+TEAM 360 Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 . [This message was edited by TEAM 360 on September 17, 2003 at 06:50 AM.]
+Kealia Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 Team360, I don't read any sarcasm or tongue in cheek comments in your post so I'm sorry to read this. In the few exchagnes that we've had and reading your other posts you seemed to be a kindred spirit. (And the fact that you admit that you look like a country singer scores big points). I'll be sorry to see you go but will definitely look you up on my visit to Arizona. Best wishes and I hope you don't lose your love of the sport/game/whatever because of the problems mentioned.
lowracer Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 watch out for trigger words. I just posted and it went into the moderator queue. Must have been 0penc@ching dot com?
+sept1c_tank Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 I truely hope you're joking. ==============="If it feels good...do it"================ **(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")** .
+Kouros Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 Haven't we been here before? I'm truly sorry to see you leave 360 - please don't get me wrong on this. But perhaps someone would enlighten me as to why whenever someone feels that they should leave, they also feel the need to kick up a fuss at the same time? So what if someone else on the forums whom you've never met doesn't agree with you, or is a pain in the butt. Deal with it. So what if this site doesn't do the Virtual thing as it did before... list them on another site. Heck, list ALL your caches on another site, but whats stopping you from listing those standard ones here too? That way, you'll have your Virtuals listed for those who want to find them, and maximum visitor potential for your standards. Furthermore, when (if?) GC.com get round to setting up a new section for Virtuals only, then you could list those here too. Everytime someone leaves in a huff, taking all their toys with them as they go, I can't help but think that half the time they're cutting their nose off despite their face. After all, there's always other toys. ------ "There's Sparticus. That's him, over there."
+pnew Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 I find so many things funny about this thread its not even funny. Team 360 you my friends cannot take what you dish out. Its really great too that you decided to post a topic to tell everyone this information too. Did somebody say attention w***e? Some people's feelings are like wet noodles...
+SamLowrey Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by ChiefPig:What is the other "N" site? Well, I looked at navi cache and the most recent list showed some in Arizona by him.
+Lil Devil Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 Bye bye! Don't let the door hit you on the as$ on the way out! Lil Devil
+Greenback Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 That's unfortunate but I can understand 360's feelings. I believe that in a capitalistic society businesses need competition, a monopolistic gc.com isn't likely to pay much attention to it's customers. And so it is in our best interest to support other web sites in addition to GC.com. And so, I wish you the best of luck at the "N" site... I trust you aren't alone there.
ChiefPig Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 I can't believe they filter out the "competitor's web address" in this forum...kinda lame...
Zaphod Beeblebrox Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Kouros: Everytime someone leaves in a huff, taking all their toys with them as they go, I can't help but think that half the time they're cutting their nose off despite their face. As Yogi Berra said, "90% of the game is half mental." I'm amazed that more of these people don't "turn to the dark side" as "payback." But I would hardly say that Team 360 is "cutting off his nose to spite his face" ... his post stated that he will list his caches on the *N* site, that he won't participate in these forums, and that he will continue to seek caches listed by this website ... the only thing that was unclear to me was whether or not Team 360 will continue to log those finds; my impression is he won't. I suppose we can also conclude from his post that he won't be purchasing a premium membership or mdse. from the Groundspeak store.
+SamLowrey Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by ChiefPig:I can't believe they filter out the "competitor's web address" in this forum...kinda lame... Entirely expected, IMO. Not just here, but anywhere.
