gazetteer Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 -You spend your only 2 free hours on a business trip to Brussels crawling through a public garden looking for a film canister. -Your planning another trip to Brussels to look for that film canister again. -Your spouse calls you a Geogeek. (I resemble this remark ) -You now look forward to the next trade show to collect more marketing give-aways. Quote
Stony2008 Posted April 24, 2005 Posted April 24, 2005 If you take an hour taking out the trash to look for old jars and stuff for containers. (yes i wash all my containers that i place geocaches in) Quote
+Team HHD1 Posted April 24, 2005 Posted April 24, 2005 ...when you're pulled over and have to explain to the cop that the gps unit stuck to your windshield is NOT a radar detector! Quote
mufasa1023 Posted April 25, 2005 Posted April 25, 2005 -you've been stopped by a cop in a park - you have fantasies about caching with people you've only met in the forums - you cache instead of study for law school finals - you cache after finals are over to relieve that stress - you get really worked up over such things as 'land maintinence policies' - you had to choose between either 4x4 or good gas mileage on a more/harder cache schedule -you've ever searched 'geocaching' on e-bay just out of curiousity -youre glad to have three hours between classes -you're friends and family shop at a army surplus store for your presents -you can, at this very moment, physically touch your gps'r from where you are sitting - Quote
+treasure_hunter Posted June 9, 2005 Posted June 9, 2005 You may be an obsessed Geocacher if: 1. There is a tupperware shortage in your kitchen. 2. You go to walmart to collect 35mm film canisters that they discard. 3. You go through more batteries in your GPS than your 10 year old son does in his Gameboy. 4. You know the zip codes off the top of your head to all the nearby towns. 5. You carry around a folder with local caches where your going. 6. You are late returning from your lunch break at work because there was a local cache approved and you wanted the FTF. 7. You are curios and check under payphones when you pass by one. 8. You suddenly are anxious to visit your inlaws when your wife asks. 9. You by altoids only to discard them to use the container as a cache. 10. You know words like "gzxrt", "enfg", and fjekt". Quote
+mikeatnight Posted June 9, 2005 Posted June 9, 2005 Your watching Bugs Bunny and he looks in a log and your 5 year old asks if hes looking for a treasure....and you were thinking the same thing. This really happened Quote
+Tx_Secsy & Jeff Posted June 14, 2005 Posted June 14, 2005 For Mothers Day you ask your family to buy you hiking boots and snake gaiters ...Which I did Quote
CrafterCat Posted June 14, 2005 Posted June 14, 2005 You tell your hubby that he CAN buy something electronic for you for your long as it's a Garmin! Quote
+tabulator32 Posted June 15, 2005 Posted June 15, 2005 You take long walks through the woods by yourself as if constantly seeking something and your friends, neighbors, co-workers and loved ones aren't the least bit concerned. Quote
+Hoppingcrow Posted June 15, 2005 Posted June 15, 2005 You bounce parts off a year-old car while trying to achieve FTF by driving twenty miles on the Log Road From Hades. (Remind me I have to get that light replaced before I get a ticket...oh, btw, I was successful at the FTF!) Quote
+smtycolt Posted June 15, 2005 Posted June 15, 2005 You look forward to a week at the In laws house so that you can cache in a different state. You spend you're anniversary weekend in a city with allot of caches. Quote
+Night_Hawk Posted June 15, 2005 Posted June 15, 2005 When you'r co-workers no longer ask "how was your weekend?" Instead they ask "how many cache's did you find?" When every vendor who delivers to your store know's all about Geocaching, travel bugs, geocoins and multi's. They know the difference between a regular cache, a micro and a mini-micro...............and they don't even own a GPS (yet) I am not addicted and I am not in denile... De Nile is a river in Egypt and I'm nowhere near there. Quote
+bpratt Posted June 15, 2005 Posted June 15, 2005 have stock in all the major battery companies. you all those scratches are a badge of honor. ......GPS also stands for "Gotta Purchase Swag" Quote
+bpratt Posted June 15, 2005 Posted June 15, 2005 ..... your definition of "Local Road" is "Park Here and Start Walking". Quote
+saguaroastro Posted June 15, 2005 Posted June 15, 2005 ... You buy the 24 tin econopack of Altoids at Costco and throw away all the mints. Quote
+treasure_hunter Posted June 15, 2005 Posted June 15, 2005 ... You buy the 24 tin econopack of Altoids at Costco and throw away all the mints. I forgot to list that one, I do that all the time. Quote
