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Santa brought me Geocaching Stuff!

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Posted (edited)

Well I can comment because we open many of our presents Christmas eve.


My mom, who hates geocaching, bought me a pair of birding binoculars. I don't think she was thinking I'd use them while geocaching, but I'm going to. They will be handy for helping me finish my bird series and after that, I can use it to spy on muggles. <_<:)


Santa gave me a can of spraypaint. Need alot of that. :lol:


I was also given a knitting loom. Not exactly geocaching, but I'm using it to make myself a scarf...which I can wear while geocaching. And the knitting needles my daughter received...I will be using to make myself a hat, again for geocaching. :D


I was also given a cheque for $75. It's a toss up whether to buy some new geo-gear or pay the hydro bill. :unsure:

Edited by The_Incredibles_
Posted (edited)

I got the coolest travel bug evah!!


It was created by one of the forum moderators here, and was purchased by the person who gave it to me, by trading an entire case of homemade beer!!! It's one that can be used as a bottle-opener.


travel coin






I actually haven't opened it yet. I'll wait until Christmas day, but I saw the pictures of it when ownership was transferred over to me.

It's the coolest coin I own, with some great history!!


And I love it that it's useful. I love functional things!!

Edited by Sol seaker
Posted (edited)

Being European we open presents on Christmas Eve. I got a brand new car to go geocaching with and a new laptop to run GSAK on while on my trips, mind you this was one of my better Christmases.

Edited by Roman!

I got a brand new car to go geocaching with and a new laptop to run GSAK on while on my trips, mind you this was one of my better Christmases.


A new car AND a new laptop? Can I join your familiy for Christmas next year? :blink: :blink: :blink:


Can you cook?


I got a brand new car to go geocaching with and a new laptop to run GSAK on while on my trips, mind you this was one of my better Christmases.


A new car AND a new laptop? Can I join your familiy for Christmas next year? :blink: :blink: :blink:


Can you cook?


Yes, I can cook. I can also vacuum and scare away villians. :D


I got a brand new car to go geocaching with and a new laptop to run GSAK on while on my trips, mind you this was one of my better Christmases.


A new car AND a new laptop? Can I join your familiy for Christmas next year? :blink: :blink: :blink:


Can you cook?


Yes, I can cook. I can also vacuum and scare away villians. :D


See you next Christmas:)


My family has given up,they accept the fact that what ever it is I will some how find away to use it for geocaching. We have not opened anything yet but I'm sure I will get a few things that will really be handy next time I hit the trails. Seasons Greetings and may there be many caches in your future with the new cache stuff you have gotten.


I got a brand new car to go geocaching with and a new laptop to run GSAK on while on my trips, mind you this was one of my better Christmases.


A new car AND a new laptop? Can I join your familiy for Christmas next year? :blink: :blink: :blink:


Can you cook?


I can cook! I can cook! I can cook! Pick me!




Three new coins (ordered, but not here yet), a 250 finds, 500 finds and a 2012 lackey coin.

An ammo can with goodies for setting out (now to figure out where to place it...)

And the WA/OR TOPO maps for the GPS.


I got a FTF, does that count if it's what I wanted? :laughing:


Skiing in Utah and just happened to notice Dec 23 that a ski-up cache was published two days before :blink: and no one had gotten it before today (literally, never took off the skis and used a pole to assist in retrieval- turns out it's hard to keep a good hold on a GPS while skiing btw). As it combined my two favorite outdoor activities it's by far my favorite FTF ever, prolly in the top 10 finds period even if it wasn't a FTF!


We got to go urban caching - 99% muggle free!! Thanks Santa! We don't exchange gifts between the two of us anymore...we are planning on a night at a swish hotel, where we can watch airplanes from a room overlooking the runways and ramp and mountains beyond. And more importantly, visit my Canadian "Mom" who is in a nursing home on the mainland, and her family! We may do some caching in the vicinity also....

Posted (edited)

Being European we open presents on Christmas Eve.


Vancouver is in Europe?! :blink:


I guess my geography skills are worse than I thought. Good thing Santa brought me a Garmin Montana 600 (and a Kindle Fire HD to boot). :anibad:


I got plane tickets so I can log this Earthcache




NICE. Enjoy your trip! Always wanted to go there.

Edited by hzoi

Being European we open presents on Christmas Eve. I got a brand new car to go geocaching with and a new laptop to run GSAK on while on my trips, mind you this was one of my better Christmases.


I got a hat.


:laughing: :laughing: Not laughing at you, but rather laughing with you, my friend.


Being European we open presents on Christmas Eve. I got a brand new car to go geocaching with and a new laptop to run GSAK on while on my trips, mind you this was one of my better Christmases.


I got a hat.


