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You might be a geocacher if...

Guest ClayJar

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....When you start letting your GPSR think for you...and it does a better job.


....When you take off your shoes and socks to cross a little stream-because your GPSR says"The cache is only 400' away and It don't look that deep to me" but you get wet up to your waist.


....When you get posion ivy so much that you are suprised when it goes away.


... if you've tried to think of a way to make Geocaching into an MLM scheme.


... you've tracked all the people in your "downline" and encouraged them to cache more.


... you think it would make a great religion.


... your first wife didn't like caching, but your next one will!!


...lbh ortva gb cbfg nyy bs lbhe "lbh zvtug or n trbpnpure vs" zrffntrf rapelcgrq.

...lbh guvax gung qrpelcgvat gurfr vf xvaq bs yvxr svaqvat n pnpur.

...gur bayl guevyy gung lbh trg ng jbex vf cbfgvat gurfr zrffntrf.

...lbh vafvfg gung rirel pbyyrtr arrqf gb bssre "Trbpnpuvat 101".

...orsber ibgvat, lbh svaq bhg juvpu pnaqvqngrf ner sbe trbpnpuvat.

...lbhe qnq vf ehaavat sbe cerfvqrag naq lbh qba'g ibgr sbe uvz orpnhfr ur qbrfa'g yvxr trbpnpuvat.

...ba Gunaxftvivat, lbh chg n ghexrl va lbhe pnpur naq tvir lbhe xvqf gur TCF.

...lbh chg zvyx naq pbbxvrf va lbhe pnpur sbe Fnagn.

...Grnz Fuerqqrq Onex vf n GEHR trbpnpure!

...Grnz Bqqonyy vf n GEHR trbpnpure!

...lbh npghnyyl gnxr gur gvzr gb qrpelcg gurfr.


The_Mad_Cacher says, "CACHE THE PLANET!"


[This message was edited by The_Mad_Cacher on November 22, 2002 at 05:06 PM.]


Originally posted by The_Mad_Cacher:

...lbh ortva gb cbfg nyy bs lbhe "lbh zvtug or n trbpnpure vs" zrffntrf rapelcgrq.

...lbh guvax gung qrpelcgvat gurfr vf xvaq bs yvxr svaqvat n pnpur.

...gur bayl guevyy gung lbh trg ng jbex vf cbfgvat gurfr zrffntrf.

...lbh vafvfg gung rirel pbyyrtr arrqf gb bssre "Trbpnpuvat 101".

...orsber ibgvat, lbh svaq bhg juvpu pnaqvqngrf ner sbe trbpnpuvat.

...lbhe qnq vf ehaavat sbe cerfvqrag naq lbh qba'g ibgr sbe uvz orpnhfr ur qbrfa'g yvxr trbpnpuvat.

...ba Gunaxftvivat, lbh chg n ghexrl va lbhe pnpur naq tvir lbhe xvqf gur TCF.

...lbh chg zvyx naq pbbxvrf va lbhe pnpur sbe Fnagn.

...Grnz Fuerqqrq Onex vf n GEHR trbpnpure!

...lbh npghnyyl gnxr gur gvzr gb qrpelcg gurfr.


The_Mad_Cacher says, "CACHE THE PLANET!"


[This message was edited by The_Mad_Cacher on November 22, 2002 at 10:47 AM.]


You immediately highlight the above and paste it to your palm desktop then hot sync and paste it to your hint decoder and read it. icon_biggrin.gif


Work Smarter, Not Harder!


...you know where the cache is by reading the description online..


...you cache during lunch hour...


...you've met every cacher in your area, on the hunt, five times...


...you dream of GPSr's jumping over the moon...


..you've collected soo much junk, you start a 99cent store...



-The Wray Clan


You start changing your trade items to fit the change of seasons.


Mosquito head nets for summer, blaze orange vests for fall, hand warmers for winter......


Cache you later,



Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do.


...taxies no longer stop to pick you up. (Thank you, Cache-napper.)

...you've ever hitch-hiked to a cache.

...you start placing caches in Everquest.

...you are making "Geocaching: The Video Game."