+tabulator32 Posted June 15, 2005 Posted June 15, 2005 You take your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend out to dinner and a movie and you find it hard to resist the urge to lift the cover of the lamp post in the parking lot next to your car. Quote
+bpratt Posted June 16, 2005 Posted June 16, 2005 You have to stop and tie your shoes every 2 miniuts when you are searching for micros. (by the way you are wearing valcro sneakers). Quote
+CoastieGeorge Posted June 20, 2005 Posted June 20, 2005 Your best friend goes to Seattle on a work trip, and instead of visiting Safeco field (even though it is/was a lifelong dream to visit every stadium) he went caching!!! Quote
+Team Tired Boy Posted June 20, 2005 Posted June 20, 2005 ... if you dance funny near a hidden ammo box. You do that too? Quote
atroxatrox Posted June 20, 2005 Posted June 20, 2005 (edited) ...your kid go with you into a camera shop, sees a film canister and yells: -There it is! There it is! I found it! ... you are about to pick up a film you have developed and the clerk asks you: -Your film was ruined by daylight. What does FTF stand for and why was that written on the film? ... you call any green plastic bag "a good cache wrapper". Edited June 20, 2005 by atroxatrox Quote
Solo-cacher Posted June 20, 2005 Posted June 20, 2005 The best part of moving into a new area is having caches that are close to your house again! Quote
leafdolfan Posted June 20, 2005 Posted June 20, 2005 When you try and be discreet while looking for a public washroom Quote
+Willden Wild-Bunch Posted June 20, 2005 Posted June 20, 2005 When your children pack your GPS and geocaching folder for you while you're planning your anniversay get away. Quote
+BisonWoman Posted June 21, 2005 Posted June 21, 2005 you dreamed about Travel Bugs last night. (true) Quote
+Shanynrose Posted June 25, 2005 Posted June 25, 2005 (edited) ...the entire time that the doctor is putting the cast on your leg, all you can think about is finding your next see your crutches as an advantage, because you can poke them deep into bushes... 1) You're ecstatic over getting a "walking boot" cast instead, and spend every night pulling new foxtails out of the foam part until your medical leave is up. 2) You've navigated up and down rock jetties and riverbanks on your tush because the walking boot STILL isn't good enough. 3) You haven't bumbled into poison oak, but have still shed all your clothes in a trail from the front door to the shower to rid yourself of a) pollen you didn't know you were allergic to, b ) the evil stench you rescued your hide from, c) (insert your own here.) 3a) You've called home from five minutes away and told your kid to turn on the shower, vacate the bathroom, and issue a general "Five Minutes to Naked Mom Alert!" so everyone can get safely sequestered. 3b) And they see nothing strange about the situation! 4) Your sweetie says "Did you dream about me last night," and you say "No, I was actually caching with someone else." 4a) You won't tell him/her WHERE you were caching in your dreams or what you found, just in case. Edited June 25, 2005 by Shanynrose Quote
+justybug Posted June 26, 2005 Posted June 26, 2005 my wife and daughter just did a purge of all the little toys and trinkets from a couple years of accumulation. first question when they filled box #1? "you want these for geocaching?" swear to god.... Quote
Rivergoat Posted June 26, 2005 Posted June 26, 2005 You could take the truck to drive around caching because the weather is so bad and threatening rain, but in the convertible you can lock onto birds so much easier with the top down. You just met a bunch of new people because while caching you ran into another cacher who told you about a big cacher's party/BBQ going on nearby that afternoon, so you crash (uh, cache) it. (I did this yesterday). And the center console of my truck is an ammo box. Quote
GlobeCachers Posted June 26, 2005 Posted June 26, 2005 -WHEN you have trvel bugs for over a month -when you replace a gpsr every 2 days. -when you have to go into another state to look for a cache -when have no tupperware in your cabnets -when your baby's first fords are "Geocache". -when you run out of ideas for this thread. Quote
+wvsasha Posted June 26, 2005 Posted June 26, 2005 you feel guilty breaking your foot becuase you have a WJTB in your pouch and it needs moved you email someone you don't know but caches in your area and they come pick it up from you to place! Quote
+Velvet Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 When you refuse a plane ticket for a business trip to the far end of the next state and ask for a company car instead........just so you can hit every cache you can on the way there, and whatever ones you miss on the way back. (yes, guilty as charged) Velvet Quote
