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My geoarsenal.. what is yours?

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GPSr (Garmin 60CS) and a PDA (Dell Axim x51). Most times I have my cell phone unless I forget it in the car.


For a long hike I'll add a backpack with extra batteries, a camera, water and something to eat but that's about it. I have even been known to throw the old eTrex Legend in just in case I break the other GPSr.

... Cougars are pretty stealthy though, so I don't think I'd have a chance to fire if I had a weapon if it pounced. ...
Actually, that was the other reason that I proposed that it would be good if the other cacher was armed. While you are being dragged into the bushes by your scalp, your friend can kill the cat.


But what if my friend is the one that gets pounced on??? :laughing: And if the cat has me or my friend by the head, it's probably over anyway, the death bite comes pretty quick...

wait, how did it get on this topic again :)

... Cougars are pretty stealthy though, so I don't think I'd have a chance to fire if I had a weapon if it pounced. ...
Actually, that was the other reason that I proposed that it would be good if the other cacher was armed. While you are being dragged into the bushes by your scalp, your friend can kill the cat.


But what if my friend is the one that gets pounced on??? :laughing: And if the cat has me or my friend by the head, it's probably over anyway, the death bite comes pretty quick...

wait, how did it get on this topic again :)

If your friend gets pounced he/she is going to wish that your feelings about guns were different.


Not too long ago, I read a story about a hiker who got pounced. As I recall, she was saved because her friend fought for her. Death is not a guarantee.


Either way, I'm sure that you can come up with scenarios where a gun won't save you. Heck, a dear could jump into your SUV and kill you. The doesn't mean the guns aren't handy.


thanks for the dialogue...but i am voluntarily withdrawing from this argument.

a. it's off topic (prolly my fualt as much as anyone else)

b. this is an argument that has been repeated ad nauseum with no clear winner. i don't have enough time or space to type how i really feel, nor is this the forum for it. so thanks, and i'll be watching this one!!



Though most of you can tell there is a Garmin 60CSx, Magellan eXplorist 210 (which may find its way into a worthy cache soon), a flash light, 2 water bottles, a laptop with a whole butload of software along with the MS GPS receiver, a snake bite kit, some bug repellent, a Glock 23 .40 cal, and a first aid kit. I carry many things not pictured such as swag and a cell phone, along with a flare, matches, the camera I took this with, and cigs :laughing:. In addition I use the verizon broadband card for internet almost anwhere I go. What are in your geoarsenals? Pics are always cool!


A quick question though. What are these goecoins? I came across one today and had no idea what it stood for. I was just a picture with a date, no name, no team, etc.


You didn't include the pack mule for carrying all that cargo.


BTW, why does anyone need to carry a sidearm to go caching?

Don't get me wrong, I have several firearms in my arsenal, but the only reason I bring a gun into the woods is for hunting.


I certainly don't bring a laptop - the point of caching for me is to get away from everyday trappings and to commune with nature. :)


The laptop stays in the car on my mount. I consider part of my equipment since I use it quite often with the navigational and topo software, along with GSAK. Sorry for the confusion. As for the sidearm, I carry it at ALL times. Makes me feel safe :)


i agree. most people who carry are responsible..no doubt. but i also feel that most people who carry do not have the training necessary to safely handle a weapon. i'm sorry, but the cwp course you have to take to get the permit is a pretty sorry excuse for weapons training. i'm sorry, you can't convince me that most people carrying weapons are properly trained and safe. therefore, i think they are generally a bad idea. especially when possibly caching with children....


I am trained by the Pat Thomas Law Enforcement Academy and qualify annually. I also, though I do not need to because of my Law Enforcement status, posses a valid Concealed Weapons / Firearms Permit. The crime rate in FL is not the best and lot of criminals know me from being incarcerated.


Thank you all for sharing! I really like to know how others approach caching and with what equipment as I am still pretty new. As for the controversy surrounding weapons, to each their own. Thank you all again.


well it's nice to know that at least some people who carry concealed weapons are properly trained....not that anyone in here is irresponsible, but i know at least a few people who i would steer clear of if they got a little adrenaline flowing. ok, NOW i'm done. and yes...keep carrying and long live the 2nd amendment. happy caching!!!


In the UK we had two incidents in which the owners of legitimately owned and licenced guns "went postal" and killed members of the public, in one case a class of 29 five year old children and two teachers were all shot, one teacher and 16 children died. In response, ownership of handguns was made illegal.




Back on topic.




