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so you've found every cache within how many miles?


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what is the distance to the cache closest to your home coordinates that you have not yet found? (when you search by home coords)


I'm guessing it's very far for some.



it's only 1.8 miles for me, but that's because there is no where to park for that one, and I don't want to trespass.

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.6 miles away (1 kilometer) thanks to a very kind local cacher-friend (scobey) who knew I needed something close by the house to get me outdoors in the sinking darkness of this miserable wet fall Anchorage is experiencing!!! (we've 'lost' something like 40 minutes of daylight this past week :cry: ).

His lovely daughter Geminigirl left another new cache just .7 miles away... gotta love it!


Now - must have snow...


It makes everything so much brighter than the rain...

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4.7 miles I won't be able to attempt this cache until next summer when the days are long enough for this slow hiker to get to the top! I live in a valley with a lot of mountains surrounding me with caches that require more than what I am able to do! In fact French Peak pops up at 13.2 miles from me, making me clear a fifteen mile radius impossible, but that also means that living this close to the Cascades makes it easier for me to enjoy the mountains and hiking trails easier! Edited by Harriet the Spy
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what is the distance to the cache closest to your home coordinates that you have not yet found? (when you search by home coords)


I'm guessing it's very far for some.


it's only 1.8 miles for me, but that's because there is no where to park for that one, and I don't want to trespass.


2.5 for me. I say I don't care, but it is more of I just haven't gotten around to clearing more of my radius. I am more interested in new caches and FTFs. Just me.


One local cacher that was proud of his cleared radius had one placed 24 feet from his door. :cry:

I placed one .2 miles from his house, because I can. Of course what goes around comes around. For prevention I just placed a Mystery cache with the dummy coords 100 feet from my door. :P


Loch Cache

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what is the distance to the cache closest to your home coordinates that you have not yet found? (when you search by home coords)

3.7 mi. I don't have much interest in how big my cleared radius is though. It's nice to have caches nearby when I get the itch and don't have the time to get to one that's far away.


it's only 1.8 miles for me, but that's because there is no where to park for that one, and I don't want to trespass.

Why not walk?

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About .2 miles. I spend more time on the road working so the majority of my finds are all over the west. The last month I have been helping RK move so haven't had time to cache at home. Hopefully he will be moved into his new house the next time I get home so I can work on the local caches. Of course I will have to set up my new GPS first so who knows?

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0.2 miles.


My zip code (98105) is littered with a multitude of unknown, multis and puzzle caches that ultimately lead to a waypoint that is a micro cache. We like to trade items (whether something of perceived value or McToys) so we bypass most of them. We are having to travel farther and farther out to find regular sized traditional caches, but that is our choice.

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when I started there were only 7 caches within ~ 15 miles of my house, now there are 280.


The statement above made me curious, so I went to geocaching.com, plugged in the coordinates of my house, and ran a 15-mile search. The result was 438 caches, many of which I'll never bother with.

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One mile - but that one the owner is creepy and has a webcam watching the site so that it doesn't get stollen... (Snoogans, you remember which cache I'm talking about?). The really creepy part, I used to work in that building for years... Basically, I have no intention of ever finding that cache.


Three miles for a DNF, but I've talked to folks who have found it and it's not there... was one of those "how the heck has it not been muggled for this long?" micros in a tree in a park.


Beyond that, 9.5 miles - part of a series of micros.


We tend to like regular sized caches, so will grab the micros only if we happen to be passing by the area for some other reason. We like state parks alot, a place where we can go and park and hike around and find caches at the same time. Our urban area is realtivly small, but we do go to San Antonio a bit to visit family and so take advantage of caching along the way there or while there. Now that cooler weather is finally here, and hubby is feeling a bit better, we hope to get out to more parks and maybe even camp. That said, it's a drive to the state parks even... cachers in urban areas definitly have a greater opportunity!

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2.8 miles as the crow flies, a little further on the roads. I want to get it, but it doesn't look very stroller friendly so I need to wait til I a. decrypt the page info and b. get a chance to go out without the kids.


Within 15 miles of my house, there are 128 caches.

Edited by parker313
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0.9 miles. I have been getting all the further away caches out of the way. Figuring with winter coming I can hit the closer ones and hopefully still have daylight. Besides I know my area pretty well. I like to get further away and explore places I've never been.

Edited by knoffer
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I live in a very cache dense area so on average I will maintain about 2 miles from my home coords...once I finally found a cache that was plaguing me when I pushed the "filter out finds" button! Then my nearest cache to my home coords was 7.2 miles...WA-HOO! That lasted for less than a week when another new cache popped up 1.2 miles from my home that was rated 4 on terrain and I didn't get that one for over a month. Once I finally found that one, 5 more had come up since and it has gotten hectic ever since then.


RIGHT NOW....the nearest cache to my home coords is a traditional 4.3 miles away which I DNF'd this last week! The second closest is a 4-stage multi 4.4 miles away which I found the first three stages of before I had to give up because of a time issue. The third closest is a traditional 6.9 miles away which has been disabled for over 7 months......so that leaves the closest cache to my home coords that I have nont attempted yet and is active and doing great! That is a traditional 7.1 miles away. It is not at the top of the list so I can't claim it as the closest.

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