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My geoarsenal.. what is yours?

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Ohh my goodness I'd best go and invest in one of those suitcases with wheels if we're going to bring all this stuff geocaching! I'm really enjoying this thread andjoined it to find out what all my fellow geocachers haul along with them! Happy Easter all minxyy from the spitandstrawball land


It depends on the cache and/or location as to what all we bring. We have been on everything from a few days out of town trips to 14 mile wilderness hikes and would never think of needing to bring all that stuff that some of you have mentioned.


There are only a few essentials needed for the vast majority of caches out there!



Cache description (printed page or in pda)

Pen or other writing utensil

My camera (not essential but i carry it with me most places)


Don't get me wrong, i do like to be prepared and there are times when more supplies are needed. But after 4 years of caching and many cache finds, i've found that there is no reason to weigh ourselves down with alot of junk when going for most caches!


Ohh my goodness I'd best go and invest in one of those suitcases with wheels if we're going to bring all this stuff geocaching! I'm really enjoying this thread andjoined it to find out what all my fellow geocachers haul along with them! Happy Easter all minxyy from the spitandstrawball land


It depends on the cache and/or location as to what all we bring. We have been on everything from a few days out of town trips to 14 mile wilderness hikes and would never think of needing to bring all that stuff that some of you have mentioned.


There are only a few essentials needed for the vast majority of caches out there!



Cache description (printed page or in pda)

Pen or other writing utensil

My camera (not essential but i carry it with me most places)


Don't get me wrong, i do like to be prepared and there are times when more supplies are needed. But after 4 years of caching and many cache finds, i've found that there is no reason to weigh ourselves down with alot of junk when going for most caches!


I wholeheartedly agree. Unless it's a high difficulty/Terrain cache or in an area where more is wise or needed then travel light.


I carry:


GPS - Gamin 60Cx

Dell Axim50V Pocket PC (or the Toshiba 755)

Digital Camera (an older 5mp Minolta DiImage 7i)

Cell Phone

Cash, ID, etc.

Coins and Toys for trades

Binoculars (sometimes)

Bag for trash (CITO!)


I won't comment on weapons while caching - it got real ugly the last time I went there.... (I'm not a big fan of guns and tend to be more concerned about getting hurt by a gun than a wild animal)


If I am going into the woods - then the kit becomes a little larger - first aid kit, some food, extra clothing, whistle, bear bell, etc.


Is that a borescope? (long flexible thing)

That is a "Prikstok", an "invention" of Dutch geocachers. It is a former infusion stand which had been used by paramedics. It has been made by the Austrian manufacturer "Schukra". The hook that holds the infusion bottle was removed. It can be rolled together for easy transportation and if you pull a lever it turns into a slim and stiff stick which is very handy for searching caches covered by foliage.


I Always Use My ATV




I really love your "ATV" that is a good one.


But anyhow I go with the following.




spare batteries


Stuff that stays in the car



extra boots


I think that is most of what I carry. There may be more or less.


Hope this helps




Posted (edited)

Oh, what the heck, I'll jump in. :huh:

Like others, my wife and I scale what we carry depending on the terrain and season. For urban/suburban caches just grab the fanny pack. Longer hikes add the backpack.

In general:

2 GPSr's and spare batteries


PDA (or 2)

collapsible hiking sticks

Surefire E2D

Surefire L4

mini-maglite (or 2)

several led headlamps

his and hers Kershaw knives

swiss army knife

utility tool


FRS radios

cell phones


first aid kit




hunting vests

rain ponchos

emergency blankets


dry socks


waterproof matches


protein bars

beef jerky


hydration packs

water purification tablets



I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff, but I'm not dumping them out for a picture!


PS: those "suck-o-matic" food savers are great for things like spare socks and TP. With all the air sucked out they take up a lot less space and stay dry in the freezer bag.

Edited by Mopar

BTW, why does anyone need to carry a sidearm to go caching?

Don't get me wrong, I have several firearms in my arsenal, but the only reason I bring a gun into the woods is for hunting.


For the same reason one installs smoke detectors in one's home and keeps fire extinguishers in one's home and car. For the same reason one carries a cell phone, drives defensively, and is always aware of one's surroundings. To keep yourself and your loved ones safe from harm.


It has nothing to do with hunting.


This is the point i was trying to make above, well said.




From that link:

“We are advising (them), if they are licensed to carry a firearm, to shoot the coyote immediately and call the Royalston Police, Environmental Police and Board of Health,” said Chet Hall of the Board of Health.

In Massachusetts! I can't believe it!

I would have expected them to say something more like "Don't fight back. Just give the coyote what what it wants. Whatever you do, don't use a gun. The coyote will just take it from you and shoot you with it."

In Massachusetts! I can't believe it!