Let's see (Of course some things are seasonal and may or may not be included)








Extra log books



Hand mirror

Duct Tape (Strips not roll)

First Aide kit

Blood stopper bandage and resuscitation mask (They don’t fit in the kit)

Bug spray



Rain Poncho

Toilet paper

Orange Blaze


Geocaching brochures

Sweet Potato Tracts

and trinkets.


usually carry my GPS, my camera bag (with batteries, pen, and mp3 with radio), my PDA, and a swag bag.

As for protection, I bring the wife. I don't have to outrun the bear, i just have to outrun her. LOL


I'm still developing my equipment but so far it includeds:


Dell Axim

Dell Laptop (Car)

Good hiking boots

Cell phone

Assorted knives

Hiking staff

Bug Off

High and low carb snacks


gloves, hat

.357 snubnosed Ruger loaded with snake shot shells and hollow points



Notebook and pencil

ziplock bags

appropriate clothing

AA battery charger for car cig lighter

map of area


after i posted i thought of possibly a few situations in which i would carry a weapon...most of which involved a large animal feasting on my hide. i am a gun-loving american...make no mistake about it, i own many weapons and enjoy them thoroughly...yet i would not take one caching...or driving with my kids if i had some...or to the store...or whatever. weapons are meant to hunt with, and defend with. and unless its war here in america, i can use my hands to defend myself just fine. i've said my piece, and i'm sorry it's off topic...but i had to get it out.


You evidently feel that relying on underpaid, overworked agents of the government to protect you and your loved ones is sufficient to your needs. I feel otherwise and prefer to rely on my own immediate response to a threat rather than dialing 911 and waiting.


That's what makes a free society great; you choose your method of protecting your loved ones and I choose mine. I'll certainly never infringe on your right to be unarmed.


i agree. most people who carry are responsible..no doubt. but i also feel that most people who carry do not have the training necessary to safely handle a weapon. i'm sorry, but the cwp course you have to take to get the permit is a pretty sorry excuse for weapons training. i'm sorry, you can't convince me that most people carrying weapons are properly trained and safe. therefore, i think they are generally a bad idea. especially when possibly caching with children....


I have taken three advanced methods classes from the head of security at a nuclear power plant. I am also a graduate of Blackwater and am rated an IDPA master level shooter. Everyone I know that carries has similar credentials.


Carrying firearms may not be for everyone, I personally have no problem with it and thank the Founding Fathers of this nation for having the foresight to guarantee our right to own and carry. Likewise, those who aren't comfortable with the idea should not tell those of us who are how to conduct our lives. Geocaching takes me to areas where taking a little protection makes sense. Protection from animals and people. I only wish I could carry my AR-15 with me in some of those backwoods places.

Posted (edited)

Yes, but if all everyone had was "spitballs", we'd ALL be safer!


I wouldn't carry a gun ANYWHERE...and let me tell you...I WAS almost attacked by a BIG cat in Vegas (Red Rock Canyon). It's not that most can't carry a gun safely, it's that SOME can't! I fear those that can't think faster than their finger can pull the trigger...that's scary!


And no...if you walk up on a meth lab, you'll never get the chance to even pull that gun out (have you ever been around a group of crazed paranoid methheads?? I have and they aren't exactly asleep at the lookout if you know what I mean!!).


Safety first, but common sense should also be packed!! If you guys are THAt worried about it, why aren't you walking around in full body armor...that would seem the smarter way to stay safe to me!

Edited by Rockin Roddy

Carrying firearms may not be for everyone, I personally have no problem with it and thank the Founding Fathers of this nation for having the foresight to guarantee our right to own and carry. Likewise, those who aren't comfortable with the idea should not tell those of us who are how to conduct our lives. Geocaching takes me to areas where taking a little protection makes sense. Protection from animals and people. I only wish I could carry my AR-15 with me in some of those backwoods places.


You cannot carry your AR in the woods? I do when I plan on camping. If not the AR then the SA-58TAC. Not for the usual in the woods and out type cache though, just if I plan on staying a while. Unless, of course, you are referring to backwoods as chainsaw massacre type neighborhoods and not the actual woods :laughing: Then I would not carry either. After reading all of your responses, I have some adding to do. Thank you all!

Posted (edited)

Yes, but if all everyone had was "spitballs", we'd ALL be safer!


I wouldn't carry a gun ANYWHERE...and let me tell you...I WAS almost attacked by a BIG cat in Vegas (Red Rock Canyon). It's not that most can't carry a gun safely, it's that SOME can't! I fear those that can't think faster than their finger can pull the trigger...that's scary!


And no...if you walk up on a meth lab, you'll never get the chance to even pull that gun out (have you ever been around a group of crazed paranoid methheads?? I have and they aren't exactly asleep at the lookout if you know what I mean!!).


