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"oh No, Not A _________!"

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Do you ever say "Oh No, not a ______! when arriving at the coords. Here are the places I say that.


1. Caches hidden in or near playground equipment. Being a 43 year old man and caching alone I fit the profile of a child molester therefore I get plenty of stares from protective parents while walking about a playground. It makes the parents and me uncomfortable. One parent even though my GPRr was a camera and confronted me about it. I now pass on any playground that has children around.


2. Caboose, tank and train engine. I think every one of these items are cool to see, especially an old stream train, but can be very frustrating to me if it is a well camoed container. I give up and look at the hint sooner on these caches then any other. On a tank was at a busy intersection, I had to climb on its top to find it in a vent slot. Another was a fake "bolt" on a steam engine. The hint was "A BOLT", give me a break, there are more then a few bolts on a steam engine! I did find it purely by luck.


3. Large rock piles (rip rap). I dislike walking across acres of boulders or broken cement to the coordinates and seeing everything looking exactly alike, not one clue on were to start looking. (It also seems the coords are always off in rock piles.) While walking the boulders are rolling under your feet. While looking you have to roll the rocks away and one always seems to roll and hit my shin or land on my feet. A surgeon in the KC areas had a rock roll into his hand and crush it. He need surgery to repair it.


4. Caches hidden in Eastern Cedar trees. The location can be incredibly beautiful but seeing a cache in a cedar tree make me say "OH, NO Not a cedar tree!!" Put it in poison ivy and I don't care, I'll reach in and grab it but not in a cedar tree because any bare skin of mine that rubs cedar branches will break out in a rash and itch like crazy.


Do you have any places that make you say "Oh No, Not a _________!!"?


I have one for ya... what I call "Crawl unders". A cache that you have to crawl under a dock or into a storm drain to retreive. (for example) Not always is this listed in the cache page, cause I would avoid it if it did. I've ruined a lot of jeans and bare skin in those situations. :)


Oh, no! not one of those teensy-weensy barely-the-width-of-your-pinky-fingernail micro containers where the logbook shreds after the second person writes their name on it and then stuffs it back into the container before barely getting the lid back on tight which then leads to a soggy, shredded logbook.


Oh, no! not one of those teensy-weensy barely-the-width-of-your-pinky-fingernail micro containers where the logbook shreds after the second person writes their name on it and then stuffs it back into the container before barely getting the lid back on tight which then leads to a soggy, shredded logbook.

You found that cache ALSO?


ditto the dreaded list, my worst is the one where I have to reach up/in/under some dank organic matter and try to feel around for the cache. Too many bug stories to tell on that one (and a beehive too!) Now I carry gloves, but it still creeps me out man.


BTW, headed to K.C. in a few weeks, will definitely be looking for a few of these from you. :)


Do you ever say "Oh No, not a ______! when arriving at the coords. Here are the places I say that.


Do you have any places that make you say "Oh No, Not a _________!!"?


glad I am not just being a wuss so early in the game, LOL. Yes am starting to pass some up (like last night) due to location. Location, size, location.


I'm not real game on entering bushy overgrown areas unless maybe it was something yummy in there like a geocoin. For a micro? No way. I'm here for the fun guys, not the smileys. Still, got a walk in the park with the dog so that was okay.


I'm not getting out in an area that doesn't have the remotest eye appeal AND appears to be right next to an area that where woman along probably shouldn't be walking around in the evening (or any time maybe) and besides that, I could not find a decent place to park. Not sure I'd have felt safe anyway. I said appeared as don't want to make too much of a judgement but.. I wasn't getting out of the car there.


I'm not into micros that are so well hidden and in such public areas that hunting for them becomes more of a contest to be discreet than it does to find the micro. Is it really worth it? Probably not.


Prefer the cactus<G>, prefer the hike, prefer interesting places. I'm in this to have fun and get out of doors. I don't want to go trashy places, risky places (wish they'd say on the cache page, don't do this one late or after dark!), etc etc..


Oh well. To each their own!


ditto the dreaded list, my worst is the one where I have to reach up/in/under some dank organic matter and try to feel around for the cache. Too many bug stories to tell on that one (and a beehive too!) Now I carry gloves, but it still creeps me out man.


BTW, headed to K.C. in a few weeks, will definitely be looking for a few of these from you. :)

You don't need to worry about those from me! :)


Just the other day I said "I hate playgrounds" this one was empty...but I did see a teenage girl run in the house after my car had been there a while. Tanks are a pain too. (or is that cause there isn't one nearby to hide a cache on?) Rock piles are the same. The cords are always off and the clue just calls you a loser for not finding the cache. (one in Newton that way) But as far as being picky....I live in a rural area...any cache that pops up I'm going after. After all I almost have all of them within 100 radius and haven't even reached 300 finds. Just my two cents worth.


Bee Box. I recently found a cache that was in an area that was loaded with bee boxes. I almost picked up a bee box thinking it was the cache. Until i got close enough to read bee box. Then I was like oh no and high tailed it out of there. Id on't think I would have liked the surprise out of that one. I did find the cache a couple of yards away.




Micro in a pine tree.


Nano cache.


Both seem to be favorites of unskilled hiders everywhere, and both types immediately drop to the bottom of my "to do" list, and some even fall off that list and onto the ignore list.


"Oh no, not another puzzle cache reported as a traditional."

I do not like that wen that appends and oh no, not a miro in the woods with a super high diffictly rating. :laughing:


pretty close to "oh no" number 1, but I hate it when the cache is in some woods near a soccer field where there inevitably happens to be a girls soccer practice, and you become the creepy weird guy in the woods with a "camera" when the Moms and Dads come to pick up their kids.


NOT another cache that's in such a public place where it's darn near impossible to "use stealth" and you almost give up because you don't want it to be muggled! I would have to agree with the Russian Olive tree also. Those things hurt.


Do you ever say "Oh No, not a ______! when arriving at the coords. Here are the places I say that.



2. Caboose, tank and train engine. I think every one of these items are cool to see, especially an old stream train, but can be very frustrating to me if it is a well camoed container. I give up and look at the hint sooner on these caches then any other.


Are you talking about the one in the train on main street in belton?


So the wife and I are driving along and I inquire about a cache appearing on the gpsr. She looks it up on the pda and says, "Oh, noooo! Not a cache owners name) cache!"

Well known for tossing 35mm behind logs, not maintaining or replacing missing caches.

We usually pass them up unless brand new or someone found it within the last week.


micro, micro, micro.

x2. Also, caches on peoples property (not rural property, but homes in the middle of a city block, or apartment complexes). Who cares if you and all your neighbors know..it's still too weird!


Also, caches on peoples property (not rural property, but homes in the middle of a city block, or apartment complexes). Who cares if you and all your neighbors know..it's still too weird!


Yes! :P


Oh No! ......


not a 5-gallon white bucket i can see from 200 feet that has almost no swag in it anyway.


unless your swag is larger than normal i say leave the buckets at home


... not another cold wet shopping bag!"


Actually I've never found a cache that is a cold wet shopping bag. All sorts of other containers, to be sure.


Anyway I'll agree with TrailGators -- Lamppost caches. Seen one, seen them all. And they are very annoying to find without attracting a bunch of non-cachers.


Also agree with Team Turtle -- just another cache for the sake of a cache. Ugh. Put at least some thought into it. These days, unless I am desperate, I'll go by the number of lines in the cache description because people who tend to make an interesting description (or at least a wordy one) tend to have interesting caches.

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