I would have expected them to say something more like "Don't fight back. Just give the coyote what what it wants. Whatever you do, don't use a gun. The coyote will just take it from you and shoot you with it."


:laughing: Exactly!!!


BTW, why does anyone need to carry a sidearm to go caching?

Don't get me wrong, I have several firearms in my arsenal, but the only reason I bring a gun into the woods is for hunting.


For the same reason one installs smoke detectors in one's home and keeps fire extinguishers in one's home and car. For the same reason one carries a cell phone, drives defensively, and is always aware of one's surroundings. To keep yourself and your loved ones safe from harm.


It has nothing to do with hunting.


This is the point i was trying to make above, well said.





I also carry a small revolver (with permit) but i take it with me to most anyplace that is secluded or new to me. i wish i didnt feel it is necessary but it is more of a sense of security rather than anything else. Im more concerned about other people than the wildlife. Anyone seen the movie's Deliverance or Wrong turn? there's a good reason. haha. I think overdoing it is slightly rediculas, like the guys that work in the gun store, they have a elephant killer on there hip with 3 extra clips, a gun under each arm, then a "back up" on there ankle just incase, oh ya, dont forget the quick open "special ops" knife taped to there forearm. one small gun "just incase" is one thing but preparing your self for a one man war is another, those guys need to put down the guns and go make some friends, they scare me the most.


watch, wallet, car keys, cell phone are also included in this category.


as for geocaching adventures specifically:


my dog (part of the reason i do it, exercise for both of us)

water bottle

bug spray

lightweight cloth gloves (for sorting through brush)



disposable camera

trade items

cache website printouts

hat (helps with ticks)

2 small maglights

gerber multipurpose tool

all this neatly tucked in a small bag. (well not the dog)

oh ya, and my girlfriend.


glow sticks would also make for fun swag plus could have a use in a pinch.


No pictures but here is what I carry.


60 csx

back pack full of swag, first aid kit, cache repair kits and anything else I may need

Palm T/X


TomTom for navigating to those caches



Cell Phone


note pad


That's about it.


I pack when I legally can, not just when caching. With that being said, I was in the military and have had extensive training....everybody is safe :D


In addition I take:

Lowrance iFinder Hunt

Flash light of some sort


Pen / pencil


Handy dandy cell phone/camera/pda (I trnasfer maps and info to phone before I go)





-extra batteries -AA for GPS and AAA for camera

-tiny camera

-cache swag


-bird book


-extra ziplock baggies

-extra pen and pencils

-extra log books

-loaded cache (in case I find a good spot)

-personal log book for writing TB#s etc



but I never ever carry a gun! Yikes!

Posted (edited)

For trekking through the Black Hills of South Dakota this is what I carry:



Maxpedition Versapack



Israeli Bandage

3 Power bars

3 Light sticks

2 AA Lithium batteries for the GPS


Match holder

Band Aids, and Aspirin (for possibility of a heart attack)

Micro Pur water tablets

2 AA batteries for the flashlight

Fire starter stick

2 emergency blankets

AA flashlight

Glock 27 with 20 rds of 165 gr .40 S&W hydra shok ammo

Gerber combat knife

Gerber multi-tool


A couple of things not pictured:


Walking stick


Water bottle

Signal mirror (getting that soon)

Edited by zwvirtual

This thread should be called I carry a gun, neato. I carry a gps and a flashlight and found over 900 caches in my first five months. I do believe gun control means using both hands but give me a break, who cares if you carry.


This thread should be called I carry a gun, neato. I carry a gps and a flashlight and found over 900 caches in my first five months. I do believe gun control means using both hands but give me a break, who cares if you carry.


No need to worry about carrying a gun if it comes with its own wheels!!!!! The only problem is terrible gas mileage!!!!




ok...you got me to post again.


not to get too personal...but have you actually had to use your sidearm?


If I may but in here. My family and I live in the Sierra Foothills of Kamifornia and have been into caching for about 2 months now. My additional caching equipment consists of a Kimber Pro Carry II in 45acp along with an extra mag and a Kershaw folding knife (model 1560). However that is standard everyday wear for me, nothing unusual.


There have been four times when my having a firearm was a comforting, including one occasion when my hand was on it but the firearm was not drawn and latest occasion when it was not only drawn but fired. Thus chasing off two Coyotes that were about to eat my, then, 11 month old Rhodesian Ridgeback pup.


Always remember that YOU are the only one RESPONSIBLE for the safety of you and your family.


All of my guns put together have killed fewer people then Ted Kennedy's cars have.





I'm pro-gun and all but I don't have any so I don't carry.


What I find interesting is how many people carry more than one GPS.


I carry...



Printout of cache

cell phone


trading items, unless it's a micro.


In the car just in case...


