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Geocaching.com site update May 4th 2011

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Geocaching.com UI and Performance Update


The first thing you'll notice in this update is a new look and experience for the entire website. The homepage is now shorter and less cluttered, with a single search box (for location and GC code) and scrolling activity feed displaying logs created by geocachers from around the world. In addition, the side navigation has been relocated to the top of the page and reorganized in a more logical fashion.


We have also undertaken a massive database upgrade to accompany the site redesign. Once this is completed the site will be much more responsive during periods of heavy load and allow us to continue growing into the future.


Preview the changes:


As with any major update, we have made every effort to ensure that existing functionality will not be affected. During our testing phase we paid particular attention to how the changes would affect cache pages that utilize extensive user-generated code and tables/images to ensure they would handle the transition gracefully. With more than a million geocaches listed, there is always the chance we missed one or two :anibad:. If you see any pages that need extra attention please let us know here or on the feedback engine, and we will fix them asap.



Mapping Fixes


Recently we turned off "personalization" (in other words, smileys) on the Google Maps interface in order to keep up with the increased traffic we are experiencing. While this move kept Geocaching.com performing well, it unfortunately caused a good deal of inconvenience to our users. We apologize sincerely for this and assure you it would not have happened if there had been a better option for us.


However, with a new database server in place we're pleased to be able to add some of the lost functionality to the Beta Maps, and we will continue working into the next release to duplicate and enhance the existing map functionality. Here are the fixes in brief:


  • Beta Maps will display smileys for all users when personalization is turned on
  • Premium Only caches will display for all users on Beta Maps, with coordinates slightly obscured



What Else is New?


1769: Date format AND miles/KM as separate preferences

Split date and unit of measurements into two separate preferences in the profile settings


26958: Terms of Use Agreement Modification

Hotfixed the TOU to add language prohibiting the publication of spoilers for any geocache without consent of the cache owner


25816: Statistics: Report the next achievable milestone on stats page

Added a line to stats page that announces the next cache find milestone


25040: Add Spanish Language to Geocaching.com

Added Spanish language translations


26507: Adding Korean to geocaching.com

Added Korean language translations


25384: After adding cache to favorites on View Geocache Log page, cannot as easily remove it

Can now favorite/unfavorite from the log page


26060: One account per email address

New user accounts need to be created with a unique email address to allow for login by username or email, current accounts have been grandfathered


25929: Add states to Mexico

Added states to Mexico in advanced search


24238: Add "add to my collection" to the trackable detail page

Can now add a Trackable to your collection from the details page


27134: Remove Google ads from Cache Details Pages



27075: New glossary term: Tools of the Trade

Added TOTT to glossary


25722: Show <1% rather than 0% when displaying Favorites/Premium Logs ratio

Updated display of favorites percentage


Update 3:29pm:


26938: Create Sponsored Cache attribute

Added a new attribute to identify Groundspeak-sponsored geocaches


25040: Add Spanish Language to Geocaching.com

Added Spanish translations to the site


26772: Extend the capacity of the personal cache note to much more than 140 characters

Extended character limit to 500


26639: Create landing page for geocaching organizations

Added page at organizations/default.aspx with description and link to forums for local orgs info


26324: Create A4 version of English brochure

Added A4 version of Geocaching brochure to resources for at-home printing


26052: New guide page

Added a new guide page to the navigation to help explain the game of geocaching


27417: Full switchover to Beta Maps, to help reduce confusion

Changed all functional map pages to use the beta map link



Bug Fixes


27319: Missing LIVE Logo

Added the new Live logo to /live


27083: Searching on precise coordinates from home page results in altered origin due to reverse geocoding

Now parsing coordinates directly in the front page search box rather than sending to Google for parsing


26599: Text change: WP7 landing page for release

Updated feature set for latest build on /wp7


16893: Post a reviewer note is duplicated on the notifications list

Removed duplicated option when creating a new instant notification


21917: rename /waypoints to /software

Changed URL and setup redirects


25960: Update CITO text on 3 pages

Updated copy on CITO pages to expand the definition of a CITO event


25941: Add Garmin Dakota to Garmin tab on Field Notes upload page

Text change on Field Notes to clarify supported devices


27148: Users can enter unlimited contents in image description, but it gets clipped

Added code to limit image description to 250 characters


27144: Attempting to sort preview for any bookmark PQ causes server error

Sorting Pocket Query results generated by a bookmark list no longer causes an error


15949: Your GPS Device: No clear sign that comments are saved

Added text notifications on GPS comment save, update and removal; added text notification on GPS device updated or removed; made selected GPS stay visible when a comment is added or removed.