The_Mad_Cacher says, "CACHE THE PLANET!"


[This message was edited by The_Mad_Cacher on December 02, 2002 at 01:40 PM.]


You see some one in the woods that looks lost, you ask them if there ok and they reply.


I forgot to mark the car as a way point and i forgot extra gps food, now my gps is dead.


AND you understand every thing that person said! icon_biggrin.gif


See you in the woods!



... You go visit someone out of town you travel by waypoints.


... You have caught yourself driving while talking on the cell and holding the GPSr in your stearing hand.


... Most of your e-mail is GPS related.


... your home office desk is completely littered with stacks of "printer friendly" cache prints.


... Your GPSr's 500 waypoint max is maxed.


... Your eTrax tracks screen is completely filled in with squiggles.


** The worst suggestion of a life time may be the catalyst to the best idea of the century, don't fail to listen to suggestions.


If you race out to be ftf on a newly listed local cache .......


............ and realize it's exactly where another cache -- by another owner -- used to be.


This really happened to me this afternoon. Yes, of course I logged it.


-when your friends complain about the crap they got for Christmas, you ask if you can have it.

-you host a geocaching event

-you drive an additional ten miles to the next freeway exit, just so you can drive back to the last one you missed

-you stay up posting on the discussion boards (ah, that's not me!icon_smile.gif



Originally posted by MuzzleBlast!:

You finish your Altoids and think hmmmmm, if I painted this flat black and ...


[ icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif


Or when you hate altoids and buy them to hand out to coffee breathes at work so you can have the tin..


or when you see a friend go to throw one out and to throw a fit and grab it!!!!


See you in the woods!



You think it's cool that you're the only one you know who owns a headlamp...and you like to wear it.


You carry IvyBlock in your backpack and can spot Poison Oak/Ivy from a mile away, year round.


You've contemplated spending upwards of 80 bucks on walking sticks with shock absorbers.


Your secretary's budget for AA's has more then tripled.


Your comrades at work ask you where you went geocaching this weekend rather then what you did this weekend


You have several mapping programs loaded on several different computers.


You spend half your day searching through the forums to find threads just like this!


-Let's play Global Thermonuclear War-


you wear cargo pants and a fishing vest because you neeed all those pokets for spare batteries, goegoodies, printouts, spare ziplocks, flashlight,bags for trashing out, pencils, log books etc...


you look at cell phone accerories and wonder will that work on my GPS


you go to Cosco so you can pick up the super packs of batteies, and to see it they have any bulk toys


More to see, More to do


My wife broght me home a sample item from work. I said gee that's nice can you get more. For what she asked? This would make a great cache prize.


...if you really read through all these post up to here


... if you meet your friends at a cache instead of a bar or restaurant


... if you don'T have friends without a GPSr


... if you drove your car into a ditch because it was the shortest way to a cache


... you don't meet with people that can't give you the coordiantes of the meeting point


... you plan your next business trip depending on the number of caches in that area instead of the number of meetings to attend


... you take your business partner on a cache hunt before you sign any contract with him.


... you have more pictures with your GPSr in it that with your wife/husband


... you stay up till 1 am to write all this nonsense ;-)



*fairly new to the drug*


The Kraut

*noch so ein Anfnger*

*just another newbie*


You start peeching the gospel of Caching to those who never even heard of GPS


You eat at McDonalds even though you hate their food


when you come home when it's -30C you don't put your GPS in the back pack, you put it inside your coat. (did that today comming home from work, to cold to visit the nearby cache I hope the weather warms up)


you may be a newbie to caching but you find yourself carring the gps everywhere you go


More to see, More to do


Originally posted by The_Mad_Cacher:

...you've ever used your . (True story, I didn't have my own car, so I didn't have my geo-gear with me. In retrospect, maybe I should have searched the car for a flashlight.)

...when going on vacation, one whole suitcase is used for trading trinkets; and it's too big to be a carry-on.


Allen J. C.


[This message was edited by Allen J C on October 28, 2002 at 10:44 AM.]


I never even thought of that. icon_frown.gif I just used a cd to bounce the light from my van lights to a sign so I could read part of the co-ords for a multi cache. Am I nuts or what icon_razz.gif


Work Smarter, Not Harder!