Flashlight (I take it if I'm within 2 hours or so of darkness and it a little trip into the woods, I've never intentionally done a night find)

Water (I've never felt the need to carry water with me, most caches in my area are <.5 miles from parking. the exception is when my son comes with me, he seems to need a drink every 100 feet or so)

More cache printouts

More trade items

Laptop w/streets and trips - I hook my GPS up to it when I'm driving.


I could probably put some of the cache info in my PDA, (an old handspring) In that case I could carry 2 GPS units (the module is only a couple of ounces)


Way back near the beginning of this thread someone mentioned a mount for his laptop. If you see this message, could you post a little more info on that? Mine sits in the passenger seat or my wife's lap.


One thing I think everyone should carry:






They cost pennies. They weigh next to nothing. There are 100s of uses for these:


Wipe your brow

Wipe off your GPS

Stop bleeding / tourniquet

Wet it and wrap it around your neck

Dry your hands

Spray it with bug juice

Makeshift CITO trash bag

Emergency sling

Signal Flag

Ponie tail holder

Blow your nose

Tie a trash bag to your backpack

Wipe away your tears on that last DNF

Mark a trail

Fire starter

Put a rock in it / makeshift defense

Cover a sunburn

Coarse water filter

Wrap breakables in your pack

Clean your sunglasses


and about a million other uses...


One thing I think everyone should carry:







You sold me on that one. I am now shopping for bandanas to both take with me and leave as swag :)


Hay everyone!!


Friendly greetings from Holland!!


My arsenal when i'm geocaching.....


Garmin V

Sony-ericsson cell phone with 3.2M camera


Walther P5 with 18 x 9mm greenpoint (loaded)




Rubber handshoes

Extra MagLite

Motorola "walkytalky" (digital)

Bulletproof harnas


....... :laughing:


But only when I'm on duty :wub:


I just read your forum....... next time on my vacation in America I'll take a white flag with me. It's not safe here to find at first a new cache......... :anicute:


Greetings from a dutch policeofficer!



One thing I think everyone should carry:






They cost pennies. They weigh next to nothing. There are 100s of uses for these:


Wipe your brow

Wipe off your GPS

Stop bleeding / tourniquet

Wet it and wrap it around your neck

Dry your hands

Spray it with bug juice

Makeshift CITO trash bag

Emergency sling

Signal Flag

Ponie tail holder

Blow your nose

Tie a trash bag to your backpack

Wipe away your tears on that last DNF

Mark a trail

Fire starter

Put a rock in it / makeshift defense

Cover a sunburn

Coarse water filter

Wrap breakables in your pack

Clean your sunglasses


and about a million other uses...


eeeeeeeehhhhhh what happens if you started your geocaching trip with blowing your nose.. :laughing:

Posted (edited)

eeeeeeeehhhhhh what happens if you started your geocaching trip with blowing your nose..


Yeah this is one device that takes a bit of know-how to work.




But seriously - I always carry at least 2 of these. Nice swag too.

Edited by btutor
Posted (edited)

I agree with everyone about packing heat, I wouldn't want to come across a bear without at least a .40 cal but being that I am presently underage in Canada and cannot get a firearms license yet, but not much of a problem since I cache in the city right now.

Edited by photonut13

I'm betting if you were to take a poll, bears wouldn't be real high on the list of reasons people carry here in the US. ;)


In Northern Ontario, i have seen bears, if you stumble upon their den by accident while looking for a cache you could be in deep deep trouble.

Posted (edited)

Ok Now to get at what is in my Geoarsenal....




-Magellan eXplorist 100 (never felt as if i needed anything more)

-Cobra GMRS/FRS radio

-Hunting Knife

-Box Cutter

-Multi Tool

-Apple MacBook

-Batteryless Flashlight

-Regular Flashlight

-Micro Flashlight

-Small Bincolulars

-Ruby Lens Monocular





-Spare Socks

-High Power Air Rifle

-Fox Wistle

-Geocaching Swag


-Cell Phone



-Microcache Containers




Thats what its like all packed away


The air rifle I will only bring if im going up north out of the GTA if i feel like i might like to get some partridge or rabbit should i feel like it. I keep my radio of channel 2 and quite frankly if im just going to be dashing out I will be lucky if I only grab the GPS and a couple cache sheets (but i hope to be going to paperless in a weeks or so.


Not Pictured: Kodack 3.2 MP camera

Edited by photonut13

It is very interesting to read everyone response to this forum. :P

For the most part I carry my GPS60CSX and a camera with extra batteries for urban caching

and when I go on a hiking expedition for caches I carry a day pack with

my 60CSX and my Legend along with

extra batteries,


walking stick,



rain poncho,

Hunting knife,

Light Stick


Signal mirror,

First Aid Kit,

Flash light,


lighter and water proof matches,

and yes I have taken my Taurus 92 9mm with extra clips with me once or twice. ;)


I have been shooting since I was about 8 years old. My Father and Grand Father

taught me how to shoot and how to handle a gun safely. I have passed several gun

safety courses and have permits to carry a gun.