26413: "1 day without a find since ..." appears for geoslump if user has never missed a day but has no log for today

The current day is no longer factored into "slump" statistics


25017: Field Puzzle Missing from Pocket Query Edit Page

Added the missing geocache attribute to the PQ edit page


16555: Problem with 10 Year! in .gpx files

10 Years! events in .GPX files are now identified as event cache types


18846: HTML entered on trackable page does not take upon initial activation

HTML entered when activating a trackable will now parse correctly on submission


26679: Paging control bug on GPS reviews when the nunber of reviews is an exact multiple of 5

Fixed paging on GPS reviews


26559: broken link on /about/default.aspx

Fixed link to discontinued Shop Groundspeak product


26562: Geocaching Logo Update

Added new size Geocaching logos to /logousage.aspx


26742: Need to prevent coordinates moves of 0 feet

Will now report an error if the coordinates didn't change


26412: Horizontal lines missing from "Finds Per Month" chart on Statistics page



25852: Personal Cache Note fails to save if you begin editing and then leave for a time before returning to continue

Greatly extended the time allowed for composing a personal cache note to prevent lost notes


7308: Clicking tabs between "my avatar" and "my photo" remove the current image



26549: Icons lack title attribute on travel bug & benchmark pages

Added title attributes for log icons


22257: Trackable map always displays miles/feet even if user sets preferences to metric

Trackable map now honors user preferences


25851: After deleting an avatar from My Account Details page, you are taken to public profile



26605: Sorting on last found column (descending) when viewing a user's list of finds is out of order



23742: Resouces link addition

Added Traxx BlackBerry application to resources


25540: "Retract Listing" is available in log types to include for Instant Notification, but does not generate notification



25178: coordinates on cache page incorrect - near Prime Meridian or Equator



25947: Deleted bookmark list still appears on cache page



26307: Log type "NOTE" can be edited to "Archive" without actually archiving the cache

Removed action-based log types from options when editing a log


25697: Users may not toggle "Needs Maintenance" attribute on some cache types

Attributes can now be removed by posting an "owner maintenance" log to all cache types


27160: Boxes containing friend account info on Manage Friends page do not adjust for contents

Boxes now expand according to the contents


25545: If an account is already a "Friend", the "Send This Person a Friend Request" should not appear on their profile



26440: First portion of additional waypoints on print-friendly cache page fails to print in IE

No longer clipping additional waypoints on print-friendly page


25792: Additional waypoints set to display but hide coordinates get lumped into "hidden" category, get hidden by default on cache page

Now displaying these waypoints as "not hidden" but continuing to hide coordinates


27296: "http://" is needed and some users don't know it

Added a check on cache pages and in profile settings for "related web page" field


16820: Trackable items gallery images dont have a count next to it when the galley consists of just 1 image



16285: Pictures on Unpublished Caches visible in gallery

No longer including images from unpublished caches in user's gallery


27251: Error on Geocaching.com's Helpful Links Page

Corrected link to Ranger Fox's Stat Bar Modifier and added link to Lil Devil's Greasemonkey Scripts


14315: Driving directions fail with caches containing parentheses in the name

Removed all parens within the cache name and added a space between the coordinates and the label


26093: No apparent sort order to logs when clicking on a date on calendar at /my/geocaches.aspx



14651: Return map to Waypoint Conversions page

Added Map back to the additional waypoints conversions page linked from cache details


25854: Special characters in cache owner name get encoded on print-friendly cache page title



19833: Archived and disabled caches not displaying strikethrough in Trackables log history



19041: Adding an event cache to a Outlook calendar brings the HTML tags into the description of the event too



26433: Bug: No line breaks in print version of listings

Print-friendly cache pages now correctly display line breaks


27038: Going back in browser after searching from home page doesn't take you back to home page



27054: Only first of multiple field notes with same time stamp successfully upload

Field notes posted within 1 minute of each other will now successfully upload


26091: Archived caches failing to display with red text on /my/owned.aspx

Archived caches now display bold red with red strikethrough


27039: Duplicate horizontal rule seen at bottom of logs on cache page

Fixed minor formatting bug in cache logs


25237: Logs in profile are not displayed in order entered

Cache and Trackable logs now display in order in the private profile view


25252: Pocket Query allows invalid dates

No longer possible to save a PQ with date e.g. Sept 31st


27146: Inaccurate error message when attempting to set origin of PQ to a non-existent GC code