Well, it is the thought that counts.


I also got a FTF.


Being European we open presents on Christmas Eve.


Vancouver is in Europe?! :blink:


I guess my geography skills are worse than I thought. Good thing Santa brought me a Garmin Montana 600 (and a Kindle Fire HD to boot). :anibad:



Hmmmm, stupid me, all along I thought it had to do with where I was born.


Being European we open presents on Christmas Eve.


Vancouver is in Europe?! :blink:


I guess my geography skills are worse than I thought. Good thing Santa brought me a Garmin Montana 600 (and a Kindle Fire HD to boot). :anibad:



Hmmmm, stupid me, all along I thought it had to do with where I was born.

Guess they don't have jokes in the old country. Ah, well.


Being European we open presents on Christmas Eve.


Vancouver is in Europe?! :blink:


I guess my geography skills are worse than I thought. Good thing Santa brought me a Garmin Montana 600 (and a Kindle Fire HD to boot). :anibad:



Hmmmm, stupid me, all along I thought it had to do with where I was born.

Guess they don't have jokes in the old country. Ah, well.


I wouldn't know, I grew up in Canada.


I got both kids home for Christmas and I got to watch them find their main gifts with my GPSr, one in the front yard, one in the back. It was hilarious watching them trying to figure out how to use it. I also got contacted by a couple of geocachers I didn't know who told me they got my book Cached Out for Christmas and were enjoying it. That made me feel good.


My mother-in-law bought me some bison tubes to sue for caches, father-in-law bought me a pair of hiking boots.


My wife bought me some lined cargo pants and cold weather base layer clothes to wear when caching.


I bought myself a pair of snowshoes and gaiters, as well as some warm socks (it's -14C with a -19C windchill as I type this) and a new backpack for caching.


Well, not Santa, but my fiance did!


A few weeks ago while we were out caching, I told him I was at my 499th cache and then he told me I had to wait to find my 500th cache until Christmas. This was hard and I had to miss 12-12-12 because of it, but I let him do whatever he wanted to. About 10 days before Christmas, he told me I had to tell him what cache I wanted to do for my 500th. I picked one out and told him. When we went out on Christmas morning, we found the cache and he picked it up, and inside he put a box with a 500 finds geocoin, with the back engraved with the date and the GC number of the cache we were at. It was very sweet and thoughtful. :)


Well, not Santa, but my fiance did!


A few weeks ago while we were out caching, I told him I was at my 499th cache and then he told me I had to wait to find my 500th cache until Christmas. This was hard and I had to miss 12-12-12 because of it, but I let him do whatever he wanted to. About 10 days before Christmas, he told me I had to tell him what cache I wanted to do for my 500th. I picked one out and told him. When we went out on Christmas morning, we found the cache and he picked it up, and inside he put a box with a 500 finds geocoin, with the back engraved with the date and the GC number of the cache we were at. It was very sweet and thoughtful. :)

Well that's about as awesome as it gets! Guys like your fiance make the rest of us schleps look bad. :laughing:


Well, not Santa, but my fiance did!


A few weeks ago while we were out caching, I told him I was at my 499th cache and then he told me I had to wait to find my 500th cache until Christmas. This was hard and I had to miss 12-12-12 because of it, but I let him do whatever he wanted to. About 10 days before Christmas, he told me I had to tell him what cache I wanted to do for my 500th. I picked one out and told him. When we went out on Christmas morning, we found the cache and he picked it up, and inside he put a box with a 500 finds geocoin, with the back engraved with the date and the GC number of the cache we were at. It was very sweet and thoughtful. :)

Well that's about as awesome as it gets! Guys like your fiance make the rest of us schleps look bad. :laughing:


I'd leave him, making you miss out on the 12/12/12 icon, how inconsiderate.


Well, not Santa, but my fiance did!


A few weeks ago while we were out caching, I told him I was at my 499th cache and then he told me I had to wait to find my 500th cache until Christmas. This was hard and I had to miss 12-12-12 because of it, but I let him do whatever he wanted to. About 10 days before Christmas, he told me I had to tell him what cache I wanted to do for my 500th. I picked one out and told him. When we went out on Christmas morning, we found the cache and he picked it up, and inside he put a box with a 500 finds geocoin, with the back engraved with the date and the GC number of the cache we were at. It was very sweet and thoughtful. :)

Well that's about as awesome as it gets! Guys like your fiance make the rest of us schleps look bad. :laughing:


I'd leave him, making you miss out on the 12/12/12 icon, how inconsiderate.


Lol, he didn't make me. I told him about the 12/12/12 icon and he seemed a little sad, but told me I could go get something if I really wanted to. But as it turned out, that day/night was so busy and cold that I didn't feel like going back out in the dark to find something.

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