+Gorak Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by ChiefPig:I can't believe they filter out the "competitor's web address" in this forum...kinda lame... Sad but true. I responded 3 times to ChiefPig's query as to what the N-site was. My first two replies were "sidelined" because I was naive enough to actually spell out the name of the N-site. My 3rd attempt was successful only because I put spaces between all of the letters in the name of the N-site. However, it was censored within 10 minutes. While I understand that Groundspeak has the right to censor whatever they want on their servers, I truly believe that censoring a post for the sole reason that it mentions a competitors name is pretty petty. I wonder how long before this post gets deleted... __________ Gorak
solohiker Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 I would appreciate an email about this other site. If I post my email address will it get censored? ndwoods@yahoo.com
MOCKBA Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by TEAM 360:Gone. I have archived my caches (except for the Plaque) and listed them on the other "N" site. One of our neighbors, meticulousmike, has done a similar thing recently over an unresolved conflict with admin. Not only deleted his logs and archived caches, but also deleted cache descriptions and updated their coordinates. Good thing some well-organized people around still keep the original printouts, since there are travelling gamepieces stuck in there. I think he should have stated at every cache page why it's gone. Silent revolts do not amount to much. But he obviously wouldn't care about the future face of gc.com at this point. Incidentally, when his BM logs were deleted, the listings on this site went nuts. Another BM bug, of course. But we are not talking about the attitudes of the adminsitration towards those involved in activities other than trad-cacheing now ... are we? And what about the nc.com, BTW? Anybody's got a feeling on their image-upload capabilities? We have *one* local cache which is *only* listed at nc.com, I guess I'll have to visit it, of only just to make a statement. IMVHO gc.com is a de-facto common carrier, and should behave like one.
+Gorak Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by solohiker:I would appreciate an email about this other site. If I post my email address will it get censored? ndwoods@yahoo.com Its in your mailbox... __________ Gorak
+JoGPS Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 I am soooooooo confused :::: the part about not getting a virtual approved and getting beat up on the forums I understand that. And you posted all your caches on the other site. OK so far But then you said WILL STILL GEOCACHE, AND GET MY FINDS FROM HERE, to me it just shows you have been a slacker all along. See Ya Bye ……………… JOE
+Kouros Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Zaphod Beeblebrox:But I would hardly say that Team 360 is "cutting off his nose to spite his face" ... his post stated that he will list his caches on the *N* site I think that this may be the very difficulty that he will run into. I've discussed it with 360 via email, and elsewhere on other forums, but frankly the other site is useless. I've listed a cache on there before, as well as listing it on GC.com and by accident duplicated it (ie, there are two versions of the same cache listed on the other site). In the 17 months it has been active on the dark side, no one has found it (while 53 logged visits have been to its GC.com counter-part). But more to the point, the moderators there have yet to realise that there are two caches with exactly the same names, at exactly the same co-ords. Approval process leaves something to be desired, methinks. My point being this (and again, I have clarified this with 360) - he will get his finds from this site, because it is the more trafficked site. He will lose visitors to his own caches, for the simple fact that less people visit the other resource. The reason less people visit the other resource is up to you, but experience has taught me what I believe. ------ "There's Sparticus. That's him, over there."
ChiefPig Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 Well, I checked out that other NAVIgational CACHEing website and it only listed a couple of caches in my area so I guess I'm stuck with this website for now
+opey one Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 And again, 360, I really hope you don't do this. I haven't seen what kind of other $hit I may be into myself concerning other forum topics, as I jumped right into this one. I'm not familiar with your other dilemma(s), but I definately agree that alot of backlash is present here on the forums. I will continue here, until they run me off. Later 360, I may talk at you later. Yup. That's MY goat!