Entering an invalid GC code now correctly warns it doesn't exist


27233: Timestamp on uploaded Field Note does not account for Daylight Saving Time

Added a check for DST when saving field notes


26336: Sorting on favorites when viewing a user's list of finds is out of order



26910: Larger of two maps on cache page fails to render on IE9



26992: IE9: Favorites Background Color Extends Past Rounded Corners

Fixed Favorites image on cache details page in IE9


27141: Formatting issues on List Management page when logged in with account with no bookmark lists

Text no longer overlaps on this page


26658: Site will not recognize valid email addresses from one-letter domains

Now able to register addresses such as @q.com


26614: Shop Groundspeak: New Distributor

Added drivescachecloset.com, gpsnavigacija.lv, muggelfrei.at, cachezone.fr, cachezone.co.uk


27115: Text change for event calendar page

Added new descriptive text about events


27307: Caches located on the Prime Meridian and Equator fail to display distance from home coordinates



26335: Option to exclude caches with "Significant Hike" attribute in PQ causes removal of "Medium Hike" caches



26410: Don't use CSS "vertical-align:baseline;" for sup and sub on print page



26411: Benchmark Page: Typo "Ratasheets"

Changed text to "datasheets"


26439: Presence of heading tag removes inter-paragraph spacing in Chrome



Update 3:29pm:


26384: Personalization on map fails after about 15 minutes

Personalization features on Beta Maps no longer fail quietly if left inactive for 15 minutes


26596: Cannot look up trackable in Catala language

Fixed TB lookups in Català


Many thanks to all geocachers who have provided feedback on User Voice. With your help Groundspeak is proud to complete many bug fixes and requests in this release, and wish to assure you that we will continue to do so into the future. Happy Geocaching!

Posted (edited)

Do I understand it right?


There is still no map that doesn't display the ignored caches and marks (or doesn't show) the founds?

Edited by cahhi
Posted (edited)

I certainly appreciate the database fixes. The UI leaves me, well, a bit disappointed.


The feedback site has the top desired enhancements. Of the top 60, none have been implemented. None asked for a new UI. The past two release fixed some minor bugs and added some internationalization. This is good.


But, when are the Beta maps going to be done? I would hope that pm's get to see the PMO caches in the correct position. How about paying attention to the ignore list? How about the ability to generate a PQ?


I hope the original maps will return to the former usability.


What about the API's? The last promised date was January, I think, 2011.


What about bookmark fixes? The ability to copy bookmarks would really be cool and niffty. I could have used that feature several times in the past month.


There is not much in the top requests about PQ's but you keep rumoring about the PQ redesign. Can you give us a hint and maybe a time frame. Things like maps and PQ's are far more interesting to me than a new UI.


I guess my real request is can we stop with the fluff and get down to addressing some of the top 20 or so requests?


Oh, I miss the photos from the old UI, to bad they took a dive.


Oh yes, one last thing. You increased the stored PQ count. Can we bump up the bookmark count? is is just a list, right?

Edited by jholly

I may be a bit paranoid but I've some concerns over the following item to be included in the update:


26958: Terms of Use Agreement Modification

Hotfixed the TOU to add language prohibiting the publication of spoilers for any geocache without consent of the cache owner


Whose definition of spoiler are we using? The cache owner's or any cacher?


I was recently emailed by a new cacher who had found all of 2 caches. The second cache contained a log from me that was dated a year ago, and included the warning that 'there's no need to trample down the bluebells to find this cache'. (The cache was at the edge of a woods containing a large number of wild bluebells - a protected species.) Any competent cacher with a GPSr would realise that there was no need to enter the woods, but my complainant (who admitted she did not own a GPSr and was geocaching via the use of Google Earth instead) saw my log as a spoiler and told me that as a reasonably experienced cacher I should know better than to give spoilers like I had!


I would hope a complaint such as hers would not be taken as proof I had breached the TOU! (If a cache owner ever had need to contact me over anything I had said in a log, then I would of course respect their wishes and edit my comments.)




I see a lot of good little fixes on the list, but:


"* Premium Only caches will display for all users on Beta Maps, with coordinates slightly obscured".


As a PM I am not happy - it sounds to me like the beta was published a few months too soon when it still isn't able to distinguish between who's looking at it as a PM or not.. (unless you forgot to add '.. except for PMs, who will now see them in the correct position').


The map is part of a very essential part of the site, but in the past month I've had to resort to using the google maps macro in GSAK for a reliable map..


