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Washington State Geocoin -ordering Info


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NBJPoppa Posted on Sep 23 2004, 11:54 PM


We've had some design issues to work out with the die.



What, did they some sort of bell-shaped vegetable show up on the back side? 


Am I the only one bothered by not being able to find the context of a quote?

Where did that come from?


Looks like NBJPoppa edited the quote a little bit. Here's the full quote from the head-honcho.

It doesn't hurt to ask but..........no the coins are still not in yet.  It will probably still be a couple of weeks.  Some time after the first of October.  We've had some design issyes to work out with the die.  I'll let everyone know when they come in.
Posted (edited)
NBJPoppa Posted on Sep 23 2004, 11:54 PM


We've had some design issues to work out with the die.



What, did they some sort of bell-shaped vegetable show up on the back side? 


Am I the only one bothered by not being able to find the context of a quote?

Where did that come from?

It refers to the Team Supergenius Pepper geocoin, I assume.

No need to worry.


Edit: Fourth from the left, second row in Moun10Bike's geocoin collection.



Edited by Bull Moose
Posted (edited)

Yeah, I edited the post a bit -- to correct a typographical error. I've tried to do the quote thing before, and it didn't work. The above-mentioned post was my first attempt where it put the quote into the little box. Bull Moose was correct, I was referring to Pepper's coins. As if the mint could mix up fronts and backs.


I was actually wondering what kinds of problems the might have had with the die. More out of curiousity than anything else.


Sorry if I have offended anyone. :mad:




Having just now read Page 3 of the Port Townsend Implosion, I see that I am not the only person to have some difficulty figuring out how to handle quotes. :lol:

Edited by NBJPoppa

Haveta agree with NBJPoppa, I too am curious as to what "die-issues" came up.


Now if they just showed up when I'm out there. Course I guess I already did pay for shipping anyway...

I was actually wondering what kinds of problems the might have had with the die.  More out of curiousity than anything else.


Nothing in the design of the coin has changed. It will look similar to the artists rendition on the order page. The die carving issues were in how to best render the color fill areas and the raised coin material areas of the mountain that will be rubbed with the antique finish. The coin is being done in the same style (antique silver) of the Moun10bike coin as discussed earlier in the thread, which sets it apart from most of the other geocoins. As you can see by the picture above of Moun10bike's own collection, his coin stands out from the rest.


Any new news on the coins?


I'm patiently awaiting my shipment. I have to admit, though, I'm getting anxious! I've been holding back on a cache placement so I can add one of these puppies as a FTF prize. Anyone else holding back?




Just FYI, we are still waiting for the geocoins to arrive at WA Geocoin Central. The moment they do, we'll get a note posted here and on the WSGA listserv (Yahoo! group). At that time, we'll give an ETA on when they will be turned around and sent to you. It will be as fast as humanly possible.




The ordering is closed!!!! We have sold nearly all 1500 coins and will not be accepting any more orders.


Again we will let everyone know as soon as we have a firm delivery date for those that have ordered.


This is all very excellent!


I gotta say, I hope you are not planning to go to any extra shipping expense, especially for delivery to locals. I will gladly pay C.O.D. .. but I would also travel to a central meeting place (pizza place?) if it would ease distribution.

This is all very excellent!


I gotta say, I hope you are not planning to go to any extra shipping expense, especially for delivery to locals. I will gladly pay C.O.D. .. but I would also travel to a central meeting place (pizza place?) if it would ease distribution.

PIZZA??!! I'm up for that! Oh, and getting the coins would be nice too... :lol:

I gotta say, I hope you are not planning to go to any extra shipping expense, especially for delivery to locals. I will gladly pay C.O.D. .. but I would also travel to a central meeting place (pizza place?) if it would ease distribution.


I will happily cache my way over to the Wet Side to pick up any coins that are heading to the Dry Side. (heck, I'd happily cache my way anywhere :blink: ). I'm pretty sure I would have my PIC (partner in crime AKA: Patudles) with me. We are always game for meeting up with other cachers.



Welcome to the group Allanon.


About three or four posts up the page there is a note that says that orders are no longer being taken so I guess you will just have to find one in a cache soon. We are all hoping to see the coins soon and you can bet there will be a number of new caches with coins in them shortly after that.


Good hunting and cache on.


That'll teach me for not reading ALL the posts before asking a question... ;)


And your theory is sound...assuming I can actually find a cache... ;-)


Thanks for the welcome!