+Shaggy of Mysteries Inc Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 Sorry to see you go, but you could have used the unoffical form . "Originally posted by Renegade Knight: I [state your moniker here] no longer wish to give gc.com my hard earned money After [check the traumatic life altering event below] [ ] My cache was denied. [ ] I was flamed in the forums. [ ] I got an email. [ ] Saw a light path near a cache. [ ] I found a lame cache. [ ] Realized fair trades means me. [ ] My ‘big uns’ signature item was ruled not family friendly. [ ] Jeremy banned someone from the site because he didn't like what he said. Apparently without refund. I have come to the conclusion that. [check your conclusion below] [ ] The admins s*ck [ ] Geocaching.com s*cks [ ] The forum regulars s*ck [ ] All threads that start with Woo Hoo s*ck. [ ] Jeremy s*cks and doesn't know how to take a little constructive criticism. [ ] Everybody but me s*cks. Because of this [check your reason for resentment below] [ ] Blatant disrespect for my sensitive nature. [ ] Utter lack of bowing and groveling at my feet. [ ] Lack of acknowledgment that my new idea is better. [ ] Display of online attention directed at me. [ ]Bit of heavyhanded critic squashing I no longer feel the need to give money to them. As far as my caches go you can [select final cache disposition] [ ] Archive them and make them into cache litter. [ ] Adopt them to people who care. [ ] Divide them up like the bickering slobs that you are. [ ] Let me list them on another site. [ ] Stuff them where the sun don’t shine. [ ]Hunt away. They are still there and will stay listed. As a final note just let me say that. [choose your parting shot from those provided below] [ ] This has been the worst experience of my life. [ ] It’s been really fun and I’m not sure why I’m going but it’s something I must to do be true to myself. [ ] That will teach you, you rat bastards. [ ] I’m not going to tell you the story why I left even thought I made this big long suicide note for the forums. [ ] You can kiss my a__. Signed [insert your moniker here] Sorry to see you go! ~Shaggy~
GeoNightmare Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by LilDevil:Bye bye! Don't let the door hit you on the as$ on the way out! Lil Devil http://www.lildevil.org/images/smiley/lildevil.gif That was not nice
+beejay&esskay Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by ChiefPig:Well, I checked out that other NAVIgational CACHEing website and it only listed a couple of caches in my area so I guess I'm stuck with this website for now I'm not sure what Jeremy and pals would have to do to make me mad enough to leave... Nearest NC location, 15.3 miles. Geocaching sites within 15.3 miles=17. Second nearest NC, 43.7 miles. Geocaching within 43.7=153. Hmmm. Look for 2 or look for 153...choice is obvious...
+briansnat Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 Well on the bright side, Na/icache now has doubled the number of caches they have listed, thanks to Team360. "You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm
+The Irish Pirates Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by GeoNightmare:That was not nice I agree, if it was intended to be a joke throw a j/k in there. I am new to the GC scene and have learned alot from the seasoned vets of the sport. It's sad to see such a dedicated cacher leave on unhappy terms. It's even sadder when you see some of the attitudes and ego's that dominate the forums. This is suppose to be fun remember. A place to communicate with others in an adult manner. Anyhoo, sorry to see you go Team360, good luck and happy caching!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Cache me out dammit, I'm in a hurry! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. -Thomas Jefferson
ChiefPig Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by BrianSnat:Well on the bright side, Na/icache now has doubled the number of caches they have listed, thanks to Team360. True
+TotemLake Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by MOCKBA:... And what about the nc.com, BTW? Anybody's got a feeling on their image-upload capabilities? We have *one* local cache which is *only* listed at nc.com, I guess I'll have to visit it, of only just to make a statement. IMVHO gc.com is a de-facto common carrier, and should behave like one. They have a limit of a total of 3 images for a total of 150Kb in size. They encourage you to optimize them by using a linked on-line software optimizer. Some features they have are pretty cool. They have a map that shows the general location of the cache, but each click on the Next button will zoom in closer and it is quick... probably due to the lack of load on the server. Registration is easy, and the forums are pretty straightforward. Some of their links are out of date and nonexistent. As noted before, a lot of caches are not listed. Some of the ones I have sampled just aren't logged as frequently as here if at all. Of course, this could change as (not if) the migration continues. Cheers! TL
+opey one Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by The Rocket Pack:It's even sadder when you see some of the attitudes and ego's that dominate the forums. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Cache me out dammit, I'm in a hurry! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- _I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. -Thomas Jefferson_ And what is even sadder than that? No freedom here, and nothing can be done about that. Even worse, the adminions are multiplying at a rather scary rate . I'm curious. What kind of kickback is being offered anyway? Yup. That's MY goat!