I may be a bit paranoid but I've some concerns over the following item to be included in the update:


26958: Terms of Use Agreement Modification

Hotfixed the TOU to add language prohibiting the publication of spoilers for any geocache without consent of the cache owner


Whose definition of spoiler are we using? The cache owner's or any cacher?


I was recently emailed by a new cacher who had found all of 2 caches. The second cache contained a log from me that was dated a year ago, and included the warning that 'there's no need to trample down the bluebells to find this cache'. (The cache was at the edge of a woods containing a large number of wild bluebells - a protected species.) Any competent cacher with a GPSr would realise that there was no need to enter the woods, but my complainant (who admitted she did not own a GPSr and was geocaching via the use of Google Earth instead) saw my log as a spoiler and told me that as a reasonably experienced cacher I should know better than to give spoilers like I had!


I would hope a complaint such as hers would not be taken as proof I had breached the TOU! (If a cache owner ever had need to contact me over anything I had said in a log, then I would of course respect their wishes and edit my comments.)



I am guessing the change is to give GS the ability to go after websites that publish puzzle solutions and things like that. But that is just my WAG.


I would hope a complaint such as hers would not be taken as proof I had breached the TOU! (If a cache owner ever had need to contact me over anything I had said in a log, then I would of course respect their wishes and edit my comments.)



I am guessing the change is to give GS the ability to go after websites that publish puzzle solutions and things like that. But that is just my WAG.


I was thinking along the lines of WRASTRO. Matthew 7:7 is local to me and I am sure he is aware of a local cacher who runs a site with photos and spoiler information plus a "can't find a local cache service" drop me a line service and I will send you details on where it is :o I never have :)


I would hope a complaint such as hers would not be taken as proof I had breached the TOU! (If a cache owner ever had need to contact me over anything I had said in a log, then I would of course respect their wishes and edit my comments.)



I am guessing the change is to give GS the ability to go after websites that publish puzzle solutions and things like that. But that is just my WAG.


I was thinking along the lines of WRASTRO. Matthew 7:7 is local to me and I am sure he is aware of a local cacher who runs a site with photos and spoiler information plus a "can't find a local cache service" drop me a line service and I will send you details on where it is :o I never have :)


Hi Gushoneybun,


Funnily enough I have never come across the site you mentioned, so have never been tempted!!!


Chris :D


I see a lot of good little fixes on the list, but:


"* Premium Only caches will display for all users on Beta Maps, with coordinates slightly obscured".


As a PM I am not happy - it sounds to me like the beta was published a few months too soon when it still isn't able to distinguish between who's looking at it as a PM or not.. (unless you forgot to add '.. except for PMs, who will now see them in the correct position').


The map is part of a very essential part of the site, but in the past month I've had to resort to using the google maps macro in GSAK for a reliable map..


Hence the term 'beta'.


The site is back up! Thanks to everyone for your patience.


Please note: I have edited the OP to include a few additional cases that were completed in this release.

Posted (edited)



The original maps have no personalization, but can create pq's. Thanks, the pq full of all ready found caches. useless.


The beta maps can't create pq's and does not pay attention to the ignore list. useless.


Do you folks obviously don't think we use maps. But maybe it is that just 200 users use the maps so you can give a load of [thoughts deleted].


Fix the maps. It is one of the items on the top 60 features requested. Oh, maybe if you went and made a video I would feel better, but right now I am totally underwhelmed.

Edited by jholly

The site is back up! Thanks to everyone for your patience.


Please note: I have edited the OP to include a few additional cases that were completed in this release.


Thanks :D


So far the only thing I can't find is the link on the front page for the gallery that used to be there.


IE8 Windows XP:


Beta Maps, when I click on personlisation that is fine I get smilies and stars until I click to either hide: my finds or my hides, as both hides and finds disappear no matter which button is pressed (the other is not pressed,)


IE8 Windows XP:


Beta Maps, when I click on personlisation that is fine I get smilies and stars until I click to either hide: my finds or my hides, as both hides and finds disappear no matter which button is pressed (the other is not pressed,)

I thought I was seeing the same thing in both IE9 and FF 3.6.16 but after a while, the icons appeared.


Frankly, I'm not seeing a site that is faster. Some things seem slower than yesterday.


New maps don't work right, I clicked on personalize and lost all my icons, the text popped up from behind but now icons to show where the caches are. Using Vista and Google Chrome.