Safety first, but common sense should also be packed!! If you guys are THAt worried about it, why aren't you walking around in full body armor...that would seem the smarter way to stay safe to me!


Then dont carry one. Its up to you. But in the USA - we have the right to arms. (Granted you need to follow the law.) Guns are more prevalent than you think.


Why wont you have a chance to pull the gun out? Is it in the bottom of your backpack? :laughing:


No one is forcing you to carry a weapon.

Edited by knight2000

Drop the gun debate and get back on topic please.


If you carry one, then that is fine. Feel free to post that you carry one. Debating the need for one is off topic and is dragging this topic down. Please search the forums for topics on the gun debate and read them. There are plenty.


Please stick to the topic. What do you carry with you when you go caching.

Posted (edited)

edit to remove OT...started typing before you did there mtn-man... to be on topic, I wouldn't want a gun while caching, I have been in some rough areas where I thought there might be trouble, but still wouldn't want a gun while caching, too much other stuff to handle, my hands would probably be full!

Edited by Rockin Roddy

I had never thought of packing heat while caching.... I don't suppose you use those as trade items, do you?


I'm still pretty new to geocaching, and I carry almost nothing besides my GPS, some extra food, my Swiss Army knife (if I remember it), a flashlight, an ink pen, and a few cans of Red Bull. I do keep stuff in my car, and I suppose it would vary depending on the situation....


Other than the pretty new thing, I have about the same - oh, and no red bull. I do need to start carrying something more to drink. (non-alcoholic)


I was surprised by the number of people carrying weapons also. I could see a knife - there is a small one (like 1-1 1/2" blade) in my caching backpack, which I removed from a cache as swag a while back. I figured it might come in handy - never has. I haven't had any problems with wildlife. I was a volunteer police officer for 11 years, and really don't have any desire to carry a firearm while caching, nor do I feel a need. I would be curious to see if this is something common in my area.


In response to the UK thing - I do think it makes a lot more sense to ban them - but then again, I'm not a big fan of the everyone carries a gun thing. Just my opinion.


Guns caching??? Why bother carrying them. If your a mile out in the woods and some creep attacks you, just use your cell phone and call the police and by the time your dead the police will show up to help you out. I have carried before and would again but it was a taurus pt140. A gps, some flashlights and extra batteries and my 3 liter camelbak is about all I need though.

Drop the gun debate and get back on topic please.


If you carry one, then that is fine. Feel free to post that you carry one. Debating the need for one is off topic and is dragging this topic down. Please search the forums for topics on the gun debate and read them. There are plenty.


Please stick to the topic. What do you carry with you when you go caching.

I was nice the first time...


Drop the gun debate!

Posted (edited)

Having recently seen Spamalot I am planning to add the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to my caching bag in case I run into a killer rabbit as shown in this thread. As well as some Spam in case I get hungry in case I run into any hungry vikings.


I just carry the usual stuff most people carry.

Edited by magellan315




Water bottle

Leki Makalu trekking pole

My personal traveling coins (compass rose, silver raven, and Groundspeak volunteer)

Maybe a small first aid kit

Spare rechargeable batteries

Maybe a power bar or two

Small digital camera


That's about it. I prefer to keep it light so I can outrun the person with me. That way I don't have to outrun the bear. :)


My list is pretty small:

3 litre CamelBak

Hiking staff (Suguaro cactus for light woods/Diamond willow for serious bushwhacks)

Smelly hat

Garmin Ique 3600 PDA

Garmin 60CSx GPSr

Baggie of handmade "Geocaching" keychains for swag

Small LED flashlight

Cell phone (turned off)

Sheriff's Office ID

Glock 21 (for urban hides)

Posted (edited)

Thanks for all the good info. I myself would not carry a gun. Too much chance for an accident or remorse if you did hurt someone.


Mine is if I go especially on a hike:

Fellow geocachers


Garmin 60CSX


Leatherman or facsimile

hiking stick

extra clothes (in case I fall in the mud or creek)

extra batteries

cell phone which doesn't always get good reception but good for calling for hints.

trail mix or granola bars

emergency blanket

Travel bugs

extra logs and containers



Someone else gave me this idea. (Fisherwoman) A lanyard with a small pen attached so you always have one with you and you hopefully don't forget it by leaving it in a cache. I myself have two minis in case one runs out of ink.




small container of pepper spray(both of these items I picked up at a local Ace Hardware)

small container Air horn (good for scaring off Mountain Lions) :)

Amazing enough that these little can Air horns pack a loud noise. I tried it once in the wild to prove to some friends. and it worked.