Don't carry a gun unless you are willing to use it!

If it is between me and my family or some low life scum or a wild animal I would have no problem pulling the trigger

and as I have been told by several law enforcement friends "Don't shoot to wound, shoot to kill!"

Posted (edited)

GPS (Mag. Exp 400) on a lanyard

Digital camera

Backpack w/:

Bottled water for the family

Plastic bowl for dog if with us




Trinkets/Toys for the caches



Plan on getting:

Brimmed hat

Walking stick or staff

Better shoes/boots

Edited by Dextolen


Though most of you can tell there is a Garmin 60CSx, Magellan eXplorist 210 (which may find its way into a worthy cache soon), a flash light, 2 water bottles, a laptop with a whole butload of software along with the MS GPS receiver, a snake bite kit, some bug repellent, a Glock 23 .40 cal, and a first aid kit. I carry many things not pictured such as swag and a cell phone, along with a flare, matches, the camera I took this with, and cigs B). In addition I use the verizon broadband card for internet almost anwhere I go. What are in your geoarsenals? Pics are always cool!


A quick question though. What are these goecoins? I came across one today and had no idea what it stood for. I was just a picture with a date, no name, no team, etc.


You didn't include the pack mule for carrying all that cargo.


BTW, why does anyone need to carry a sidearm to go caching?

Don't get me wrong, I have several firearms in my arsenal, but the only reason I bring a gun into the woods is for hunting.


I certainly don't bring a laptop - the point of caching for me is to get away from everyday trappings and to commune with nature. :ph34r:


Around here, certain places have become a bit more hazardous. Anyplace around the border in AZ you run a risk. Between the drug smugglers and the illegal alien smugglers, not everyone you meet in the sticks is a friend. Alien smugglers have taken to having running gun battles on the roads here in Phoenix and Tucson. Drug gangs moving in from CA and fighting it out with the locals. Road Rage. AZ is still the Wild West B) Better to be prepared than dead. You never know who you are going to run into.


For trekking through the Black Hills of South Dakota this is what I carry:



Maxpedition Versapack



Israeli Bandage

3 Power bars

3 Light sticks

2 AA Lithium batteries for the GPS


Match holder

Band Aids, and Aspirin (for possibility of a heart attack)

Micro Pur water tablets

2 AA batteries for the flashlight

Fire starter stick

2 emergency blankets

AA flashlight

Glock 27 with 20 rds of 165 gr .40 S&W hydra shok ammo

Gerber combat knife

Gerber multi-tool


A couple of things not pictured:


Walking stick


Water bottle

Signal mirror (getting that soon)


What model of Versipack are you using? It looks like the Fatboy. I have been looking for something like that. I like the gun compartment.


I tried to take a photo, but didn't like how it turned out. I may try again later, or not.


I always take my GPS Outfitters large case, with the following in it:


Lowrance AirMap 500 GPS

Polaroid i832 8MP Digital Camera

Mini Maglight, with 3 LED Conversion (Normal bulb is in the pocket)

Extra Batteries, The new Rayovac Hybrids or Energizer rechargeable.

MMC / SD Card reader, mini sized (Looks like a thumb drive)

Extra 512MB SD Card

Electronic wipes for the screens


Ink Pens

Small Pin-on compass.


Yes this all fits in that one belt case. :lol:


In addition to that, I sometimes pack a few more things depending on where I'm going.


IBM ThinkPad 600E Stocked with Geocaching programs.

Collapsible hiking pole.

Swag & Cache repair bag.

2-Way FRS Radios


Items in the wishlist are:

A PDA, and when I'm old enough a good handgun.


Since this thread has resurfaced, I'll update.


I finally got the PDA, a Palm m125.


Here is most of my gear, and the box it goes in. I add or leave out some of the items, but in general that is what I carry.




BTW, why does anyone need to carry a sidearm to go caching?


I don't own a hand gun but I did have one caching experience where I found myself thinking it would have been a good idea. I was hiking along a rural path and had a pack of three very large dogs appear just down the hill from me. They were barking and snarling and going pretty much totally nuts trying to get up the hill to go for me. All I had was my hiking stick and I found myself assessing the surrounding area for a good place to put my back against a rock where I could be a little bit above them should they make it up to where I was. It was a very unconfortable spot to be in. At that moment I suddenly understood why people would want to pack iron when caching.


GPS, plasters, trash bags, latex glove for icky cache holes, no water/towels soap, drink and a snack, and thats about it. Oh wait, i forgot the biggest piece's of kit i have:




Afterall, you never know when that cougar is gona come for you, do you?


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