On my public profile in the statistics tab it says "[invalid Resource Key: String.LongestSlump]". signalsmile.gif


BIG thanks for this major Update! bad_boy_animated.gif

Posted (edited)

The beta map is terrible slow, personalization or not. Hopefully it is just due to volume, but wasnt the switch to the beta map supposed to take care of the volume issues?


Is there some way to distinguish the type of PMO cache without having to zoom in so far?

Edited by Mr Kaswa
26605: Sorting on last found column (descending) when viewing a user's list of finds is out of order



I'm not sure what was "fixed" with this, but when I sort by the Last Found column for caches I've already found, it doesn't sort at all now. When I sort by Last Found for caches I haven't found yet, it brings up the latest ones found. I'm using Firefox 3.6.17.


Looks as if I will need to re do all my cache pages.

Background images on cache pages used to be a subtle border. Now they dominate the page

See cache page example


I like the new look, but I think the text part could be a bit more opaque. The background is a bit strong. But I do like the effect, much better than before.

Posted (edited)

The new page width seems too narrow to me. Can it please be made wider?


New site main page looks real good!

Edited by Joshism

1. Personalization on the beta maps is not working for me. Whether I have it on or off the caches I have found are still showing up.


2. The location of the feedback tab is a problem for me as it sits over the text I'm trying to read on the cache pages.


Don't really like the fixed width.

I have a large laptop screen and everything seems squished into the center of the page - leaving loads of empty space on each side.


Also find the disclaimer box on cache pages sticking out too much and taking over the page a bit - would prefer it off to the side or maybe as its own tab at the top of the page.

26605: Sorting on last found column (descending) when viewing a user's list of finds is out of order



I'm not sure what was "fixed" with this, but when I sort by the Last Found column for caches I've already found, it doesn't sort at all now. When I sort by Last Found for caches I haven't found yet, it brings up the latest ones found. I'm using Firefox 3.6.17.


Same problem for me too.

Posted (edited)



The site is back up! Thanks to everyone for your patience.


Please note: I have edited the OP to include a few additional cases that were completed in this release.


I'm using Windows 7 x64 with IE9 running with 2 screens (30" 2560x1600 and 26" 1920x1200) and I'm experiencing the following issues:


Fullscreen on the 30" display gives me only a really narrow view of the site. Used width is ~900 pixels. This makes the site close to unusable for me. The old maps are really narrow and so are the maps for the pocket queries. The only page been shown in full width is the beta map.


Beta map: Right after starting the beta map it opens and a white pop up is shwoing up in the middle of the screen. It's empty!


Beta map: While using personalization or filters all the caches will be deleted from the screen if I click on any type like "My Find" or any cache type. Right after that the caches will be shown again with the actual settings been used. This always takes quite some time.


Beta map: While hovering over the map an arrow will be shown. To access a cache I first need to click somewhere onto the map. After that the arrow will change into a hand after moving over a cache.


Public profile: I'm using GSAK with FindStatGen and it's a bit screwed up now. It's completely compressed now and some of the parts can't be shown correct now.




Edited by monsterbox
Posted (edited)

Thanks for the major upgrade, but i'm not a big fan...



* the font size is smaller

* to much white space left and right (1/4 of the width)

* custom background is transparent

* loading cachepages and beta map are SLOWER

* ...


Please listen to your customers and have a look at the top ideas on the feedback site !

Edited by DanPan

What about the API's? The last promised date was January, I think, 2011.


Go to http://www.geocaching.com/live/default.aspx.


It clearly states:

Groundspeak has begun working with select third-party application developers to introduce the new Geocaching.com Public API. The closed Beta phase of API development begins in early 2011 and is expected to quickly progress into release candidate status later in the year. Check back for updates soon!
26605: Sorting on last found column (descending) when viewing a user's list of finds is out of order



I'm not sure what was "fixed" with this, but when I sort by the Last Found column for caches I've already found, it doesn't sort at all now. When I sort by Last Found for caches I haven't found yet, it brings up the latest ones found. I'm using Firefox 3.6.17.


Same problem for me too.


Yes, this issue appears to have regressed. I've re-opened the bug for the devs to take a look at.


I can only download one PQ at a time now (Firefox). What a nightmare! I used to be able to kick off all 5 at the same time.


Great to see we can finally create 1000 PQs now.


The translucent listing paper looks much more professional.


26938: Create Sponsored Cache attribute

Added a new attribute to identify Groundspeak-sponsored geocaches


Whats this about? And was trying to look up more info about it but couldn't find any. Any info would help... thanks :) ~CS859(Ryan)


Found a temporary way of filling the page better and making text bigger - Ctrl + Scroll wheel on mouse.