Edited by jellis50

Having recently seen Spamalot I am planning to add the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to my caching bag in case I run into a killer rabbit as shown in this thread. As well as some Spam in case I get hungry in case I run into any hungry vikings.


I just carry the usual stuff most people carry.


I gotta say... the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch would be a blessing to carry with me in case I run into those pesky rabbits. But... alas, there aren't that many Holy Hand Grenades of Antioch.


Since most of my caching these days is done with a 9 month old... I usually carry the following:




Nalgene bottle

Bottle with nipple


Powdered formula

Extra Batteries

Extra Diapers


Trash bag for CIPO (Cache in Poop Out)

Extra onsie (for him... not for me, although if they made them in my size... hmmmm....)

Knife (usually just a leatherman, but sometimes a K-Bar)

Bug spray

Sun block

Various teething toys

Extra socks

Stuffed toy moose/or cow

Jeep Overland Stroller


Extra pens/pencils


I am BRAND new to the sport (5 found) so here is what my family has so far:

magellan eXplorist 400






cell phone


can't really do too many real tough ones yet as my wife and i go with our 1 year old son. he loves it! dont have any weapons to bring but who knows what can be added? time will tell!


dont have any weapons to bring but who knows what can be added? time will tell!


Cant discuss that. Apparently this is a Socialist State.

...and....here comes the lock!


Our gear depends on the season and and location and is spread from the house to the Jeep so I can't exactly take a shot of it right now. We nearly always carry two Garmin Etrex Legends, a Palm Pilot, cell phone, camera, some swag and signature items.


In the winter we have snowshoes and appropriate winter clothing.


Spring, summer and autumn: DEET, head net, tweezers, sunblock.


The type of caching we are doing determines what we'll be carrying also. In our neck of the woods we are fortunate enough to have urban, rural and wilderness caches. If we are going into the woods we take the same things a camper might carry. Wolves, coyotes, moose and bears are all real threats in this part of Michigan so we carry pepper spray. It's an excellent alternative to a handgun since the effects are temporary and it's light-weight. It doesn't require a permit, either. I've never had to use it, but I have found plenty of evidence of predators to warrant carrying it.




1. Old Navy half backpack

2. Geocaching flyers

3. Taurus PT-111

4. Pain Relievers

5. Hand Sanitizer

6. eXplorist 210

7. Gecko 101

8. ecoTrek FRS radio

9. Cell Phone

10. Camping Tool

11. Compass

12. Handspring Visor Deluxe

13. Spare Batteries

14. Cigs & lighter


Also, not shown


15. Sony digital camera

16. Maglite (kept in car)

17. Something to drink


I usually carry everything but what I need- which is usually what I end up leaving at home. This is what I intend to carry.


GPS and handbook

cache printouts

cache replacement parts- notebook, pencil, plastic bags, plastic containers


extra batteries -fully charged

bottled water

plastic bags for CITO

stickers for logbooks

flourescent orange hat for hiking during hunting season or to keep off sun or hide ugly hair

bug spray

geocaching brochures

gloves to protect hands from dirt and slivers

paper and pencils/pens for figuring out puzzles

watch and wallet calendar

cell phone



paper towels, wetnapkins, kleenex

purse containing my usual stuff-money, drivers license, keys


also have

waterproof boots- tied together and slung over my shoulder

hiking pole


I don't like guns, but would be grateful to have one if faced with a rabid animal. I'll sometimes bring black pepper with me. I heard about a lady stopping a dogfight by throwing pepper at them. They were sneezing too hard to continue fighting. Don't know if the pepper will work but it seems better than nothing to protect myself from encounters with angry animals.


Ohh my goodness I'd best go and invest in one of those suitcases with wheels if we're going to bring all this stuff geocaching! I'm really enjoying this thread andjoined it to find out what all my fellow geocachers haul along with them! Happy Easter all minxyy from the spitandstrawball land

Ohh my goodness I'd best go and invest in one of those suitcases with wheels if we're going to bring all this stuff geocaching!

Hmm, maybe I need to add that to my list.


As for Geocaching gear I carry:

My GPS rec'r

Spare batteries for GPS rec'r

A compass (as a back up to get out)

A whistle

bug spray

2 liters water

few snack bars

Map of local area

Hiking stick

My Geocaching Log Book

with pencils and pens

Small First Aid Kit

Duct tape

Cell Phone

Small flashlight (uses same batteries as my GPS)

Eye protection (small branches hurt)

Leather gloves

And extra laces for my boots


I always wear, long pants, hiking boots, hat, and tee shirt

And I bring long sleve shirt, extra wool socks, rain gear.


