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Amusing Cache Names

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I was perusing the new local caches and almost sprayed coffee all over my monitor when I came across the name of THIS CACHE!


I love thinking up amusing and interesting names for our caches... it is half of the fun. Yes, I can be accused of lack of imagination on some of our placements, too, but the majority have humorous or thought-invoking names. Sometimes the name comes before the cache or even where to place it for me. I currently have about five cache names and we are putting together caches to immortalize them with.


How much importance do you place on the name of your cache? What is the most amusing cache name you have ever seen/found/hidden? Will you hunt a cache with a funny/interesting name just because of said name?


Curiousity compels me...


Lori aka: RedwoodRed


"I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations."

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"Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back


I try to put some thought into my cache names. Sometimes I try to be amusing, but most of my cache names simply identify the name of the area, or a significant feature about where it is hidden.


Now that is a good one!

I love to do the same name game with my caches. Several of mine play off of something at or near the cache... "This Won't Hurt a Bit", "Danger Will Robinson", "1st Anniversary Cache -- SOAP?", "2nd Anniversary Cache -- GOLD!", "Newcache at Newtown", or a theme like my "Briefcase Full of Blues". I like the Blue Brothers cache the best because it really is a briefcase!


I support the Georgia Geocachers Association, or the GGA!


...I hope. (Otherwise, I'd better brush up on my fencing.) Some of my caches:

  • "Loch Lock Locker" (a storage area for padlocks and bad puns in the vicinity of a lake)
  • "NOMAN" (...is an island)
  • "Halfling a la Cache" (a map joke)
  • "Ferengi Wormhole" (on Profit Island... it's a long grab toward the obscure, but hey)

In other words, I do my best to name my caches creatively, and I really enjoy hunting creatively named caches.


("The Prehistoric Holodeck" was another creatively and aptly named cache I've hunted recently.)


I suprise it was approved. In one of my caches (with a mundane name) I took the time to spell out a story and give the cache a reason to exist (ther than I felt like placing a cache). As part of the story I had 'your boss' have a **** eating grin. The **** eating part was promptly deleted, though the cache was approved. Though **** in and of istelf is not a 'nice' word. Used in that context it really isn't bad. Such is life.


Interesting. The ****'s replaced the word $hit. When I posted.


The above mentioned cache is mine. The name was suggested by my wife - inspired by the container. Hint: It was filled with animal cookies when new.


Another cache of mine is A Fish out of Water, inspired by the initial object in the search.


I think that an interesting name is a large part of the fun, otherwise I could have just called the previous one GC6710


Well, one of our more recent ones is called "Where's Waldo?" and though that isn't a very original name, the cache is hidden in what is now the historic and nearly forgotten town of Waldo, Oregon. The former inhabitants literally wiped Waldo off of the maps by tearing the town down.


Another is "Open Wide, Jedediah!" because it is hidden near the 'mouth' of the Jedediah Smith River in Northern California. Or, "High on Low Divide" for a cache placed at the very highest point along Low Divide Road.


My favorite name (of the caches placed so far by us) is "Gone Bughouse", for a Travel Bug named, of course, Bughouse and we were trying to send him along his way. We even placed items in the cache to make him feel at home while he was there... isn't that cute...


I love the naming part, and I think one of my favorite cache names is "Raiders of the Lost Cache", probably because of all of the work that went into making it like the movie from which the name was derived.


One of the locals here and I have a contest of sorts to see who comes up with the wittiest cache names...


This cache is part of DxChallenged's geoquilt project .... sew I thought that name would fit nicely. icon_wink.gif


Originally posted by The GeoGadgets Team:

Sometimes the name comes before the cache or even where to place it for me. I currently have about five cache names and we are putting together caches to immortalize them with.

I am the same! It's my motivation for putting out caches: to use the names I already came up with (not so much 'to increase the number of caches already out there.'



froggy.gif You must be present to win.


This cache is part of DxChallenged's geoquilt project .... sew I thought that name would fit nicely. icon_wink.gif


Originally posted by The GeoGadgets Team:

Sometimes the name comes before the cache or even where to place it for me. I currently have about five cache names and we are putting together caches to immortalize them with.

I am the same! It's my motivation for putting out caches: to use the names I already came up with (not so much 'to increase the number of caches already out there.'



froggy.gif You must be present to win.


Most of mine are simply named after the place where they are loacted. There's a few though that have a little more to them:


GC211B - the name is a play on the name of the park combined with the fact that when I saw that someone had placed a cache at one end of the park I thought it'd be a good idea to place another one at the other end.


GC156C - the cache was located at a crossing in what was called the "X-Fish Corn Maze".


GC291A - a quest for a cache full of dog toys in a dog park


GC3025 and GC622F - those who have attempted these know what the titles mean.


There is a B-52 wreck near my home. The B-52 has the nickname BUFF (Big Ugly Fat Fellow). I was hoping that the fuselage was intact so I could name a cache "In The BUFF". But it's just scattered parts on a very steep hillside.