+2ofHis Posted July 3, 2005 Posted July 3, 2005 You and your caching partner fondly gaze at a location and remember it as being the site of "your first time" (finding a cache , that is!) Quote
pdxfamily Posted July 5, 2005 Posted July 5, 2005 (edited)'ve helped find your first cache 4 months before you are to be born! (true story - the baby suddenly started bouncing around making her nausious, so she sat down... right next to the cache!) convince your pregnant wife that geocaching is what the Dr. meant when she said we should get out and walk a bit while she's pregnant. Edited July 5, 2005 by pdxfamily Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted July 5, 2005 Posted July 5, 2005 ... you slip away from home to find caches or place caches and your husband accuses you of having an affair. Quote
+OzarksJim Posted July 5, 2005 Posted July 5, 2005 inadvertantly leave ticks in the car overnight after a long day of caching, and the next day your wife, who has a major phobia of bugs and didn't even go geocaching with you, ends up with several HUGE tick bites after riding in the car and bans you from ever going geocaching again. inadvertantly accumulate poison ivy underneath your fingernails and by scratching her back (like a good hubby should) pass it onto your wife, who didn't even go geocaching with you and develops a HUGE rash and bans you from ever going geocaching again. take a video of a copperhead snake you found while geocaching in a swamp and show the video to your wife, who has a major phobia of snakes and bans you from ever going geocaching again. Quote
+Colorado Cacher Posted July 6, 2005 Posted July 6, 2005 You can find the box, but not your automobile after the hunt. Quote
+Colorado Cacher Posted July 6, 2005 Posted July 6, 2005 You believe that Hikerron has gotta be part owner of Altoids! Quote
+FatherPippy Posted July 6, 2005 Posted July 6, 2005 You purchase a new cell phone, and instead of throwing away all of the plastic ziplock bags (packaging) - you save them for MICROcaches... and then you look at your old cell phone and think...hmmm...that could be used as a cache container... Quote
+glowstick Posted July 6, 2005 Posted July 6, 2005 use your GPS as a cell phone when other people walk by spend an hour walking aroung in the same spot in the middle of the woods Quote
+barkfeather Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 ... you won't donate to the Denali Nature Foundation because the initials are DNF. Quote
+D24G0N Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 oh god you guys need help... .... what am I talking about..... this is me too... You know you're a geocacher when you find yourself eating waaaay too much peanut butter -- just so you can get another container!! Anyone know any self help groups?!? Quote
+doodlee00 Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 ..... the best present(a new cache container) you received for Christmas had to be found with a gps. Quote
+cachenut06 Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 You might be a geocacher, if you cant find the first stage of a cache, get fustrated, and go find the final stage with no gps and all geoskill, like i did today lol. Quote
+Danuw Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 ... if you dance funny near a hidden ammo box. Oh crap I didn't think anyone saw me Quote
The Vargman Posted January 26, 2007 Posted January 26, 2007 ...the word lamppost has more than one meaning and can start an agrument. Quote
+vortexecho Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 carry your gpsr everywhere and are REPEATILY asked "oh did you get a new phone?" have a cache in your car, just in case and the the one ... no food in the house, but i got my new gpsr i like that one , been there. ... you've tried to explained to your 80yr old grandparents with no success. Quote
+Whistlen Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 You use to throw away those little packets that say "Do not eat" but now you save them all for you micro logs! (They do work by the way!) Quote
+mamid Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 - you cuss out your other half for getting you pregnant cause now you can't go on cache hikes anymore cause the doctor has banned you from anything strenuous and your doctor considers hikes strenuous. (that happened to me!) Quote
+Big Bear TC Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 When you look at a small toy and say hmmmmm Ithink I make that into a travel bug and send it somewhere. (that I will never be able to go to) Quote
+Arndtwe Posted January 29, 2007 Posted January 29, 2007 if you have more ammo cans on your floor then money Quote
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