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Most Interesting Road Sign While Geocaching


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Posted (edited)

I mean, come on!


We all know that micros are lame, especially drive by ones, but to have a highway sign for one???




See on 95 driving past, you guessed it, Micro NC. (Sorry for the poor photo, it was night and raining.)


OMG!!! :) We drove past that sign on our way from Orlando to Woodbridge VA this past Dec. My husband said that he had wanted to get a picture of it on the way home. 7 days later on the return trip home, we forgot about it until we were almost on top of it. Didn't have the camera ready. :anicute:


HOWLIN' over heah, bossman!! WOOHOO! are youse guys missin' da boat!

Check this - GCKRYX - The True Micro Cache - look at the logs from this past weekend (with gallery shot: MicroSmiley)!







Edited by Star*Hopper

This lovely sentiment was on the entrance to a Pet Cemetery in Winfield, WV. My nephew and I found our very first cache here.


Oddly, I had seen a similar sign in a book of funny and ironic signs. The child agreed with me that its kinda morbid, lol.




Today I saw a yellow diamond shaped sign that had the words WEAVING TRAFFIC on it. I didn't get a photo of the sign because I was driving and apparently I was also about to weave, legally at that. I don't know is this a regional difference but when I learned to drive I was told that weaving in traffic would get me pulled over by the police.


There is a cache which has a funny picture on it. I would have gotten it on here except I couldn't figure out how to. The pic is on the cache page. It was put there by the owner as a bit of humor on purpose to help explain about the cache. The cache is called Vegetarian Cache. It is really funny. As soon as I figure out how to get it on here, I will try to get it on here. Thanks, and have a great day! gwf :):(




We looked around but all the trees looked harmless enough. :lol:


Yes, but some trees like the hemlock, one species of laburnum I know of, candelabras, and other types. You have to be careful what types of trees you do stuff with sometimes. Interesting fact: the stuff between the skin covering the walnut and the walnut shell is poisonous. It is especially able to have the potenial of being dangerous to you when that skin crack and turns black whe the nut ripens. I am not saying that you should be destroying the poisonous trees, just that you should be a llliiitttle more careful when you try climb on those types of trees. If you want a list poisonous trees, just go online and type in poisonous trees or go to the library and take a good look at some of the tree books. Especially if there are ones that will tell you if they are poisonous or not. Hope this helps a little bit more from now on with those types of things. Thanks and have a great day. gwf :(:):lol::(:lol::lol:

Posted (edited)

Yes, but some trees like the hemlock...

Let's not give our PA state tree and undeserved bad name. Poison hemlock. of Socrates fame, is a brushy plant (Conium maculatum) , not a tree.

Edited by Klatch

The local DOT or material test agency are most likely studying the different grades of sign sheeting. Whether it be by public input or close to an area where there is an engineering office or material test division, who knows. The green signs give it away. They are various grades of reflective sign sheeting.


They're really serious about wanting you to stop in Gilbert, AZ. The cache, GCTPZP Should I Stop or Should I Go??? is at a location where there are a 4 stop signs. Not a big deal at a 4 way stop, unless they're all for the south bound direction.






In a small town somewhere in Wyoming. I imagine the resident fighting city hall to get his town officially listed.


WHAT city hall???


Oh.....izzat it, in the background there?

Hark, up on the roof -- I think I see the springs!




In a small town somewhere in Wyoming. I imagine the resident fighting city hall to get his town officially listed.


WHAT city hall???


Oh.....izzat it, in the background there?

Hark, up on the roof -- I think I see the springs!



That's not city hall , it the mayor house! :)




In a small town somewhere in Wyoming. I imagine the resident fighting city hall to get his town officially listed.


WHAT city hall???


Oh.....izzat it, in the background there?

Hark, up on the roof -- I think I see the springs!



That's not city hall , it the mayor house! :)



Posted (edited)

quote name='wimseyguy' date='Feb 19 2009, 10:50 AM' post='3838101']

I spotted a Hula Hoop Crossing sign on Whidbey Island in Washington a few years back. I can't find my pic of it, but did find a similar sign at hooping.com, although the background look is about as far from Whidbey as you can get.


Hubby moved the pics and I can't find them now. But there is hoola hooping in Yellowstone Nat. Park near Mammoth Hot Springs too.


The hula hoop signs are stickers that people put up that are fans of the jam band The String Cheese Incident. The band used to give them out at shows and they would get spread all over when the fans traveled back to their hometowns. I see them everywhere, and it helps that they're my favorite band.

Edited by IADiscGolfer

Found this one on a geocaching vacation. Sad part of it was, it took me 10 minutes to find this sign on the ground telling me to look somewhere else (the tree cover was killing my GPSr signal).


What kills me is that they took the time to engrave then paint a sign to tell us to look elsewhere rather than log onto the geocaching.com site and change the coordinates :ph34r:




Did some caches on an awesome island that towers over the Great Salt Lake. On my way down encountered one of the steepest roads I've ever driven in a rental car. Also saw a sign warning not to approach the wild buffalo. For reference, I-70 coming down from the ski areas into Denver hits a 7% grade and that freaks out a lot of flat-landers.




There is a cache which has a funny picture on it. I would have gotten it on here except I couldn't figure out how to. The pic is on the cache page. It was put there by the owner as a bit of humor on purpose to help explain about the cache. The cache is called Vegetarian Cache. It is really funny. As soon as I figure out how to get it on here, I will try to get it on here. Thanks, and have a great day! gwf :(:blink:


Okay, I can't figure out how to get the pic on here, but check out GC1N3BP. That is the Vegetarian Cache. You can see the pic there on the cache page. I also have posted a pic on the page since I found it. Thanks and have a great day. gwf :huh::(:blink::blink::(


This one was in a recent email joke. We didn't see it in person but last year when we combined a visit to relatives in Florida and some geocaching we were wondering what kinds of terrain and difficulties we might run into! :o




Here's a few funny ones:



Yes, it's a real bank located in Tightwad, Missouri.




Bourbon Missouri Water Tower.

How much you recon's in there?




Whaddya suppose they teach there?




Real sign - not photoshopped.


~ Mitch ~


Speed Limit 23 1/2


at a hospital in Williamsburg, VA





From what I know about Williamsburg (and Virginia in general), you'd get a ticket if you drove through there going 24. :rolleyes:

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