"I've never been lost. However, I did misplace the camp for a few days." - Daniel Boone


Originally posted by Ramness570:

Anything is better than naming your cache "Geocache"


Oh yeah, and I've seen a few of those. The cache description almost always says: "Couldn't think of a name, so I will change it when I think of one..." and it never happens.


Originally posted by The GeoGadgets Team:

I was perusing the new local caches and almost sprayed coffee all over my monitor when I came across the name of http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=26414!



CRAP! That name is frightenly close to the name of a cache I wanted to place atop a butte. I was going to call it "I like big buttes." Now I guess I'll have to come up with somthing else.


"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night. Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."


My one and only traditional cache is a bit of a play on words . . . actually I used to get called this when I was a kid. Hated it back then, now it's not so bad.






"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again."

Mt. 13:44


When I approved the one that Redwoodred mentions in her initial post, I hesitated. Mostly over the first word, not the last. After all, it is pronounced "beaut"--as in "beautiful".


The one that RenegadeKnight mentioned was easy. It was foul language that just didn't need to be there. The admins all agreed that **** does not have a place on this site.


I also don't have a problem with clever uses of the word "dam" but I haven't approved other spellings of it.


I swear as much as the next guy, but not in my geocaches. This is a family for show!


- Seth!


A few of my caches:


GC47D4 - Three (i.e. 1/4 of 12) stage cache hidden in the Baker bird sancuary.


GC35C7 - My first cache (hidden in Keehne nature area).


GC56A5 - Hidden on Leroy Schmidt Island


GC56A9 - Hidden in the Whitehouse nature preserve


GC4A4A - You have to go over the river and through the house to get to this one.


GC4EB8 - A quick easy (i.e. "Xpress") cache hidden in the Leila Arboretum


GC39F9 - Arts & Crafts theme cache hidden in a park in Marshall, MI.



"I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!" 196939_800.jpg


Some of mine:

Find the cache don't catch the fish.

A big green egg in a birds nest in Friendship park.(arcived)

Hiding in plain site.


I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.


One of my first caches is called Big Brother because it is near the set of the CBS tv show filming site. From the cache you can see them filming it across the river.

I have an idea for another one coming up. It will be on a trail in the hills next to the Getty museum, and I plan to call it 'Getty Up' or 'Getty Up, Cowboy'. (Don't steal my idea icon_wink.gif)



Everywhere that cache is found,

Bound to Cover Just a Little More Ground.

-Dru Morgan www.theheavenlyhost.com/dru


One of my first caches is called Big Brother because it is near the set of the CBS tv show filming site. From the cache you can see them filming it across the river.

I have an idea for another one coming up. It will be on a trail in the hills next to the Getty museum, and I plan to call it 'Getty Up' or 'Getty Up, Cowboy'. (Don't steal my idea icon_wink.gif)



Everywhere that cache is found,

Bound to Cover Just a Little More Ground.

-Dru Morgan www.theheavenlyhost.com/dru


Originally posted by The GeoGadgets Team:

What is the most amusing cache name you have ever seen/found/hidden?


I found this one to be very amusing:


Cache, Cache, Cache, Ca$h Cache


The CACHE is located on the bank of West CACHE Creek, just off CACHE Road, on the outskirts of the town of CACHE, Oklahoma. To keep up the word play, the CACHE is stocked with CA$H




"Boredom is the state of one's mind"



This was either my second or third cache that I placed and it ended up being a multi-stage cache. Upon reaching the last stage I instructed the seekers to put your back to Barbara Wagner and walk so many paces on a certain bearing. You had to put your back to Barbara's head stone and the name of the cache is "The Rest Of Barbara". My wife thought I was sick which further justified my geocache name.


Well, one of our more recent ones is called "Where's Waldo?" and though that isn't a very original name, the cache is hidden in what is now the historic and nearly forgotten town of Waldo, Oregon. The former inhabitants literally wiped Waldo off of the maps by tearing the town down.




I placed Mr McGrew recently while on a camping trip near to your Where's Waldo cache. The McGrew trailhead is just outside of the town of O'Brien (which just happens to be my surname), Oregon, which befell the same fate as Waldo when the mines dried up.


I figured being in your area you'd be the first to find it. It's still waiting for a first finder but isn't an easy cache to reach.


Of course, there's also my Blownads cache which gets lots of amusing comments. One must hunt the cache to understand the name icon_smile.gif



[This message was edited by makaio on July 02, 2002 at 11:54 PM.]


Well, one of our more recent ones is called "Where's Waldo?" and though that isn't a very original name, the cache is hidden in what is now the historic and nearly forgotten town of Waldo, Oregon. The former inhabitants literally wiped Waldo off of the maps by tearing the town down.




I placed Mr McGrew recently while on a camping trip near to your Where's Waldo cache. The McGrew trailhead is just outside of the town of O'Brien (which just happens to be my surname), Oregon, which befell the same fate as Waldo when the mines dried up.


I figured being in your area you'd be the first to find it. It's still waiting for a first finder but isn't an easy cache to reach.


Of course, there's also my Blownads cache which gets lots of amusing comments. One must hunt the cache to understand the name icon_smile.gif



[This message was edited by makaio on July 02, 2002 at 11:54 PM.]

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