someone who might be interested in the same cache on the same day, and that's pretty impossible. That doesn't seem like it should be so hard.

[*]Do you use lists? Why or why not?


Just a few.


[*]How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


Watchlist to get notifications on caches/TBs


Temporary list to keep needed caches for challenges. When the challenge is logged I use a GSAK screenshot or project-gc text as proof.


[*]How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


No bells and/or whistles needed as GSAK already does all I need/want without the need to use the website.


I use lists but not very heavily.


I have bookmark lists for solved puzzles and a few lists which demonstrate qualification for certain challenge caches.


The guidelines for posting here say that I should Feel free to dream! - so here's a dream...


Now and then my puzzlin' pal and I have puzzle hoovering days which are exclusively about finding as many puzzle caches as we can from our solved lists on a single day.


These days require lots of planning and use of spreadsheets in order to ascertain the most efficient route, suitable parking coordinates and inter-cache distances / timings.


When I add solved puzzles to this bookmark list I'll include a note of the CO, the general area, the distance and time from my home coordinates and some parking coordinates and the coordinates of the trail head - oh - and hints for those which hide a hint in the puzzle / geochecker page rather than on the cache page.


When we come to plan a day I start by going through that list, cherry-picking caches that are within a target radius and plot them as pins on Google Earth.


I then visually decide on what looks like the most efficient route around / between those locations and use Google Earth to work out driving distances and times between my parking coordinates.


Finally I compile all this data on a spreadsheet which we print out and take with us.


This takes quite a long time but it's worth it to ensure the best chance of a successful day.


But if I could have a list which incorporated some of these mechanisms - oh boy that would be so much easier! B)


Even just having a list where I could order the items using drag-and-drop would be useful :)

Posted (edited)
  1. Do you use lists? Why or why not?
Yes all the time. They are very useful for managing different reasons for grouping caches.

How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?
I use the ignore list to put caches on I'm not physically capable of visiting;
I use the watchlist to watch caches near me and to watch caches I had a DNF on to get an alert when owner does maintenance or when others find it.
I have lists of physical areas that are smaller than the massive "regions" available for filtering on Geocaching.com;
I have lists of challenge caches and puzzles I've done but not visited or need the caches for the challenge etc.

How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


I'd like to see the following:

  • The ability to create, or add to, a list from the map, eg: by drawing an outline, dragging rectangle, selecting a group of caches. This would make creating lists for trips a lot quicker.
  • As an improvement on the above the ability to upload a shapefile or KML/KMZ file etc with a boundary line and create a list of the caches in that boundary. Ideally only the ones I've filtered on the map, eg: ones I've not found and don't own. This is because if I go to an area I need some means of narrowing down the list of caches to the area I want to visit - often "nearby" caches are inaccessible on the other side of the mountains if you search by distance.
  • Someone earlier in the thread suggested there should be a default standard list everyone has of caches that require maintenance or are disabled. Ideally with a default system option of generating regular warnings that they have items needing attention on the maintenance list to nudge owners to maintain caches better. I appreciate for some owners this might need to be an option they could turn off.
  • As others have said the ability to share with a group of users, share with friends to share with people on the existing friends list.
  • To make the above easier it would be useful to create a list of users as well as a list of caches. Then the "Share List With..." option could present your list of users lists so you could select which group to share with.
  • Show other stats on the list eg: D/T rating, corrected coordinates, placed dates, placed by, favourite points etc.
  • Ability to sort the columns on the list display
  • Ability to add a list to a favourite lists list. If you come across a bookmark list you like it would be really handy to add that list to a favourites so you can find it again quickly. This can currently be done by a browser favourite but doesn't work well when you go between home pc, work pc, laptop, ipad, phone etc. Having it built into site would be easier.
  • Update the app to allow the download of a list of caches to an offline list.

Edited by ShammyLevva

Do you use lists? Why or why not? :

I'm not sure about what you are naming "lists". I have used Bookmark list in the past, mainly to give advice to other geocachers about caches I have loved (I had lists with Scenery caches, Clean city caches, Bicycle caches etc.). Since the emergence of the "favorites", I don't use it anymore.

I still heavily use Pocket Queries to load caches to my GPS. And would be very happy to have the possibility to create Pocket Queries from the new Search.


How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?

I use Pocket Queries to load caches on my GPS. And also to transfer caches to GSAK, where I have more functions to manage the caches and select the ones I want to transfer to my GPS.


How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)

I would like to create Pocket Queries from the new Search. Or with the Mysteries that I have solved.


Do you use lists? Why or why not?

Yes, I use lists. I only use watch list for caches I couldn't find or caches of family members that I help maintain.


How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?

I use lists to watch for maintenance needs of caches I don't own but help maintain. I would use bookmark lists for challenge caches, but bookmark lists are confusing and hard to maintain. Now I just use GSAK.


How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)

I would love to be able to make a list of solved puzzles, that show the updated coordinates. I would alos like to have a list of caches, the be able to show on a map.


Hi, here are my two cents on the topic:


Do you use lists? Why or why not?


Yes, I do use lists extensively and I both love and basically depend on them. Working with Ubuntu/Linux, GSAK (Windows only) is not running on my computer, which means I mainly use the official geocaching website and thus lists are a most important tool to manage information.


They mainly help me organize the tons of caches existing in places I visit for a short time. I would say lists together with filtering, PQs and personal notes are the main features I need to organize my geocaching trips and successfully play the game.


How do you currently use lists? Why do you put caches on lists? Are there list related tasks that are tough to do?


I use different lists for different geographical regions to group together caches in manageable quantities (like 200-300 caches for a week long trip).


I travel quite a bit, so I have to filter out the caches I am interested in doing within the short timespan I am visiting. All the interesting caches (highly favorited caches, old caches, virtuals, letterboxes and other uncommon types as well as many puzzles) go on my list for the location to visit. Then I solve the puzzles and update the list accordingly. The day before I actually leave I simply create a PQ of the current list and download all that information to my GPSr. Simple and almost efficient.


I also use lists to remember great caches I have visited in the past or want to visit in the future (bucket list). If I see a great cache mentioned on the blog etc. I put it on one of my lists. If I DNFed a cache or want to check on a cache that needs maintenance etc. I often put it on the watchlist to get notifications about new finds or owner activity.


How would you like to use lists? Is there functionality that is missing that would improve your experience? (Feel free to think outside current offerings. ie: collaborate on it with a friend, download to your GPS, etc)


I would love to be able to automatically include the results of a (filtered) search to an existing or newly created list - it takes way to long to do this cache by cache through the bookmark feature (open cache page, click bookmark, select list, confirm, wait, close). Something like having a "select box" plus "bulk add/remove" from specific bookmark-list feature in the search display would be overly useful!

Also searching/filtering within an existing list would come in very handy and could serve as an option to move caches quickly from one list to another.

Why can't we just use the same graphical interface which is used to display a location search as well for lists? Say instead of a physical location we can specify an existing list and then apply the filters and sort for stats (D/T, fav points, date placed etc.) accordingly. Would be a great feature unifying both displays!


Moreover I would like the functionality of directly mapping the caches on a bookmark-list (i.e. see them displayed on the geocaching map without producing a PQ first) to plan tours ahead of time. Actual tour planning features (defining a route, putting caches in some specific order, etc.) would be awesome, but probably not in this round of implementing improvements.


Collaborate on non-public lists with a friend seems like a nice feature to have, but currently is not a top priority on my wish-list.


Thanks a lot for asking - great to see planned improvements for the website can be influenced by user opinion. Looking forward to see the new features.



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