...your lan admin at work has tracked you down and asks you to remove the .loc files you placed on the email server, then asks to go along once you discibe how you use your files.


...people you do not know at work have heard you collect Alltoid tins.


[This message was edited by Baron Von TnT on January 23, 2003 at 10:07 AM.]


...you know where all of the state parks are for a three mile radius... and have found caches in most of them.


...the words you long to hear from your significant other are: "There's a new cache".


...if you take a vacation day everyone at work assumes you are caching... and they are right.


you go to look for somthing in your SUV counsol and you have to dig through spare packs of batteries to get to it


you think of adopting the U.S. Post's slogan for your own (I'm Canadain and even I know it)


when you return home you often have twigs stuck in you hair, Or look like a snowman because it's been encrusted on you pants from sitting kneeling on the ground to get a cache, and from trees dumping piles of it on you as you pass

(the snow thing happened to me today I had to keep wiping of my Rino from numerous tree drops, later I had to go into the truck and melt some before proceeding into nearby a public builing to get lunch)


you cant look at something in the store withought dreeming up a new cache idea


More to see, More to do


while looking at your friend's vacation pictures, youre picturing where you could place a cache.



My time, your time is limited, but time itself is unlimited.


Original Post...the three websites you visit when you are planning a trip are www.expedia.com, www.geocaching.com, www.mapquest.com...in that order.


Actually it would be www.geocaching.com first... you want to find a vacation spot that has the most caches first. Then you can go to www.expedia.com and of course www.mapquest.com.

And don't forget to download maps to the MeriPlat.


Meridian Platinum... Never leave home without it. icon_biggrin.gif

.... if you're reading the geocaching forums instead of watching the Super Bowl.


To me, going to the "Super Bowl" would be to watch BruceS charge into a park full of unfound caches.



If there's no accounting for stupidity, then why do I need to file a tax return?


Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

.... if you're reading the geocaching forums instead of watching the Super Bowl.


To me, going to the "Super Bowl" would be to watch BruceS charge into a park full of unfound caches.



If there's no accounting for stupidity, then why do I need to file a tax return?

Wonder what THAT half-time show would look like?


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


Originally posted by Team Oddball:

Originally posted by The_Mad_Cacher:

...lbh ortva gb cbfg nyy bs lbhe "lbh zvtug or n trbpnpure vs" zrffntrf rapelcgrq.

...lbh guvax gung qrpelcgvat gurfr vf xvaq bs yvxr svaqvat n pnpur.

...gur bayl guevyy gung lbh trg ng jbex vf cbfgvat gurfr zrffntrf.

...lbh vafvfg gung rirel pbyyrtr arrqf gb bssre "Trbpnpuvat 101".

...orsber ibgvat, lbh svaq bhg juvpu pnaqvqngrf ner sbe trbpnpuvat.

...lbhe qnq vf ehaavat sbe cerfvqrag naq lbh qba'g ibgr sbe uvz orpnhfr ur qbrfa'g yvxr trbpnpuvat.

...ba Gunaxftvivat, lbh chg n ghexrl va lbhe pnpur naq tvir lbhe xvqf gur TCF.

...lbh chg zvyx naq pbbxvrf va lbhe pnpur sbe Fnagn.

...Grnz Fuerqqrq Onex vf n GEHR trbpnpure!

...lbh npghnyyl gnxr gur gvzr gb qrpelcg gurfr.


The_Mad_Cacher says, "CACHE THE PLANET!"


[This message was edited by The_Mad_Cacher on November 22, 2002 at 10:47 AM.]


You immediately highlight the above and paste it to your palm desktop then hot sync and paste it to your hint decoder and read it. icon_biggrin.gif


Work Smarter, Not Harder!

You might be a geocacher if you can read that without your decoder!


King Pellinore


you slam on the brakes at 75 mph while on the highway, because you see a possible trailhead and you want to plant the cache that's been in the trunk for two weeks. icon_biggrin.gif


you are invited to Rubbermaid, Glad, Tupperware, and Duracell shareholder meetings.

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