Hope the fixed width gets changed though as I know it'll continue to annoy me a bit.

Posted (edited)

Hope it just need some tweaking but it took a full minute for caches to slowly populate on the map page. I'm also not a fan of the fixed width, I've got lots of empty white space and everything is scrunched up in the middle of the screen. Seems a step backward with the proliferation of widescreen displays these days.

Edited by Mike Fitz
Posted (edited)

Tougher to read.. I need a regular print size version. Maps are essentially useless. Beta no longer distinguishes found caches from non found caches. Long narrow page = more time scrolling down to get to data. This is after a 3 minute test.. I'm sure the list will grow.


7:51 EST.. smiley faces are back but so are all my ignored caches. I confirmed that I still want them ignored but the map seems to be saying I'm no longer allowed to ignore them.

Edited by edscott

New design looks nice but what about the maps? One map doesnt support personalization and the second one doesnt hide ignored. Im really disappointed.


How do you turn personalization on? I have to have my map smileys.


And I can't jump to a cache description from a map.


OK -- I found out how to turn the personalization on. However, it turns off every time I navigate away from the map and I still haven't seen a smailey of my found caches.


I can jump to cache pages on occasion -- though certainly not consistently or often, for that matter.


The site seems a lot slower to me.


I'm trying to find positive changes, but the things I use most aren't working satisfactorily.

Posted (edited)

Looks as if I will need to re do all my cache pages.

Background images on cache pages used to be a subtle border. Now they dominate the page

See cache page example


I like the new look, but I think the text part could be a bit more opaque. The background is a bit strong. But I do like the effect, much better than before.

I may have jumped the gun here. It seems to be a browser issue. Looks horrible in firefox 2, and not so bad in IE8.

I still need to do a little tweaking.

It would be nice if we could use .gif, or .png images. transparencies would solve some issues.


edit: fix typos

Edited by Dominoes

I HATE the new look. Its not as inviting as the last to updates to the home page.


I now have to figure out how to find things all over again on the home page if I use it. Luckily I have bookmarked all the main things I use, so its easy to find them that way.


Please change the home page back.....


I know I'll be banging the same drum as many other people but I have two immediate concerns on the new site.


First and most important is the maps not working properly. For a while now it hasn't been distinguishing between found and not found, which is incredibly useful in an area where you have found some caches, but not others. I had hoped the update would fix it, but it has not. In fact the old maps tell me I can't filter the caches displayed and to go to the beta and turn personalisation on, but when I do the map sometimes doesn't show anything at all - even when it does the filters are not working. I do appreciate the fact it says it's a beta - but if it's only a beta why have you removed the functionality in the old maps before the beta is ready?


The other one is that now the site shows in the middle of my screen, so I have a gap down the left and right, which is a waste of screen space and crushes everything up in the middle. Not a major problem, just a bit frustrating when you're used to it taking advantage of the full screen.


I hope this is all constructive criticism and soon we'll see a website which really enhances the whole experience.






Are you in the UK West Midlands? Visit http://www.wmcaching.co.uk/


I like the professional feel the site now has, it is definitely more streamlined looking... That being said, I am using windows 7 with internet explorer 8 and I cannot get the map personalization to work at all. ie...I do not get smilies or stars when I turn on the personalization, and the caches do not disappear when I shade the smilie/star in the personalization section.


Email me if you want a screen shot or more info on the system I am using




LOVE the scrolling logs at the bottom. B) Very cool. Wonder why the most recent log is 13 minutes ago? Guessed it would be more "up to date" than that.


Really miss the personalization feature on the map, however. I can't tell which caches I've already found (no smiley face). I did try checking the box that says "enable personalization", but it doesn't appear to have any effect. Using Firefox 3.6.


Still poking around.

Posted (edited)

Why is it not possible to search for caches from default page with the cache name? NOT HAPPY!!!

Edited by bussmann

I like the professional feel the site now has, it is definitely more streamlined looking... That being said, I am using windows 7 with internet explorer 8 and I cannot get the map personalization to work at all. ie...I do not get smilies or stars when I turn on the personalization, and the caches do not disappear when I shade the smilie/star in the personalization section.


Email me if you want a screen shot or more info on the system I am using




Please ignore this message as the personalization is now working for me...thanks for the quick turn around B)


I was going to add a comment about lack of smileys and personalization not working, but it seems that it is a problem for alot of people. Not to impressed so far!!!

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