Now if I'm doing several caches for the day, I may even pack a lunch.


But I don't bring a gun.


Ohh my goodness I'd best go and invest in one of those suitcases with wheels if we're going to bring all this stuff geocaching! I'm really enjoying this thread andjoined it to find out what all my fellow geocachers haul along with them! Happy Easter all minxyy from the spitandstrawball land


Happy Easter to you as well. I think this thread covers all bases on what to bring and what not to, so I do not have to go around asking should I get this? Or do I need that? I look at others equipment and get ideas on what I should go get if anything. Unfortunately, being in FL though, I wont need the snow shoes :cry:. Thanks again guys and gals.


I tried to take a photo, but didn't like how it turned out. I may try again later, or not.


I always take my GPS Outfitters large case, with the following in it:


Lowrance AirMap 500 GPS

Polaroid i832 8MP Digital Camera

Mini Maglight, with 3 LED Conversion (Normal bulb is in the pocket)

Extra Batteries, The new Rayovac Hybrids or Energizer rechargeable.

MMC / SD Card reader, mini sized (Looks like a thumb drive)

Extra 512MB SD Card

Electronic wipes for the screens


Ink Pen

Small Pin-on compass.


Yes this all fits in that one belt case. :)


In addition to that, I sometimes pack a few more things depending on where I'm going.


IBM ThinkPad 600E Stocked with Geocaching programs.

Collapsible hiking pole.

Swag & Cache repair bag.

2-Way FRS Radios


Items in the wishlist are:

A PDA, and when I'm old enough a good handgun.

Posted (edited)

I'm new with 1 week today under my belt, but found a nice shoulder sling bag type thing. In it I carry my digital camera, a pen, extra batteries, a PDA, Garmin Vista CX, lip balm, car keys, wallet (mainly because it's very small and just as easy to throw in rather than just taking my license out). And I bring a large water bottle. Oh, and pepper spray on a retractable lanyard attached to my belt loop. Oh, I also have a small flashlight.


If it's cold out, in my jacket I have a removable hood and gloves.


It only took 2 hikes in the mud to realize that keeping clean tennis shoes in the car is a smart thing. I can then change shoes when I get back to the car and just put my muddy boots in the back of the car on my all purpose plastic matt.

Edited by French.

That gun freaks me out a bit - I hike and cache with the dog alot and now I'll second guess that.


Along with Miko the Geodog, I use:

Garmin etrex Venture CX

Palm Tungsten E2

Canon Digital Camera

Trail Maps (1 original and 1 copy in the pack in case I lose the original)

Cell Phone


Extra Batteries

Ziploc filled with swag and extra baggies

Pad & Pen

Bug Spray

First Aid Kit


Shades :)


Zone Bar for me & Blue Dog Bakery treats for Miko

Gloves & Hat in case the weather changes :)

extra socks

extra pen in case the one in the cache is dead


Having recently seen Spamalot I am planning to add the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to my caching bag in case I run into a killer rabbit as shown in this thread. As well as some Spam in case I get hungry in case I run into any hungry vikings.


I just carry the usual stuff most people carry.


I gotta say... the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch would be a blessing to carry with me in case I run into those pesky rabbits. But... alas, there aren't that many Holy Hand Grenades of Antioch.


Since most of my caching these days is done with a 9 month old... I usually carry the following:




Nalgene bottle

Bottle with nipple


Powdered formula

Extra Batteries

Extra Diapers


Trash bag for CIPO (Cache in Poop Out)

Extra onsie (for him... not for me, although if they made them in my size... hmmmm....)

Knife (usually just a leatherman, but sometimes a K-Bar)

Bug spray

Sun block

Various teething toys

Extra socks

Stuffed toy moose/or cow

Jeep Overland Stroller


Extra pens/pencils




I'm pretty new (first week and 5 finds), need to make a raid on a surplus store to get some equipment, but here's what I plan to be carrying:


Magellan eXplorist 400

Gerber multi-tool

Gerber mini-paraframe knife (I take this everywhere except the airport)

decent compass

swedish firesteel





Canon SD200 digital camera

cell phone

hiking stick

first aid kit

water purification tablets

bug spray with deet

trash bags

hand sanatizer


flashlight (usually a couple actually)

road and topo maps


nylon line

extra batteries (well... eventually, when I get the AA battery pack for the 400)


that looks like a lot of stuff, just like all the earlier posts... but 90% of that can fit in my small purse no problem... (women's purses are the real world equivalent of magical "bags of holding")

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