Standard advice for new additions to the addiction is to start with the easy ones first until you can get a handle on how they get hidden. Try for difficulty one star caches to start with. I notice you live in Monroe and work in Redmond. I have not done any in Monroe and have done very few in Redmond, but most of the ones I have heard of there are evil little micro caches and not real good for beginners. Maybe somebody will chime in here with a few suggestions for good caches to start with.


I suggest anything by Team SuperGenius, placed by Pepper ;) how's that for chiming in!


Oh and welcome to the game, watch out you'll soon have an addiciton.




Thanks Pepper and TotemLake... ;-)


Since I have a bad knee and more than a little weight to lose (one of the reasons I decided to do this), I have to start slow on the hiking part...but I'll get there eventually.


Right now I'm just kinda driving around and getting use to reading the GPSr...and when the rain dies down a bit I'll try to get out of the car and see if I can find something.


As for the addiction part, I think that's already happened. I may not have found a cache yet, but I've already started planning to make my own... :laughing:


My advice is to find several before you start hiding. It helps to see how others have done the hide so you don't make the mistakes that others have made. It will also give you good ideas on different methods of hiding. Like yourself, I got into this for the exercise and have improved my fitness by a large amount. I'm not in the class of some others in the group, but I am getting better.

Like yourself, I got into this for the exercise and have improved my fitness by a large amount. I'm not in the class of some others in the group, but I am getting better.

My advice is to find several before you start hiding.  It helps to see how others have done the hide so you don't make the mistakes that others have made.  It will also give you good ideas on different methods of hiding.


That was my plan. Right now 'mine' is only in my head as a "how come there isn't one here or there and what could I do to rectify that situation" kind of thing. :laughing:


Thanks again for the encouragement and suggestions.

Thanks Pepper and TotemLake... ;-)


Since I have a bad knee and more than a little weight to lose (one of the reasons I decided to do this), I have to start slow on the hiking part...but I'll get there eventually.


Right now I'm just kinda driving around and getting use to reading the GPSr...and when the rain dies down a bit I'll try to get out of the car and see if I can find something.


As for the addiction part, I think that's already happened. I may not have found a cache yet, but I've already started planning to make my own... :ph34r:

Same here... infact after well over a year and half of caching, I still have a bum knee and more than a few pounds to lose [;)]


However I'm getting better. I surprised myself and did the Lake Vallhala route this summer with a great group of cachers. I didn't totally poop out until the last half mile.... but I made it.


Yes, it would be nice to know at least an approximate delivery date. The last I heard that there were some problems with the minting design.


I was the guy who spearheaded getting the California Goecoin minted, so I know all the headache that goes with the process.


Though it would be nice to know if we are talking days, weeks, or months to when the Geocoins wiill be shipped out.

It's official.  This thread has been hijacked.


I hate it when I do that... :ph34r:


Actually, I thought about that today and was coming to say worry when I found this...




Good News!!!!


We have approved the new die and the coins are in production!!! I Have asked the manufacturer to suppy me an updated delivery date.


More Good News!!!!


Compared to the design phase, the production phase will go very fast. When last I talked with the manufacturer it was stated that production should only take a couple of weeks. As soon as I hear more I will let everyone know.


Whoohoo! I might get my coins by christmas :) lol Hopefully before then, but if I guess at that timeframe and get em earlier I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Whoohoo! I might get my coins by christmas :) lol Hopefully before then, but if I guess at that timeframe and get em earlier I'll be pleasantly surprised.

We have to other wise we would have to go back to the design phase to change the minting year! :)


Hey just to throw something else into the mix. It was mentioned that if the first lot sold out there would be another pressing. Since they did sell out, when are orders starting for the next batch?

Since they did sell out, when are orders starting for the next batch?


Hold on let me clear up this mess first and catch my breath. :lol::):):):o:o


Yes TPTB have already had a conversation about this but it will not be happening this year. We want to change the year on the coins for the next batch. :lol: We have also discused a few other options for the next batch but you will have to wait on that.


I can't wait. I haven't been able to get my hands on any of the geocoins floating out there. I was lucky enough to touch a USA coin a while back in one of my adopted caches.


Haven't managed to be within 100 feet of a M10B coin, not counting WSGA meetings and cache machine dinners. :lol:


In the same week I had a Jeep TB in my cache and NomadRaven had a Ziggy TB (which is the nickname my father gave me as a child) in her cache, and they both got nabbed by stinkchz before I got to out them <_<

I'd like to buy one...any chance???


let me know....

Well we haven't even received the first minting of the WA state coins and I already see there value going up.


Now I wouldn't stoop to gouging but if you were to fly me out to MN I'd be sure to drop some off in caches :rolleyes:

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