MOCKBA Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by beejay&esskay:I'm not sure what Jeremy and pals would have to do to make me mad enough to leave...... My point exactly, the 'competition' argument doesn't work here. And 'love it or leave it' argument translates to 'love it or go to h.11'. So we have to find add'l ways of nudging gc.com to work. Using nc.com is an interesting response, but alone, it ain't gonna cut it. But admitting that we are the frog's slaves and will you please eat us with butter ain't gonna do us any good either. WRT number of listings @ nc.com, it won't be hard to script importing of caches from gc.com. But nc still doesn't have crowds or infrastructure. We gotta make *this* site better; improving *other* services is a sidetrack.
+TotemLake Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 It is unfortunate that Team360 is leaving because of a conflict of opinions and perceived harrassments be they malicious or not. I have to wonder what would I do in similar circumstances? My take is I have made some friends on these forums... and it is quite possible that one or two of you might not care for me or my style (and that's ok). I'm not willing to allow a difference of opinion or one or two butthead attitudes push me off and cause me to give up those friendships and rapport that I have here. My opinion is thus: As long as you are going to be on a forum, any forum, you have to take the good with the bad; and sometimes, the heat gets pretty dadgum high. Thicken the skin, get over it, give a measured response that is appropriate but not out of line and keep it respectful of the fact there will be a difference of opinion. Cheers! TL
Zaphod Beeblebrox Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Kouros: The reason less people visit the other resource is up to you, but experience has taught me what I believe. He isn't cutting his nose off to spite his face if he continues to look for caches listed here. I don't use the other site because every cache listed for my area there is merely a duplicate listing of a cache also listed here. Getting back to Team 360, I wish him well, but I can't figure out how a guy who pledged not to return to these forums has managed to edit his farewell note hourly.
etalon910 Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 I would expect these kinds of threads from a kids forum.. sympathy threads. Isn't the average age of this community over 30!!!! Grow up!
+The Irish Pirates Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by MOCKBA:So we have to find add'l ways of nudging gc.com to work. Good point, without the cacher's, no GC.com. Don't get me wrong, I am a visitor here using services provided by GC so I understand the position but maybe be a little more diplomatic than "if you don't like it get out". -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Cache me out dammit, I'm in a hurry! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. -Thomas Jefferson
+The Irish Pirates Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by etalon910:I would expect these kinds of threads from a kids forum.. sympathy threads. Isn't the average age of this community over 30!!!! Grow up! Well here is the perfect example of disrespectful! Man, it takes all kinds I guess. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Cache me out dammit, I'm in a hurry! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. -Thomas Jefferson
+The Irish Pirates Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Zaphod Beeblebrox:forget it LOL, my what a quick edit finger you have -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Cache me out dammit, I'm in a hurry! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. -Thomas Jefferson
+pnew Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote: I would expect these kinds of threads from a kids forum.. sympathy threads. Isn't the average age of this community over 30!!!! etalon910! finally someone agrees with me. A sympathy thread only to garner attention of others. There was no purpose in the thread to do anything other than try and get some sympathy. Team 360 even e-mailed me after I posted my first comment to say that it was "nice". I don't think all the issues on these boards don't always stay in the "nice" arena. Especially when childish threads like this one pops up.
+Doc-Dean Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 Sorry to hear that its gotten to that point Team360. I wish you clear skies and cool breezes in your future geocaching! --------------------------------------------------- Free your mind and the rest will follow
etalon910 Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Doc-Dean: Sorry to hear that its gotten to that point Team360. I wish you clear skies and cool breezes in your future geocaching! --------------------------------------------------- Free your mind and the rest will follow http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung/aktion/action-smiley-076.gif I don't think Team 360 is going anywhere.
Pantalaimon Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by etalon910:I don't think Team 360 is going anywhere. Well, I'd bet that he's reading these words right now... but as far as coming back, I don't think he will, at least not as Team 360. Look at all the flak he has taken since leaving the first time. I can't imagine the atmoshpere if he has to deal with the fact he left twice! Too bad too, after that plaque cache, I thought he made a triumphant return. Jomarac5 can get... er... abrasive at times, but its not something to quit over. Pan What does anybody want? I want the Red Sox to win the World Series. - Bill Pullman as Alan Safian in Malice, in response to being asked "What do you want?"
+woodsters Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 If you are avoiding conflict and disagreement by leaving, then I should of left a while back. lol Sorry to see you go. I admire you for taking the time, effort and mullah on getting that plaque done. I wouldn't and won't let a mere disagreement stand in my way of my fun, thoughts and my opinions. There are some rules that I disagree about here, especially on the virtual thing. But, they are their rules. I paid my dues to support them and don't regret doing so. Good luck Brian As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump
+The Irish Pirates Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Woodsters Outdoors:If you are avoiding conflict and disagreement by leaving, then I should of left a while back. lol Sorry to see you go. I admire you for taking the time, effort and mullah on getting that plaque done. I wouldn't and won't let a mere disagreement stand in my way of my fun, thoughts and my opinions. There are some rules that I disagree about here, especially on the virtual thing. But, they are their rules. I paid my dues to support them and don't regret doing so. Good luck Brian Bravo, well said..golf clap -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Cache me out dammit, I'm in a hurry! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. -Thomas Jefferson
+TEAM 360 Posted September 16, 2003 Author Posted September 16, 2003 . [This message was edited by TEAM 360 on September 17, 2003 at 06:51 AM.]
+opey one Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by TEAM 360: Changes in this sport of geocaching are coming, believe me. Last post. dadgum right they are! In fact, the changes are here now. OOOHHHH!!!!! The DEMISE....... Yup. That's MY goat!
+Prime Suspect Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by TEAM 360: To all you who say: "Don't let the door hit ya", I am not going anywhere, except to get away from types like you here in these forums. Okay! Bye! "Don't mess with a geocacher. We know all the best places to hide a body."
+flask Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 when i enter an open discussion i make the assumption that some people might just be jerks. and the thing is, your jerk might be my pal. if i hear things i do not like, i do not take my ball and go home. i do not remove caches or logs of people i don't like. if i visit their caches i go politely. i have said imflammatory things i regret, and some i don't. i wish all the other sites luck, because i think diversity can only help the sport. maybe i'll use the othe side for ant of my cache s that get rjected here. you know, kind of like a seconds bin. -====)) -)))))))))))) presta schrader
Trogdor! Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 35 years ago, long before I ever used a GPS system, friends and I used to hide caches of water in the Mojave Desert for when we would go off-roading. Back about 10 years ago, when I started trail running and mountain biking, I would cache water back up in the hills just in case it got hot and you used more water than expected. Friends were told about and shown where the caches were located. The rules of the caches were; If you used it, you had to replace it as soon as possible. These were real caches. When I got my GPSR about 6 months ago I heard out about this game played with a GPSR. I then found out about this site while doing a Google search, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that a lot of people had hidden caches in areas that I was interested in. I though it was cool that there was a site like this where I could find tons of caches listings with some really neat features that made it easy to play the game. I went out and found a few, not knowing what to expect. Strange little containers filled with a real eclectic assemblage of trinkets. So I jumped in feet first and hid a few just to see how people would react to my hides. That’s when I started learning about Geocachers. I learned that some wanted to control what I put in my caches. I found that some were disappointed with what was put in caches. I found that people who found my caches wanted to argue as to what the coordinates where for my cache. (geeze if they were that far off, how did that maroon find it?) With any large group, statistically there will be a certain number of Electric Shavers, Pirates, and other “cheaters” using this site for their own ideas of fun. There will also be a percentage of people like 360 out there who for some reason gets their panties in a wad because others didn’t find a sign in the middle of Nevada as interesting as they did. Really, what I’ve found is that Geocachers are people too, with all of their problems and personalities just like any large group of people would be expected to have. We have a common bond of using a GPSR to hide and find things, other than that we basically are just a large random group of people. You shouldn’t expect everyone to agree or to be happy all the time. To get that upset over a game shows that you have some serious issues you need to deal with. When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!
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